SUBCHAPTER HÐPASSENGER VESSELS PART 70ÐGENERAL PROVISIONS Subpart 70.20ÐGeneral Marine Engineering Requirements Subpart 70.01ÐAuthority and Purpose 70.20±1 Marine engineering details. Sec. 70.01±1 Purpose of regulations. Subpart 70.25ÐGeneral Electrical 70.01±7 Right of appeal. Engineering Requirements 70.01±15 OMB control numbers assigned pur- suant to the Paperwork Reduction Act. 70.25±1 Electrical engineering details. Subpart 70.05ÐApplication Subpart 70.28ÐLifesaving Appliances and Arrangements 70.05±1 United States flag vessels subject to the requirements of this subchapter. 70.28±1 Lifesaving appliances and arrange- 70.05±3 Foreign vessels subject to the re- ments. quirements of this subchapter. 70.05±5 Specific application noted in text. Subpart 70.35ÐAmerican Bureau of 70.05±7 Ocean or unlimited coastwise vessels Shipping's Standards on inland and Great Lakes Routes. 70.05±10 Application to vessels on an inter- 70.35±1 Standards to be used. national voyage. 70.35±5 Where obtainable. 70.05±20 Gross tonnage as a criterion for re- quirements. AUTHORITY: 46 U.S.C. 3306, 3703; 49 U.S.C. 70.05±30 Combustible and flammable liquid 5103, 5106; E.O. 12234, 45 FR 58801, 3 CFR, 1980 cargo in bulk. Comp., p. 277; 49 CFR 1.45, 1.46; Section 70.01± 15 also issued under the authority of 44 Subpart 70.10ÐDefinition of Terms Used in U.S.C. 3507. This Subchapter SOURCE: CGFR 65±50, 30 FR 16890, Dec. 30, 70.10±1 Approved. 1965, unless otherwise noted. 70.10±2 Barge. 70.10±5 Carrying freight for hire. Subpart 70.01ÐAuthority and 70.10±7 Classed vessel. Purpose 70.10±9 Commandant. 70.10±11 Coast Guard District Commander. 70.10±13 Coastwise. § 70.01±1 Purpose of regulations. 70.10±15 Ferry. The purpose of the regulations in this 70.10±17 Great Lakes. subchapter is to set forth uniform min- 70.10±19 Headquarters. imum requirements for passenger ves- 70.10±23 Lakes, bays, and sounds. 70.10±25 Marine inspector or inspector. sels. The regulations are necessary to 70.10±29 Motor vessel. carry out the provisions of law affect- 70.10±31 Ocean. ing passenger vessels and such regula- 70.10±33 Officer in Charge, Marine Inspec- tions have the force of law. tion. 70.10±34 Passenger. [CGFR 65±50, 30 FR 16890, Dec. 30, 1965, as 70.10±35 Passenger vessel. amended by CGD 95±028, 62 FR 51203, Sept. 30, 70.10±36 Pilot Boarding Equipment and 1997] Point of Access. 70.10±39 Rivers. § 70.01±7 Right of appeal. 70.10±41 Recognized classification society. Any person directly affected by a de- 70.10±42 Sailing vessel. 70.10±43 Short international voyage. cision or action taken under this sub- 70.10±44 Specially suitable for vehicles. chapter, by or on behalf of the Coast 70.10±45 Vessel. Guard, may appeal therefrom in ac- cordance with subpart 1.03 of this chap- Subpart 70.15ÐEquivalents ter. 70.15±1 Conditions under which equivalents [54 FR 50380, Dec. 6, 1989] may be used. 5 VerDate 11<SEP>98 04:54 Oct 23, 1998 Jkt 179180 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179180T.XXX 179180T PsN: 179180T § 70.01±15 46 CFR Ch. I (10±1±98 Edition) § 70.01±15 OMB control numbers as- [49 FR 38120, Sept. 27, 1984, as amended by signed pursuant to the Paperwork CGD 88±072, 53 FR 34297, Sept. 6, 1988; CGD 89± Reduction Act. 037, 57 FR 41822, Sept. 11, 1992] (a) Purpose. This section collects and displays the control numbers assigned Subpart 70.05ÐApplication to information collection and record- keeping requirements in this sub- § 70.05±1 United States flag vessels chapter by the Office of Management subject to the requirements of this and Budget (OMB) pursuant to the Pa- subchapter. perwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 (a) This subchapter shall be applica- U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). The Coast Guard ble to all United States flag vessels in- intends that this section comply with dicated in column 4 of table 70.05±1(a) the requirements of 44 U.S.C. 3507(f) that are 100 gross tons or more, except which requires that agencies display a as follows: current control number assigned by the (1) Any vessel operating exclusively Director of the OMB for each approved on inland waters which are not navi- agency information collection require- gable waters of the United States; or, ment. (2) Any vessel while laid up and dis- (b) Display. mantled and out of commission; or, Current (3) With the exception of vessels of 46 CFR part or section where identified or de- OMB con- scribed trol No. the U.S. Maritime Administration, any vessel with title vested in the United § 71.10 ............................................................... 2115±0136 States and which is used for public pur- § 71.50±5 ........................................................... 2115±0554 § 78.17±22 ......................................................... 2115±0589 poses. § 78.17±33 ......................................................... 2115±0589 6 VerDate 11<SEP>98 04:54 Oct 23, 1998 Jkt 179180 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\179180T.XXX 179180T PsN: 179180T VerDate 11<SEP>98 04:54Oct23,1998 Jkt179180 PO00000 Frm00003 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\179180T.XXX 179180T PsN:179180T Coast Guard,DOT TABLE 70.05±1(A) Classes of vessels (including motorboats) examined or inspected under various Coast Guard regulations 1 Vessels inspected and certificated Vessels inspected Size or other limita- Vessels inspected under either Sub- and certificated Vessels subject to Vessels subject to Vessels subject to Method of propulsion tions 1 and certificated chapter HÐPas- under Subchapter IÐ provisions of Sub- provisions of Sub- the provisions of under subchapter senger Vessels 2 3 4 5 Cargo and Mis- chapter CÐ chapter UÐOceano- Subchapter OÐCer- 2 Uninspected Ves- graphic Ves- tain Bulk Dangerous DÐTank Vessels or Subchapter TÐ cellaneous Ves- 2 3 6 7 8 2 5 6 7 9 10 Small Passenger sels 2 5 sels sels Cargoes Vessels 2 3 4 Column 1 Column 2 ................. Column 3 ................. Column 4 ................. Column 5 ................. Column 6 ................. Column 7 ................. Column 8 Steam ........................ Vessels not over 65 All vessels carrying All vessels carrying All tugboats and All vessels except None ........................ All vessels carrying feet in length. combustible or more than 6 pas- towboats. those covered by in bulk the cargoes flammable liquid sengers7. columns 3, 4, 5, listed in table I of cargo in bulk. and 7. pt. 153 and table 4 of pt. 154. Vessels over 65 feet All vessels carrying 1. All vessels carry- All vessels except None ........................ All vessels engaged Do. in length. combustible or ing more than 12 those covered by in oceanographic flammable liquid passengers on an columns 3 and 4. research. cargo in bulk5. international voy- age, except yachts. 7 2. All vessels of not over 15 gross tons which carry more than 6 pas- sengers7. 3. All other vessels carrying pas- sengers,7 except:. a. Yachts.. b. Documented cargo or tank ves- sels issued a per- mit to carry not more than 16 per- sons in addition to the crew. § 70.05±1 VerDate 11<SEP>98 04:54Oct23,1998 Jkt179180 PO00000 Frm00004 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\179180T.XXX 179180T PsN:179180T § TABLE 70.05±1(A)ÐContinued 70.05±1 Classes of vessels (including motorboats) examined or inspected under various Coast Guard regulations 1 Vessels inspected and certificated Vessels inspected Size or other limita- Vessels inspected under either Sub- and certificated Vessels subject to Vessels subject to Vessels subject to Method of propulsion tions 1 and certificated chapter HÐPas- under Subchapter IÐ provisions of Sub- provisions of Sub- the provisions of under subchapter senger Vessels 2 3 4 5 Cargo and Mis- chapter CÐ chapter UÐOceano- Subchapter OÐCer- 2 Uninspected Ves- graphic Ves- tain Bulk Dangerous DÐTank Vessels or Subchapter TÐ cellaneous Ves- 2 3 6 7 8 2 5 6 7 9 10 Small Passenger sels 2 5 sels sels Cargoes Vessels 2 3 4 c. Towing and fishing vessels, in other than ocean and coastwise service, may carry persons on the legitimate business of the vessel, in addition to crew, but not to exceed one for each net ton of the vessel. 8 Motor .......................... Vessels not over 15 All vessels carrying All vessels carrying Those vessels carry- All vessels except None ........................ Do. gross tons. combustible or more than 6 pas- ing dangerous car- those covered by flammable liquid sengers7. goes when re- columns 3, 4, 5, cargo in bulk. quired by 46 CFR and 7. part 98 or 49 CFR parts 171±179. Vessels over 15 All vessels carrying 1. All vessels carry- All vessels carrying All vessels except None ........................ Do. 46 CFRCh.I(10±1±98Edition) gross tons except combustible or ing more than 12 freight for hire ex- those covered by seagoing motor flammable liquid passengers on an cept those covered columns 3, 4, 5, vessels of 300 cargo in bulk5. international voy- by columns 3 and and 7. gross tons and age, except yachts. 4. over. 2. All vessels not over 65 feet in length which carry more than 6 pas- sengers7. VerDate 11<SEP>98 04:54Oct23,1998 Jkt179180 PO00000 Frm00005 Fmt8010 Sfmt8010 Y:\SGML\179180T.XXX 179180T PsN:179180T Coast Guard,DOT 3. All other vessels of over 65 feet in length carrying passengers for hire except docu- mented cargo or tank vessels issued a permit to carry not more than 16 persons in addition to the crew. Seagoing motor ves- All vessels carrying 1. All vessels carry- All vessels except All vessels except All vessels engaged Do.
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