![Portuguese Flash Cards](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A B C D E F G H puxar 2001 to pull 2001 narrar 2002 to recount 2002 suportar 2003 to endure 2003 desejar 2004 to wish 2004 suplicar 2005 to beg 2005 cozinhar 2006 to cook 2006 dialogar 2007 to talk 2007 costurar 2008 to sew 2008 guardar 2009 to keep 2009 assegurar 2010 to assure 2010 placa 2011 plate 2011 guarda-chuva 2012 umbrella 2012 escova 2013 broom 2013 cobra 2014 snake 2014 ‡gua 2015 water 2015 cama 2016 bed 2016 boneca 2017 doll 2017 aldeia 2018 village 2018 testa 2019 forehead 2019 terra 2020 earth 2020 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H correcto 2021 right 2021 muito 2022 very 2022 mesmo 2023 same 2023 jovem 2024 young 2024 nunca 2025 never 2025 branco 2026 white 2026 negro 2027 black 2027 tambŽm 2028 also 2028 rid’culo 2029 ridiculous 2029 bonito 2030 pretty 2030 estudante 2031 student 2031 hoje 2032 today 2032 parede 2033 wall 2033 sorte 2034 luck 2034 vinagre 2035 vinegar 2035 m‡rmore 2036 marble 2036 atitude 2037 attitude 2037 pr’ncipe 2038 prince 2038 bebe 2039 baby 2039 juventude 2040 youth 2040 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H conhecer 2041 to know 2041 permanecer 2042 to remain 2042 compreender 2043 to understand 2043 dizer 2044 to say 2044 fazer 2045 to do 2045 ver 2046 to see 2046 poder 2047 to be able 2047 querer 2048 to want 2048 correr 2049 to run 2049 dever 2050 to have to 2050 filho 2051 son 2051 amigo 2052 friend 2052 dinheiro 2053 money 2053 esposo 2054 spouse 2054 anjo 2055 angel 2055 juramento 2056 oath 2056 tesouro 2057 treasure 2057 mŽdico 2058 doctor 2058 mercado 2059 market 2059 diabo 2060 devil 2060 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H tenro 2061 tender 2061 espont‰neo 2062 spontaneous 2062 ‡spero 2063 rough 2063 soberbo 2064 superb 2064 ing•nuo 2065 naive 2065 altivo 2066 haughty 2066 œltimo 2067 last 2067 certo 2068 sure 2068 atŽ 2069 until 2069 vinte 2070 twenty 2070 ch‡ 2071 tea 2071 fim 2072 end 2072 casal 2073 couple 2073 prazer 2074 pleasure 2074 calcanhar 2075 heel 2075 ator 2076 actor 2076 cais 2077 wharf 2077 m•s 2078 month 2078 fedor 2079 stench 2079 m‡rtir 2080 martyr 2080 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H encontrar 2081 to meet 2081 duvidar 2082 to doubt 2082 empurrar 2083 to push 2083 ganhar 2084 to earn 2084 cavalgar 2085 to ride 2085 bifar 2086 to steal 2086 ajardinar 2087 to garden 2087 balear 2088 to shoot 2088 curar 2089 to heal 2089 indagar 2090 to inquire 2090 floresta 2091 forest 2091 terra 2092 land 2092 besteira 2093 nonsense 2093 largura 2094 width 2094 teoria 2095 theory 2095 borda 2096 edge 2096 grama 2097 grass 2097 borboleta 2098 butterfly 2098 dœvida 2099 doubt 2099 bota 2100 boot 2100 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H gordo 2101 fat 2101 menos 2102 less 2102 vermelho 2103 red 2103 alto 2104 high 2104 roto 2105 shabby 2105 exato 2106 exact 2106 incerto 2107 uncertain 2107 furioso 2108 angry 2108 espa•oso 2109 spacious 2109 solto 2110 loose 2110 morte 2111 death 2111 nome 2112 name 2112 leite 2113 milk 2113 idade 2114 age 2114 tapete 2115 carpet 2115 chamine 2116 chimney 2116 ‡rvore 2117 tree 2117 felicidade 2118 happiness 2118 parque 2119 park 2119 frase 2120 phrase 2120 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H sair 2121 to leave 2121 ir 2122 to go 2122 vir 2123 to come 2123 sentir 2124 to feel 2124 ouvir 2125 to hear 2125 abrir 2126 to open 2126 sorir 2127 to smile 2127 seguir 2128 to follow 2128 p™r 2129 to place 2129 cair 2130 to fall 2130 espet‡culo 2131 spectacle 2131 ramo 2132 branch 2132 peregrino 2133 pilgrim 2133 vidro 2134 glass 2134 vento 2135 wind 2135 banheiro 2136 bathroom 2136 dedo 2137 finger 2137 impŽrio 2138 empire 2138 grampo 2139 staple 2139 est‡dio 2140 stadium 2140 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H temeroso 2141 fearful 2141 ocioso 2142 lazy 2142 desonesto 2143 dishonest 2143 morno 2144 warm 2144 quase 2145 almost 2145 contente 2146 happy 2146 baixo 2147 low 2147 perto 2148 near 2148 louco 2149 mad 2149 vazio 2150 empty 2150 luz 2151 light 2151 cŽu 2152 sky 2152 quadril 2153 hip 2153 leitor 2154 reader 2154 ma•‹ 2155 apple 2155 irm‹ 2156 sister 2156 m—veis 2157 furniture 2157 embaixador 2158 ambassador 2158 jantar 2159 dinner 2159 embriaguez 2160 drunkenness 2160 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H carregar 2161 to load 2161 girar 2162 to turn 2162 continuar 2163 to proceed 2163 ganhar 2164 to win 2164 ocupar 2165 to occupy 2165 adocicar 2166 to sweeten 2166 agarrar 2167 to catch 2167 inchar 2168 to swell 2168 mobiliar 2169 to furnish 2169 bigodear 2170 to deceive 2170 fam’lia 2171 family 2171 idioma 2172 language 2172 sobrinha 2173 niece 2173 correia 2174 strap 2174 esposa 2175 wife 2175 noiva 2176 bride 2176 loucura 2177 madness 2177 recusa 2178 refusal 2178 pegada 2179 footprint 2179 filha 2180 daughter 2180 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H azul 2181 blue 2181 pobre 2182 poor 2182 simp‡tico 2183 sympathetic 2183 malcriado 2184 naughty 2184 sexto 2185 sixth 2185 cœbico 2186 cubic 2186 bobo 2187 silly 2187 repentino 2188 sudden 2188 amedrontado 2189 afraid 2189 agresivo 2190 aggressive 2190 cidade 2191 city 2191 pele 2192 skin 2192 verme 2193 worm 2193 oponente 2194 opponent 2194 cœmplice 2195 accomplice 2195 tarde 2196 afternoon 2196 vontade 2197 will 2197 frente 2198 front 2198 sangue 2199 blood 2199 caridade 2200 charity 2200 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H prender 2201 to seize 2201 meter 2202 to put 2202 ter 2203 to hold 2203 acolher 2204 to receive 2204 pender 2205 to hang 2205 romper 2206 to break 2206 viver 2207 to live 2207 devolver 2208 to return 2208 perder 2209 to lose 2209 aparecer 2210 to appear 2210 modo 2211 method 2211 rochedo 2212 crag 2212 cachorro 2213 dog 2213 sab‹o 2214 soap 2214 ferro 2215 iron 2215 trabalho 2216 work 2216 porto 2217 harbor 2217 meio 2218 middle 2218 estribo 2219 stirrup 2219 ‰ngulo 2220 angle 2220 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H largo 2221 wide 2221 limpo 2222 clean 2222 aberto 2223 open 2223 mau 2224 bad 2224 melhor 2225 better 2225 esquerda 2226 left 2226 verde 2227 green 2227 cinzento 2228 grey 2228 depressa 2229 quickly 2229 reto 2230 straight 2230 nariz 2231 nose 2231 sinal 2232 sign 2232 bin—culos 2233 binoculars 2233 desordem 2234 disorder 2234 desdŽm 2235 disdain 2235 r‹ 2236 frog 2236 bagagem 2237 luggage 2237 pintor 2238 painter 2238 canal 2239 channel 2239 jardim 2240 garden 2240 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H escapar 2241 to flee 2241 batalhar 2242 to fight 2242 desculpar 2243 to excuse 2243 bastar 2244 to suffice 2244 chorar 2245 to weep 2245 agradar 2246 to please 2246 ratear 2247 to divide 2247 aprovar 2248 to approve 2248 deixar 2249 to let 2249 ajuizar 2250 to judge 2250 janela 2251 window 2251 boca 2252 mouth 2252 barriga 2253 belly 2253 gruta 2254 cave 2254 ideia 2255 idea 2255 chata 2256 keel 2256 coberta 2257 deck 2257 queda 2258 fall 2258 cadeia 2259 chain 2259 pousada 2260 inn 2260 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc. A B C D E F G H paciente 2261 patient 2261 at™mico 2262 atomic 2262 fino 2263 fine 2263 desrespeituoso 2264 disrespectful 2264 pronto 2265 prompt 2265 ativo 2266 active 2266 carinhoso 2267 affectionate 2267 desnudo 2268 naked 2268 vergonhoso 2269 shameful 2269 bastante 2270 enough 2270 cliente 2271 customer 2271 derrame 2272 stroke 2272 verdade 2273 truth 2273 face 2274 cheek 2274 anunciante 2275 advertiser 2275 mestre 2276 master 2276 sorte 2277 chance 2277 prole 2278 offspring 2278 creme 2279 cream 2279 lebre 2280 hare 2280 Liberation Philology [email protected] http://members.aol.com/libphil/ Software for Portuguese, Catalan, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Greek, Sanskrit etc.
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