* Winner: 10 Better Newspaper Contest Awards *New York Press Association, 2013 Happy Valentines Day! See page 2 FREE | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 69 MAIN ST., COLD SPRING, N.Y. | www.philipstown.info Sheriff ’s Department Official Schramek Resigns as Investigations Continue Putnam County settled case involving alleged mistreatment of suspect By Liz Schevtchuk Armstrong nvestigator A. Gerald Schramek, a high-ranking Putnam County Sher- Iiff’s Department official connected to detective-work involving Philipstown, resigned effective Feb. 14, after allega- tions of mistreatment of a suspect and a $35,000 settlement of those claims, rati- fied by the Putnam County Legislature in December. Capt. William McNamara of the Sher- iff’s Department on Thursday morning Just 9 Weeks Until ‘Play Ball!’ (Feb. 12) confirmed Schramek’s plans to Major League pitchers and catchers begin spring locals mired in winter. The first pitch at the Little League depart, after about 12 years of service. training Feb. 18, but Eddie Barry, president of baseball field in North Highlands will be thrown on As the chief of the Bureau (To page 3) Philipstown Little League, has even bigger news for Saturday, April 11. Photo by Michael Turton The Serenade Haldane Board Orchestra Grants Veterans Opens Chamber School Property Concert Series Tax Exemption on March 1 Forgoes consideration of a higher exemption until Concerts, sponsored next year posthumously by Gordon Stewart, to benefit St. By Kevin E. Foley Mary’s Episcopal Church he Haldane Board of Education By Alison Rooney (BOE) voted this week to allow for Ta partial property tax exemption he first of a series of three chamber for homeowners who are veterans of the music concerts, sponsored posthu- United States military. The board voted Tmously by Gordon Stewart to ben- Four members of the Serenade Orchestra, from left: David Cerutti, viola; Keats unanimously Tuesday night (Feb. 10) to efit the Episcopal Church of St. Mary-in- Dieffenbach, violin; Krista Bennion Feeney, violin; and John Feeney, bass put into effect the minimum level of ex- the-Highlands, will take place there on Image courtesy of the Serenade Orchestra emption permitted under the new state March 1, at 4 p.m. It was Stewart’s great law authorizing exemptions. wish to continue to bring the highest the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, the American every historical era. Cook has played and After state legislative approval, Gov. level of musicianship to his own commu- Classical Orchestra and numerous other recorded with most of the early music Andrew Cuomo signed the new state nity, and these concerts, unlikely to be re- ensembles. groups in the United States. law in December 2013. Veterans were al- peated, are the culmination of this desire. John Feeney is principal double bass of The first concert will include Mozart’s ready eligible for a partial exemption for Several of the musicians who will be per- the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, the American Overture to The Marriage of Figaro and town property taxes. The state govern- forming in these concerts also played in Classical Orchestra and Opera Lafayette. Divertimento No. 17, K. 334, Bartok’s Ro- ment did not offer any funding options either or both of Stewart’s recent Handel’s Krista Bennion Feeney is concertmaster manian Folk Dances, the traditional Ro- to accompany the range of tax exemp- Messiah concerts and in the 2012 period- of the Orchestra of St. Luke’s and the manian dance Dobra Dobra and Johann tion options local school districts have. instrument Depot Theatre production of founding first violinist of the DNA Quin- Strauss’ Blue Danube waltzes. Last week the BOE had signaled their John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera. tet, Loma Mar Quartet, and Ridge String According to John Feeney, the Ser- approval after a public hearing at which The first concert program features Quartet. Cerutti, co-principal violist enade Orchestra’s configuration of in- only veterans turned out to support the the Serenade Orchestra, six leading art- of the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, appears struments was the “most popular small exemption move. The BOE also said they ists in both historical and contempo- regularly with the Metropolitan Opera ensemble for playing the social music of were considering a new hearing regard- rary music who perform frequently in Orchestra. Dieffenbach is in demand with late 18th- and early 19th-century Vienna ing a possible move to the highest level both New York City and abroad: Krista New York City’s leading contemporary and was most commonly utilized for the of exemption but apparently thought dif- Bennion Feeney and Keats Dieffenbach, and baroque ensembles, including the socially oriented chamber music of the ferently about that idea this week. violins; David Cerutti, viola; John Fee- Orchestra of St. Luke’s and the American late 18th century and early 19th centu- Anne Dinio, the Haldane school dis- ney, bass; and R.J. Kelley and Alexandra Classical Orchestra. Kelley is recognized ry. Mozart, Joseph and Michael Haydn, trict’s business manager, confirmed to Cook, horns. They perform together in as America’s foremost player of horns of Sperger, Lanner, (Continued on page 6) The Paper that the board (To page 3) 2 February 13, 2015 The Paper www.philipstown.info | Philipstown.info Small, Good Things Chocolate and Flowers feelings of euphoria, was detected By Joe Dizney in chocolate. Columbia psychiatrist Michael “All you need is love. But a little Liebowitz’s 1983 book The Chemis- chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” try of Love sparked a media flurry ~ Charles M. Schulz for its suggested “chocolate theory t. Valentine’s Day was first associ- of love,” which was discounted as ated with romantic love in the High somewhat of an exaggeration. As SMiddle Ages, particularly in the time late as 2006, a study in the Journal of Chaucer, a very sensual and romantic of Sexual Medicine was exploring man. It was ostensibly a celebration of the whether women who ate chocolate third-century Roman saint and martyr had higher libidos than those who Valentinius, and it wasn’t until the 18th abstained. (From chocolate, that century that the numerous and confusing is. This too was later discounted hagiographies gelled into the Hallmark for other mitigating factors.) event we know today signaled by the ap- So I suppose what we’re left pearance of various red heart symbols, with is fantasy, which when you prepackaged sentimentalities and flowers. get right down to it, is smack dab And of course, sweets. And when we in the middle of the province of talk of lover’s sweets, the conversation love and romance. For this Valen- usually comes around to chocolate. tine’s Day edition of “Small, Good In addition to being a premier com- Things,” I offer you a purely sen- fort food, chocolate, the roasted, ground sual trifle, a creamy smooth pot de and processed seed or bean of the cacao crème of chocolate and flowers for plant, is yet another instance of a native your Valentine of choice. Mesoamerican foodstuff whose universal I’ve used white chocolate, not popularity can be directly attributed to actually chocolate in the strict- the Columbian exchange of foodstuffs est sense of the word, being an White chocolate-lavender pots de crème Photo by J. Dizney between the old and new worlds. absolute refinement of the cocoa- Cultivating cacao for over three mil- making process; it contains co- lennia, the Mayans considered it a com- coa butter, sugar and milk solids fects of 24 different odors, found that the bined with the smell of pumpkin pie, but modity and actually used it as currency and none of the distinctive dark-colored scent of lavender was instrumental in I’m not really sure where that leaves us.) in addition to preparing and consum- solids. (As most marketed white choco- increasing the flow of blood to a specific Then again lavender, like chocolate, ing the sacramental “divine beverage,” late is already sweetened, no additional member of the male anatomy. The effect vanilla, flowers and valentine’s cards, xocolatl, as homage to the god of wis- sugar is added. If you were to make this was even more pronounced when com- may just be a placebo, designed merely dom and life, Quetzalcoatl, an honor and recipe with dark or semisweet chocolate, to calm or please someone, and isn’t that luxury afforded the privileged few. It was which is absolutely possible and encour- really what you’re trying to do here? also believed to give the drinker numer- aged, the addition of 2 tablespoons to ¼ White Chocolate-Lavender ous “strengths,” in particular purported cup sugar is suggested.) Pots de Crème aphrodisiac powers. The 16th-century The floral seasonings also have reput- Aztec emperor Montezuma reportedly ed-if-questionable aphrodisiac proper- Makes four 4-ounce servings consumed endless amounts as a precur- ties. The first, vanilla, the fruit or cured sor to romantic rendezvous. seed pod of orchids of the genus Vanilla, 3 large egg yolks 1 cup coarsely chopped white While the overall sweetening and re- is actually named for a perceived re- 1 cup heavy cream chocolate finement of chocolate, as it came to be semblance to female genitalia and, like ½ vanilla bean pod, split and ¼ cup hot milk known in the Old World, reached a high chocolate, was a component of the Aztec scraped Pinch salt point in the Netherlands, Belgium and aphrodisiac larder. And how romantic 2 tablespoons dried lavender, (Optional: Whipped cream, or sugar Switzerland, its lusty reputation never is this? The bloom of the vanilla orchid roughly crushed for brûlée) really left it. It is rumored that the 18th- lasts for just one day and modern cul- century Italian womanizer Casanova tivation is achieved only by hand.
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