Sen i t>rs in the ’90s The Denver Catholic Reglister VOL. LXVI NO. 38 SEPTEMBER 19, 1990 Colorado’s Largest Weekly 32 PAGES 25 C E N TS The marketing of Headhunters, Catholic education prison, now By Meg Sandoval ing of parochial education on an archdiocesan level has Register Staff taken place in other cities like Detroit, Chicago, Milwau­ “ Enrollment is up — the ripple is beginning,” accord­ kee, St. Louis and in the Twin Cities, the marketing it’s Denver ing to Dr. Cathy A. Grieve, University of Denver pro­ meeting was told. fessor and special consultant to the Office of Catholic Catholic educators in several of those cities turned to By Charlene Scott E d u c a tio n . long- range strategic marketing plans because their en­ Register Staff rollment figures were dwindling, those at the meeting Grieve said she hopes that ripple will continue to build It was not enough for Maryknoll Father Robert and become a wave within the next four years — a wave w ere to ld . Bayne of Denver to work with headhunters in the of ixjsitive marketing and public relations to promote the Enrollment up jungles of Borneo, he also loaned his life away to benefits of Catholic education in Denver. That, however, is not the case in the Archdiocese of live with prisoners for five years in a maximum A professor in the DU M ass Communications Depart­ Denver, where enrollment in the 42 Catholic schools saw security unit in Mindanao. ment and a mother of two children who attend school an increase for the third year in a row. For the 1990-1991 Father Bayne not only has lived under house ar­ at St. Anne’s, Grieve has agreed to contribute her time school year, the enrollment increased a record 5 1/2 per­ rest for several years and suffered from malaria, and expertise to this project. cent over last year. hepatitis A and B, kidney and gall stones and pre­ More than 125 school pastors, principals and teach­ The reason for the push to advertise the benefits of carious jungle surgery, he has endured very real and ers attended the first of several marketing meetings Sept. a Catholic education here, said Dominican Sister Patricia deep danger. 8 at the University of Denver, where Grieve and others- Beckman, is that active promotion of archdiocesan “ Life in the missions is not romantic,” he insist­ spoke about promoting Catholic education. schools will strengthen the parishes as faith communi­ ed, although his own life reads like a popular paper­ The meetings are an integral part of a five-year plan ties and “ challenge us to make the message really mean­ back. designed to prepare the archdiocesan Catholic schools in g fu l.” Father Bayne is newly assigned to Maryknoll’s for economic survival and growth in the 1990’s. “The more we tell our story, the more responsible we southwest U.S. office in Denver after serving in the This type of long-range planning and active market­ Continued on page 3 missions for the past 27 years. It’s a difficult transition, he admitted. “ I’m good at what I do,” he said without boast­ ing of his former work as a missionary. “The smallest ever parish 1 had in the Philippines Protect Life Benefit Fund was 25,000 people.” The Philippines and Indonesia were home to Fa­ ther Bayne in the years following his ordination in 1963. He was sent “right to the Philippines” im­ helping the Kirby family mediately after he was ordained. Locked away By Charlene Scott that she has rejected their appeal to have the length of “ I served for 15 years in Mindanao,” he recalled. Register Staff their sentences reduced. “ For three years, I worked with prisoners, but they A “ Protect Life Benefit Fund” has been established “Our attorney feels our sentences conflict with the identified me with the prison employes. So I had on behalf of the Kirbys, a Catholic couple sentenced to state law on the length of sentences allowed,” said Kir­ myself locked into maximum security and stayed long jail sentences in Denver because of their protests by, who is serving a year and a half in the Denver Coun­ there with the prisoners for five years.” at abortion clinics for Operation Rescue. ty Jail. Father Bayne survived two serious prison riots The new fund has been oprened by the St. Bernadette’s His wife is serving a one year sentence at the Denver that “took the lives of dozens of prisoners.” Parish Right to Life Committee at the Diakonia Credit City Ja il. “ I was the only chaplain for 5,000 Catholic men Union, 1275 S. Federal, Denver 80219. “We now will appeal to the district court, and if that in the prison,” he explained. “ I found it unbeliev­ “ We will keep the account open indefinitely,” said a is rejected, to the state supreme court,” the couple dis­ ably obnoxious; atrocious food, the smell of urine spokesman for the account who asked to remain un­ closed. of thousands of men. named. “ People will be able to make regular monthly “When she called us before her to tell us about the “ I was in danger, but I didn’t know it. I was in appeal rejection, she reiterated her previous offer that donations if they so choose.” my 30s then. There were prisoners in there who had Monies in the account also could benefit other persons if we would promise not to go back to the clinic, she murdered priests. But I believed that verse ‘I was who might be jailed for pro-life activities later, it was would set us free. in prison and you visited me’ meant more than in d ic ated . A hard decision coming by once a week. Vem and Susan Kirby of Littleton, parents of three “She took a recess - and we thought long and hard “ It’s so easy to visit a prison if you know you’re children, are serving a total of two and a half years in about it,” Kirby said. “ It was not easy; it was a very going to leave in 15 m in u te s.” two separate jails for the misdemeanors of protesting at hard decision, but we decided that would go against ev­ Looking back on the experience. Father Bayne an abortion clinic at 20th and Vine. erything we set out to do originally.” admitted: “ It was not the smartest thing I ever did, The Kirbys announced they are “ really touched by the but it probably was the best.” Appeal rejected outpouring of love for us.” Continued on page 5 The Kirbys have been notified by Denver Judge Jac­ “We are grateful to the people of St. Bernadette’s for queline St. Joan, who sentenced them in the first place. Continued on page 3 Hope for Africa After “tli« long planting of litlaalonairy labor, wo are wlt- i tho boginnings of a rich In promisa,” the bald. P A G E 1 0 The Foundation of Catholic education directed toward what is good and best for us. Most The new educational year has begun and there is notably, only by reference to the existence and good­ i good news in our parochial schools. We have had an ARCHBISHOP’S - ness of God can the ultimate end of the human be­ increase of about 600 students in the total number ing be specified. enrolled in elementary and secondary schools in the COLUMN Catholic education begins explicitly not with the archdiocese. This represents the third consecutive an­ moral subjectivism of our time but with the question nual increase. Good news indeed! of the ultimate purpose of the human being. Thus, As we open the new year we need to ask again about the question and its response in the old Baltimore the fundamental principle undergirding Catholic ed­ You will. Give me Your love and Your grace; it is Catechism is at the heart of our educational vision; ucation. How ought the young to be educated? What all I need.” Why did God make us? are the first norms which govern our formation of Your love and Your grace — these are enough for With St. Thomas Aquinas and Cardinal John I young people? me! Herein is revealed the heart of Jesuit education Newman we hold that only those people, including I gave a recent response. and, 1 believe, of all Catholic education. The core children and adolescents, with sufficient moral ex­ At the dedication of the of our school efforts is purity of heart. And purity perience and training are able to learn about the the­ new Regis Jesuit High of heart is to will one thing. In the Lord’s Prayer we ological virtues of faith, hope and charity and the School 1 requested the fac­ pray that the Father’s “will be done on earth as it cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, temperance and ulty to make the Spiritual is in heaven.” This means that our will desires what fortitude. Training in this natural aptitude for vir­ Exercises of St. Ignatius God’s will desires and that we love one another with tue begins in the Catholic home. each year. Without ques­ the love with which God loves us. In asking whether the happiness of the human be­ tion the Exercises are at the ing consists in the vision of the divine essence, St. A contemporary philosopher, John Rawls, heart of Jesuit education. Thomas replies with a firm and clear “yes.” He then vigorously rejects our position: “ This still strikes us And the center of the Exer- proceeds to develop his response with a biblical I cises are reached during the as irrational, or more likely as m ad.” To the extent quote: “We know that when God appears we shall his view represents the modern educational establish­ fourth week in the “Con- be like him, for we shall see him as he is (1 Jn.
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