THE COLOMA COURIER WHOLE NO. 1645 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1925 VOL 32 NO 2 STATE BOARD OF ASSESSORS BOOSTS SEDAN MdD BY 69 MEMBERS OE BAKER EAHILY DR. MABEL ELLIOTT WILL SERVE AS TRAIN SAIllAY NIGHI VALUATION OF BERRIEN COUNTY $1,375,000 CARLOAD Of WHEAT A MEDICAL MISSIDNARV IN iAPAN Lloyd Danneffel Saved His Life by Third Annual Gathering Held Sunday most certain that Wayne county will cal attention when they are 111, and County's SUare of State Takes For send a delegation to protest against the Jumping Some Heavy Yields of Wheat Reported At Home of Mr. ami Mrs. Allen Former Coloma Physician Sails This using preventive medical means to increase, as objection was raised to the eliminate diseases. Year 1925 Are Reported to be I-ow- Lloyd Danneffel of Balnhridge saved In This Section Stark lower assessment last year. Week to Take I'p Her New Work- his life by leaping from his Ford sedan ered, However—Figlit Will be Made Berrien county, particularly tin Sixty-nine members and one guest of To Have Assistants a few seconds before the car was struck Gave Out Short Interview in Ben- townships along Lake Michigan, Is the Mllo Baker family gathered at the Before State Board by a fast through freight train at the Extending her work beyond the noted for Its fruits, but Ferdenand home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen C. Stark CO-RESPONDENTS IN TWO Maple street crossing of the Pere Mar- ton Harbor While Here on Short schools, the doctor expects later to Thar, one of the large landowners and in Coloma, Sunday, August 2. 1025. for Berrien county's proportion of the quette in Watervilet about one o'clock work among babies and children of fruit growers of Hagar township, dem- the third annual reunion. The brothers Visit general state property tax this year is DIVORCE CASES ARE MARRIED Sunday morning. preschool age. "I know what a nor- onstrates that bumper crops of grain and sisters present were Mrs. Laura. Danneffel drove toward the crossing mal American child should be like and decreased .0053 per cent, according to •can be produced as well as bountiful Branch, Mrs. Amelia Hutchlns and Dr. Mabel E. Elliott, former Coloma from Pleasant street. The crossing should weigh at all ages," she said, recommendations siihinitted to thq state yields of fruits. Mr. Thar recently Mrs. Fannie Hart of Watervilet; Mrs. and St. Joseph physician, who recent- was blocked by a freight train on the "but I will have to study conditions Summer Earl Wheeler, 20. and Mrs. threshed In'tween 1100 and 1200 bush- Emma Cummins, Mrs. Eva Cummins hoard of equalization by the hoard of side track and another freight train ly returned from her work as a Near in Japan and discover a standard to Daisy Fern Ammerman, .'14, both of els of wheat grown on 45 acres, a yield and Allison Baker of South Haven; equalization. was coming from the east. According East Relief agent, visited In Boll ton go by over there." Benton Harbor, who obtained divorces of 2(» bushels to the acre. Mrs. Minnie Johnson of Kalamazoo, Berrien county's assessed valuation to reports of the accident he saw that Harbor a few days last week while en- Assisting Dr. Elliott will be Miss r from their former matrimonial part- Last week Mr. Thar marketed !Hm» and Mrs. Dora Mast of Plerceton. for 1025, however, is $l,37. ),000 in ex- he had time to make the crossing ahead route from a visit with relatives In Christine Nuno, who acted as director ners In the clrcut court on July 20, bushels of the grain at tiie elevator of Ind. Two sisters—Mrs. Mary Lam- cess of last year's flgures, according of the approaching freight train, but the south and west to San Francisco, of nurses with Dr. Elliott in Athens, Monday obtaned a marriage license at the Watervilet Milling company. H. mont of Harbor Springs, Mich., and to the state hoard's report. The 1024 failed to see that the crossing was where she expects to sail on August Greece, while she was engaged In Near the court house. Kt. Joseph. reserved the balance of his crop of Mrs. Rhoda Glck of Los Angeles, Cal., assessment was tixed by the slate at blocked by the other train until he had 8th for Japan to take up the work of East relief work; a Japanese doctor, Mrs. Ammerman was named co- wheat and home use. were unable to l>e present. $104,825,000; the recoinmended 1025 driven onto the tracks. In attempt- medical missionary. who Is a graduate of the University of respondent when Wheeler's former F. M. Sterner, president of the Mill- The weather was Ideal, and while the assessment is $ 105,700,000. ing to back off the tracks he killed his In an Interview given out while on Michigan, and two Japanese nurses, ing company, says the yields of wheal younger members of the family played In 1024 Berrien county's proportion wife, .Mrs. Retta M. Wheeler, tiled engine. DamielTel jumped from the her visit here Inst. week, the doctor graduates of a hospital In New York, reported are above the average and quiet games on the lawn, the Older ones of the general state pro|)erty tux was unswer and cross-bill to his suit for car to safety just as the big locomotive said that she did not expect to find her where they each had two or three more than the usual acreage was grown visited, for the family Is so widely .01480;• this year's rcconiinended ligure divorce. crashed into it. The nearly new sedan new work as fascinating as her work years of practical experience. Wheder was named co-respondent In Northern Berrien county the past scattered that many of the relatives is .014:10 per cent of the whole. was reduced lo a complete wreck as year. The company shipped a carload In the Near East relief. The $105,700,000 assessment figure In an answer and cross-bill filed against It was caunht between the two trains. meet only at these reunions. At 1:00 Avoids Orient Politics the suit brought by Mrs. Ammerman tin- first of the week. 'Hie buying price p. m. the long table was ready and Headquarters at Tokio, Japan recommended by the state tax hoard is The two freight trains were delayed at the local elevator the past week has $H5,000.000 in excess of the $70,885,027 against her husband, Robert K. Am- everyone was hungry, "Nuff cer." The doctor declined to discuss the over an hour while the mass of wreck- been around $1.40 a bushel. In Japan Dr." Elliott will be sta- valuation .figure set by the Berrien merman. Relatives were present from Lansing, Chinese situation. "It was easy tor age was extricated. J. Rosa, another Hagar farmer, tioned In Toklo ns head of the public county board (»f supervisors at their Both Wheeler and Mrs. Ammerman Kalamazoo. Hartford, Watervilet, So. me to say what I think concerning the An Oakland touring car In which a marketed his wheat at Watervilet. He health department. She will be a mem- June session. secured the decree on grounds of cruel- Haven, Chicago and Indiana. All guests, Near East and what Is being done party of colored people from South reported a yield of .'57 bushels to the ber of the .staff of St. Luke's hospital Detroit's proportion of the general ty. Bend, names unlearned, were riding, on leaving, said that they had bad a there because I have been there and acre. under direction of the International have my Information first hand," she state property tax Is Increased I'/j per In Mr. Ammerman's answer and turned turtle on the Nlles-Watervilet very fine time and would meet again Last week ('. N. Stevens threshed a Episcopal board. smiled. "Not having been In China or cent, while all out-state counties witl- cross-bill he stated that Wheeler and road late Saturday night. The car was In reunion the first Sunday In August his wife came to live with them in piece of wheat on his farm In East next year. Dr. Elliott's work, she said, will be Japan I do not feel at liberty to give live exceptions are given slight re- badly wrecked but the occupants es Watervilet that yielded 3S bushels to principally with children. Assisted by ductions In percentage, under the as- October, 1024. He charged Ills wife taped serious Injury. The car was 'opinions on conditions in the country the acre. n committee of three appointed by the where I am about to go." sessment recommendations of the state with having Intimate relations with brought into Watenilot by the Bridges Wheeler. D. Boyer and A. D. Boyer of North Japanese government, she will carry j Dr. Elliott has just finished ten tax department made to the state board & Steel wrecking Car. Watervilet threshed five acres of wheat on her work In the schools, examining of equalization. The Ammerman's iiad four children. WOOLD RATHER STAY IN IAIL i months of teaching In the Women's They were given into the custody of that went 20 bushels to the acre. the boys and girls, giving them medi- Medical college in Philadelphia. The equalization board, which sits Phil Cutler threshed two loads of annually to distribute the state tax- Mrs. Ammerman, who was also award- THAN TELL WHERE WOMAN IS ed alimony of $1:1 a week.
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