The Ledger and Times, April 23, 1966

The Ledger and Times, April 23, 1966

Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-23-1966 The Ledger and Times, April 23, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 23, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5341. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "e',74' igit gRr fo;mrTh04 ii k gRwIi1F:: I ;414B m'A Pkt:ri 4;,g,71 fWW;MR0". .4:9 .2 • ir"Igi;" .atg Uhl . 1:4 1 riFIbillf:if All'K51" S. • RORi ti4;!Wil01011P41- , e: C-, git5. Ifni? 1"1111 rli "if 111:17; WV i 1 t'iel loot iYiVi i :11119 m 0E4 151r II! Ili Iiiil! P I N q .6! z 01,11 ,g i Ff 5 rf a 4 311 o gq. §1" figtill'4 fii j ii11;1,1 51 !1:1 114 m k % k il if • a'oil 5triI litlii? 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TUDAV itallasal We mom the right to reject any Advertising, Letters to the Editor, Land Transfers The Almanac UPI Sports Writer The Braves took attionante of 15.55 aneaublec Vane items vehicle 111 our opinion, are not for the beet in- four New York errors ideas rating WINK of our readmits. The next time the St.. 1.44118 Met pitoneis for 13 hits. What& Wallace R. Sears and Bake Jean • Oardimolls ask Harry Walker to owe struck qualtly for two rune le the 11wil ONAL REPRESENTATIVES: WALLACE WITMER CO., 1509 alleint 03 Whe.a.kon SUI31130135 AM by yelled Pees bsiensatiesal By United Pews Interriational a headache, he'll preonlbe sepirin. cow* keine on a single by 4 Ave.. IlleMptda, Tent.; nine & Lae Bldg., New York, N.Y.; "Centeakeld was a bie hodache Stephenson Bicig, Detroit, Mich. Deane tilennions. property in Cal- Today: is hourtiay, April' 33. the National League Abu, Endre Matnewe'_ggegole. loway Coen . 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