31 December 2015 No 32/33 ISSN 1664-7963 Current Concerns PO Box CH-8044 Zurich Current Concerns Switzerland The international journal for independent thought, ethical standards, moral responsibility, Phone: +41 44 350 65 50 Fax: +41 44 350 65 51 and for the promotion and respect of public international law, human rights and humanitarian law E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.currentconcerns.ch English Edition of Zeit-Fragen A view on Editorial the commemorative year 2015 For our country a year of commemo- by Dr phil. René Roca, Institute of Research on Direct Democracy rials comes to an end, in which the historical experiences of the events of For Switzerland, 2015 1315, 1415, 1515 and 1815 have been was a markedly dense far too little reflected regarding their Year of Commemora- significance for the political present. tion. The Swiss popu- Instead, various contemporary his- lation was called upon torians questioned the events, dimin- to remember important ished their relevance or completely historical dates – events negated them. This (de-)constructiv- nota bene – which were ism of today‘s historiography, as René central for the forma- Roca characterises it aptly in his view tion of state and sover- of the commemorative year, leaves be- eignty of our country. hind especially the following: a mental Historical events of the vacuum in the dispute over the ques- home country, whether tion of imperial, from top to bottom they were crowned with organised versus self-determined lib- successes or defeats, eral – sovereign – forms of human co- should always be an existence. Precisely here lies the value occasion for reflection of closer examining our country’s his- and contemplation. We “Tagsatzung” in Baden in the year Jahr 1531. tory as René Roca clearly points out: look at past events with (picture wikipedia) a history in which despite all difficul- a view from our present, ties not the dictate from above, not a we weigh them and draw our conclusions ones. Lately de-constructivism is likely monarchist rule has been the central from them. Oskar Vasella, Swiss histori- concealed with a new label, continually agent of development, but which orig- an with a Catholic background, an almost stressing the “transnational aspect”. How- inated in the cooperative principle of forgotten historian, wrote about “histori- ever, there is no new method or theory be- self-organisation and collectively se- cal understanding”: “The picture of his- hind this, but well-known facts are sim- curing the existence, and in which the tory arises only in the question about ply prepared anew. The positive context to will to preserve self-determination al- certain contexts and their essence is de- the nation must be wiped out, our country ways remained decisive. And this was termined by the value we award them”1 must be considered “beyond” the national, only possible when equipped with speak “transnational” just like the Europe- the will for common defense against In this sense, our view of history is com- an Union constantly aspires and preaches. claims of third parties the self-deter- pleted, enriched, and our human exist- National borders must finally eradicated; mination of the confederates was re- ence is also emotionally linked to our an- the nation state abolished. A “post nation- spected – an idea that today is just as cestors. This process of understanding, a al”, or even a “post democratic” thinking crucial as it used to be in all the con- weighing and by all means also critical should lead to a “Europe of regions”. flicts of the Confederates through the appropriation of our national history is One of these historians, the recently re- centuries as the contribution of Pro- central to our identity as Swiss citizens. tired Jakob Tanner, is an example for taking fessor Hans Köchler on the dialogue of Thus we create the necessary identity as this path: Shortly before he left the Univer- civilisations shows. Respect for beliefs citizens and can self-confidently handle sity of Zurich he managed to abolish Swiss and ways of life of other civilisations the problems presented to us in our world history as an area of studies, which in 2005 and cultures is on a larger scale to the today in a philanthropic sense. was already downgraded to a minor sub- same extend a requirement of peace- Nowadays, most historians teaching ject. It is interesting how the leftist Tanner ful coexistence on our planet as mutu- and doing research at Swiss Universi- commented on the abolition: “The Bologna al respect for the eight Cantons of the ties have quite a different opinion. When reform and the competition between Uni- Confederacy. it comes to Swiss history, the approach versities are forcing us […] to simplify the Seen in this way, the historical of de-constructivism spooks about. The study programmes and to establishing pro- (de-)constructivism intellectually guild of historians make their appear- fessional profiles.”2 Smart reasoning which supports a form of imperialist think- ance and want to destroy “the prevail- lastly boils down to a neo-liberal EU re- ing that has been dominating the atti- ing views of history” and construct new form, used by Tanner straight away to dis- tude of Western policy in many areas pose of research and teaching of Swiss his- of our world. Even if the arrogance The editors and the cooperative tory. But it is not only meant to be about is rhetorically covered up and tries Zeit-Fragen/Current Concerns wish all destruction, but also to set up a “counter to hide when speaking of democracy readers a Happy New Year. continued on page 2 continued on page 2 No 32/33 31 December 2015 Current Concerns Page 2 ”A view on the commemorative …” selves, and their own, and better preserve ”Editorial” continued from page 1 them in proper condition, have promised continued from page 1 in good faith to assist each other with aid, image”. Almost at the same time Tanner with every counsel and every favour, with and human rights. An example of such announced his latest big act, a “history of person and goods, within the valley and policies is the history of the Congo Switzerland in the 20th century”. Therefore without, with might and main, against one which in turn is an example of the his- future students should not be able to study and all, who may inflict upon any one of tory and situation of a whole continent Swiss history any longer and most certainly them any violence, molestation or injury, that is nowadays more brutally bled they should not do any research on the his- or may plot any evil against their persons to death and exploited than ever serv- tory of Switzerland, because Tanner’s his- or goods.”3 ing the interests of Western powers. torical work is available now and that is, On these foundations the “Morgarten- The fact that African rulers – mostly according to the emeritus, not a mere “na- brief” reaffirmed in 1315 the principle of educated in the West and always sup- tional ‘container history’ seen from a do- cooperative in contrast to the principle of ported by the West – can be employed mestic perspective”. rule: “We have also vowed, decreed and as henchmen does not discharge the Beyond postmodern approaches the ordained in common council and by unan- Western powers in any way from their commemorative year 2015 shall serve imous consent, that we will accept or re- responsibilities, on the contrary. below to better understand today’s high- ceive no judge in the aforesaid valleys It would be about time to reflect on ly praised “model Switzerland”, by at- who shall have obtained his office for any the simple but fundamental message tempting to link the historical events and price …”4 They did not renounce all obli- of our history: people do not want to to show its contexts. The four historical gations of obedience but important was the be dominated and ruled by arrogant events of 1315, 1415, 1515 and 1815 are fact that all the three valleys, namely Uri, elites – this contradicts human nature, important “elements” for today’s Switzer- Schwyz und Unterwalden were already as freedom is the foundation of human land and have deeply shaped the view of in possession of letters of freedom by dignity. The realisation of the „demo- history of the confederates. the German king for some time and they cratic world revolution“ (Martin Kri- wanted to still maintain this imperial im- ele) may be still far away for many. 1315: Battle of Morgarten – mediacy after the battle. The later Confed- However, Kriele’s idea of the aware- “We will accept or receive no judge in eracy was not actually “founded” in 1315 ness of the fundamental equality for the aforesaid valleys” but a further sovereign and autonomous all the people is gradually breaking At this point the actual battle itself is not act from the grass roots was established ground. It cannot reasonably be disput- the focus of attention once more, it is rather and the alliance was strengthened on the ed. This is also proven by the human a report on its implications. On 9 Decem- basis of Christianity. To Roger Sablonier rights rhetoric that covers up their ber 1315, only some three and a half weeks the “Morgartenbrief” is “not really suspect accompanying propaganda for any after the Battle of Morgarten, the three of fabrication” and “clearly originated in claims of power or even the most bru- valleys Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden re- a close context to the prevailing political tal wars. Power politics and war are newed their alliance of 1291 in Brunnen.
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