FEBRUARY 1, 1962 NO. 3 BAMENDA BOYS BRIGADE, AFRICA " SOULS FOR JESUS" - GOD'S VOLUNTEERS BAPTJ:ST HERALD An American's Prayer for Baptists MISSION NEWS BAPTIST HERALD ATHER, today I am constrained to pray for my AN D NEEDS • • • CONTENTS F fellow Baptists in 110 countries of the world. My mind dwells on the contrast of their lot with BAPTIST WOR.LD ALLIANCE SUNDAY. Oui· churches will designate The Light Is Still Burning that of Baptists in this country-both in numbers their communion offering on Sun day, Volume 40 No. 3 and in resources. I am acutely conscious that these Feb. 4, for the work of the Baptist Baptist brethren of mine need my prayers and World Alliance. One-half of the desig­ In some of the darkest places of the world, the light of the Gospel February 1, 1962 those of others. May a great concert of petition nated offerings will go toward t he witness by faithful Baptists still shines brightly. Such encouraging go up to thy Throne of grace in their behalf. work of the Alliance and one-half news has been received recently from Bulgaria behind the Iron Cur­ As I study the map of Europe, my eyes become toward our r elief ministry through our * Fellowship Fund. The Bapt ist World tain and from China behind the Bamboo Curtain. It should strengthen Co,·er --- --- --- ---- - ------ ------ Luoma P hoto misty. I think of Portugal and her 21 Baptist 46 Alliance is providing needy Bapt ist us in our ministr y of prayer for our brethren of the faith on this Thc Face of Lincoln" churches with fewer than 2,000 members. Many a "An A merican's P rayer for Baptists" ------ 2 pastors in Eastern E urope with suits, church here at home has more than 2,000 members, Baptist World Alliance Sunday, February 4th. ul\'lissionary News and Needs" ------ - - - - -- 2 shoes and other clothing a nd m eeting E ditorial but I wonder whether our witness can match that s·om e of the dire needs of Baptists in The first Baptist churches in Bulgaria were established by Rus­ "'The Light Is Still Bur ning" --- - ------ 3 of Portugal's heroic Christians. Pola nd. T his is a very worthy cause sian refugees in the 1880's. F or many years the Bulgarian Baptists "Suro nnd Steadfast!" Then there is Spain, with her 3,200 Baptists. that deserves your prayer ful attention Miss Lau ra E. Reddig - - ------------ -- 4 received support from our Nor th American Baptist General Confer­ "Behold, I Come Quickly!" I pray especially for them as I reflect on the perse­ and gifts. Mrs. George W. L nng ------- - ----- --- 5 cution they have known. I think of Baptists thrown ence. In 1938 Dr. William Kuhn and the editor visited these Baptist " The l\1inislry of I nvitation" MISSION ARIES LE AVE FOR AF­ Mr. Herbert ,V. Bemdt - - -------------- 6 into jails, of churches closed with government seals. R I CA. On J an. 5, 1962 Mrs. William churches in Sofia, Lorn, Ruse and Varna and spent a Sunday with the "Northem District Gleanings" Yet these Christians endure hardness as good sol­ H . Rentz and her children of Morris, gypsies in their beautiful Baptist church at Golinzi. A series of articles Jte\". William Sturhah n ------- ------ 8 diers and are always refe rred to as a radiant group. Manitoba and Miss Tina Schmidt of "Souls for J esus" about these churches appeared in 1938 in the "Baptist Herald." But Mr. Dwight Enockson - ------ - -------- 9 I n my church we suffer no persecution. Calgary, Alberta left Canada by pla ne ··observation s of Germany a nd England" There is F rance, with only one Baptist to ev­ for England a nd t he F ederal Republic since 1941 no regular reports have been received from our brethren Rev. E . P . Wah l ------------------ ---- I O ery 15,000 people. Do the Baptists there grow of Cameroon to resum e their mission­ in Bulgaria. At that time they n umbered only 672. A number of Bap­ 0 Ncw Church in Columbus'" a:-y service. Mrs. Rentz joined her hus­ Rev. Le Roy Schauer ------------------ 12 lonely at times, feeling themselves a despised mi­ tists and some evangelical leaders were also imprisoned. "\Ve. the \Vomcn'' nority? Here in our nation we have one Baptist to band at Soppo and Miss Schmidt is Mrs. H nrm Shen nnn --- ------- -------- I S every nine persons. Next in my mind is Italy, now stationed at Victoria, West Cam­ Now a visitor from Jugoslavia has brought with him an anony­ "From the Profcssor·s Desk" eroon. On J a n. 18 Rev. Milton Quiggle mous letter from Bulgaria which was recently published in " The Bap­ Dr. Ralph E . Powell ------------------ 13 having only 48 active pastors to serve her 75 Bap­ of Minneapolis, Minn., sailed by boat March of Events - - - - - - - ------------ ------- 14 tist churches and 51 preaching stations. There from New Orleans, Louisiana, for West tist World." It reads : Bn11t ist Briefs - --- - - ---------------------- U are more pastors than this in my local conference. What's H appen ing -------------- ------- --- 15 Cameroon, Africa. He is due to anive "Dear brethren in Christ J es us. We believers in J es us Christ THE SHA TTERE D WALL There is Germany, where Gerhard Oncken on Feb. 7 or 8 at Duala , West Africa. By SnUie L ee Bell lived, the pastor who "turned the world upside He will be a missionary teacher at t he and member s of the Baptist churches of Bulgaria, greet you all in CHAPTER T HREE ----- --------- 16 usundn:r School Lessons" down." A hundred thousand Baptists are there, Baptist Teacher T raining Center at his ver y precious Name. The Lord has, in his unspeakable goodness Re~· . B. C. Schreiber ------ --------- --- 17 and that number sounds large in comparison with Soppo. and love, kept his hand on us. Although we are small in numbers, we •'75th Church A nniversary. Wishek, N. D." Re,·. Cnrl R. Weisser - - --------------- 18 the other countries. But I remember that this is MISSIONARY MEDICAL CONVEN­ keep the light burning which our Lord has lit in our hearts. Our Denomination in Action ------ -------- 19 only one fifth the number of Baptists in F lorida. T ION. Dr. R. Schilke, general m ission­ Obituaries ------------- - --- - - - - - - -------- -- 23 Behind the Iron Curtain in Communist Russia, ary secretary, took part in t he Mission­ "vVe r ejoice in our living Lord Jesus, who conquers death and No,·cmber Contributions ------------- - ------ 23 an estimated 5,400 Baptist churches are filled to ary Medical Convention held under the hell, sin and Satan, and who leads us to victor y. F or the coming of the Baker Book House (Advertisement) -------- 2•1 overflowing several times a week as peasants and auspices of the Christian Medical So­ Kingdom of God, we continue to pray together with you and all true ciety at Wheaton, Ill., from Dec. 26 to middle class people, hungry for the Gospel, meet believers. Please r emember us in your prayers. * there to worship. Lord, be their staff and refuge ! 29. Among t he hundreds of mission­ aries-, physicians and leaders in at­ "United with you, through the love of Jesus Christ, until he Bi-weekly Publication of the It is difficult for us to realize that Baptist s tendance were Dr . Eugene R. Stock­ are a minority group in many parts of the world­ comes and we all be united with him. II Timothy 3 :12." The Scripture NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST dale a nd Miss Delores Henne of our GENERAL CONFERENCE that there are only 110 Baptists in Israel, 19 in Cameroons Baptist Mission. Dr. W il­ reference reads : "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jes us shall Ethiopia and 80 among the Moslem multitudes liam S. Boutwell, formerly a n interim suffer persecution." 7308 Madison St., Forest Park, Illinois of Egypt. The fellowship of the Baptist World missionary doctor in the Camer oons, Martin L. Lcuschner, D.D., E ditor Alliance stands like a light on the hill to give them was also a delegate to t he Convention. Similar repor ts are coming from behind the Bamboo Curtain in courage and determination. CH UR CH E XTENSI ON. T he total China. At the last r eport, before the curtain fell, there were 123,000 Bless these brethren of ours. Lord, keep them * of Church Extension Builders in our Baptists in mainland China. But Christian work continues in China THE BAPTlST HERALD Is a publ1catlon o! faithful. Make them evangelistic. Strengthen their churches is steadily growing. I n Feb­ U1e North American Baptist General Con­ despite the hindrances which the Communist government heaps in its ference with headquarters at 7308 Madison witness for the Gospel. ruary 1962 the appeal fo1· t he Church St. Forost Park. Illlnols. It also maintains Adapted from a Prayer by Mrs. John H. Maguire in Extension project in Columbus, Ne­ way. "The Baptist World" has stated that "stories which leak out an' active membership in the Associated "The Commis-sion" and from a BWA brochure by Rev. braska, (see page 12), will go out to through H ong Kong and Singapore bear testimony to the endurance Church Press. C. E. Bryant. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $3.50 a year to 2500 Builders. Thfa project is now of the Word which had been planted there years ago." any address in the United States or Canada known as the Redeemer Baptist -S3.00 a year for churches under the Club THE MASTER Church of Columbus with Rev. LeRoy " China Bulletin," a publication of the F ar Eastern Office of the P lan or Every Family Subscription Plan­ S4.00 a year to foreign countries.
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