new nd i ca tor Volume 4 Number 4 T UC_San Diego November 14-27 Inside... Jim Stronski, AFSCME President, Interviewed Troublein Paradise:We’re covering your AS Flaml)llngaround your city Van Morrisonreviewed FunkyLa Jolla Law~,r~ eveningsat 6:30.Every Wednesday in Tim Barkerstated that the N.L.G the NorthConference Room a Theater supportedthe rights of both the Thefollowing is an interviewwith Jim of t;:; Absurd takes place. Last Stronski,President of Local2068 of the Palestiniansand the Israelis.He also Wednesday the Theater troupe mentionedthat the N.L.G.position on AmericanFederation of State,County (otherwiseknown as the ASUCSD) and MunicipalEmployees(AFSCME). the Mid-Eastwgs not relevantto the openedwith an announcementthat the issue of bringing a speaker on StronskLan ElectonicsDevelopment Chancellordesired "to" expose himself to Technicianin Physics, is alsoPresident undocumentedworkers. During Tim thestudents" through the auspices of the Barker’sspeech a pro-Friedmanspeaker of theCouncil of Universityof Califor- ASUCSD.Right on, peopleshould get nia Employees(CUCE).He came attemptedto enddebate, but failed. Judi overthe inhibitions instilled in themby Ford,3rd College Rep. stated that she UCSDin 1968as a graduatestudent in society.Bring him out of thecloset. I he Physicsand joined the staff in 1970.The feltas if shewere witnessing "a flash- programnotes (agendaand minutes) backto theMcCarthy era," and that the interviewwas conductedwithout a tape Jl~ mentionedlast week a proposalto print recorderand Stronski’sresponses are Councilwas ’+treadingon dangerous AS monogramedcigarette papers-we ground of denying funding to an reconstructedfrom our reporter’s notes. won’tventure to guesswhat people will organizationon the basis of one When did AFSCME first start no longerpermitted to callor writede- usethem for. partmentheads and supervisors.This speaker." organizinghere, and how did you get In thesecond act, a debatetook place involved? may makeit toughto avoidpolarizing NancyLaga, Revelle Rep., attempted things.As forthe cases we’ve taken to over whetherto fund the National to yieldthe floor to a studentwho wished The firstcontact took place in 1971, hearings,we’ve had goodsuccess. One AllianceAgainst Racism and Political to speak,but Carberry would not allow from Local1695, Berkeley which had problemis thatPersonnel biases cases. Repression for a forum on this to happen. Another student beenoperating since 1968. Discussions undocumented workers. Despite demandedthe right to speak, but wenton at a lowlevel until Spring of’74 It often kickscases out withouta objectionfrom AS councilpersons who hearing;we maintainthe Grievance Carberrycalled a recess.After the recess when CUCE was founded.In Springof apparently did not want to be Carbery opened the floor, a mere ’75 the Internationalcommitted some Committeeshould decide the case,not confrontedwith a verbatimrecord of Personnel. Personnel coaches formalitysince the student was speaking bucksfor an organizingcampaign in the events,studentstaped the debate.Bill anyway.One’ studentspeaking stated UC system.The "EachOne ReachOne" departmentheads during hearings and Friedman, Commissioner of has a representativeat the hearings to thatthe AS wasnot representative of the campaign helped us over the 100 Communications,and Phil Ganeizer, students,while another said that the AS membermark the nextyear. 100 is the ruleon interpretationsof rules, and so ElectionsCommissioner, argued that the on. The grossestcase so far happened was practicingpolitics and ignoring basicviability level to establishsome NationalLawyers Guild was an anti- issues.An anti-N.L.G,speaker stated recently.After the Committeehad semiticorganization, and that the $25 permanence,etc. decidedin favorof the grievant,Nick thathe couldn’tsleep at nightsknowing Whatwas your reaction to thevictory in allocatedfor the N.L.G. speaker should thathis fees were being used to support Atmaof Personneltold the Committee be deletedfrom the budget. Tim Barker, the JosleFoulks/Day Care grievance? the remedythey suggestedwas too terroristorganizations. Finally, an hour It wasa quiteimportant victory. I’m per- of theNational Lawyers Guild, spoke to anda halfafter debate started, the bill harsh;b" alsotold them that they could theCouncil, and challenged Friedman to sonallygratified forJosie’s sake, but it is not modify it to something more passedwith Jim Atkins,Activity Fee .justone more victory in a longseries of supporthis allegation that the Guild is BoardChair; Jonathan Miller, Third acceptableto the department, butstill in anti-semitic. combatsover child care. We’ll be facing favorof thegrievant, even though the CollegeRep., Bill Friedman;Phil anotherby Springat least,with regard to grievanthad said,before the decision, Accordingto Friedmanthere is no Ganeizer;and Ken Mayer,Revelle Rep., the Center’sfunding, etc. Everyone-- thathe wouldaccept a lesserremedy. differencebetween being anti-Zionist opposed. unionmembers, parents, students--did Atmawas notin chargeof interpretingand anti-Semitic.Ganeizer claims to Thatpretty much finished off theAS a goodjob on thecase. It was almosta policyon thiscase, but he camein after it havebeen gathering information onthe meeting.However, it wasinteresting to textbook case. We had no trouble wasdecided and reversed it. The grievant N.L.G.,and statesthat the Guildco- noticethat the AS votedon whetherto findingwitnesses, whereas people are had no furtherchance to presenthis sponsoreda, PLO speakeron campus. reallocate$13,000 of StudentCenter sometimesintimidated. The University view.And Atma was also a witnessin the He claims that massive student Fees,effectively denying Grad students reactionswere stereotyped--the rusing case. Acting as both witness and opposit:,onwas demonstratedat that any voicein the allocationof this of thefiring, their refusal to takethe managerof employeerelations, he speech(10-15 people picketed), and mandatoryfee (whichthey also pay). chanceswe gavethem to pullback, after testifiedand then forced his own mentionedthat violence might result more on this weeklycircus may be we madeit clearwe wouldmake a major decisionon the Committee.We’re were an N.L.G.speaker to appearon forthcoming,if circumstances warrant. fightof it. TheCommittee also behaved appealingthat case to thePresident’s campus.Ganeizer did admit that 60% of Untilthen .... veryopenmindedly; they were interested office. Our Reporter in thecase and arrived at a fairdecision. How would you describe AFSCME’s The wholeexperience would have made goalsat UCSD? an idealclass for steward training. Well,we havelots of them.We havea What is the union’s record on basicplatform of primeobjectives: a grievances? decentliving wage for all; a costof living Ninetypercent of themare settled with a escalator;free childcare; free parking. phonecall, to the satisfactionof all Andof coursegenerally better and safe parties.But this will be moredifficult as workingconditions; freer use of vacation theUniversity is nowrequiring us to do and sickleave; more holidays; binding everythingthrough Personnel. We are arbitrationof grievances. Generally, we Continuedon pagethree Committeegoes to Chancellor In a movethat shocked the Day Care The Centerwas chargedaproximat- InformationBoard, according to one ely$3000 to coverDirector Josie Foulks’ member,Chancellor William McElroy backpay during the time her firingwas We’re still coveringyour AS toldthem last Thursdaythat the Day underappeal. The Boardasked if this CareCenter would be permittedto raise wasn’tunfair considering it was the fundsin the community.Prior to that Administrationwhich had attemptedto time Day Care supportershad been fireher. The Chancellor said, sure, "if Bookstoreprofits questioned prohibitedfrom seekingfunds in the they(the Center) want to pay backthe Forseveral years students throughout workersinside struggle for decent University’sname. McElroy added that illegaluse of funding."Reed Aipert, workingconditions the studentsare "80million dollars are trying to be raised editorof theGuardian, interjected "that the UC systemhave been after student- run bookstores. Student Union engagedin a struggleto gaincontrol of in the community."The Committeehad theauditor’s report gave no indicationof therebookstores. movedtheir hearings to McElroy’soffice lost money."In fact, not even the membersat UC SantaCruz, in 1976, to gethis views. BusinessOffice, which fired Foulks, ever demandeda bookCoop, and suporteda Hereat UCSDstudents voted, in the McElroy continuedto express a allegedlost funds. McElroy’s was the strike,and relatedboycott, at the Spring1977 Referendum,in favorof differentview from Day Careparents, firstmention of sucha thing,which may privately-runbookstore there (see new studentcontrol of the Bookstore1926- saying"I don’tbuy the argumentthat indicatesomething about his stateof In--orVol. I no. 14 forfurther info. 444. Althoughthe ASUCSD shows no you needan educationalprogram for 4 awareness. on this and the strike at UCI’s signsof workingto gaincontrol of the or 5 yearolds." When asked for a source bookstore).Workers at the UCSD Bookstore,or establishan alternative, of that opinion,he mentionedRick At the end of the hearing,the Bookstore are upset over the AS campaign platforms have’ Whitehili,an administrator,as someone Chancellorpromised to look into managementthere, and many have consistentlyadvocated such control. to askabout this point of view. helping the Day Care Center with joined AFSCME (the American Such alternativesas the Book Coop McElroyespoused a private,profit-
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