, The Weather Today - Fowl Play Means Higt; Pay Fair today followed by scattered thunder­ SUFFOLK, VA. (IP') - The eost of IIvln .. Index. depart­ storms tonight. Today's high, 85 degrees; am\ ot lOuthern fried chleken, hit a new hleh here ,~r4aJ. , low, 70 degrees. Yesterday's high was 84 Two men were fined a total of .116.50 In trial Justice degrees. cew\ rot \he thelt 'of a 1I1at\er of fried chicken (rom a owaJ1 ".JaWe re.\auran\. f.sto.bllshed lSSS-Vol SO,No. 257-AP NewB and Wirepholo Iowa Cily, Iowa. Wednesday, July 28, 1945-Five Cents • Highlanders 'Fling' at. Lions Meet Blast Ja rs. Kings' Mine, Kills 14 GOP Senate Booming Anti-Poll Tax Bill Four.lnjured; WASHI TOTO T (IP')-Republican leaders tied a hard knot last' All Workers night in President 'fl'uman's 1 gi lative program by announcing ~~~!(~~1 anti· poll lax bill will be the first order of business in tb Accounfed lor Their announcement was equivalellt. to shouting: "filibustel' ahelld !" A clo~e l y-k not band of southern nators is pledg d to fight that Damage localized in and all the rest of Mr. Truman's * * * Indiana Shaft Mine; civil rights proposals by any means at their command. Cause Undetermined The filibuster quite pOSSibly may PRINCETON, [ND. (IP') - begin today, wi th a series of time­ Jeers, (heers consuming motions to "amend" Thirteen mint'r wert' km d in and "correct" the official journal an explosion yesterday at or yesterday's proceedings. This Kings' mint', thre mile south process could be stretched out for Greef Truman of Princeton. weeks. , Four oth r weI" injured, two WASHINGTON (IP') - President ot them critically. The measure would prohIbit Truman's address to the special collection of a. poll tax as a pre­ session 01 the 80th cOllgress toUch­ The blast occurred at 1:55 p.m. reqUIBite to voting in federal ed off a nationwide storm of jeers (Iowa time). Three hours later, elections. It alreadJo has passed and cheers last night. mine officials said no workers re­ the house. mai.ned unaccounted for and they If the southerners seize on their Backing the President were beUeved the list was complete. first opportunity to talk the meas­ many Democrats and many labor leaders. Critical were most Re­ Cause of the explosion was not ure to death, they can begin to­ determined. Officials said it tn­ day by debating the accuracy of publicans, Wall street and busi­ CAP Wlrepboto) volved only one loading unit, no lhe journal of yesterday's senatc ness, and a lew rebel Dixiecrats. more than a score of men. • mORL,\NDER Bobble- Ginter performed the IIlghJand Fling on a procecdings. They can "move" to At the center or the st.orm wcre corrcel and amend it. According the President's proposals for cost Officials said there were J76 drum held by fellow members of the SUJ Highlanders in New York workers in the mine at the lime. Plly Monday. It was all part of the Madison Square garden sheJi­ to the staple senale parliamentary of living controls, his housing anl,ans highlighting the opening day of the 315t Lions International doctrine, such motions are not sub­ program, and civil rights. They said the rest oC the work~ eonventlon. ject to the cioture (debate limita­ DemocratJo pont1llents: "Exccl­ ers were not ndangered. .The tion) rule. lent message ... admirably pre­ blast caused only a small {ire, To apply cloture requires a two­ sented ... a comprehensive chal­ which was soon e,Unguished. * * * * * * thirds majority, which Mr. Tru­ lenge •.• effective and"courag­ The bodies were brough to the Bagpipes affhe Ballgame man- himself a former senator­ eous .. unbiased" Princeton armory. Lt. Murel Jones contends could be obtained in a The Republicans said: "Purely of the National Guard sald a large Highlanders To Be Featured at Polo Grounds; showdown. But accllrding to the political ••. height of sophistry crowd gathered, 'but no one was general interpretation of the rules, and demagogy . full of in­ FACING A POLlTlCALLY-lfO TILE Congt'eS8 yesterday, PresIdent Truman (lower left) lltood erect admitted. cloture can be applied only against Tour New York City on First 'leave' and spoke with his hands bf!hlnd his back. Jlls speech W,," serbus alii' calm and his facial expressions King'S III one of the larrest a bill or a resolution, not a mo­ accuracies ... unworkable ••. showed It (Inset). Before the Preslden~ III tho [ront row are ablnet member. In the ne l two rows shaft mines In (Nlia.na, employ­ By ROBERT D. NOBLE JR. tion. last desperate effort" Sena.tor Barkley (D-Ky), Presi­ are senalors; behInd them ar the members of the hOllse. lo ~t of those . hown are Republicans. ing 525 men In three shifts. NEW YORIC- '1'he Polo grounds will re·echo with the notes of The Rcpublicalls' strategy pu~ dent Truman's vice-presidentiaJ A number of workers in other them In the poslUon of sa.ying- to running mate, said he thought the parts of the mine came to the sur­ ba@Pipes torlay liS the University of Iow8 Highlanderll takr over the Pr Ident: yoU asked for a program is attainable congress face, but some returned below to civil rights bill; there is one; It it a full hour before the New York Giants-Cincinnati R<'dR baseball will go to work on it. "The need Italy's Togliatti Told aid In rescue work. Miners came game. is the ollly part of your legisla­ U. S. Ambassador Takes New tive program that is ready for is certainly here, and I thought from other nearby pits to help. For n thin dime each, the inflationary [)I'ice of Uw subway, thry in5tant senate consideration; it was admirably presented," To Take Long Rest The U. S. bureau ot mines office 1IiII rirl~ about 100 blocks to k~ep appoilltmentii with "Lippy can we help It If some of the Barkley said. at Vincennes, Ind., 35 miles north. ROME (IP)-Doctors l~st night sent a rescue crew. ,Lto" and to cheer the New Yorkers to victOl·y. Monrlay'H win members of your own p&rty try Many in Wall .street said the Berlin Proposals 10 Moscow to talk It to death? eHect of the President's proposals advlwd P a. I m I r 0 Togll.. m. Ambulances !rom Princeton and over the Dodgers made every The journal-amending device would be bad. But they weren'l LO!\DO!\ (A'J- .s. Amba.c;sador WaltPr B,'cll'ii S nlilli iwadf.'([ wound d italian Communist Evansville brought the dead and mem~r of the group a speciaJ ITook Liver Shots which the anli-Truman Democrats worried because they didn't think btl k to hi!l Mo. row I~t IMt ni ht with th '" 'krl pow .. ·• pro· II' der. to take a long resl injured to the armory and the New York fan. may use is possible only at the congress would do anything about posals for seWing the O('l"man ('risis with Ru s..'lifl. Togllattl was shot two weekll hospital here. The sheriff's oClice TIle Hlrhlanderl covered New For Anemia,' Shaw opening of a new legislative day, them. A l'esponsibl British sourcE' !laid Rmith find British and ago by a would-be assasln. A at Evansville, 25 miles south sent York CIty from First avenue to following an adjournmenf,-not a Agreement was not unanimous, French diplomats in Mosrow woulrl Rrelt personal intel'vipwR with bedside bulletin sa.ld be was deputies to help Gibson county, lIIe Huclaon river yesterday all recess--ot the senate. The senate however, in financial circles. A S,oviPI P'or('ign Mini. t I' V. 1\1. Molotov in nn attempt. to ul'l'ok (be "notably Improved" and that hJ authorities. the ,011111 ladlell cot their first Tells Editor-Critic adjourned yesterdaY, so it could partner in one of the larger stock discharge from the hospital Is The mJne had resumed oper­ "leave" In two dayS of b.... cUy BpI'lin deadlock. LONDON (.4') - George Bern­ be ufied today. exchange houses said: "I think Top American oUieials declined Imminent. allon recently after beln .. closed lJIe. the objectives of the President's ard Shaw, vegetarian and play­ The southerners, who have per­ alt comment on details oC the rap- • • • several days because of water Saks Fifth Avenue store and fected a tight organization, have program are wonderful. Bul I seep.,.. wright, acknowledged yesterday •d-fire three-power conferences ROME (.4')-New strikes threat­ Radio City came in for a major agreed informally to let Senator don't think he will get to first U. S. Demonstrates ened the Italian economy last I· JIllrt of the altention, but the more that have b en held here the last The mIne reopened had been that he once took liver injections. Stennis (D-Miss), Maybank (0- base." night as eleventh-hour peacemak­ instpected Sunday by the state curious ventured as far as the top SC and Stewart (D-Tenn) lead of! But he said it was years ago William Grf!en, president of the two days. They said only that the ers strove to avert the break-up of mine inspectors. of the Empire State building and and "they very nearly killed me, any time killing debate. American Federation of Labor. Growing Air Power the piers of East river. Ihree powers fmally had lhresned tlJe Italian general confederation The explosion occurred at the too~' By deciding to turn the said he considered the program out a agreemenl on how to meet o,f labor.
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