Occupational Safety and Health Admin., Labor § 1952.203 (e) Management information system, Health Code, and regulations con- August 1973; cerning inspections, citations, and pro- (f) Staff increases in Department of posed penalties, chapter 21, Minnesota Labor and Industry and Department of Occupational Safety and Health Code, Health 1973–74; were approved by the Assistant Sec- (g) Voluntary compliance program retary on August 31, 1976. implemented by January 1975; (j) The downward revision of the pro- (h) Coverage and enforcement of jected increase in personnel for fiscal standards regarding agriculture, July year 1976 due to a lesser than antici- 1975. pated increase of funding by the Min- [38 FR 15077, June 8, 1973. Redesignated at 50 nesota legislature, was approved by the FR 30831, July 30, 1985] Assistant Secretary as meeting current required staffing on August 31, 1976. § 1952.202 Completion of develop- mental steps and certification. (k) The State poster approved on March 25, 1975 (40 FR 13211) which was (a) In accordance with the require- ments of § 1952.10, the Minnesota State revised in response to legislative poster was approved by the Assistant amendments described above, to pro- Secretary on March 7, 1975. vide that citations and notices of pen- (b) In accordance with § 1952.203(g), alties must be posted at or near the the Minnesota voluntary compliance place of the alleged violation for 15 program became effective on January days or until the violation is corrected, 1, 1975, and was approved by the Assist- whichever is later, and which lists ad- ant Secretary on April 24, 1975. ditional Minnesota area offices, was (c) State occupational safety and approved by the Assistant Secretary on health personnel were retrained during August 31, 1976. March-May 1973. (l) In accordance with § 1902.34 of this (d) Training sessions for public em- chapter, the Minnesota occupational ployers and employees were held dur- safety and health plan was certified, ef- ing April-June 1973. fective September 28, 1976, as having (e) The Minnesota enabling legisla- completed all developmental steps tion became effective on August 1, 1973. specified in the plan as approved on In addition, amendments to the legisla- May 29, 1973, on or before June 30, 1976. tion which concerned employee dis- crimination complaints and violations [40 FR 13212, Mar. 25, 1975, as amended at 40 became effective on July 1, 1975, and a FR 18996, May 1, 1975. Redesignated at 50 FR second amendment concerning the defi- 30831, July 30, 1985] nition of a serious violation, posting of § 1952.203 Compliance staffing bench- citations and penalties, right of em- marks. ployees to contest a citation and pen- alty, and furnishing copies of citations Under the terms of the 1978 Court and notices of penalties to employer Order in AFL-CIO v. Marshall, compli- representatives and, in the case of a fa- ance staffing levels (benchmarks) nec- tality, to the next of kin or a des- essary for a ‘‘fully effective’’ enforce- ignated representative, became effec- ment program were required to be es- tive on August 1, 1975. tablished for each State operating an (f) Regulations on variances were approved State plan. In September 1984 promulgated on February 20, 1974, and Minnesota, in conjunction with OSHA, were approved with assurances by the completed a reassessment of the levels Assistant Secretary on August 31, 1976. initially established in 1980 and pro- (g) The management information sys- posed revised compliance staffing tem became operable in August 1973. benchmarks of 31 safety and 12 health (h) Coverage and enforcement of agri- compliance officers. After opportunity cultural standards commenced on July for public comment and service on the 1, 1975. AFL-CIO, the Assistant Secretary ap- (i) The Rules of Procedure of the proved these revised staffing require- Minnesota Occupational Safety and ments on July 30, 1985. Health Review Commission, chapter 20, Minnesota Occupational Safety and [50 FR 30832, July 30, 1985] 81 VerDate Mar<15>2010 09:56 Sep 22, 2011 Jkt 223117 PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\223117.XXX 223117 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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