RECENT LIST OF ADDITIONS MARCH 2014 COMPILED BY Sh. Kumar Sanjay, CLDO Smt. S. Wadhawan, ALIO Smt. Indira, SLIA PLANNING COMMISSION LIBRARY YOJANA BHAWAN NEW DELHI ANIMALS 1 Shukla, Parashuram Marjar kosh / Parashuram Shukla.-- New Delhi:Radhakrishan Prakashan, 2013. 272p. ISBN: 9788183616027. 599.75 S562M 151731 ** CARNIVOROUS ANIMALS; ANINIMALS BANKING 2 Dadabhoy, Bakhtiar K Barons of banking: glimpses of Indian banking history /Bakhtiar K Dadabhoy.-- Noida: Random House, 2013. xxxix, 478p. ISBN: 9788184003499. 332.10954 D121B 151880 ** BANKS AND BANKING 3 Raju, B Yerram Agricultural banking: getting the perspective right / B Yerram Raju.-- New Delhi: Konark Publishers, 2013. xxxiii, 202p. ISBN : 9789322008321. 332.10954 R162A 151872 ** BANKS AND BANKING-INDIA 4 Fargson, Nayal Mudra ki maya: vishav ka vitiya itihas / Nayal Fargson; translated by Naved Akbar.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2013. 336p. ISBN: 9780143066095. 332.4 F224M 151568 ** MONEY BIOGRAPHY 5 Bihari, Rasik Sikandar mahan / Rasik Bihari. -- Delhi: Vidya Vihar, 2013 143p. ISBN: 9789382901440. 923.1495 B594s 151743 ** BIOGRAPHY-SIKANDAR; BIOGRAPHY-KINGS 6 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand Mahaan aatma Gandhi / Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. -- Noida: Om Books International, 2012.80p. ISBN: 9789380069661. 923.254 G195M 151712 ** BIOGRAPHY-MOHANDAS KARAMCHAND GANDHI 7 Lohia, Rammanohar Tibbat, Himalaya, Bharat, China aur Dr. Rammanohar Lohia/ edited by Anand Kumar and Manoj Kumar. -- New Delhi: Anamika Publishers, 2013. 340p. ISBN: 9788179754788. 923.254 L833T 151609 ** BIOGRAPHY-RAMMANOHAR LOHIA 8 Rajasvi, M I Shaheede vatan Ashfaq Ullah Khan / M I Rajasvi.-- New Delhi: Granth Akademi, 2013. 150p. ISBN: 9789381063606. 923.254 R161S 151744 ** BIOGRAPHY-FREEDOM FIGHTERS 9 Singh, Bhagat Sheed-e-aajam Bhagat Singh / Bhagat Singh. -- New Delhi: Om Books International, 2012. 80p. ISBN: 9789381607268. 923.254 B575S 151713 ** BIOGRAPHY-BHAGAT SINGH 10 Srivastava, R K Lala Lajpat Rai / R K Srivastava and Lala Lajpat Rai.--New Delhi: Rawat Prakashan, 2013. 144p. ISBN: 9789382206972. 923.254 R149L 151576 ** BIOGRAPHY-LALA LAJPATRAI 11 Ahsan, Syed Badrul Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: from rebel to founding father /Syed Badrul Ahsan.-- New Delhi: Niyogi Books, 2014. xvii, 289p. ISBN: 9789383098101. 923.25492 A285S 151874 ** BIOGRAPHY-SHEIKH MUJIBUR RAHMAN 12 Gulia, Navin Veer usko janiye / Navin Gulia.-- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2013. 135p. ISBN: 9789350482926. 923.554 G972V 151760 ** BIOGRAPHY-NAVIN GULIA 13 Malviya, Madan Mohan Aadhunik Bharat ke nirmata mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya / Madan Mohan Malviya; edited by Brijbala Singh.-New Delhi: University Publications, 2013. 264p. ISBN: 9788175555006. 923.654 M239A 151647 ** BIOGRAPHY-MADAN MOHAN MALVIYA 14 Batra, Pramod Buisness ke sitare: soonya se shikhar tak pahunchane ki100 business gathayen /Pramod Batra.-- Delhi: Gyan Ganga, 2013. 216p. ISBN: 9789350485026. 923.8 B334B 151742 ** BIOGRAPHY-BUSINESSMAN 15 Mishra, Shiv Balak Hausale ki udaan: ek sadharan insaan ki asadharan kahani/ Shiv Balak Mishra and Nilesh Mishra.-- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2013. 192p. ISBN: 9789350482742. 925.51 M678H 151755 ** BIOGRAPHY-GEOLOGIST 16 Nehwal, Saina Mera racket meri dunia: maidan ke andar aur bahar / Saina Nehwal. -- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2013. 126p. ISBN: 9789350484036. 927.96345 N395M 151762 ** BIOGRAPHY-SAINA NEHWAL 17 Faiz, Faiz Ahmed Kranti aur romance ka shayar: Faiz Ahmed Faiz / Faiz Ahmed Faiz; edited by Bharat Singh and Aalok Singh. -- Delhi: Rahul Publishers, 2012. 196p. ISBN: 9788191031003. 928.54 F175K 151798 ** BIOGRAPHY-FAIZ AHMED FAIZ 18 Kumar, Dinkar Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore / Dinkar Kumar. -- New Delhi:Vidya Vihar, 2013. 143p. ISBN: 9789380186917. 928.9144 K96G 151748 ** BIOGRAPHY-AUTHORS 19 Nasrin, Taslima Nahin, kahin kuchh bhi nahin / Taslima Nasrin; translated by Sushi Gupta.-- New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2012. 311p. ISBN: 9789350008454. 928.9144 N264N 151824 ** BIOGRAPHY-TASLIMA NASRIN 20 Nasrin, Taslima Uttal hawa / Taslima Nasrin; translated by Sushil Gupta.-New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2012. 494p. ISBN: 8181430131. 928.9144 N264U 151843 ** AUTOBIOGRAPHY-TASLIMA NASRIN COMPUTER SCIENCE 21 Sharma, Sanjay Digital signal processing with matlab programs / Sanjay Sharma; edited by Deeksha Sanjay.--5th ed.-New Delhi:S.K.Kataria, 2012.734p. ISBN: 8188458422. 004.6 S531D 151922 ** COMPUTER NETWORK 22 Jacobson, Ivar Object-oriented software engineering: a use driven approach / Ivar, Jacobson and others. -- Noida: Pearson, 2006. 552p. ISBN: 9788131704080. 005.133 J17O 151914 ** COMPUTER SOFTWARE 23 Kurose, James F Computer networking: a top down approach / James F Kurose Keith W Ross.--5th ed. -- Noida: Pearson, 2010. 888p. ISBN: 9788113179054. 005.754 K94C 151937 ** COMPUTER NETWORKS 24 Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Computer networks / Andrew S. Tanenbaum.--5th ed.-- Noida :Pearson, 2011. 804p. ISBN: 9789332518742. 005.754 T164C 151912 ** COMPUTER NETWORKS ECONOMICS 25 Rajan, Raghuram G Saving capitalism from the capitalists with a new afterword: unleashing the power of financial markets to create wealth and spread opportunity / Raghuram G Rajan and Luigi Zingales.-- Noida: Collins Business, 2014. xi, 378p. ISBN: 9789351361756. 330.122 R162S 151886 ** CAPITALISM 26 Chandler, Clay, ed. Reimaging India: unlocking the potential of asia’s next superpower / edited by Clay Chandler and Adil Zainulbhai. -- New York: McKinsey, 2013. xxv, 400p. ISBN: 9781476763330. 330.954 C454R 151887 ** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-INDIA 27 World Bank World development report 2014: risk and opportunity:managing risk for development / World Bank.-- Washington: World Bank, 2013. xvi,343p. ISBN: 9780821399033. 338.910611 W927W 151876 ** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 28 India Infrastructure Research Infrastructure financing in current environment 2013-14: traditional sources and emerging alternatives / India Infrastructure Research.-- New Delhi: India Infrastructure Research, 2014. 220p. 338.954 I39I 151931 ** ECONOMIC POLICY-INDIA; FISCAL POLICY-INDIA 29 Kapila, Raj, ed. Economic developments in India / edited by Raj Kapila and Uma Kapila.-- New Delhi: Academic Foundation,2013 V.185-192(186p.; 192p.; 192p.; 204p.; 195p.; 199p.; 192p.; 203 p.) (Academic Foundation's continuing series). ISBN: 9789332700925. 338.954 K17E 151915-151918; 151895-151898 ** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-INDIA; ECONOMICS-INDIA; INDIAN ECONOMY; EDUCATION 30 Rajput, Jagmohan Singh Shiksha, badlav evam vyavastha / Jagmohan Sing Rajput.--Delhi: Yash Publications, 2011. 223p. ISBN: 9789381130155. 370 R161S 151802 ** EDUCATION 31 Nambissan, Geetha B, ed. Sociology of education in India: changing contours and emerging concerns / edited by Geetha B Nambissan and Srinivasa Rao.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013. x, 277p. ISBN: 0198082866. 370.954 N174S 151904 ** EDUCATION-INDIA 32 Roza, Marguerite Educational economics: where do school funds go? /Marguerite Roza.-- Washington: The Urban Institute Press, 2010. viii, 116p. ISBN : 9780877667643. 371.2060973 R893E 151924 ** EDUCATION-UNITED STATES 33 Tilak, Jandhyala B G, ed. Higher education in India: in search of equality, quality and quantity / edited by Jandhyala B G Tilak.-- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2013. xvi, 538p. (Readings on the economy, polity and society). Essays from Economic and Political Weekly. ISBN: 9788125051312. 378.54 T569H 151905 ** HIGHER EDUCATION-INDIA 34 Brewer, Dominic J In pursuit of prestige: strategy and competition in U.S. higher education / Dominic J. Brewer; Susan M. Gates; Charles A. Goldman.-- New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2009. xiii, 175p. ISBN: 9780765808295. 378.73 B82B 151933 ** HIGHER EDUCATION-UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENT 35 OECD Environment at a glance 2013: OECD indicators / OECD.--Paris: OECD, 2013. 108p. ISBN: 9789264181403. 333.7 O68E C16670 ** ENVIRONMENT 36 Llams, ramon, ed. Intensive use of groundwater: challenges and opportunities / edited by Ramon Llams and Emilio Custodio.-- Tokyo: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 2003. xii, 478p. ISBN: 9789058093905. 333.9104 L791I 151932 ** GROUNDWATER GEOGRAPHY 37 Bachhotiya, Heera La Darshaniy Bharat: atulya Bharat / Heera Lal Bachhotiya.--Delhi: Arya Prakashan, 2013. 155p. ISBN : 9788189982942. 915.4 B118D 151640 ** INDIA-GEOGRAPHY; INDIA-DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL HINDI LANGUAGE 38 Bhatia, Kailash Chandra Bharatiya bhashayen aur Hindi anuvad samsya samadhan /Kailash Chandra Bhatia.--3rd ed. -- New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2004. 167p. 418.02 B575B 151845 ** HINDI TRANSLATION 39 Upadhyaya, Ayodhyasingh Theth Hindi ka thaat / Ayodhyasingh Upadhyaya.-- New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2011. 54p. ISBN: 9789350005408. 491.43 U65T 151825 ** HINDI LANGUAGE 40 Vajpai, Shastri Achchhi Hindi / Shastri Vajpai.-- New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2007. 106p. ISBN: 8181435974. 491.43 V133A 151826 ** HINDI LANGUAGE 41 Sajjad, Muhammad Jadid Urdu Hindi Angrezi shabdkosh / Muhammad Sajjad Usmani; Meena Usmani; Madhu Shree Pandeya.-- New Delhi: Swaraj Prakashan, 2013. 795p. ISBN: 9789381582473. 491.4303 U86U 151816 ** HINDI LANGUAGE -DICTIONARIES; URDU LANGUAGE -DICTIONARIES; ENCYCLOPAEDIAS AND DICTIONARIES 42 Devangan, Gajanand Prasad Kahavaton ka sansaar / Gajanand Prasad Devangan.-- Delhi:Yash Publications, 2013. 123p. ISBN: 9789381945582. 398.9 D488K 151860 ** PROVERBS HINDI LITERATURE 43 Kamleshwar Dharohar: vishav sahitya se anudit evam mulyankan /Kamleshwar; edited by Pradeep Mandav.-- Delhi: Yash Publications, 2012. 142p. ISBN: 8189537377. 891.43 K15D 151856 ** HINDI LITERATURE 44 Prakash, Swyam Aur phir byan apna / Swyam Prakash.-- Delhi: Yash Publications, 2009. 200p. ISBN: 8189537431.
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