N??S '%&JS^^^*^r^7 m />' V:li^ v^/:y vf^B ** THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY at <3 T.-V-: $&&%& (^Sil^ll ; S $$&J \s "?*y ffSf'^.-i !:*&::A tietitik '^J:- f *^' ^ N^vf 7 ^^^^r^; ^^^ v^vggi ^**5j v Vi-* ;" 3ik'''-'^ ''<]*. jjjk^VjtT^r^ liwl'VTt-T^ ^"*\Y7A. _j*W*<_' --C1r^ j-*'-~ *-,. '<fe^\T.LX ^^*;.i\ f-^^f^ ,~ _ ^*^.11-X -> ,x- .* l-jSttV^& : ^E^'4 4* -t^JJ^ 'Av^ ^ t|^ 'v> : : i :'<&: 'V. ." .N^' . P^/jsL^ ^^ PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE OF THE HELD AT SAN FRANCISCO OCTOBER 12-16 18911 BOSTON AMERICAN PRINTING AND ENGRAVING Co 189^ CONTENTS. Title. Author. Page. President's address S: S. Green i Binding and binderies D. V. R Johnston 9 Points of agreement among librarians as to library architecture .... C: C. Soule 17 Reclassification . and renumbering of the Detroit Public Library . H: M. Utley *o Libraries and schools S: S. Green 22 Economical, educational, select catalogues for public libraries . W.K. Stetson 26 Annual report on gifts and bequests Miss C. M. Htwins . 27 Use of the Public Library in the Cleveland schools W: H. Brett 30 The best library legislation W: I. Fletcher 31 Access to the shelves in the Cleveland Public Library W: H. Brett 34 Contagious diseases and public libraries G. M.Jones 35 The argument for public support of public libraries W: E. Foster 39 Impressions in foreign libraries M.. S. Cutler 48 Tabulated reports of state library associations H. E. Green 52 Uniformity in public libraries or individuality L.H.Sieiner 57 Method of cataloguing U. S. public documents and periodicals in the San Francisco Public Library J, Vance Cheney 61 Access to the shelves a possible function of branch libraries H. Putnam 62 Proceedings 68-124 Endowment 112 First Session 68-81 Seventh Session 112-116 Miscellaneous 68 State library associations 112-113 Secretary's report 68-69 Library receipt book 113 Treasurer's report 69-70 Renumbering and reclassifying 113 Necrological addenda 70 Normal schools and libraries 113-1 14 Public documents 7~74 "8, 120 Cataloging 114-116 Endowment 74~8o, 83, 97, 112 Eighth Session 116-124 Cooperation Committee 80 Miscellaneous 1 16 Committees 80 Election of officers 116-117,127 F. P. Hill 81 Place of meeting 116-117 Second Session 81-88 Copyright 117-118 Miscellaneous 81 Special report on public documents 118-120(56670-74) Catalogue of the publications of the igth century 81-83 Executive committee 120 Endowment 74-80,83,97, 112 Thanks 120 Miscellaneous 83 The new cataloging 120-121 Binding 83-85 Adjournment, when 121 New York library school 85-87 Japanese libraries . ....>... 121-122 Pratt Institute training class 87 Resolutions 123 Amherst summer library school 87,88 Officers for the ensuing year 123-124 Third Session 88-95 Santa Barbara Session 124 Importance of public libraries 88-95 Thanks 124 Miscellaneous . 95 Train Session 124-126 Fourth Session 96-104 Place and time of next meeting 124-126 State libraries 96, 128-129 Revision of constitution 126 Trustees' section 96 Program of next meeting 126 Subject index 96 Train Session 126-127 Invitations for the conference in 1893 .... 96 Thanks 126-127 Finance committee 97 Officers chosen 127(566116-117) Endowment fund 97 Chicago Session 127 . 128 Points of agreement in library architecture . 97-4 Publishing section Fifth Session 104-107 Association of state librarians ........ 128-129 Libraries and schools 104-107 From N. Y. to the Golden Gate, D. V. R.Johnston 129-133 Sixth Session 107-112 At San Francisco Jessie Allan 133-136 Miscellaneous 107 Public reception in the Palace Hotel 136-138 Contagious diseases . 108 Reception at Oakland 138-140 Access to the shelves 108 Speeches at the banquet at the Palace Hotel . 140-148 Prehistoric Poole loS-m From San Francisco to Chicago . M..E.Ahern 148-153 Columbian exhibition in Attendance register '53-154 CONFERENCE OF LIBRARIANS. SAN FKANCISCO, OCTO3EK 12-16, 1891. ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT, SAMUEL SWETT GREEN, LIBRARIAN OF THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS. The function of a library is to serve its spirit like theirs, have labored to propagate users. correct ideas regarding library architecture It is the duty of a public library to serve and the cataloguing and classification of the public. books. The work of these men has been a The trustees and librarians of a public noble one. library are ministers of the people. They are In places where persons are allowed to go to be ministered unto, aside from what the to the shelves of libraries, it is a matter of dictates of humanity demand, only in so far as prime importance that they should find the provisions made for their comfortable per- books systematically arranged and so placed formance of work may enable them to render that such as treat of similar subjects may be service of increased efficiency and value. found in close juxtaposition. In all libraries The service to be rendered by a librarian, a good system of classification must be in use however, it should be remembered, in the case if librarians are to aid inquirers expeditiously of a very large portion of the community, is and even with certainty of finding answers to that of the parent and teacher and never that their questions. of a slave. It is also indispensable that a library should A trustee of a large library wisely writes : be thoughtfully, scientifically, and adequately " * * The community very rationally prefers catalogued. the library which furnishes the greatest num- Neither can people be well served in a poor ber of facilities, the need for which is felt by library building. the community (with a corresponding dead- The public is concerned in having rooms ness in regard to facilities desired only by the for unpacking boxes and examining and cat- will for the well and librarian), and do most reputation of aloguing books ; arranged ample the librarian who best administers the trust." shelving; and in the provision of facilities Usefulness, then, is the test of successful for quick delivery of books to users within the library management. building, and expeditious distribution of That statement, however, let it be distinctly them to persons wishing to take them home. understood, does not necessitate sympathy It is especially concerned to have well-lighted, with a library officer who looks with contempt ventilated and heated study, reading, and wait- upon what have been happily called the me- ing rooms. chanic arts of our occupation. In 1876 I Hearty praise, then, belongs to the men who assisted in the formation of this association, have labored to improve the cataloguing and and for fifteen years have been proud to work classification of libraries, and to exert an influ- side by side with Winsor and Poole and Cut- ence in behalf of correct principles of library ter and Dewey, while they, and others with a architecture. SAN FRANCISCO CONFERENCE. It is evident that their efforts must be con- Let it never be forgotten, however, that in tinued. adopting systems of cataloguing and classsifi- Especially needful is it that they still pro- cation and in putting up library buildings and claim the gospel of convenience and suita- furnishing them, a community is only pro- bility respecting library buildings and the viding means for attaining an end. The end equipment of libraries. to be sought is the satisfactory service of the Thanks largely to the influence exerted by public. Tools are needful, and they must be this association in its corporate capacity, and of a kind to do well the work for which they through the individual efforts of its members, are provided, but they must be taken in hand immense strides have been made in the libra- and used before the expense incurred in ob- ries of this country in cataloguing and classi- taining them is justified. fication during the last fifteen years. Incidentally, it is well, also, to add the im- One or two of the systems in vogue here portant remark that the community which have attracted much attention in foreign coun- wishes for good library service must not only tries also, and the names of Cutter and Dewey have good tools and tools adapted to do the are mentioned with respect not only in this work desired, but also, and certainly, a skillful country, but in England, Germany, and Italy. and industrious workman to handle the tools. But while this is so, the public needs further Provide a good collection of books and facili- education in regard to the principles which ties for their use and for doing the work of should govern communities in making plans the library, but whether you do these things for library buildings. or not, secure at the start as accomplished and It is the business of the architect, said Pro- enthusiastic a librarian as you can lay your fessor H. W. Ackland, in my presence in one hands on. More, very much more, good can of the buiidings of the University of Oxford, be accomplished by a good librarian with a to consider carefully what uses a building is to poor library and an unsuitable building than be put to, and listening attentively to the sug- by an incompetent librarian provided with the gestions of persons who are to occupy it and best of material and facilities. in will work it, to embody their wishes in plans A good librarian aim to accumulate a that can be followed by the practical builder. large collection of the best books and to Generally speaking it will be found in case secure the best facilities for handling and dis- of the larger libraries that the librarian and playing them.
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