Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, February 21, 2013 OUR 123rd YEAR – ISSUE NO. 08-2013 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Westfield Council Hears Finance Report; Honors Rescue Squad By LAUREN S. BARR mittee met with both the police and Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad Specially Written for The Westfield Leader fire chiefs, and will be meeting with was given a proclamation com- WESTFIELD – During Tuesday the head of the Public Works De- memorating March in its honor and night’s Westfield Town Council partment shortly. Councilman Della encouraging residents to support meeting, Councilman Sam Della Fera said he expects the budget to the all-volunteer organization. In Fera reported that the finance com- be completed in the next few weeks. 2012 the squad answered 2,510 mittee met on both Saturday and Acting Mayor JoAnn Neylan emergency calls and volunteers Tuesday and has now prepared a praised Councilman Della Fera say- gave more than 30,000 combined rough draft of the 2013 budget. ing that he has, “guided the ship in hours. The squad receives no tax- “This year is shaping up to be a the roughest of seas” and that “you payer funds for their operations. lot less of a challenge than years have done just as well, if not bet- “The town truly cherishes the vol- past,” Councilman Della Fera said. ter,” than past chairs of the finance unteer work you do,” Acting Mayor “We’re in very good shape.” committee. Neylan told the squad members in He told the council that the com- During the public meeting, the attendance. The council also passed a resolu- tion awarding the contract for ani- mal control services to Animal Con- trol Solutions. The town is sharing the service with Summit and New Providence, which allows each town to save on costs. Last year the town began sharing services with the other municipalities, ending their longtime relationship with Associ- Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader ated Humane Societies and saving BLACK HISTORY…Ethel M. Washington, author of the book “Union County Black Soldiers and Sailors of the Civil nearly $16,000. War,” speaks with Lee Perry, Robert Wendel and Nancy Priest of the Westfield Historical Society after her presentation Additionally, a resolution was “Black Soldiers and Sailors of Union County” at the Reeve House on Saturday. passed allowing the town to enter into a shared services agreement with Franklin Township for survey- ing services. According to Town WF BOE Unveils Preliminary Administrator Jim Gildea, Westfield’s employee will perform the work with town equipment. Budget of $96.4 M, Taxes of $86.4 M Franklin Township will be billed hourly for the work performed, By DELL SIMEONE ties for the year are class size, cost state aid the district will get on which Mr. Gildea said would di- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader effective planning, enrollment Thursday, February 28. rectly offset the cost of the sur- WESTFIELD – The Westfield needs, a literacy initiative, technol- Most of the school budget is veyor position. Board of Education, on Tuesday ogy, facilities, professional devel- money earmarked for salaries and Lauren S. Barr for The Westfield Leader RESCUE SQUAD MONTH…The Westfield Volunteer Rescue Squad accepts a In attendance at the meeting were evening, introduced its preliminary opment, and security. She also said benefits, with the balance divided proclamation from Acting Mayor JoAnn Neylan designating March as Westfield members of Boy Scout Troop 72 budget for the 2013-2014 school 89 percent of the budget is derived between other areas, such as trans- Volunteer Rescue Squad month and encouraging residents to support the all who observed the meeting as part year of $96,402,166, with from the local tax levy, with very portation, athletics, maintenance, volunteer organization’s fund drive. Pictured, left to right, are: Dan Sullivan, of their Citizenship in Community $86,360,678 coming from the local little state and federal aid. The board debt service, administration, co- Ron DeVelde, Sue Lagano and Lynn Feldman. merit badge. tax levy. On paper there appears to expects to find out the amount of CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Absent from the meeting were be a $2 million decrease from last Mayor Andy Skibitsky and Fourth year’s $98,568,381 budget. Busi- WF Zoning Bd. OKs Parking Ward Councilman Keith Loughlin. ness administrator, Dana Sullivan WF Historical Society Hosts The council also held closed ses- explained that money was recently sion to discuss Sunnyside v. Town added from a reserve account to the Plan at UBS, Verizon Bld. of Westfield, a builders remedy law- current budget to cover purchase Black History Exhibit By DELL SIMEONE approve a plan based on the square suit; and NJDEP v. Occidental orders carried over to this year and WESTFIELD - In celebration of nial of the Civil War and the Emanci- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader footage in the building, which will Chemical Corporation, a lawsuit in- for maintenance and security. Black History Month and the nation’s pation of enslaved Americans began WESTFIELD – The zoning board determine the number of spaces volving Westfield’s sewerage pro- During a power point presenta- commemoration of the sesquicenten- on April 12, 2011. of adjustment had a busy agenda last needed by UBS. The plan will re- vider. tion, Ms. Sullivan said the priori- nial of the Civil War, the Westfield The exhibit will showcase people Wednesday evening with eight ap- quire signage designating the spaces Historical Society is host- of African descent (blacks plicants. for UBS customers. The applicants’ ing an exhibit donated by and mulattos) from the The first applicant, Red Realty, proposal gives the bank 31 spaces Scotch Plains Council Spars Ethel M. Washington en- “West Fields” and surround- LLC, UBS and Verizon, of 109 North and Verizon six spaces. Mr. Watson titled “Union County – ing Union County who were Avenue, came before the board seek- cited the parking lot at Trader Joe’s Black Soldiers and Sailors actively engaged in the war ing to install signage contrary to the on Elm Street, which has designated Over Rules, Appointments in the Civil War.” for their freedom and their town zoning code. Their attorney, spaces for Wells Fargo securities, By FRED T. ROSSI could be viewed as a de facto “no” The exhibit will be dis- right to citizenship. On dis- Jim Flynn, outlined the parking prob- which also is located in the building. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader vote while some common law views played at the Reeve House play are portraits of Union lem the businesses have. Matt Power, The board approved the plan with the SCOTCH PLAINS — The town- abstentions as a “yes” vote. She History and Cultural Re- County black and mulatto an employee of the company that condition that if a change was to take ship council on Tuesday sparred a told the council that the New Jersey source Center, located at 314 soldiers and sailors who en- manages the property, joined him place in the future the applicant would bit over some of the specifics of its Law Commission had studied this Mountain Avenue, Ethel Washington listed in the regiments of the along with UBS branch manager and have to come back to the board for procedural rules as well as the ap- question and recommended that ab- Westfield, through March United States Colored planner Jim Watson. approval. pointment of a new health insur- stentions be seen as neither a “yes” 2013. On February 16, a special gal- Troops (USCT), as well as in white The witnesses told the board that Jeffrey and Kristen Davidson of ance broker for 2013. nor a “no” vote. lery talk was given by Ms. Washing- regiments raised in Union County. parking has been a problem in the lot 600 Salter Place were approved to At its conference meeting three “Abstentions should be used in ton to kick off the exhibit. Ms. Washington currently serves adjoining the building. Local shop- construct a second-story addition. The weeks ago, the council was split on very limited circumstance,” such as The nation’s four-year (2011-2015) as History Programs coordinator, pers and commuters park in the lot, ordinance restricts a maximum build- Mayor Kevin Glover’s proposal, as when a council member has a con- commemoration of the sesquicenten- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 limiting parking spaces for clients of ing height at two-and-a-half stories, part of the governing body’s rules flict of interest,” Ms. Verrone said. UBS. According to Mr. Power, where the applicants’ plan is three and regulations for its meetings, to The council approved the rules Verizon, which is a tenant in the stories. The couple also wants to add do away with readings of each reso- and regulations by a 3-2 vote, with building, has hired a security guard a front porch. lution being considered during the Mr. Vastine and Mr. Marcus voting to help deal with the problem. Verizon Sita Souto, a neighbor of the appli- council’s adoption of its new busi- no. Mr. Marcus said he was under also has designated spaces for its cants, told the board she would feel ness consent agenda. With the text the impression the council would workers, Mr. Power said. overshadowed in her house with a of all resolutions now available on be debating the question of whether Mr. Watson asked the board to CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the township’s website, the mayor or not to read aloud the titles of said his intent was to “streamline” each item on the new business con- the meeting process.
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