CONTENTS. omitted to return his name for registration , the Board have brother which required adjustment he must appeal to those admonished the lodge, and inflicted a fine of two guineas tribunals. The original complaint was made in the month thereon. United Grand Lodge '. 39" of August; it was not adjudicated upon till the month of (Signed) FRANK GREEN . Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Cumberland and Westmorland 39J March, so that one would think the brother against whom Vice-President. the complaint was made had had time to prepare his de- Masonic Relief in West Lancashire 39* Freemasons' Hall, London, W.C, Excursion of the Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian fence. The meaning of Bro. Dimant in appealing to the 17th August, sSSo. District Grand Lodge was to appeal to the District Grand and Arclueological Society 39J Master Royal Cumberland Lodge, No. To the report is subjoined a statement of the Grand , but his notion was that the District Grand Master Funeral of Bro. Robert Carey, 41 393 Lodge accounts, at the last meeting of the Finance Com- could only hear an appeal in the District Grand Lodge. In The Royal Order of Scotland 393 his letter Scotland 394 mittee, h»Id on Friday, the 13th August, showing a balance , Bro. Dimant cited the Book of Constitutions, R EPORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS— in the Bank of England of £5649 os. ,5d.; and in the which really did not bear him out, because that book said Craft Masonry 39S hands of Grand Secretary for petty cash £75, and for ser- that the District Grand Master shall hear and determine all Roval Arch 39S vants' wages £96 15s. subjects of Masonic complaint or irregulari ty respecting Ancient and Accepted Rite 395 The annual report of the Royal Masonic Benevolent lodges or individual Masons within his district, and that an LEADERS , 39' apecal in all cases lies from the District Grand Master to CORRESPONDENCE— Institution for Aged Freemason s and Widows of Freemasons, The un-M asonic Trial 39? dated the 21st of May, 1SS0, was laid before Grand the Grand Lodge or Grand Master. However, Bro. Di- Royal Arch Sashes and Past Masters' Collars 397 Lodge, and ordered to be accepted. mant went on to say that as the Board of General Purposes Freemasonry in Cambridgeshire 397 The next business was the consideration of an ap- was constituted he should not appeal to them. On the 18th Admission of Visitors 397 peal of Bro. Alexander Dimant, of the New Zealand March, 1SS0, District Grand Lodge met, various business An Anti-Mason 397 Pacific Lodge, No. 517, Wellington, New Zealand, was done, and in process of time Bro. Dimant rose to A Quotation 397 bring forward his comp Review 397 P.M., late or the Ballarat Lodge, then No. 1019, after- laint. The D.G.M. was not able to Masonic Notes and Queries 397 wards No. 717, Ballarat , Victoria, against a sentence of be there, and he (Bro. McIntyre) was sorry he was not Obituary 39» suspension passed on him by the District Grand Master able to be in Grand Lodge that night, for although he Ancient and Primitive Rite 398 of Wellington , North Island, New Zealand, for breach was in this country, he was confined to his bed by a severe Amusements 398 of the Constitutions in publishing the proceedings of the accident. The Deputy District Grand Master was also Literary, Art, and Antiquarian Notes 398 unable to be in the District Grand Lodge, but he wrote a Masonic and General Tidings 398 District Grand Lodge without authority. Lodge Meetings for Next Week 399 Bro. /E. J. MCI NTYRE , Q.C., Grand Registrar, in bring- letter appointing the District Grand Registrar to take the Advertisements L, II.» 400 ing the appeal before Grand Lodge, said the appellant, chair. The District Grand Registrar was really one of the who was a P.M. of several lodges in New Zealand, and a parties in the money transaction, about which the whole joining member of the Pacific Lodge, No. 517, ap- dispute arose, and Bro. Dimant was very much enraged, and UNITED GRAND LODGE. pealed against a sentence of suspension by the District G.M. he objected to the District G. Registrar being there to hear of New Zealand, the sentence having been pronounced on his appeal, because, he said this brother is not a Master or the 25th March of this year. Bro. Dimant gave a history of a Past Master of an English lodge at all ; he is a Warden The September Quarterly Communication of United his initiation into Freemasonry, mentioned the number of of an English lodge, but a Past Master only under the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of lodges he had joined and resuscitated, his services in Ma- Irish Constitution. However, the brother did take the chair, England was held on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' sonry, which, according to his own account, he seemed to and he ruled that the lettersof the 12th March and the iSth Hall. Bro. Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., Prov. G.M. for have found in a Yery bad state in New Zealand, the funds March, particularly the latter, in which Bro. Dimant said Middlesex, presided as M.W. Grand Master. The other of the lodges being squandered in refreshment, which he should have brought the matter before the Board of Grand and Past Grand Officers present were should have gone for the relief of distress. Bro. Dimant General Purposes, but on examining the list of the mem- Bros. Gen . J. Studholme Brownrigg, P.G.M. for Surrey, stated all this by way of introduction to his appeal, but it bers of the Board he found that a very lanre majority of as Deputy G.M. j Montague Guest, P.G.M. for Dorset, had really nothing to do with the case under consideration. them were brethren who were adversely interested in his as Past G.M.; the Earl of Onslow, S.G.W. ; Major He joined the Pacific Lodge in 1S75, but he did not appear complaint against the VV.M. of the Pacific Lodge, could not General Somerset J. G. Calthorpe, P.G.W., as G.J.W.; to have passed the chair of that lodge, and was only a be read. Bro. Dimant complained that when the case of Rev. C. W. Spencer Stanhope, M.A., G.C. ; Rev. Sir J. P.M. in it. He was appointed District Grand Director of the brotheT defendant was before the Pacific Lodge upon Warren Hayes, P.G.C. as G.C; Col.J. Creaton, G. Treas.; Ceremonies, and he held this office for some time. In iS7g the report of the Committee, the majori ty of the lodge AS. J. McIntyre, O.C., M.P..G. Reir. ; Col. Shadwell a dispute arose between some brethren of the lodge, and allowed the evidence against the brother to be read, but H. Clerke, G. Sec ; R. F. Gould, S.G.D.; Col. H. S. steps were taken which appeared to have been too strong, declined to hear thelettcr in his defence, on the ground that Somerville Burney, J .G.D.; J ohn H. Scott, J .G.D.; Sir but which incited the anger of Bro. Dimant. The steps it was couched in disrespectful language. The brother who Albert W. Woods (Garter), G.D.C. ; Magnus Ohren, were for the exclusion of a brother for un-Masonic con- was in the chair of the District Grand Lodge ruled that Asst. G.D.C ; Charles Greenwood, G.S.B. ; H. G. duct, and a request to the District Grand Master to expel those letters could not be read, and Bro. Dimant was Buss, Asst. G. Sec ; C. S. Jekyli, G. Org.; James him from the Craft. Bro. Dimant did not think it accordingly put down very peremptorily, and there the Kench, G.P.; William Clarke, Asst. G.P.; James was right to have this notice of motion printed on the matter ended. Immediately the District Grand Lodge was Mason, P.G.S.B. ; I. M. Case, P.G.D.; VV. H. F. agenda paper, and he saw the Master, and got over Bro. Dimant received a summons to appear liefore Powell, P.G.D.; Charles W.C Hutton , P.G.D.; Charles from him a pledge that it should not be printed. Ulti- the Board of General Purposes, the matter for considera- A. Murton , P.G.D.; Fredk. P. Morrell, P.G.D. ; James mately, however, it was printed , and the case of the bro- tion being, according to his own account, the letters of the Lewis Thomas, P.A.G.D.C; Rev. Charles J. M artyn, ther came on; then Bro. Dimant seemed to have taken a 12th and 18th March, that had been addressed by him to the P.G.C ; Thomas Fenn , P.G.D. ; C. A. Cottebrune, curious view of the bye-laws of the lodge. One of these District Grand Secretary, and which were said to reflect P.G.P. ; R. Warner Wheeler, P.G.D.; Hyde Pullen , bye-laws provided that when a complaint was made against upon the character of the members of the District P.G.S.B.; Dr. Jabez Hogg, P.G.D.; S. Rawson, a brother two brethren should be assigned to help him in Grand Lodge. He considered that this was out of D.P.G.M. China; Raphael Costa, P.G.D.; William F. his defence, and the complaint was to be referred to a per- order, and he paid no attention to the summons.
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