THE LONDON GAZETTE, I?TH APRIL 1979 5043 COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1827 of 1973. DYALL, Valentine, of 34 Station Road, Burgess Hill, Sus- ' Date Fixed for Hearing—2nd May 1979. 2 p.m. Place— sex, ACTOR. Court—BRIGHTON (by transfer from ' Court 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—69A of 1974. Date Strand, London W.C.2. Fixed for Hearing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place- Brighton County Court, John Street, Edward Street, SHIELS, Winston Joseph, of 93 Edison Road, Welling, Brighton, East Sussex. Kent, trading as B. E. Bird at 5 Brockley Cross, London S.E.4 and lately trading as W. J. Shiels & Son at 1 PRESTON, George Winter, of 29A Springfield Road, Brigh- Verdant Lane, London S.E.6 at both as an OFF- ton, in the county of Sussex, DRIVER. Court— LICENCE PROPRIETOR described in the Receiving BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—70 of 1974. Date Fixed Order as W. J. Shiels (male). Court—HIGH COURT for Hearing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1712 of 1973. Date County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, Fixed for Hearing—2nd May 1979., 2 p.m. Place—Court East Sussex. 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, REYNOLDS, John Arnold, of 1 Sea Lane, Goring-by- London W.C.2. Sea, lately residing at St. Martyn, Arundel Road, Worth- ing and formerly at 9 Nutley Crescent, Goring-by-Sea WARD, Gerald of 6 Cowbeck Close, Parkwood Estate, and previously at 17 West Park Lane, Goring-by-Sea, all Rainham, Kent, INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER, lately in the county of Sussex and carrying on business in the trading at 239-241 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W.C.2 as style of "Automation" at Sea Lane, Ferring, Sussex, an INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER. Court—HIGH COURT as a GENERAL MOTOR REPAIRER (described in the OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—1758 of 1973. Date Receiving Order as John A. Reynolds (motor mechanic) Fixed for Hearing—2nd May 1979. 2 p.m. Place- 9 Nutley Crescent, Goring-by-Sea, Sussex). Court— Court 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of Justice, BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—13 of 1974. Date Fixed Strand, London W.C.2. for Hearing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East WOOLFORD, Frank Winston Gordon, known as Gordon Sussex. Woolford of 91 Hereford Road, Paddington, London W.2, FREELANCE JOURNALIST, lately residing at 10 BLOMLEY, Ann (married woman), housewife, residing at Lancaster Drive, Hampstead, London N.W.3. Court— 24 Heys Street, Haslingden, formerly residing at 328 HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. No. of Matter—345 of Manchester Road, Haslingden and formery carrying on 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing—2nd May 1979. 2 p.m. business in partnership with another as a MIXED GRO- Place—Court 46 (Queen's Building), Royal Courts of CER under the name or style of " A & P Blomley " from Justice, Strand, London W.C.2. 3 The Parade, Broadway, Helmshore, all in the county of Lancaster. Court—BURNLEY. No. of Matter—6 of BRAYSFORD, Robert, of 27 Albert Street, Oswaldtwistle 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing—1st May 1979. 11 a.m. in the county of Lancaster formerly residing at 1 Albert Place—The Court House, Bankhouse Street, Burnley. Street, Oswaldtwistle aforesaid, lately carrying on business at the aforesaid addresses as a COAL MERCHANT. BLOMLEY, Peter Vulcaniser, residing at 24 Heys Street, Court—BLACKBURN. No. of Matter—12 of 1974. Date Haslingden, formerly residing at 328 Manchester Road, Fixed for Hearing—10th May 1979. 10.30 a.m. Place— Haslingden and formerly carrying on business as a The Court House, 64 Victoria Street, Blackburn. MIXED GROCER under the name or style of "A & P Blomley" from 3 The Parade, Broadway, Helmshore, all GREENWOOD, Bernard Knowles (described in the Receiv- in the county of Lancaster. Court—BURNLEY. No. of ing Order as B. Greenwood (male)), of 16 St. Bede's Matter—5 of 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing—1st May Avenue, South Shore, Blackpool in the county of Lan- 1979. 11 a.m. Place—The Court House, Bankhouse caster, Motor Car Salesman, lately residing at 43A Caunce Street, Burnley. Street, Blackpool aforesaid and previously residing and carrying on business as a CLUB PROPRIETOR and WALKER, David Robert, residing at 19 Lower Meade RESTAURATEUR at " Sunnyside Country Club and Drive, Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, unemployed, Restaurant", Meadow Lane, Haughton Green, Denton, formerly carrying on business as " D. R. Walker & Co " Manchester aforesaid. Court—BLACKPOOL. No. of at Cairo Mill, Pickles Street, Burnley aforesaid as a Matter—7 of 1973. Date Fixed for Hearing—16th May KITCHEN UNIT MANUFACTURER. Court— 1979. 10.30 a.m. Place—The Law Courts, Chapel Street, BURNLEY. No. of Matter—4 of 1974. Date Fixed for Blackpool. Hearing—1st May 1979. 11 a.m.; Place—The Official Receiver's Office, Petros House, St. Andrew's Road North, BAARS, Samuel, of 44 Upper Hollingdean Road, Brighton, St. Annes-on-Sea, Lanes. Sussex trading under the style of E. Baars as PRO- PRIETOR of a GENERAL STORE from Stall 32, HORNE, Sylvia (married woman) (described in the Receiv- Brighton Open Market formerly of 6 Hove Lodge ing Order as S. Home), residing at 1 Saffron Road, Tick- Mansions, Hove Street, Hove, Sussex. Court—BRIGH- hill, near Doncaster, in the county of York, formerly carry- TON. No. of Matter—56 of 1974. Date Fixed for Hear- ing on business from 10 Castle Gate, Tickhill, near ing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton County Doncaster aforesaid under the style of " Sylvias " as a Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East Sussex. LADIES DRESS SHOP PROPRIETOR, now a House- wife. Court—DONCASTER. No. of Matter—22 of 1973. Date Fixed for Hearing—14th May 1979. 10 a.m. DAVIS, Harold Reginald, of 1 East Dean Rise, Seaford Place—The County Court, Waterdale, Doncaster. in the county of Sussex, BRICKLAYER. Court— BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—71 of 1974. Date Fixed COLLINS, Bernard Raymond, of 7 Pembroke Avenue, for Hearing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton Balby, Doncaster in the county of York, of no occupation, County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, lately carrying on business under the style of Bernard East Sussex. Collins & Son, at 7 Pembroke Avenue aforesaid, as a HAULAGE CONTRACTOR. Court—DONCASTER. DELL, Bryan Thomas, of Ashley Guest House, 18 Kings No. of Matter—4- of 1974. Date Fixed for Hearing—14th Road, Brighton, lately residing at 68 Allen Road, Hay- May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—The County Court, Water- wards Heath, and previously at Bryony, Hole Street, Ash- dale, Doncaster. ington and formerly at Caravan Site, Bolney and 16 Valebridge Road, Burgess Hill all in the county of Sus- WIGLEY, Brian, of 20 Rowena Drive, Scawsby, near sex, lately carrying on business at 16 South Street, Tarr- Doncaster in the county of York, MOTOR MECHANIC. ing, Worthing under the style of " Climate Control Worth- Court—DONCASTER. No. of Matter—11 of 1974. ing" as a DOUBLE GLAZING SPECIALIST and for- Date Fixed for Hearing—14th May 1979. 10 ajn. Place merly carrying on business at 12 Sheen Side, Church —The County Court, Waterdale, Doncaster. Road, Haywards Heath in the style of Nu-Heat as an Electric Heating Engineer, now unemployed. Court— McDERMOTT, Mary (spinster) (described in the Receiving BRIGHTON. No. of Matter—74 of 1974. Date Fixed Order as Miss M. McDermott) of SB Raffles Street, Liver- for Hearing—llth May 1979. 10 a.m. Place—Brighton pool 1 and carrying on business at the Bankhall Hotel, County Court, John Street, Edward Street, Brighton, East 51-53 Bankhall Street, Liverpool 20 as a LICENSED Sussex. VICTUALLER: formerly trading in partnership with C 2.
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