I uttera I X r I SCRIPTA I /Ç I MANET f ^7 \JV FEDERAL REGISTER \ 1934 ^ VOLUME 10 ^ O A f/T E D ^ NUMBER 22 Washington, Wednesday, January 31, 1945 'K Regulations (b) Applicability of this order. The CONTENTS terms and Conditions of this order shall be applicable to Ci) all Canned fruits, REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE and all Canned fruit juiCes, listed in said Vesting orders: Pag® Chapter XI-—War Food Administration Column A of Table I which are packed Alien P roperty Custodian :- during the quota period in any of the 48 Barthman, Christine_______ 1288 (Distribution Orders) States of the United States or the District BevilaCqua, Ignazio______ __ 1289 [WPO 22-8] of Columbia, and (ii) all Canned pine­ Burgart, Mary M______ ___ 1289 apple and Canned pineapple juice which Busch, Philip______________ 1289 Part 1425—Canned and P rocessed F oods are packed during the quota period in the Carroll, Marie_A.___________ 1290 CANNED FRUITS, AND CANNED FRUIT JUICES, Territory of Hawaii. Cohen, Rosa_______________ 1290 REQUIRED TO BE SET ASIDE DURING 1945 (C) Set-aside restrictions. EaCh Can- Dobos, Louis (Lajos) _______ 1290 Pursuant to the authority Vested in ner who packs, during the quota period, Gruel, Margaret__ ____ 1291 me by War Food Order No. 22, as any Canned fruit, or any Canned fruit Haetzel, Anna___________ 1291 amended (8 F.R. 2243, 6397, 9 F.R. 4321, juice, designated in said Column A of Hahnel, Martha________ 1291 4319, 9584, 10 F.R. 103), it is hereby Table I, shall, to the extent that the Irrgang, Emilie____________ 1292 ordered as follows: quantity so packed may be adequate, set -fj^Jelitzky, Ida------------------ 1292 aside and thereafter hold for sale and TJoehres, Frank George__ 1292 8 1425.12 Quota restrictions and allo­ delivery to Government agenCy from his Muller, Hugo_______ ___ .__ 1293 cations—(a) Definitions. (1) EaCh term pack of eaCh suCh product for the quota SChmidt, Wilmar Robert____ 1293 defined in War Food Order No. 22, as period a quantity equivalent to the quan­ F ederal Communications Commis­ amended, shall, when used herein, have tity obtained by applying the perCentage sion: the same meaning as set forth for suCh for the partiCular product listed in Col­ Frequency alloCations to various term in said War Food Order No. 22, as umn D of said Table I against his base Classes of non-Govern- amended. pack of that product: Provided, how­ mental services in radio (2) “Quota period” means, with re­ ever, That, in the event the pack of any spectrum (2 doCuments) ___ 1285 spect to all Commodities required to be Canner of any suCh product for the quota Standard broadcast applica­ set aside pursuant to this order, the pe­ period is twice as great, or more than tions; statement of proce­ riod from January 1, 1945, to December twice as great, as his base pack of suCh dure------------------------------ 1282 31, 1945, both inclusive. product, then suCh perCentage shall be F ederal T rade Commission: (3) “Base period” means, with respeCt applied against his pack of that product Tailored Woman, InC., hearing. 1285 to all Commodities required- to be set for the quota period. If the type, style, G eneral Land Office: aside pursuant to this order, the period variety, or grade of the particular prod­ Washington, withdrawal of pub­ from January 1, 1943, to December 31, uCt is specified in the aforesaid Table I, liC lands for use of War De­ 1944, both inClusive. the portion set aside shall, so faf~as partment for military pur- (4) “Base paCk” means, when applied available, be in the type, style, variety, poses_____ ________ _____ 1281 to each Canned food listed in Column A and grade so specified; but other types, Geological Survey: of Table I, which table is attaChed hereto styles, varieties, or grades in the posses­ Columbia River, Wash., with­ and is by this reference made a part of sion of a particular Canner as may be drawal of public lands for this order, one-half the total amount by specified by the procuring Government power site purposes__ ___ 1285 net weight, of all types, styles, varieties, agenCy shall be substituted to the extent Interstate Commerce Commission: and grades of suCh food Canned by the that those specified in said Table I have Coal cars, plaCing in Eastern respective canner during the base period i not been packed by suCh Canner. In the States _____________ _!___ 1288 Provided, That, if the respeCtive Canner event a Canner is preparing to pack, Irish potatoes from California, canned any particular food listed in said during the quota period, any Canned Idaho, Oregon and Maine, Column A of. Table I during only one of fruitr or any Canned fruit juice, listed shipm ent______________ 1282 the two calendar years of the base period, In said Column A of Table I, which he ReConsignment permits: his base pack for that food shall be his did not pack during the base period, he Apples, East St. Louis, 111____ 1286 total paCk, by net weight, of suCh food shall so inform the Director by letter, Carrots: during the said Calendar year of the base and he shall state therein the quantity Chicago, HI______________ 1286 T6riu^ which tie Canned the said food. of suCh product which he anticipates Kansas City, Mo.-Kans___ 1287 In the event a Canner has no base pack that he will paCk; and suCh Canner shall Carrots and cauliflower, Kan­ for any commodity covered under this set aside for sale and delivery to Gov-, sas City, Mo.-Kans___ __1288 order, the set-aside perCentage pre­ ernment agenCy a portion of his pack of Cauliflower, Chicago, 111____ 1288 sCribed for suCh commodity shall be ap­ eaCh suCh product for the quota period Lemons, Houston, Tex______ 1287 plied against his production thereof for equivalent to the quantity obtained by LettuCe, Chicago, HI. (5 doCu­ the quota period, in the manner pre­ applying the perCentage for the particu- ments) _______ 1285,1286,1287 sCribed in paragraph (c) hereof. (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 1257 1258 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, January 31, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of D efense T ransportation: S olid F uels Administration for / m \ Common carriers, coordinated War: operations: PaS* Bituminous coal: . Pa§e FEDERA(ÄRECISTER Alabama_________ —----------- 1296 Distribution of coal produced \ in U. S. ; supply on hand— 1263 I»*«no’ rfJK Arizona----------- 1294 Ben Lomond and Texarkana, Movement via Great Lakes in Ark______ ----------- -------- 1294 U. S., and Canada; infor­ Florida (2 doCuments) — 1295,1296 mation to be filed—-A— 1263 M anhattan, Bronx, and W ar F ood Administration: _ Published daily, exCept Sundays, Mondays, Brooklyn, N. Y-------------- 1297 Agricultural labor, salaries and end days following legal holidays, by the wages; asparagus workers Division of the Federal Register, The National Taxicab operators, coordinated Archives, pursuant to the authority Contained operations: in designated California in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Freeport, N. Y., area___ _— 1299 Counties__________—------ 1263 1935 (49 stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Lake Placid, N. Y„ area-------- 1298 Fruits and fruit juices, Canned; Ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Manchester, N. jft., area— — 1299 set aside requirements Administrative Committee, approved by the SaranaC Lake and Lake (WFO 22-8)___ 1257 President. Distribution is made only by the PlaCid, N. Y., area_____ 1298 Grapefruit juice and orange Superintendent of DoCuments, Government juice, Canned; restrictions Printing OffiCe, Washington, D. C. Office of P rice Administration: The regulatory material appearing herein is Adjustments and pricing orders: (WFO 122, Am. 1)_______ - 1261 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Blumenfeld, Louis______ _— 1303 Vegetables and vegetable juiCes, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Davis, Robert P--------------- '— 1300 canned; set aside require­ to seCtion 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Famp Señorita Cigar Co----- 1302 ments (WFO 22-9) ----------- 1260 amended June 19, 1937. Grosklaus, Mrs. Milton-------- 1301 The Federal R egister will be furnished by Lewis, Samuel D----------------- 1304 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 lar product, listed in Column D of said per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Morgan, Robert, & Co-------- 1303 vanCe. The charge for individual copies O. K. Cigar FaCtory--------- — 1302 Table I, against his total production of (minimum 15£) varies in proportion, to the Patino, Jose, Cigar FaCtory— 1300 suCh product during the quota period. size of the issue. Remit CheCk or money Romeo Cigar Co-------------- — 1300 (d) When entire pack not set aside for order, made payable to the Superintendent Valdes, Gilbert, Cigar FaC­ Government agency. (1) In the event of DoCuments, direCtly to the Government tory ___ i--------------------- 1302 a Canner packs any Canned fruit, or any Printing OffiCe, Washington, D. C. Bituminous coal imported from-' Canned fruit juice, listed in said Column There are no restriCtions on the republica­ Canada (Max. Import Reg., A of Table I, for nongovernmental re­ tion of. material appearing in the Federal quirements as well as for Government Register. Order. 68)--------:-------------- 1304 Cattle and Calves (MPR 574) — 1270 agenCy, the portion of eaCh suCh prod.- Hawaii, fish, and seafood (MPR uCt required to be set aside by him for Government agenCy shall be set aside as NOTICE g p 373, Am. 123)___________ 1266 Legume and grass seeds (RMPR follows: (i) At least two-thirds of the Book 1 of the 1943 Supplement to - 471, Am. 4)______ 1269 set-aside portion shall be taken from the Puerto Rico, grocery products first preference grade of the Canned the Code of Federal Regulations (RMPR 183, Am, 63)----------- 1263 product, as specified in Column F of said may be obtained from the Superin­ Regional and district offiCe or­ Table I„_to the extent that suCh first tendent of Documents, Government ders: preferenCe grade is packed by the re­ Printing OffiCe, at $3.00 per Copy.
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