![1941-08-24 [P F-2]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
To the Be Osborne 'Blues' Role for Carolyn Young They'll Will Osborne and his bend have Carolyn Lee. child star of "Vir- in been engaged by Warner Bros, for ginia" and "Birth of the Blues " Theaters This W eek musical In "New Orleans will next in "Out of the New on Photoplays Washington sequences appear Faces the Screen Blues." Another name band that Frying Pan," Paramount'* picturiza- will appear in the picture is that tion of the hit Broadway play by (Continued From First WEEK or AUG Page.) SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY of Jimmy Lunceford. which has al- Francis Swann. which Edward H. ' "Pet β' Geld" I "Pot o' Gold "That Uncertain "That Uncertain "M#et John Do# end Meet John Doe" end "The Or«t Swindl* ready done its studio stint. The Griffith will produce and direct. Vir- «Omen and their talents never were in the same and and and Feeling and "I Wis a Prisoner on I Wa« * Prisoner on • rid questioned. They appear Academy Feeling cast of the feature, directed Van wrote "Vir* ; 8th »nfl Ο Sts b e. "Hit the Road." I "Hit the Rond •father» Son." ''Father's De vils Isla nd." Devil's Island." Across the Sierra»." being ginia Upp, whc film. "They Died with Their Boots On." 6on^ bv Anatole is headed will Robert Montgomery 1 Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery Robert Montgomery Err ο! Fi y η η end Errol Flynn and Litvak, by glnia." adapt the comedy, Most of the once-famous old timers, of course, never will rise to any- Ambassador in Here Comes Mr. In Here Comes Mr. in Here Comes Mr. In Here Comes Mr. in Hrre Comrs Mr. Fred MacMurray in Fred MacMurrar in Priscilla Lane. Richard Whorf. Bet- which deals with the effort* of a Jordan." Div m be r. Igth Columbia Jordan." Jordan." Jordan" 1 e_Bo Dive Bomber." thing faintly approaching their regal prominence. Their modest activities «nd Rd Jordan/] ty Field, Lloyd Nolan and Jack gTOup of ambitious youngsters to Jeffrey Lynn. Phtllli Jeffrey Lynn Phlllt! Don Ameche and Don Ameche and Don Ameche tnd Ida Lupino and j Gary Cooper and —usually as mere background people working for a $7.50 daily check- Apex Doran. Mon* Maria Doran. Mon* Mari! Betty Orable in Betty GTable tn Betty Grable in John Garfield In Jean Arthur in Carson. win jobs on th* Broadway stage. 48th In "Dnderiround." _ln Under» round." "Moon Over Miami." Moon Over Miami." Moon Over Miami "Out of the Fog. "The Plainsmen." are and probably always will be one of the more sides of Holly- St. »nd Mus Art *·J pathetic Marx Brothers Marx Brother» Jeffrey Lynn Jeffrey Lynn Boh Hope and Dorothy Bob Hope and Dorothy Bullets for Ο Hara" wood life on the sound in In In in Lamour in "Caught in Lamour in "Caught In and stages. Apollo " " 62» H St. N I. "The Bit Store/' "The But Store "Dndentround "Underground." the Draft." the Draft. •Two In t For instance, on a set last the Wild Wind"— TM-1 single week—"Reap Herbert Marshall lr Herbert Marshall ti Rudy Vallée Rose- Rudy Vallee Rose- Robert Taylor and Robert Taylor and Robert Taylor and there appeared as dancers and sitters in a ballroom sequence—a dozen Arlington "Adventure in "Adventure tn mary Lane in "Time mary Lane In "Time Brian Donlevy in Brian Donlew in Brian Donlevy In Arlington. V». Washington." Washington.; Out for Rhythm Out for Rhythm." Billy the Kid." Billy the Kid." Billy the Kid." familiar faces who an era that is no more. If you look ever symbolized William Powell and William Powell and Tony Martin and Tony Martin and "Saint's Vacation" Johnny Mack Joan Blondell and bo closely when this picture comes to your theater you'll see in that one Ashton Myrna Joy In Myrna Joy In Marx Brothers in Marx Brother» in and in Dick Powell in Arlington. Va. "Love _Crazy Love Crazy." "The Bit Store." "The Big Store." "Very Young Lady." "Rawhide Ranger»." Model Wife.- scene Maurice Costel'.o. first matinee idol and father of Dolores and "Love Crazy" "Love Craiy" "Love Crazy" "Sunny" and 'Sunny" and Three Men From "Mountain Rhythm" Helene, later stars in their own right; Mildred Harris, first wife of Charlie Atlas and and and "The Man Who Lost The Man Who Lost Texas" and "Adven· and Dark Streeta 1331 H at. N.E. "Blood and Sand." ''Blood and Sand.'* "Blood a;id Sand Himself" Hlmsefr." ture in Washington.* of Cairo a _____ Chaplin and star herself for several years; Elmo Lincoln, the original r Avalon Bob Hope andDorothj Bob Hope andDoro'h Bob Hope and Dorothy Jeffrey Lynn Jeffrey Lynn James Stewart in Baby Sandy and screen Tarzan, and Dorothy Sebastian. Hayden Stevenson, Julia Faye, Lamour In "Caught lr Lamour In "Caught li Lamour in "Caught In in In 'Navy Blue and Kalhryn Adams in IS612 Connecticut Ατβ. the Draft." the Pratt." the Draft Undert round." Underground." Gold Bechelor Daddy." Claire McDowell and Max Davidson—all top-rank players in their day. Rose Hobart and Rose Hob&rt and I Tyrone Power and Tyrone Power and Marlene Dietrich in Anna Neaale and "Mutiny of Elsinore" Avenue Grand Michael Wahealen li Michael Wahealeti i Linda Linda Darnell in "Flame of New Ray Bolger in and "There'! Mane If Cecil B. De Mille wanted to assemble such a cast 20 ago it would Darnell In I years 645 Pa. Ave. BE. "I'll Sell My Life." "1 11 Sell My Life." "Blood and Sand "Blood and Sand." Orleans •'Sunny." In Music." -1 j have cost him $50.000 instead of $50. Flora Robson and Flora Robson and Flora Robson and Marx Brothers and Marx Brothers and "Gangs of Sonora "Gang* of Sonora" Robert Newton In Robert Newton in Robert Newton 111 Tony Martin in Tony Martin in and Wagons Roll at and Waion? Roll at The latest revival of old Bethesda " time faces is naturally a test that can mean "Poison Pen "Poison Pen The 8tore." "The Store.'* Bethesda. Md. "Poison Pen." Big i Big Wight." I Nlfht much—or little. They say the public never forgets its old time favorites. Don Ameche and Don Ameche and Don Ameche and Wallace Beery and Wallace Beery and Cesar Romero and Judy Canova and In six Betty Orable In Betty Grable in Betty Grable in Marjorie Main in Marjorie Main in Carole Landis in Francis Lederer in another months, when these pictures are in release, the answer will Beverly 'Moon Over Miami.' "Moon Over Miami. "Barnacle Bill." Barnacle Bill." Dance Hall." "Puddin* Head." 15th and Ε 8t«. N.E. j Moon Over Miami." come. Robert Taylor and Robert Taylor and ; Herbert Marshall In Herbert Marshal! In Abbott and Costello Abbott and Costello Abbott and Costello Brian Donlew in Brian Donlevy In "Adventure In ; and Dick Powell in and Dick Powell in and Dick Powell in Released b? the North Alliance. "Adventure In American Newspaper Inc. Buckingham "Billy the Kid." "Billy the Kid." I Washington." Washington." "In the Navy." "In the Wavy." In the Navy." Arlintton. Va. __ James Cagney an( James Cagney an ! James Cagnev and Penny Singleton and Abbott and Costello Abbott and Costello Abbott and Costello Calvert Bette Davis in "Thi Bette Davis In "Th V Bette Davis in "Thi Arthur Lake tn and Dick Powell in and Dick Powell in and Dick Powell in D.' 1 Bride 2324 Wisconsin Ave. Bride Came C. O. Came C. O. D Bride Came C. o. D "Blondie In Society." i "In twe Navy." "In_the Navy.'* In the Navy." TV!* Bia Store" ant "The Big Store" *n> 1 "Flight From "FliKht From Virginia City" Virginia City" 'Sheriff of Tomb- Cameo 'Kis< the Boys Kiss the Boys Destiny" and Destiny" and and and stone" "Murder bvln- Means More Ooodbye." Goodbye." Redhead." "Redhead." First Romance." "Her vitationState show. Extravagance Mnunt Rainiff. Md I ll^er Firs^Romance." Strawberry Blonde' Strawberry Blonde 'Trial of Mary "Trial of Mary Bowery Boy and "Bowery Boy and Carolina and and DiiRan" and Dtr;an" and Blondie Has Servant Biondie H«s Servant To be announced. for Three." Son "Father's Son." Trouble Trouble." 105 11th St. SE. ~"Me!ody_ |^Melody_for_Three/] J*Father's Than a Month "Billy the Kid" "Billy the Kid" Flieht From D*s- Flieht From Des- Ida Lupino ana Ida Lupino and Barnacle Bill $14,595 Central and and tinV and "Navy tiny" and "Navy John Gerfleld in John Garfield in and The Getaway." 1 " nth st. n.w. I "The_Getaway." Blue and Gold Blue and Gold 'Out of the Fog.-' "Out of the Fog.'* ! Forced Landing. Ifyoo'ro very, very good By Hubbard Keavy, Bon Hope anauoroiny aitu nui*'- ami uuruui, Herbert Marshall. Vir- Herbert Marshall. Vir- Rudy Va!>p and Ann Wallace Berrv and Wallace Beery and "Caught in La mou r in ii — Associated Press Staff Writer. Circle ;Lamour in "Caught ginia Bruce Adven- ginia Bruce. Adven- Miller in Time Out Marjorie Main in ; Marjorie Main m got something 1 the Draft. ■ you'll "inn P«. At?. WW the_ Draft/J I ture in Washington." ture in Washington/^ for Rhythm." Barnacle Bill." BarnacleBill" HOLLYWOOD, Robert Taylor and Robert Taylor and Robert Taylor and Don Amoche and Mary Don Ameche and Marvl Ruby Keeler in Herbert Marsha 11. Vir- nic*. That'» · promit· I A friend whose business is ma îaging the financial affairs of stars, Colony Brian Donlevy in Brian Donlevy in Brinri Donlevy tn Martin in Kiss the Martin In "Kiss rhe "Sweetheart of the ! ginia Bruce.
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