(j ( ) "announC!f;ng• THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS FOR 1964 ('J onlyon \' ................I THE TOP TEH BARBERSHOP QUARTETS Of 1964 Official S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. Recording Sidewinders: Riverside, California· Four Renegades: Skokie, Oak Park, Illinois and Gary, Indiana • The Nighthawks: london, Ontario· Four Rascals: Marblehead, Massachusetts 1964 INTERNATiONAL BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS • Impostors: Skokie, County line, Illinois' Auto Towners: Official S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. Recording Dearborn, Michigan' Golden Staters: Arcadia, California' Border Chorders: EI Paso, Texas' Miamians: Miami, Florida Journeymen: Cascade, Oregon • Four-Do-Mallcs: Seattle, • Chorus Of The Dunes: Gary, Indiana' Smokeyland Chorus: Washington • BayTown Four: Berkeley and Marin, California. Knoxville, Tennessee· Riverside Chorus: Riverside, Cali· Ol4512·0l745121SI fornia. Ol4513' Ol 745131S) '.- .. now IlVllilllble! ~ ~I THE BEST Of BARBERSHOP-25 Years of Barbershop auar, {[h.'ilesf of 'ilarb.rshoP} let Champions. An attractive two·record set, including an annotated, illustrated history of 25 years of Barbershop "r - Quartet Champions. A Classic Collection! 1~~T -- OX·1BO YEAJlSOF ....... 1 I ~NNI\YS l@ I I I-~~l}f vI_ I OECC:Iil :',I';C~AO• u ~, j ..,' Ii> " All Decca Bafbefshop ,ecoId.. may be purchased !10m: Your local record dealer or by contacting S.P.LB.S.Q.S.A., Incorporated. 6315 Third Avenue. Kenosha. Wisconsin 53141. ( March-April VOL. xxv 1965 No.2 International Board of Directors In/emational Officers President, Albtl[ L. Smith, Jr., P.O. Box 111~H. POIt WOr/h. Tuas - 76110 THE HARMONIZER is tht official publication of Ihe Sociely for lhe Pft'strvalion and Immedialc PJS( Prnidenr. D,ln \'\'astlchuk, \·\14 Biem· Encouragtmtnr of DJrbcr Shop Quarlt't Singing in America, Inc. h is publilhed in lhe monrhs of January, March May, July, $tprembcf and November al 6}15· 3rd A"enut', erel SUetl. Gr«n 81)', Wisconsin - H}O·i oflic~ IS[ Vice Presidenf, R«tlie \'\'righl, Arden F,lrms Co., Kenosha, Wisconsin, :li3141. and t'meted as second·c1ass maHer lI( lht' post at 1900 \VI. Slauson, Los Angtlct. Glifomia Kenosha, Wisconsin, under the An of March 3, 1879. Edilorial and Ad\'('flising offices Vice Prtsidcnr. D. ',\'iltiam FiuGct"Jld. P.O. Box 116, art ar InrUnalional Ht'a.dqualle15, Norict' of changt' of addfC'Ss should be Jubmillro 10 Ihe Cheshire. Conllt'Cl[cul - 06410 «Jilorial office'S of THE HARMONIZER, 6315 THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WISCONSIN, Vice Presidenl, Alan }. Fu,str, 5 Glenwood Cresccnr 5}141. at ka.u Ihill)' da}'s befOle the nexl publication date. Subscription price is $2.00 S.W., Calg.tl)', Albtua, Canada yeuly and $.50 an issue, Vice PI('Sidcnf, Janm Sl«dman, 616 IXlawarc R01d, Kenmore, New York - 14223 Trc,uulcr. Hugh PAlmer, 46 William SU(tl, Orillia, Omado, C1nada Ex«ulive Dir«tor, Durie Iksr. 63t5 Third A"cnuc, FEATURES KC'nosha, Wisconsin - 5}141 Wichita Mid-WillieI' Board Meetillg Well AI/elided ... .. _ 2 Board Members 1/ YOI1'l'e Sold all The SOllg, 1'0/1'11 Sell 11 To Jlldges.. _ 4 Cardinal, he)' McCord, 619 South 2,llh Str«t, L31:1)'. HEP To FOIII' New Sites 111 1965 __ 5 tII~, Indiana Two Receive Highelt Honon For Member RecruiI111ellt _ (tnnal SIaf~, M~r1~ Dickinwn, 1646 M~,ldo,,'brook 6 Drh'~, Muon Cil)'. Iowa FUrD BOaIlJ Anotber Cbamp-Blfrt Mmlin _.. _ Dixit, Sam Stahl, Chtrry Rood, Gatlinburg, Tenneu« 7 El'elgr«n, J, H. Leabo, Roul~ 2, Box 550. Cr~wdl, KtJoUJ l'ollr Area COl/melor: A Alan To ReJpeCl__ 8 Fa~\~~ern, Wesly Meier, 2,iOI "~COO Sll«r, Apt, H, BOJton-Tbe Home 0/ tbe Beau and tbe Cbord _ 10 San Diego, California , 111elodies F01' MilliOIl J.. .. __. _ 11 1Ilinois, DOn Summtcs, 5503 Nouh Srtphtn Dm'~, Peoria, lIIinois MAD l~elai1lJ Banner Award _._. ._._ ..._ 14 Johnny AppltS«'d, D.lrwin Mau, 580 Srafford Deil't, Jim Mal his-Keeps Rollillg Alollg .. .. _ E1)'ria, Ohio - HO}8 17 und O'Lake'S, Fr~ ScC'Str!, Jr., 135 \X'esl Wdh Slttel, MilwaukC'C', Wisconsin - 53222 Michigan, \'\filliam Han~n, 537 U)'uga ROJd, Iknron DEPARTMENTS Harbor, Michigan - 49022 The Way 1 See 11... _ Mid-Arlanric, HalOld M, Schuhz, 310 Crown View 9 Drive, Al(n.ndria, Virginia Share The We"/ih. _ 18 Norrheauern, Richard Hawes, 120 Fa.irview Road, ( Nt«Iham, MaSS1chu5ttlS· 02192 News Abolfl QuarteIL ._ 20 Onlario, F.d McKa~', ·H Flavian Cr~scenr, Wi1Io,,·da.l~, I See From The Bulleli1lJ .. ... .. _ Onlario, unada 22 ~OC'Gl Land, Anhur Fauell, 31 S BranlWood RO.ld, Buffalo, New York - 14226 SoulhweS!crn, Henry Lewis, 536 Humview, Hursr, MISCELLANEOUS Ttxas·76053 Sunshint', Rober! Dollison, H81!J, Viroria A"t'nut', flKAS Il Fi/m Scbedlfle Annolfnced by Univerlal. 16 Winr~r P.uk, Florid ... - 32789 "Tbe Belt 0/ BarberibopJl-A Record Review + • • 16 And Palt Internalional Prelidentl PROBE Condllcting 111ler-1UlIional Bllllelin C011lelt . 16 111Iemational Prelimillar,' Scbedllle. ._. +'-__________________________ 25 ExeCl/live Direclor O/lr New Ch"plel's . ... .. __ 26 DARRJI] DEST Cellillry CI/lb .. __ .____ _ _26 AJJiJldnt Tl'eaJflrer LogopedicJ CO11/riblltorI_._. ._~ ._. 26 Coming ElIenli ...__ .. ..... __ .. 28 \VI. 1. (DILL) Ono DireClor 0/ Mmical AclivilieJ RODERT D. JOHNSON Direclor 0/ PI/blic Relatiom HUGH A, INGRAHAM Adminiltralive Field RepreJenlative ON OUR COVER CHESTER N. Fox Boston Barbershoppers, represent­ ing the thirteen Boston area chap­ Coordinalor Mwic Pl/b/iJbing 0/ ters who, along with the entire ROBERT j. MaYER Northeastern District, will be our Mallager 0/ Special EvelllJ convention hosts in June, greet us CHARLES A. SNYDBR from aboard the Mayflower II, JUSt Edilor one of the rich abundance of his· LEO \VI. FODART tOrical attractions awaiting liS. May­ Inlernalional Office flower II, a copy of the original, 6315 THIRD AVENUE was built at Brixham by Project Mayflower and sailed from Plynlomh, KBNOSHA, \'(fJSCONSJN 53141 England to Plymouth, Massachusetts in April 1957, a gift from the peo­ ~14-Gj~-9111 ple of Great Britain co the people of the United States as a gesture of l )Contribl/torJ Anglo-American friendship. The ship is permanently berthed at Plymouth, DARRIE DliST DEAC MARTIN Massachusetts. JOB PARRBR \VlAYNE F. RUGGLES LBN GIRARD ELMBR VOR1SBK HUGH INGRAHAM PRINTED IN U.S.A, THll HARMONIZBR-MARCH·ApRIL, 1965 1 IBMs TOUR INSTITUTE OF LOGOPEDICS Mid- Winter Board Meeting In Wichita Well Attended \Vhen the International Board held its mid-wimer meeting "Attacks, Releases, Diction. Each faulty attack, each faulty in Wichita, Kansas, January 21-24, members had an opportunity release and each failure to enunciate or pronounce cor­ to become thoroughly familiar with the physical operation of rectly in accordance whh the idiom or dialect used, shall the Society's new service project, the Institute of Logopedics. be penalized one to three points." In addirion to a detailed tour of the Instimtc, 30 of the Society's 3. Article 21 4 (c) 5 (a) of the Official Quartet Contest 37-member law-making body spent twO days in legislative Rules was amended to read as follows: session presided over by International President Al Smith. ''The arrangement shall be judged entirely upon its merits Dr. Martin F. Palmer, Insdtuce Director, made his staff avail· as presented. The various points that constitme meritori­ able during the weekend co answer visiting Board Members' ous presentation, in the viewpoint of the arrangement questions. A demonstration by the Institme's Interactive Musi· category, are given in the C&J Handbook." aetries depanment showed the importance of music as a therapy 4. Article 21 5 (d) of the Official Quartet Contest Rules was for those suffering with speech afflictions. changed co read, in pan, as follows: The following are some of rhe imponam decisions reached "All members of a quartet musr make their appearance in by the Board. one continuous maneuver, must exisr or disappear in onc continuous maneuver, and no member of a quartet may I. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS enter or leavc the stage between the starr of the first song 1. Pending fuerher investigations intO the mechanics of and the end of thc second song. No person noc a mem- setting up and administering foreign chapters of the So­ ber of thc quartet " ciety, the Board recommended that all inquiries from 5. Article 19 5 (d) was amended in the Official Chorus foreign locations be referred to the Frank H. Thorne Rules to read: Chapter·at·large for the time being. "The Director may make only one entranCe and only on( 2. The Board approved changeover of our membership record exir; these need not coincide with those of the chorus, system to punch cards to be used in conjunction with nor with the opening and closing of the cunain, if one IBM equipment. This system will improve processing of be used. Between his entrance and his exit, the Director Inembership applications, address changes, addressing of must remain in full view of the audience and judges ar the HARMONIZER, etc., and will allow us to store an all times. Entrance of the entire chorus and direccor muSt information on one card per member. This will also mean be completed before the first song is begun and the second the elimination of membership reponing cards which song musr be finished before any exit is commenced; no were filled Out by the Chapter Secretary once a year member may enter or leave the stage between the start for each member. Future expansion of the sysrem as rhe of the first song and the end of the second song. No per­ Society'S membership cominues to grow is unlimired. The son ocher than the Director or a member of the chorus changeover from the presem system will begin in June may appear on stage during the presentation.
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