Preventing Format-String Attacks via Automatic and Efficient Dynamic Checking Michael F. Ringenburg and Dan Grossman Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195 [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT • C’s lack of memory safety essentially means any piece We propose preventing format-string attacks with a combi- of code might modify any part of the address space. nation of static dataflow analysis and dynamic white-lists of Moreover, for performance reasons, libraries typically safe address ranges. The dynamic nature of our white-lists do not check function arguments. provides the flexibility necessary to encode a very precise • The principle of least privilege [29], probably the clos- security policy—namely, that %n-specifiers in printf-style est thing there is to an axiom of security, states that functions should modify a memory location x only if the no entity should be given more rights than necessary programmer explicitly passes a pointer to x. Our static to complete its task. dataflow analysis and source transformations let us auto- matically maintain and check the white-list without any The inherent conflict between the two points above is ob- programmer effort—they merely need to change the Make- vious and grows worse as we build ever larger systems in file. Our analysis also detects pointers passed to vprintf- C: Most code is permitted to do much more than it should, style functions through (possibly multiple layers of) wrapper particularly with respect to modifying memory. At a high- functions. Our results establish that our approach provides level, format-string attacks, as well as many other standard better protection than previous work and incurs little per- exploits, take advantage of this security weakness. formance overhead. Previous proposals for addressing format-string attacks (and other vulnerabilities in C) include: software-fault isola- Categories and Subject Descriptors tion or virtual execution [37, 32, 18], hardened libraries [36], D.4.6 [Security and Protection]: Invasive software (e.g., run-time detection of illegal writes [7, 23, 13], type-safe di- viruses, worms, Trojan horses); D.2.0 [General]: Protection alects or implementations of C [1, 5, 14], static lint-like code mechanisms; D.2.4 [Software/Program Verification]: Re- analysis for likely errors [15, 33, 2, 10], more sophisticated liability static analysis [31], and code rewriting techniques [6]. As Section 5 discusses in detail, these projects are all valuable: They catch real bugs and should be used more than they are. General Terms However, they tend either to restrict code (e.g., banning %n Security in non-static format strings), or to miss large classes of vul- nerabilities (e.g., in wrapper functions that call vprintf). Keywords In this paper, we propose a new approach for preventing format-string attacks. We combine the precision and se- Format-String Attacks, Static Analysis, White-Lists, Dy- curity of run-time approaches with the ease-of-use of static namic Checking analyses and automatic source transformations. Specifically, at run-time we maintain a dynamically updated white-list of 1. INTRODUCTION %n-writable address ranges. This allows us to encode a very The well-known vulnerabilities of systems implemented precise security policy—namely, that %n-specifiers in format in the C programming language are unsurprising when we strings should be allowed to modify a memory location if consider C programming from a security perspective: and only if the programmer explicitly passes a pointer to it. We use static dataflow analysis to determine automat- ically which addresses should be in the white-list at any given time. Our source-to-source transformation then uses Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for the knowledge gleaned from static analysis to insert the code personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are that maintains and checks the white-list. Thus the program- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies mer merely needs to update the Makefile and recompile. We bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to have tested our tool on a number of programs, and did not republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific have to change any source files. All the programs ran cor- permission and/or a fee. CCS’05, November 7–11, 2005, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. rectly, and all the format-string vulnerabilities disappeared. Copyright 2005 ACM 1-59593-226-7/05/0011 ...$5.00. Our tool is available for download from our website [26]. 1.1 Format-String Attacks code) involve inserting unanticipated %n-specifiers into for- Since their discovery roughly five years ago [35], format- mat strings. Thus we choose to focus on %n-based attacks in string attacks have become all-too-common [6]. For exam- this paper. However, our technique could easily be extended ple, a recent search on securityfocus.com revealed 62 sepa- to handle other types of format-string attacks. rate vulnerabilities posted in 2004 that contained the phrase “format string”. This has occurred even though (or perhaps 1.2 White-Listing because) such vulnerabilities are well-understood [22, 38] We propose a simple, flexible, and direct way to con- and there exist (partial) techniques for avoiding them [6, trol the memory modified by a function (such as printf): 31]. An explicit, dynamic white-list of address ranges can con- The essence of the vulnerability is straightforward: trol writes that may be unsafe, such as those exploited by format-string attacks. We can add and remove address ranges • User-supplied input is frequently used as the format- from the white-list at run-time, and we can require that the string argument to a printing function (such as sprintf, writes we wish to guard first check that an address is in the snprintf, fprintf, vprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf, white-list before writing to it. White-lists can be viewed vfprintf, syslog, or vsyslog). as a direct representation of a simple but easily understood • The format-string argument to printing functions security policy: Certain code should modify only certain lo- causes memory writes if the %n format specifier ap- cations. Of course, the white-list itself must not succumb to pears. Specifically, %n writes the number of bytes out- malicious modification, but such an event can occur only if put by the printing function (prior to the %n) to the an application is already compromised. memory location specified by the corresponding argu- To see the flexibility of white-listing, notice that it can ment. easily encode many static approaches: n • Printing functions do not check the number or types • Default: A white-list containing the range [0, 2 − 1] of their variable arguments.1 (for an n-bit address space) allows any write, effec- tively turning off protection. This might be necessary, Thus, an attacker can perform unauthorized writes by in- for example, to ensure that legacy code executes un- serting unexpected %n’s into user-supplied input strings (e.g., changed. command-line arguments) that eventually get passed to print- ing functions. For example, if a malicious user calls the fol- • Read-only: An empty white-list ensures that the vul- lowing program (adapted from [22]) with the command line nerable write it protects never successfully executes. argument "aaaabbbccc%n", the value 10 will be written to For format strings, the empty white-list is equivalent the address 0x61616161: to banning the %n format character. int main(int argc, char **argv) { • Sandboxing: A white-list containing just the range char buf[100]; j (j+1) j snprintf(buf, 100, argv[1]); [2 , 2 − 1] restricts writes to an aligned 2 range, } mirroring some approaches to software fault isolation [37]. The snprintf statement first writes “aaaabbbccc” to buf. It then pulls the next argument off of the stack, assumes it Furthermore, because our white-lists are dynamic, we can is an integer pointer, and writes the number of bytes output express more interesting dynamic policies (such as the one so far (10 in this example) to the pointed to location. In we describe in this paper), and we can change the policy at this case, however, there is no next argument. Thus the first run-time if desired. four bytes of buf are grabbed off the stack instead, and 10 is In short, we believe dynamic white-lists are powerful tools written to 0x61616161 (0x61 is ‘a’ in ASCII). Furthermore, for increasing the security of C code by restricting memory %n ignores the length argument of snprintf, and instead writes. In particular, in this paper we use the approach to writes the number of bytes that it believes would have been prevent format-string attacks. We show that it is effective, printed had there been no length restrictions. Thus, this easy-to-use, and efficient. style of attack can be used to write an arbitrary value to an arbitrary location in memory. 1.3 Contributions and Outline Format-string attacks are also possible with specifiers (such We have implemented a white-list based approach to pre- as %s) that read the memory pointed to by the correspond- venting format-string attacks, and determined that the per- ing argument. However, %n-based format-string attacks are formance overhead is reasonable. Moreover, our approach the most dangerous, because they allow the attacker to write uses a simple static code analysis to detect user-defined arbitrary values to arbitrary memory locations (and thus to wrapper functions that call vprintf and similar functions. potentially execute arbitrary code on the victim machine).
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