The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere--Pay no more Four Page Colored ' Two Sections 1 Comic Section CARTERET PRESS 16 Pages Today VOL. X. No. 14 CARTERET, N. J., FRIIVAY, DECEMKRR 18. 1931 PRICE THREE CENTS Slovak Social Club A COMMUNICATION Jr. W-man's Club To Join Elect* New Officers Dear Editor: This here depression, Seniors In Xmu Party Women's Clubs To • Prominent Persons Soup Kitchen To Open which it is still reaching its peak ac- The Junior Slovak. Social Club ci rding to advices from Washington, At a regular monthly meeting of j lected officers this week at a meet- is making Christmas a tolerable flat the Junior Woman's Club Monday Celebrate Xmas At Hayes Dinner ing held in the parish hall of the Sa- business, but just the snmc folks is night ir. thp War Veterans room in In Chrome Next Week cred Heart Church in Fitch street. trying to do a little something to the borough hall plans were made for Juniors and Senior* To Have' Mayor Hermann And Other keep up the old Santa ('Inua spirit. the members to join with thp senior The new officers arc: President, An- O'coursc some of the spirit in pretty Christmas Party On Decem- Leading Democrat* At Func- Emergency Relief Committee Also Arranges To Open Clothing thony Olsavsky; vice-president, Helen dub in a Christmas party to he held dangerous stuff, specially if it is put on December 28 in the Veterans Distribution Station In Hill Section — Police Give Liberal- D'zurilla; secretary, Anna Fisher; down instead of being kept up and ber 28 In Veterans' Room. tion In Honor Of County recording secretary, John Mrdvetz; room. Each member is required to ly So Do Firemen — Sixty Men Put To Work On Streets. fsr away. Prohibition is a sucr"?s so bring a 2S-c«>nt pnckaRP to hi> used Chairman. treasurer, {Catherine Penksa; trus- far as the bootleggers go hut it ain't Plans for the annual Christmas j tees, Millie Medvptz, Joseph Mazola ns a gift in a grab b»K The commit- party to bo hfld December 28 in the The general committee on emer- practical to monkey with Miss Agnese Severnl Carteret residents attend- reported that to dnto 409 have reg- and Joseph Bedner. The club will tee in charge includes War Veterans room in the Borough ed the testimonial dinner to Edmund gency relief met last night and made istered. It is expected that the total give a party to the retiring officers Anyways 1 goes over to see Scrog- (iunderson. Miss Ann Chester and Hull wore made Monday night at a will reach 600. gins and inquire what he's goin' to Miss Eleanor Harris. arrangements for opening a soup on .January ft" in the pnrish hall. give his friends. He's sore, because meeting of the director* of the (,'ar- kitchen and a clothing distributing Mayor Joseph A. Hermann told of some other guy crabbed an idea he station. The soup kitchen, will be the program of street repair work had for home made Christmas cards opened in the building at Union and that is contemplated. The work start- with pictures of Santa riding a kind Hudson Btreets, the use of the room ed yesterday in Jpanette street where Local Legion At of animal with long ears. Well, we Commercial Club twenty men were put to work re- chats a bit and then 1 gets to notic- being donated by Steve Trivanovich. building the road. They are to work It will be open seven days a week ing that cross-eyed cat of Scroggins'. three days and then twe.ity others The cat has learned a new stunt or Organized At School from 2 to 4 p. m., according to pres- will be put on for three days; then a County Meeting at least I think it's something he served. ent plans. The kitchen will be in third shift of twenty men will take Those present were- Mrs. Charles wnrd J. Walsh, .John K. Donahue, Delegation From Local Post At learned. Scroggins put me wise later. New Officers Are Elected — Anthony Topno. Councilman William charge of a committee including Isa- up the job for three days. Finally Listen: The cat was rummaging Morris, Mra. Charles (iri-en, Mm. IlV.iirilln, Cnllcctor William O. and dore Schwattfc, Mrs. William Duff, the first twenty will return to work. round a chicken house and every so Girls Glee Club Of High Conrad Anderson, Mrs. Thomns Gathering In Sayrevillel — Ilurke, Mrs. Emil Stremlnn, Mrs. Edwin I'aiey. School Commissioner Stanley Dombrowski and David Ul This will (?ivn sixty men work on a often out he'd come with a mouthful School Also Organized. Maihias HeUfprt, Belgert, man. • Bchedule of three days and six days Auxiliary Unit Also Attend*. of feathers, but there ain't no chick- Morris Spewak, Mrs. Louis liudi'i- Former Borough Engineer Ferd F. The clothing distributing station off. In addition to the twenty men ens in the place. It's just old feathers man, Mrs, Emnnuel I,efkowitr,, Mrs. Simons and Former Assistant Prose- on the labor shifts two men will Cartere.t Post No. 563 American he finds round inside the shed. The Commercial Club of Carteret Bernard Kahn, Mrs. Russell Miles, will be open on Tuesdays and Thurs- high school was re-organized Tues- Mrs John Kennedy, Mrs. Henry J. utor Franois A. Monnt?hftn, days ami will be in charge of Mrs. work with ouch shift, driving trucks. Legion attended the county Legion Assemblyman Elmer E. Brown meeting Wednesday night in Sayre- Well, Sir, that cat put thim fea- day. The newly elected officers are: Ilnrrington, Mrs. Edward Struck and Valentine Oleckner, Valentine Gleck- ville. A delegation of the auxiliary thers down careful and rakes some President, Henrietta Nadel; vice- Mrs. William Haj?«n, ner, Mrs. Edward Walsh and Ed- who is chairman of the committee little stones over 'em to keep the president, Joseph Urbanski; secre- ward J. Skeffington. It will be lo- pave a general outline of the state unit also went, attending n county tary, Hazel Byrne- corresponding Engagement Announced plan of relief with which the muni- meeting of the auxiliaries. After the wind from blowing 'em away. Then cated in the O'Meara building at 588 meeting there was a Christmas party. darned if the cat didn't begin on an- secretary, Mary Barch; treasurer, Es- Auxiliary Unit Meets In Roosevelt avenue, about opposite Oh- cipal plan must co-ordinate. other line. The road is one of thim telle David. The aim of the club Aside from tho work boing done The delegation from the local auxil- Home Of Mr». Leo Rockman At Shower Last Night lott'fl barber shop. iary had the second largest percent- kind that's all black and gets soft on! which is made up of students in the Besides arranging for the opening j directly by the committee there are hot days. That cat gets out in the j commercial department, to pro of these two relief stations many oth- other movements afoot to give aid age of members present. First honors Bocial functions of the The Indies' Auxiliary to the Bro- Miss Esther Morris To Be Bride went to the Perth Amboy unit. road and claws up little bits of the mote more 1 er mutturs wore discussed. The dona- and especially Christmas cheer lor black stuff, and carrifn th«m over ntudant body, and to aid in financing therhood mjsrael met Monday night those in need. The Town Grill, of. Among those who attended from in the horfnrV Mrs. Leo Rockman in Of New Brunswick Man — tions in cash to date were reported the local groupa were: Mr. and Mrs. to where he has the feathers. Then the Washington trip of the seniors. as follows: Womens Democratic Club, which Howard Burns is the proprie- he goes after more feathers. Miss Mary McCarthy, commercial Perahing avenue and made arrange-1 Wedding Next Week. t(,r, will feed twenty-five men on Harry Gleckner, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ments for a public card party to be j JflOO; Employes of the American liam Hagan, Miss Jane Cookc, Mr. I stand with my mush open like a teacher, ia the club faculty advisor Sheep-lined Coat Company of Roose- Christmas day. Lee Haskins wil barn door and pretty soon Scroggins and presided at the meeting yester- held soon in the new Roosevelt cafe- A miscellaneous shower was held fiivS live. The Women's Democrats and Mrs, Harold Edwards, Mr. and py teria. After the business meeting last velt avenue, $114.07: Tom Noonan Mrs. A, Stawicki, Miss Mary Stawic- noticetidd me and askks do II ^t tthhe day. last night in the home of former benefit at the high school, $U2.Hi»; Club, in addition to donating $100.01! idea. , The Girls Glee Club of the high night a card party was held by the School Commissioner and Mm. Char- <> the relief fund will feed five fami ki, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Tomczuk, Mr. members and refreshments were les Morris of Washington1 avenue, in benefit movie at the Kitz Theatre, nd Mrs. Fred Ruckreigel, Mr. and "No," nays I, "I don't get no idea." .school has elected the following of- ies, The children of St. Joseph's sure arc dumb," says | fleers: President, Ev»lyn Fedkow; served..-_.. honor pf Miss Bather, their dauffh- $65.20; Order of Eastern Star, $10; school will collect money for use in <frs, C. H.
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