USOO7524835B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,524,835 B2 Frincke (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 28, 2009 (54) TETROL STEROIDS AND ESTERS 5,912,240 A 6/1999 Loria 5,919,465. A 7/1999 Daynes et al. (75) Inventor: James M. Frincke, San Diego, CA (US) 5,922,701 A 7/1999 Araneo (73) Assignee: Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals, Inc., San 5,929,060 A 7/1999 Araneo Diego, CA (US) 6,111,118 A 8, 2000 Marwah et al. 6,150,348 A 11/2000 Araneo et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,187,767 B1 2/2001 Araneo et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,384,251 B1 5, 2002 Marwah et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 272 days. 6,476,011 B1 1 1/2002 Reed et al. (21) Appl. No.: 10/607,415 6,667,299 B1 12/2003 Ahlem et al. 6,686,486 B1 2/2004 Marwah et al. (22) Filed: Jun. 25, 2003 6,949,561 B1 9, 2005 Reed et al. 65 Prior Publication D 2003/0232797 Al 12/2003 Kutney et al. (65) rior Publication Data 2004/0019026 A1 1/2004 Schwartz et al. 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