103~ TRURO. CORNWALL. [ KELLY'S Cemete1·y (General), St. Clement'>. hill, Edward Cock, sec Rider .f _llfaster Fo1·ester of the F01·est of Dartmoor, Viscount Corn Exchange, Boscawen street, ~harles Bryant, ~ec Port man Conncall County Lihrm:11 ~- Readwg Rooms, Pubhc rooms, TRURO UXIO:'i. Princes street The Right Hon. Yisconnt Falmouth & Board day, alternate wednesdays at II a.m. at the Work­ Lieut.-Col. Tr:mayne, trustees; J. G. Chilcott esq. prP­ house, St. Clement sident; A. P. ~ix esq. treasurer; Major Parkyn, sec. ; The union comprises the following places, viz. :-~t. AgnPs, Gavin Hope, librarian St. Anthonv in Roselancl, St. Alien, Cornelly, St. Clement's, County Court Offices, St. ~Iary street, l\Iontague Here ~.c. Cuby, St. Erme, Feock, Gerrans, St. Just, Kea, Kenwyn, judgP; John G. Chilcott, r~gi_strar; William J. Juhns, h1gh Ladock Lamorran, Truro (St. .:\Iary's), l\Iert her, ~t. bailiff· the county court s1ttmgs are held at the Town hall l\Iichaei Penkivel, Perranzabuloe, Philleigh, Probus, Ruan­ on the'second or third thursday & saturday in each n~onth. lanihorne, Tregavethan, Tregony, & Yeryan: the popu­ 'fhe following places arP in the Count~· Court distnct :­ lation of the union in I88r "·as 35,873; rateable value, St. Ao-nes, St. Anthony, St. Allen, St. Clement's, Cornelly, £I33.493 . > Cuby"' St. Erme, Feock, Gerrans, St. Just, Kea, Treg-ave­ Clerk to the Guardij:lns, R1chard l\Iarrack, 7 I ydar st. Truro than,' Kenwyn, Ladock, Lamorran, St. ~Iary ('~ru:o ), Collector to the Guardians, Alfred Hichanls, Io Frances Merther, St. l\Iichael Penki,·ell, Perram-.abuloe, Plnlleigh, street, Truro . • . Probus, Ruanlanihorne, Tregoney & Veryan Relieving <)'- T"accinatwn Ojficas,. R~nwyn du;tnct, John Cwnt1; Police Station, I St. Clement's hill, Joseph Wallis Paul! Chacewater; Roselanrl d!stl'zct, George EJ ward Opi.e, superintendent; the local force consists of I super­ George, Probus; St. Jlfary district, Alfrel Richards, ro intendent & 2 constables Frances street, Truro . Custom House Green street, John Paig-e, princ1pal coa<>t School Attendance Officers, G. E. George, Probus; A RJChards, officer; Ed~und Trenerry, out-door officer; \\'. MacAdam, IO Frances street, Truro ; & Nicholas Tallack, Feock princip1l coast officer (Creek point); John l\Iatthews, Jlfedical Qtficers, St. ~gn_es district, F. G., H. Whitley,, St. boatman (Malpas) . Agnes; ,St. Just dzstrtct, H. Harden, St. 1\Iawes; .A~st Dispensary, Union place, Pydar street, G. H. Ch1lcott esq. Kenwljn rli.~trict, E. Sharp, Tnuo ; TVest Kenwyn o/ flea hon. sec.; James Jago lii.D.oxon. A.n.c~nt.ab., F.R.S. con; di:;tr{ct, W.P. Hugoe, Chacewater; St. Jf_ary. o/ "'-,'t. Clement suiting physician ; T. Trnran, consultmg sun;eon; \\. district, J. l\L Quicke, Truro; Probus Jzstnet, H. Ca ldy, Barrett & T. Chirgwin, auditors; Edward Sharp liLR.c.s. Probus· Treqonv district, C. J. Bennetts, Tregony; Very an house surgeon district,' T. \V. Fryer, Huanhigh lanes Duke of Corml'all.'s. ( Ist) Ri.fi~ Volunte_ers (~ C01~pany), Public Vaccinators, St. Agnes dzstrict, F. G. H. Whitley, St. Pydar street, WJlham Franc1s Sharp, eaptam; (F Com­ Agnes; St. Just district, H. Harden, St. :Ma wes; Ea.~t pany , John Trcgoning, captain Kenu·yn district, E. Sharp, Lemon street, Truro;. W~st Inland Revenue o/ ~O..,'tamp Offire, 22 Lemon street, Charles Kenwyn dist1ict, \V. P. Hugoe, Chacewater; Kea d~.~tr~ct, Augustus Armfield, surveyor of taxes; J~mes .'?l~rk, \V. P. Hugoe, Chacewater; St. Jiary 9· St. Clement dJ.<trLt, collector & distributor of stamps ; FrederlCk '' 1lham E. Sharp, Lemon street, Truro ; Probus district, H. Caddy, Wing, chief clerk; Edward Skey, 2nd clerk; Waiter Probus; Tregon11 district, C. Bennetts, Tregony ; 1·eryan Stanley, supervisor; \Villiam George N. Earthy, James district, T. W. Fryer, Ruanhigh lanes Dodd & Patrick 1\lurray, officers; James F. Randle, otlice Superintendent Registrar, Richard Marrack, 7 Pydar strert, keeper Truro Oddfellows' Hall, Kenwyn street, Henry Bodilley, sec Reqistrars of Births o/ Deaths, .1Yo. I, Probus sub-distn'(·t, Public Rooms, Princes street, James Reynolds, secretary ; George Edward George, Probus; 11:o. 2, St.J?1st sub-distri~t, Gavin Hope, keeper . William Henry Webb, Gerrans; .1\o. 3, St. Agnes SU;b-~!s­ Rm;al Cornwall Infirmary (estabhshed I799), Infirmary lnll; trict Isaac Rowse, St. Agnes ; ..Yo. 4 St. Clement sub-chstrzct, Rev. P. E. Wrench B.D. chaplain; Charles Barham lll.D. Fra~cis Truscott, 7 Pydar street, Truro; 1\"o. 5, Kenu:vn can tab. consulting physician; James Jago lii.D.oxon., A.B. sub-dist1·ict, Thomas Gilbert Hicks, Boscawen street,Truro; cantab., F.n.s. physician; Eel ward Sharp lii.R.C.s. & Alfred 11·o. 6, Kea sub-district, John Paul!, Chacewater L. Salmon lii.R.c.s., L.S.A. surgeons; Frederick Bass L.R.C. P. Reyistmrs of ..Uan·ia_qes, Francis Truscott, 7 PyJar street, I~ond. house surgeon; J. C. R. Crewes, secretary; Miss Truro; \Villiam Henry Webb, Gerrans, Grampound Road S. Colville Potter, head nurse & housekeeper Workhouse, St. Clement's, 'William Simmons, master; HeY. R01;al Institution of Cornll'all, Pydar street, The Earl of F. E. Gardiwr ?tLA. chaplain; J. M. Quicke, medical ~fount Edgcumbe, president; A. C. Williams, treasurer; officer; Mrs. E. S. Simmons, matron; Charles J. Allford, H. Michell Whitley & Edwin Parkyn F.G.S. secretaries: schoolmaster; Miss Susan S. Barter, schoolmistress H. Michell Whitley F.G.S. editor of the journal; William Newcombe, curator & librarian Theatre, High cross, Stephen Holloway, secretary RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. T01m I-I all .f JJ,farket Ho11Se, Boscawen street Clerk, Richard 1\Iarrack, 7 Pydar street, Truro Town Quay o/ Public Wei_qhbridye, T. Duns tan, quay master Inspector of Nuisances, William Bray, Chacewater Truro Institut1'onfo1· the Advanrernent of Science, Literature JJ,Jedical Officers of Health, Eastern district, Henry ('~dcly, 4· the A1ts, Public rooms, R. l\1. Paul, president; C. Bar­ Probus; Western district, Francis George Herbert Wlutley, rett & W. J. Johns, vice-presidents; E. W. Carus-\Yilson, St. Agnes treasurer; James Reynolds, sec.: R. Whitworth, librarian PUBLIC OFFICERS. l'oluntar Fi,·e Brigade, High cross, James Henderson C.E. captain: No. I, E. Kendall, No. 2, W. H. Williams, lieu­ Assistant Overseer to St. Clement's, John Henry Sampson, tenants; Richard Whit worth, hon sec. ; the plant consists New Bridge street of three manuals & a fire escape Assi:>tant Overseer to St. 3fary's, Samuel Harvey, I6 Rose- 1r1uo Humane Institution, I7 Lemon street, John Carlyon win• row esq. treasurer ; l\Iiss Carlyon, secretary Cattle In.~7Jector for the Privy Council for the Port.~ of Falmouth, Thomas Oliver M.R.c.v.s. St. Auf<tell street THE DUCHY OF COR NW ALL. Clerk to Truro Union Assessment Committee,Ricluud l\Iarrack, Lord Warden of the Stwwm·il'.~ o/ Chief Ste1vard of the 7 Pyclar street . .. Duch.'l/ in Corn1call o/ Devon, Viscount Portman Clerk to the Justices of the Snuth .f West Dlvzslon of the ('onstable of Launcestou Castle, Sir Hardinge Stanley Giffard Hundred of Powder, Arthur E. Adams, Princes street Q.C., M.P Clerk to the School Attendance Committee, John Hanger, 9 Receiver-General, Sir John Rose bart. K.C.M.G Parade, Truro Auditor, Sir William GeorQ'e Anderson K.C.B Clerk to the Trustees of the Truro Chm·ities o/ to the Tregony Secretm·y o/ Keeper of the Records, George Wilmslmrst esq Highway Board, Francis Hearle Cock, Pydar street Law Clerk, Thornhill B. Hcathcote esq Colle~·tor of Income Tax, Samuel Haryey, Lowry's court, • 1Jeput.1i Receiver, Giles .Jupe esq Pyclar street Vice-1Varden of the Stannary Court iu Cornwall o/ Devon, Collector of Inland Revenve Land Assessed o/ Income Taxes, Herbert W. Fisher esq James Clark,. 22 Lemon street' ' . Registrar to Stannmy Court, F. Marshall esq.; Sec1·etary to Collector of Poor's Rate for St. Jlfm·y's, G. M. Downmg, 100 Vice 1Varden, R. l\I. Paul esq. Kenwyn street Clerks, Messrs. C. Ortner, W. Kirk & C. S. ~Iunday Co1·onerjor the Central Division ofthe C01mty,John_Carlyon, Record Clerk, Mr. J. C. Pearce I6 Lemon street; deputy, John Henry Ferris, Prmces st Sheriff' of Cornwall, Sir '\Yllliam Wallace Rhoderic Onslow Hall Keepe1·, Town Hall, Richard Angel . bart Her .lfaj(st,1;'s In.spector of Mines, Robert James Frechen11 e, 'Land Ste1card, G. Herriot esq.; Assistant, Mr. W. H. York Brucefield, Agar road , . 1st llineral Inspector, Warington Vt'. Smyth M.A., F.u.s High Baili.ff'to the County Court, Wm. J. Johns, 2 Ed"an .
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