THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDW AN DEPARTMENT OF CONTROlLER OF EXAMINATIONS NOTIFICATION] Schedule of M.A.!M.Sc. Semester III Examination -2019 UnderCBCS It is notified for information of all concerned that as per decision taken by the Executive Council at its meeting held on 17.12.2019 (Vide Item No. 332) M.A.IM.Sc. Semester-III Examination, 2019 in different subjects will be held as per Programme given below: Venue: Respective University Departments of Golapbag Campus, B.U. - For the students of University Departments, Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan (Candidates of Chemistry), Hooghly Mohsin College (Candidates of Botany and Zoology), Suri Vidyasagar College (Candidates of Zoology) and Chandernagore Govt. College (Candidates of Geography) *Venue for Physiology and Geology: Hooghly Mohsin College(Theory & Practical Both) Time : 12 Noon To 2 P.M. Subject Course (Theoretical) Date of Examinations MPHYS 0301& 0302 07.01.2020 Physics MPHYS 0303& 0304 09.01.2020 MPHYS0306 14.01.2020 MPHYS0307 16.01.2020 MCHEM301 07.01.2020 Chemistry MCHEM302 09.01.2020 MCHEM303 14.01.2020 MCHEM 304/305/306/307 16.01.2020 MSTAT 301 & 302 07.01.2020 Statistics MSTAT 303 09.01.2020 MSTAT 304 & 305 14.01.2020 MST AT 306/307 16.01.2020 BGT 301 07.01.2020 Botany BGT 302 09.01.2020 BGT 303 14.01.2020 BGT 304 (Time: 12 Noon to 1 P.M.) 16.01.2020 MZGT301 07.01.2020 Zoology MZGT302 09.01.2020 MZGT 303 (Time: 12 Noon to 1 P.M.) 14.01.2020 MZJT304 16.01.2020 MBIOT 301 & 302 07.01.2020 Biotechnology MBIOT 303 (Time: 12 Noon to 1 P.M.) 09.01.2020 MBIOT305 14.01.2020 MBIOT306 16.01.2020 MMCB301 07.01.2020 Microbiology MMCB302 09.01.2020 MMCB303 14.01.2020 MGGCT301 07.01.2020 Geography MGGCT302 09.01.2020 MGGCT303 14.01.2020 MGGMJT304 16.01.2020 Environmental MENVS0301 07.01.2020 Science MENVS0302 09.01.2020 MENVS0303 14.01.2020 PHYSI0301 07.01.2020 Physiology PHYSIO 302 09.01.2020 PHYSIO 303 & 305 14.01.2020 PHYSI0304 16.01.2020 P.T.O: D:\Confidential\Backup - November,\LocalDisk\NewBackup- January, 2014\E\BackUp-l\M.ScJrd Sem.Prog.09-2010.doc Pae:e-2 Course Subject Date of Examinations (Theoretical ) PGGEOL0301 07.01.2020 Geology PGGEOL0302 09.01.2020 PGGEOL0303 14.01.2020 PGGEOL 0304 (Major) 16.01.2020 MMATP 301IMMATA 301 & 302 07.01.2020 MMA TP 302 & 303IMMAT A 303 09.01.2020 Mathematics MMATG304 14.01.2020 (Old Syllabus) MMATP 305IMMATA 305 (Time: 12Noon to 1 P.M.) 16.01.2020 MMATPME 3061318 or MMATAME 30613071308 20.01.2020 MMATAME 3111MMATPME 312/315 22.01.2020 MMATP 301lMMAT A 301 & 302 07.01.2020 MMA TP 302 & 303/MMAT A 303 09.01.2020 MMATG304 14.01.2020 Mathematics MMATP 305IMMATA305 (Time: 12Noon to 1 P.M.) 16.01.2020 (NewSyllabus) MMATPME 306-11306-41306-51306-61MMATAME 306- 20.01.2020 11306-21306-3 MMATAME 307-11307-21307-6IMMATPME 307-31307- 22.01.2020 51307-6 GST 301 07.01.2020 Geospatial Science GST 302 09.01.2020 GST 303 14.01.2020 GSMT 304 (Major) 16.01.2020 MeSA MCSA301 07.01.2020 MCSA302 09.01.2020 Practical Examinations of all Subjects are to be completed within 04.02.2020 • The examination o(Minor Elective Courseso(all subjects will be held on 24.01.2020 No.: CE -ConIPG Sem.-III-20J9/1035 lath December, 2019 For Information and necessary action to: 1. Personal Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor 2. Personal Secretary to Pro- Vice-Chancellor 3. Office of the Registrar 4. Dean of the Faculty of Arts, B.U. 5. Dean of the Faculty ofSc. B.U. 6. Finance Officer, B.U. 7. Heads of all Post-graduate Teaching Dept. B.U. 8. Principal, Hooghly Mohsin College. } 9. Principal, Chandernagore College With the request to give wide publicity to it for information 10. Principal, Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Burdwan of all concerned and for taking necessary action accordingly. 11. Principal, Suri Vidyasagar College. 12. Secretary, F.C. (Arts),B.U.I Secretary, F.C. (Sc.),B.U. l3. University Engineer, B.U. with the request to make necessary arrangement so that the examinees may avail the benefit of sufficient light. fan and water during the examination period. 14. E.O., B.U. - with the request to provide car(s) on each examination date at 11 A.M. positively. 15. All Officers of the C.E.'s Deptt., B.U. 16. All sections of the C.E.'s Department, B.U. 17. All P.G. Hostels, B.U. 18. Cash Section, Finance Department, B.U. 19. Superintendent, Permission Section, B.U. 20. Dr. Biplab Sarkar, System Manager - for placing the Programme before University Website 21. InhouseComputerUnit ofC.E.'s Deptt., B.U. 22. OutsourcingComputerCompanyfor PG Results. ~~~ Controller ~;X~~;iODS D:IConOdentiallBackup- November,ILocalDi'klNew Baekup- January, 20141EIBackUp·11M.Sc3rd Scm.Proe.09.2010.doc THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDW AN DEPARTMENT OF CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS (NOTIFICATIONj Schedule ofM.A.lM.Sc.IM.Com.IM.P.Ed.lM.Lib.I.Sc.(lntg.) Semester III Examination -2019 VnderCBCS It is notified for information of all concerned that as per decision taken by the Executive Council at its meeting held on 17.12.2019 (Vide Item No. 332) M.A.IM.Sc.lM.Com.IM.P.Ed.lM.Lib.I.Sc(Intg.) Semester-III Examination, 2019 in different subjects will be held as per Programme given below: Venue: Respective University Departments of Golapbag Campus, B.U. - for the students of University Deptt., Burdwan Raj College (Candidates of Bengali), M.U.C. Women's College, Burdwan (Candidates of English), Hooghly Mohsin College (Candidates of Commerce & Political Science), Rampurhat College (Candidates of Sanskrit), Shyamsundar College (Candidates of History) and Gitanjali College of Physical Education, Birbhum (Candidates of M.P.Ed.). *Additional Venue for English: M.U.C. Women's College, Burdwan (for the students of Hooghly Mohsin College, Rampurhat College, Kalna College & St. Xavier's College) * Additional Venue for Bengali : Burdwan Raj College (for the students of Chandernagore Govt. College, Netaji Mahavidyalaya, Arambag, Rampurhat College, Kalna College, Guskara Mahavidyalaya, Bolpur College & Kandra R.K. Kundu Mahavidyalaya) Venue for French: Chandernagore Govt. College Venue for Urdu : Hooghly Mohsin College Venue for Rabindra Sangit, Hindusthani Classical Vocal Music: Padmaja Naidu College of Music, Kazirhat, Burdwan Time : 12 Noon To 2 P.M. [Time for M.P.Ed. & M.Lib.I.Sc. (Intg.) : 12 Noon to 3 P.M.] Subject ~ourse Date of Examinations COM 3011302 07.01.2020 COM303A 09.01.2020 M.Com COM304A 14.01.2020 COM 305FIBlffP 16.01.2020 COM 306F/BlfIP 20.01.2020 ECN301 07.01.2020 Economics ECN 302/303 09.01.2020 ECN 304AIB/C 14.01.2020 ECN 305AIB/C 16.01.2020 HIN 301 07.01.2020 Hindi HIN 302 09.01.2020 HIN 303 14.01.2020 HIN 304AIB 16.01.2020 BENG301 07.01.2020 Bengali BENG302 09.01.2020 BENG303 14.01.2020 French FR-CC-301 07.01.2020 FR-CC-302 09.01.2020 FR-CC-303 14.01.2020 MAURDU301 07.01.2020 Urdu MAURDU302 09.01.2020 MA URD U 303/304/305/3061307 14.01.2020 MAHIST301 07.01.2020 History MAHIST302 09.01.2020 MAHIST 303AIB/CID 14.01.2020 MAPHIL301 07.01.2020 Philosophy MAPHIL302 09.01.2020 MAPHIL 303NNIEIL/S 14.01.2020 MAPHIL 304NNIEIL/S 16.01.2020 MASANS301 07.01.2020 Sanskrit MASANS302 09.01.2020 MASANS303 14.01.2020 MASANS304 16.01.2020 SOC 301 07.01.2020 Sociology SOC 302 09.01.2020 SOC 303 14.01.2020 MAPOL301 07.01.2020 Political Science MAPOL302 09.01.2020 MAPOL303 14.01.2020 MAPOL 304/305/306 16.01.2020 P.T.O. D:\Confidential\Backnp - November,\Local Disk\NewBackup- January, 2014\LocalDisk (D)\Confidential Section\M.A.3rd Seme.,09.doc -2- Subject Cllurse Date IIf Examlnatens PGlENG/301 07.01.2020 PGlENG/302 09.01.2020 English PGlENG/303 14.01.2020 PGlENG/304 16.01.2020 SANT301 07.01.2020 SANT302 09.01.2020 Santali SANT303 14.01.2020 SANT304 16.01.2020 MC301 07.01.2020 MC302 09.01.2020 Mass Communication MC303 14.01.2020 MC304 16.01.2020 EDN 301 07.01.2020 Education EDN 302 09.01.2020 EDN 303 14.01.2020 MPCC301 07.01.2020 Physical Education MPCC302 09.01.2020 {M.P.Ed.) MPCC303 14.01.2020 MPEC304 16.01.2020 Rabindra Sangit RSIPG/301 07.01.2020 Hindusthani Classical Vocal CV/PG/301 07.01.2020 Music MAWS 301 07.01.2020 Women's Studies MAWS302 09.01.2020 MAWS303 (Major) 14.01.2020 MAARB301 07.01.2020 MAARB302 09.01.2020 Arabic MAARB303 14.01.2020 MAARB304 16.01.2020 LS-CC-301 07.01.2020 LS-CC-302 09.01.2020 M.Lib.I.Sc.{Intg.) LS-CC-303 14.01.2020 LS-CC-304 16.01.2020 Project/Practical Examination, if any, are to be completed by 04.02.2020 The examination o(Minor Elective Courses o(all subjects will be held on 24.01.2020. No.: CE -Con/PG Sem.-III'-2019/1034 18th December, 2019 For Information and necessary action to: 1. Personal Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor 2. Personal Secretary to the Pro- Vice-Chancellor 3. Officeof the Registrar 4. Officeof the Dean, Faculty of Arts, Commerce etc., B.U. 5. Finance Officer 6. Heads of all Post-graduate Teaching Dept. B.U. 7. Principal, Hooghly Mohsin College. S. Principal, Burdwan Raj College 9. Principal, M.U.C. Women's College 10.
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