
roi nue», old Romoroi» Rhone Ml COAL! COAL! BURT’S Hall & Walker TB■ il 8 rARPUNAT> tu rvAQ A BT.DT “ 1 Padded Vane, Prompt Attention, 1232 Government Street Experienced Men. R ‘«Idenee Phoae RT 10., TELEPHONE S3. VOL." 31. VICTORIA, B. C., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1911. NO. 42. MEXICAN REBELS " IRISH MEMBER CHINA'S REPLY WILL STIMULATE ' AGAIN ON MARCH iS SUSPENDED WILL ATTEMPT TO REFUSES TO RETRACT RUSSIA WILL MASS BRITISH BANKER CAPTURE ENSENADA CHARGE AGAINST SPEAKER TROOPS ON FRONTIER ON TRADE AGREEMENT Number of Yaqruî Indians Re- Laborite Apologizes to House Report That Preparations Are Believes Reciprocity Will ln- I \ . ported to Be Joining the for tetter to Lawrence r Being Made to Seize Chin­ — crease Flow of Capital Revolutionists — Grimell, Nationalist ese Territory to Canada (Tlmee Leased Wire.) — (Tiroes Leased Wire.) '(Times Leased Wire.) ___ (AppelaHo the llmeaL Fnlextco, Cal.. Feb. «.---Gathering hla London. Feb. 20—Admitting that he - Ft. Petersbqjjg:. DUsatlsfac- _ Ottawa. Fefi. Yff~w^!Wt W •upptlee and arranging to more fully wrote “elt the spur of the moment, tlofi with China's reply to Russia’s de­ a ffôod bargain In the reciprocity Jo slab “Wedge wood, ‘a1 Lâüerfti; ApOf- equip several recruits who ” slipped mands, which was. received here to­ agr. cm.-nt \Uth the United States and ucruas^tlbe line üqçlçj.Gûvec.. of dark­ oglzetHo the House of Co/rupon^ to-day days-4s reported-to have been, followed that It win sttmvtete rather than for fids letter to iJmrence Olnnell, a ness. General Simon Rerthold. second by orders for a concentration of troops check the Investment of British capi­ in command of the rebel forces In low­ Nationalist, in which he supported on the Chinese frontier with the object tal In the Dominion, Is the opinion of er California, prepared to-day to march Glnnell's charges In declaring that of at once seizing the Kuldja district In fl. A. Grenfell, sop-ln-law of Earl Speaker Lowther ruled the House with on Ensenada. Chinese Turkestan. Orey. thé ttovernôf-aenéràl, and "a General Bethold announced he will the lorn hand of a “Czar.” The, Huose The Chinese reply falls far short of accepted Wedge wood's apology the Czar's demands. China says that prominent English banker with Cana­ take advantage of the disorganisation dian connections. of the federal garrison at lower Call* The parliamentarians are now con- the granting of Russia's demand would In a. cable message from London fornia at the risk of returning to Mexi­ -aiderlng what action to take In the give the latter a commercial monopoly cali and finding It 4».the possession of matter of Otnnell publishing Wedge, of Mongolia, even excluding Chinese which has Just reached here. Mr. Mexican troops, reported to be march - weed’s letter In the Midland Reporter trade. Russia demanded “freedom to Grenfell Is quoted a» giving the Ing to the city across Arizona and’ Cal- Olnnell has apvdoglzvd to Wedge wood trade and liberty to travel and rest- Interview on reciprocity: for publishing a private letter, but re- dence for Russian subjects In Mongolia ’From my recent trip to Canada I Scouts sent out a» close to thé boün- Tused to retract the charges he made and the territories behind the Great am convinced Canadians fully realize Wall.” China contends that this is un­ lary line as. possible, so as not to In­ against ‘ Speaker Lowther. that, progress and prosperity have ac­ warranted and not provided for to the crued to Canadian manufacturing and fringe on the neutrality agreement, re: The House found Olnnell guiltv of a treaty of 1881. ported that no trace of the band could breach of privilege and the motion of agricultural industries from the cheap___ In her reply China agrees to the es­ money sent out at ~a rate of over £20,- be seen as far as Yuba. Premier Asquith that Olnnell be eus- tablishment of ^Russian consulates at Aa a result of a request bv Captain pended for one wgek was carried by alKthe points menttnnedtoy Rum-da ex-r- 000.000 per annum by the English in- vostors. I am confident that the first Babcock. In charge of the United Sjatea a vote oflil to Ml. ; 7 cept Chenghuaasua, but insists that ar­ troops patrolling the lower California The debate over Oilmen’s sentence ticle’12 of the treaty providing for the thing taken In consideration by the border, that he withdraw to a point lapted three hours. withdrawal of traffic exemption when­ Canadian ministers would be whether two mites from tbs international -Mw; ever trade warrants the establishment this reciprocity agreement with the C< nt ral Berthold will leave a small CANOE FATALITY. of a Russian consulate be adhered to. United State# might affect securities èuard in Mexicali when he marches to­ This denies Russia's general contention against which these large Investments ward Ensenada. for freedom from Chinese tariffs. have been made. I believe it will Seattle. Wash., Feb. 20. — Leon C. Report* of Clash. Summing up, China contends that prove of Inestimable advantage to Can­ Fbllps was drowned yesterday after­ the treaty of 1881 on her side has not ada. Great material benefits will be El Paso, Tex.. Feb. 20—Using ma­ noon In the Lake' Washington canal, chine guns and rifles at a distance of l»een violated in letter or spirit, but derived by the whole Dominion in both when a canoe In whlcjb he was riding points out several violations on the agricultural and manufacturing indus­ 100 yards, a party of Americana and overturned. Arthur F Purdy, the ineurrectoe are reported here to-day to part of Russia. China cites as Illus­ tries from the opening of American ether occupant of the frail craft, man­ trations of this claim that Chinese markggto^The future prosperity of have badly beaten a fqrce of General aged to work" his way to shore. Phil Navarro’s Mexican troops near San subjects were expelled from the east Canada1 tolust be largely based on the Ips was an expert swimmer while side of the Amur slver, and also men­ soundness of the agricultural Induitry Ignacio. Goat herders who fled from Purdy cannot swim a stroke. the mountains t.traw the Rio Grande tions the failure of Russia to indemnify and the enhanced value of western to San Ellzarlo. brought the news of TURNING THE FIRST BOD, AND AFTXR China for property destroyed to the farm lands that will, result from reci­ Russo-Japanese war. the fight. FOREMAN McBRIDK—Byes, I’m afraid the Bees will be either dockin’ ua for bein’ nine or tin procity will mean greater prosperity to The fugitives declare that the féd­ FILIBUSTER IN English Investors. The markets that re­ érais marched into an ambuscade when month* late for wor-rk this fine mamin’^— ciprocity will open to the farmers ofttne a company of Americans who were X£lth HERR BEI1NSEN—Ach, llimmett* Dose gom mon beobles ins hard masters, Dirk. Weet will cause greater demandai for GREAT BRITAIN ANB the products of the factories of j-the the insurrectos opened on the column with machine guns and rifles at point- U. S. HOUSE ENDED MISTI 1ER THOMSON (just returned from three months’ “tripping o’er the daisies”)—Fiath, that East. Canadian statesmen have taken blank range The federal», they, say, is thrue for you. Mister Behnsen ; they are that. advantage of the situation. It appears lied In disorder. to me they ' have secured splendid NAVVY DAVEY—And to think of how hard we’re worked for them I HER B8MINI0NS terms for Canada in exchange for giv­ Military headquarters at Juarez deny ing Americans what America coujd the goat herders’ story. The officials Compromise is Arranged by have taken for themselves at any time rny that only a few shots were ex­ by simply lowering ; their tariff wall changed hy Navarro s troops with,the Which Democrats Secure RECALL ELECTION AT SEEKING ROUTE Questions in British House of without asking permission from Can- Insurrectos. a hit’ that they were nr Balance of Power =■’= JAPAN DENOUNCES casualties on ewer 'side. As no cour­ Commpns Regarding Advice - for. Unionists. iers have as yet arrived from the scene 99 or the alleged battle, it is believed that TACOMA IN MARCH TO BAT Relations Manchester, Feb. 20.—The Earl of hope, rather than,, knowledge, inspired ‘Derby urgvs Unionists here not to th« official explanation -nt the. aLaryv . (Times T.eased Wire.) „ TRADE AGREEMENT commit themselves yet as to whether Heavy snowfall Is reported In the Washington, t». C.. Feb. 20.—Adopt­ the reciprocity agreement between mountains south of Guadeloupe where ing the gag rule suspending debate by (Special to the Times l Canada and the United States inter­ Navarro’s troops are camping and suf­ a vote of 173 to 42, the House to-day Votes of Women Will Probably Farmers' Joint Stock Company London, Feb. 20.—In the House of feres with the tariff reformers pro-r put an end to the filibuster which has gramme. In England. fering is said to be great among the Decide Fate of Mayor NEW TREATY NOW Being Organized to Build Commons to-day Premier Asquith, In barefooted women ■ wfio fallow his tied up business since Friday and pro­ reply to a question, said he saw no Professor Hewlns says he has dis­ vided for expediting business until the camp. Fawcett BEING NEGOTIATED Railway reason why a committee should be ap­ cussed the position with }Ar. Jos. i' The insurrectos fired upon a pro vi­ end of the session. pointed for the purpose of collecting Chamberlain, who thinks that a grave rion train taking supplies to Navarro’s It • will now require a two-thirds evidence in regard to’ Great Britain’s crisis within the Empire has been troops yesterday, fatalling wounding vote to pass the pending measures and relations with the Dominions " beyond reached.
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