UNDER THE SPECIAL PATRONA06 UNO ER THE SPECIAL PATftONA OF H.RH. THE OF H,RH, THS PRINCE OF WALES P RINCE OF WALES ~l<n OF lioR.H. THE ANO OF <H,R,H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. PRINCESS OF WALES. ROYAL ROYA L CAMBRIAN ACADEMY CAMBRIAN ACADEMY OF ART, OF ART. PLAS MAWR PLAS MAWR CONWAY. CONWAY. EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION EIGHTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION OP (Jt Works by Hon. Members, Members, and Associates. Works by Hon. Members, Members, and Associates 1890. 1890. ~be 1Ro~al (tambrian ttca~em~ of ttrt UNDER THE Il\D!EDIATE PATRONAGE OF H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES AND OF H. R. H. THE .PRINCESS OF WALES. Honorary Jlember;: .Sir :i:rederick Leig!llon, Bart, P.RA. , Sir J. E . .Millais, Bart, R.A. H. Stacy Marks, I, .A. L. Alma-Tadema, R. A. G. F. Watts, R.A. President: Vice- President: II. CLARENCE WHAITE, R. w.s. I E. A. NORl!URY. !1onormy Joint A1dtiteds: ARTHUR BAKER. HERUERT BAKER. Trustees: I L CtARE:-.CE WHAJTE, W. LAURENO: JlA)IKS, EDWIN A . NORBURY. Auditors: J. C. SAL)IO'.'I, G. CROZIER. Trenmrer &, Hon . .Secretm y : \V, LAURENCE BA::-IKS. C!irntor c;_-., Assistant Secretn I J' : J. R. FllRNES:':. tlca~emicia,w. tlesocin tcs. Hagarty, Parke, Ayling, A. W. Jones, C. ;\lien, S. W. (lU.R.A.) 'Bank~, \Y. Laurence McDougal, ) . Allen, T. W. Hayes, F. \\. Booth, S. Lawson Marks, B. S. Aspinwall, Reginald Hoyles, B. Clarke, L. J. Graham Measham, lfy. Bennett, \V. Jones, S. Maurice Norbury, E. A. Cole. J. II. Beswick, F. Jones, J. Clinton Perrin, A. F. Collinson, R. 13oydell, J. J. Kinsley, Albert Potter, Chas. Crozier, G. Breanski, A. de Loud, A. Bertram Salmon, J. C. Cockram, Geo. Lysaght, Alfre<l Curnock, J. Jackson Saunders, C. L. Cooper, Alick Marr, Hamilton Da,;is, J. Pain Severn, \Valter Sidley, S. l)a ,·ies, J. Hey Seward, E. ( R. I. H. A. J Fisher, lien. Watt~, Jas. T. Douglas, J. Short, Rd. Fowler, '8. Evans, Bernard (R. I.) Sibley, F. T. Grierson. R. (R.I.B.A.) vVilliams, S. \Y. ( f. l{. r. ~-A.) Ghent, Peter Slater, W . .f. Griffith, J. ?IIilo (5culpt.) Slocombe, A. Grundy, Guthbe'rt C. Southern, J. M, lbangtng C!ommittee for 1890. Gr11ndy, J. R. U. Sullivan, W. H. Taylor, Hague, Anderson (R. I.) J. C. POTTER, E. SE\\'ARD, Thomas, T. H. ). C. SALMON, Hare, Julius T. H. THOMAS . Turner, W. B. Harrison, Geo. Warren, Knighton Hayes, Geo. , Watson, J. D. (R. \\ .:-.) Bbbre"iatione . Hodson, S. J. (R.W.S.) Wells, Geo. Holte, A. Branc!ish RA., Royal Academy. Whaite, II. Clarence (R. \Y.8.) H.R.C.A., Honorary Royal Cambrian Academician. H ugbes, Leonard Williams. R. LI. (R. I. R. A.); R. \Y.S., Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. Johnson, J. \food, G. Swinford R. I.B. A., Roral Institute of British Architects. R.I., Royal Institute of Painters in \Yater Colours. - NOTICE. ]Dias !IDawr, A Deposit oi Twenty per Cent. is required to be paid on !IIGH STREET, CONWAY. all works directed to be marked as sold-no work can be rerooved before the close of the Exhibition under any circum­ stances. This " Great Mansion" was built three centuries ago, by The whole of tbe Purchase :\foney must be paid Lo the Robert Wynne, son of John Wynne, ap Meredith, of Gwydir, Treasuter before any Pictur.e is removed, :ind his receipt near Llanwrst, of whom the well-known historian, Sir John prorluced to the Curator as authority for its removal. Wynne, Bart, was nephew. The approach in High Street is through a portico ornamented with the arms of England. Intending Purchasers must negotiate through the Curator. Over the doorway and within the portico is the Greek inscription "anexou, apexou," with the Latin "sustine, abstine," (bear, The Red Star on the Picture denotes tbat it is Sold. forebare). On the house will also be found the initials I. 11. S. X. P. S., with the date, 1585. Ascending from the courtyard is a Aight of steps to a terrace which leads through a doorway to a spacious Banqueting Hall, wainscoted, and with fixed seats. From the Tower staircase out of this room is a passage leading to the Kitchen with a fine old arched fireplace, leaving this room is an entrance from Crown Lane, giving access to the Court Yard, and by crossing this passage the apartments are reached, in the furthest or which arc se\'eral initial letters and the dale r577, wor1<ed in bas-relief. In a room above, will be found another dale, somewhat later than those found on other parts of the house. A hove the fire-place are the initials " E. R." (Elizabeth Regina.) The apartments on the upper storey are reached by spiral staircases, by which the visitor 1nay also ascend the tower, from which he will obtain a magnificent view of the town, and all the surrounding country. The ceilings in all the apartments are fancifully decor­ ated with a fretwork in relief, which is interspersed witb Crests, Coats of Arms, and other ornaments. These are said to have been originally gilded on a green 'ground, the various Coats or Arms being emblazoned in proper heraldic colours. The \'i'ood­ work throughout is massive and dl1rable, being of hard dark­ coloured oak, in keeping with the general design of the building. The Palace is now in the possession of Tm: RO\"AI. CAMHRIA!'i A CADEMY OF ART, having been leased to them hy 1hc present owner-LORD MOSTYN. CA TALQ(; U l~. No. I ROOM (The Banqueting Hall). £ ~- d A. UEIURAM LOU!> 1 Companions-A Morning Walk 20 0 0 l'ARKER HA(;ART\ 2 The quiet Coast of Gower-Autu1111n 21 .;) 0 I .,,,,, ,, r·' ~, ~ I HENRY MEASHA:\I 3 Thistledown .J.2 '.:> 0 W. H . SULLI\' AN 4 The Bivouac-The British Lines the Night before Waterloo S O 0 -- 1,,~ . AU. 1 K001f. Al , 1 R00:\1. 15 lOll~ TA.\'LOR C. BOYDELL I 1 2 The Banks of Conway 11 IO 0 5 \n Old Stone Bridge-near Bcttws-y­ coed JO o 0 _'\., BERTRA)f LOUD 13 Waiting for Master 12 0 0 l', GIIENT 'f- 6 .\ Breezy Day oa the Coast of T. H. TH01IAS :\nglesey 135 0 0 T -1 Portrait Sketch, Miss Alice Gomez­ Singing "Hen Wlad Fy N hadau" ALF KE I> LY:,A1 ; 11 r in the Park Hall, Cardiff 7 The Broken Cun CEO. \YELLS F. \\. 1lAYJ:. ;-; , 1 s " Only a Face at the Window, Jt,~ .... 7 7 o .8 Rydal 7 0 I On1y a Smile as I passed." W ll~ 'I.\ \'Lol{ S. LA W!-,QN BOOTH /" -1 r 6 PoJt Erin (t;V.. • · IO IO O '\l.:_ 'J Gn the River Uugwy 10. 0 0 ., I /ft.' ,,· / ,t I} • " - PARKER HAGARTY A. t··. i'l'.l{RIX f-T7 Love in Idleness T2 12 0 rn l'resspassers 6 6 0 E. A. NORBURY JOlll\ JOll.:'\SO,N 18 ./.\ Two Hour's Sketch-Half a Gale 1 t Sunny Hours- Bettws Old Church L.!- 0 0 off Llysfaen 15 15 0 No. 1 ROONL 17 No. r ROOM. S. ::\IAURICE JO~ES ALFRED LYSAGIIT 28 t.faesincla-near Carnarvon lC 10 0 19 Sketch in Belgium 5 5 O j ULlUS HARE JOHN JOHNSON 20 Sketch f.. 29 The Conway at Trefriw 25 0 0 CHARLES J>OTTER J. CLINTON JONES 21 Young Anglers 63 0 0 30 Crag Yr Ysfa-Carnedd Llewelyn 20 0 0 .:. • •,1 J. C. SALMON G. SWINFORD WOOD 22 Penmaenmawr from Deganway 1 2 1 2 0 3 r Deserted-except by one 0 0 G. F. WATTS, R.A., H.i\LR.C.A. ANDER::iON HAGUE, R.I. z 3 The Prodigal IL•cJ.~ 2 24 A Study y.....J, Return of Spring )( 105 o o CHARLES !'OTTER J. C. HOOK, R.A. z 5 Returning from LabQur 2 5 ° 0 ~ 33 The Day for Provisioning the Lightfi' ·,A GEO. HARRISON house. A Loan Picture; the property of His Worship , 26 Interior of Old Barn I, ' • : \./7 0 the Mayor of Conway, Albert Wood, Esq., LEONARD HUGHES Bodlondeb 27 Portrait-Henry Taylor, Esq. 18 No. 1 ROOivI. No. I ROOl\1. I ..,...cnARLES POTTER ALICK COOPER 34 A Cambrian Shepherd's Funeral , / 4r A Difficult Passage~ ·. ,,..!-u.~'- 50 0 0 B. HO\-LES SrR F. LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A., H.R.C.A. 35 A Pe:it Han-est-Carnedd Llewelyn 65 0 0 42 STUDY-The Villa Malta in Rome CHARLES JONES GEO. WELLS , 36 A Breezy Day in the North 120 0 0 43 Portrait- J. Johnso11, Esq., RC.A. J. CLINTON JONES -/ 37 A Peep across the C0uway 15 0 0 GEO. \VELLS ~ 38 Medora-Vide Byron's Corsair 8 8 0 ,1~: ~~- n A ... • .._ SIR F. LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A., H.R.C.A. 39 STUDY-A Ruined 1Mosque near Damascus G. SWINFORD WOOD A Calm in an Anglesey Bay 30 0 0 No. 2 ROOM. 2{ CUTHBERT C. GRUNDY 48 Throw It in Again 105 .0 0 W. H. SULLIVAN 1-- 49 105 0 0 No. 2 ROOM (The Small Kitchen). · About 4 o'cloc N'· m._y,tfsunday, 18th of June, t8r 5. /" /J.;iZ '" The Earl of Uxbridge M.irquis of Anglesey), Lord Hill, General Aiava (S 1n), Count Muffling (Germany}, Lord Lyne<ilock (C' era! Graham), Lord Fitzroy Somerset (Lora £ s. d. JAS, T. WATTS "The Duke directing the Earl of Uxb~e to operate ~ A Rocky Wood at Bettws-y-Coe<l 15 15 0 with the Lifeguards." It· C ALBElff KIN::iLEY F.
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