AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen OF THE SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MOD (National Trust for Scotland Photograph) Abertarff House, Inverness—An Comunn’s New Northern Headquarters INVERNESS 11th to I4th October, 1966 PRICE - - THREE SHILLINGS For Complete Photographic Coverage Of The Mod ON SALE IN INVERNESS ON THURSDAY THE NEWSPAPER HIGHLANDERS READ FOR NEWS OF THE HIGHLANDS A MATTER OF Balance There is an easier, and much more sensible way to maintain a good footing in money matters; open a Clydesdale Bank Current Account, with a cheque book of your own, and enjoy modern banking facilities. The Bank's up-to-date accountancy systems will show you a clear picture of your income/expenditure balance. The Manager of your nearest Branch of the Clydesdale Bank will be happy to explain the Bank's services in detail, including the Midland Bank Group £30 Cheque Card. Clydesdale Bank Ltd HEAD OFFICE: 30 St Vincent Place Glasgow C 1 OVER 350 BRANCHES FROM THE SOLWAY TO SHETLAND Air son a’ Phiob Mhor agus Aodach na Gaidhealtachd thig do ’n Bhuth GRAINGER &gus CAMPBELL LTD. 1191-1193 SRAID EARRA-GHA1DHEAL GLASCHU, C.3. Telefon: Central 9103 AN GOMUNN GAIDHEALAGH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen Programme of the SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MOD Contents — —— ——- PAGE Programme 5 Time-table 7 Junior Section—Written Competitions 13 Tuesday—Junior Section—Oral Delivery 15 Vocal Music 29 Instrumental Music 41 Senior Section — Written Competitions 50 Wednesday—Senior Section—Vocal Music 51 Thursday—Senior Section—Oral Delivery 61 Vocal Music 64 Clarsach 68 Friday—Senior Section—Vocal Music 70 Instrumental Music 74 Art and Industry Competitions 77 Winners of the Premier Competitions 79 IS BAGANTA GRINN BOIDHEACH AIR BANAIS ’S AIR MOD AM BREACAN c«»v» THE CUCHULLIN HANDLOOM CO., LTD. 31 UNION STREET, INVERNESS HANDWOVEN TWEEDS, TARTANS, SCARVES AND STOLES FINEST SCOTTISH KNITWEAR, HIGHLAND CRAFTS, CELTIC JEWELLERY also at PORTREE, ISLE OF SKYE - 3 LEOPOLD STREET, NAIRN and 86 PIMLICO ROAD, LONDON, S W.1 TADHLAIBH OIRNN IS GHEIBH—SIBH BHUR TAGHADH LE AOIDH IS CAIRDEAS B sharp ! ! ! Take note of the name B. G. HOARE’S Long established as the Hat Shop of the North, we can now offer you foundations to fashions in pleasant surroundings MILLINERY from 18/11 SUITS from 7 gns. COATS from 9 gns. WOOL DRESSES from 5| gns. COCKTAIL DRESSES from 6 gns. We cordially invite you to view our comprehensive range in Lingerie, Gloves, Scarves, Jewellery, Nylons, Overalls, Evening Stoles, etc. at:- B. G. HOARE’S 7-11 Lombard Street, Inverness — 4 — < 18 ifiiOC %. 196 7 AN COMUNN GAIDHE ALACH Patron — Her Majesty The Queen. PROGRAMME of the SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MOD Under the Patronage of the Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of Inverness MOD LOCAL COMMITTEE OFFICE-BEARERsT Convener — Sheriff DOUGLAS DONALD. Vice-Conveners — Messrs, I. R. MACKAY, ALASDAIR FRASER, KENNETH FRASER. Hon. Secretary — Mrs. CATHERINE A. MACDONALD, 2 Cawdor Road, Inverness Hon. Treasurer — Mr. IAN MACLEOD, 1 Laggan Road, Inverness. GAELIC SERVICE (Broadcast) in the EAST CHURCH on SUNDAY, 9th OCTOBER, 1966, at 4 p.m. Service conducted by Rev. John Campbell, M.A., Readers—Mr Donald Grant, M.A., B.A., Ed.B., and Mr. Alasdair Fraser, M.A. Precentor—Mr. Il jvCAx Fraser. OFFICIAL OPENING of the MOD in the TOWN HALL on MONDAY, 10th OCTOBER at 7.30 p.m. COMPETITIONS commence Daily at 9 a.m. prompt. Admission to Competition Sessions: Day Tickets, Tuesday and Wednesday, 2/6 each ; Gold Medal Finals, Thursday forenoon, 3/-; other Thursday forenoon sessions, 1/-; Thursday afternoon, 1/-; Friday forenoon, 2/-; Lovat and Tullibardine, 3/-; Margrat Duncan, 1/-. Tickets are not available in advance. ART AND INDUSTRY EXHIBITION IN COMMITTEE ROOM, TOWN HALL Admission, 1/-. JUNIOR CONCERT in PLAYHOUSE CINEMA on TUESDAY, 11th OCTOBER, 7.30 p.m Presiding — Mr. RONALD MACLEOD, H.M.I.S. Admission, 5/- Reserved ; 3/6 Unreserved. GAELIC DRAMA — SESSIONon WEDNESDAY, of THREE 12th ONE-ACT OCTOBER, PLAYS at 7 p.m. in the ARTS CENTRE Admission, 4/-. CEILIDH in the PLAYHOUSE CINEMA on WEDNESDAY, 12th OCTOBER, at 9 p.m. Admission, 5/- Fear-an-Tighe—Mr. HUME D. ROBERTSON, M.A. RURAL CHOIRS' CONCERT in PLAYHOUSEat 7.30 p.m.CINEMA on THURSDAY, 13th OCTOBER Presiding — Mr. ALEX. FRASER, M.A. Admission, 7/6 Reserved; 5/- Unreserved. ' GRAND CONCERTS in the PLAYHOUSE CINEMA on FRIDAY, 14th OCTOBER First Concert, 6.30 p.m. Presiding — Sheriff DOUGLAS DONALD. Second Concert. 9 p.m. Presiding — Mr. W. J. MACKAY, Provost of Inverness. Admission, 10/- Reserved ; 7/6 Unreserved. MOD BALL in DRUMOSSIE HOTELTicket, on FRIDAY, £1 5/- 14th OCTOBER. 9.30 p.m. to 2 a.m. MOD MARQUEE DANCE in BUGHT PARKTicket, on 7/6 FRIDAY, 14th OCTOBER, 9 p.m.-l.SO a.m. — 5 — The Shi 14 EASTGATE - INVERNESS TWEED AND TARTAN SKIRT LENGTHS Telephone 31326 24/6 25/6 27/6 SKIRT PACKS (1yd. Material, Lining, Zip and Button) 45/- Tartan Rugs £2.5, £2.12.6 and £3.19.6 Kiddies Kilts from £1.19.6 Tartan Knee Rugs £1.15 Kiddies Trousers from 17/6 Mohair Tartan Rugs £4.15 and £4.19.6 Tartan Ties Boys’5/11 Gent’s 7/11 and 12/11 Mohair Tartan Knee Rugs £2.15 Tartan and Mohair Scarfs 11/6 and 14/6 Double-sided Tartan Rugs £7.19.6 Scottish Dressed Dolls from 5/11 to £3.15 Also large selection Scottish lery, Leather Goods and Souvenirs Prompt attention to all postal enquiries. Postage extra The Highland Pental The (rift Shop Repair Service 9 NEW MARKET, INVERNESS 9 NEW MARKET, INVERNESS Large selection of trolls The Laird 17/6 McTroot 27/6 Dentures repaired McSki 27/6 within four hours McToss 27/6 McTurk of Glencoe . 27/6 24 hours Furry Highland Cattle . 27/6 postal service Also large selection of gifts Telephone 33430 Telephone 33430 MOD TIME-TABLE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th October, 1966 TUESDAY Place Competition 9.00 East Church Hall, LowerUpper . Reading,Recitation, Fluent. Fluent, 13-16 13-16 9.00 Dr. Black Memorial Hall, Room AB Reading, Learners, 13-16 9.009.40 Dr. Black Memorial Hall, Room A Recitation,Reading, Learners, Learners, under 13-16 13 ... 10.2010.15 Dr.East Black Church Memorial Hall, Lower Hall, . Room B Recitation, Fluent,Learners, under under 13 ...13 10.25 Dr.East BlackChurch Memorial Hall, Lower Hall, . Room A Conversation,Reading, Learners, Fluent. 13-16 13-16 ... 10.3510.30 Dr.East Black Church Memorial Hall, Upper Hall, . Room A Reading, Learners,Fluent, under under 13 13... 10.40 East Church Hall, Upper .. Story, Fluent,Fluent, 13-16under ...13 11.1011.15 East Church Hall, Upper .. Recitation, over 16 11.1511.35 Dr.East Black Church Memorial Hall, Upper Hall. ..] RecitationRecitation, of13-16 Scripture, under 13 11.4511.40 East Church Hall, LowerUpper ■■.. Conversation, Fluent,over 16 under 13 1211.50 noon East Church Hall, LowerUpper .. Conversation,Reading, Fluent, 13-16 13-16 p.m. Recitation of Scripture, 13-16 12.1012.05 EastDr. BlackChurch Memorial Hall, Upper Hall, .. Verse-speaking, 13-16 12.25 East Church Hall, Upper .. Verse-speaking,Conversation, under under 13 13 12.351.00 East Church Hall, LowerUpper .. Reading, Fluent, under 13 ... VOCAL SOLOS AND DUETS Playhouse Cinema ... No. 12 Solo Singing, Girls under 13, Fluent 9.00 Dr. Black Memorial Hall No. 29 Solo Singing. Girls 13-16, Learners ... 9.00 PlayhouseOld High ChurchCinema Hall... No. 3113 SoloSilver Singing, Medal, GirlsBoys under13-16 10, Learners 9.509.25 Playhouse Cinema ... No. 11 Silver Medal, Girls 13-16 10.05 PlayhouseOld High ChurchCinema Hall... No. 3214 Solo Singing, BoysBoys 13-16under Learners 13, Fluent ... 10.55 Old High Church Hall No. 33 Solo Singing, Boys under 13, Learners 11.10 Playhouse Cinema ... No. 3015 SoloTraditional Singing, Singing, Girls 10-13, Fluent, Learners 13-16 ... 1211.20 noon Dr.Playhouse Black MemorialCinema ... Hall No. 16 Traditional Singing, Fluent, under 13 p.m. Playhouse Cinema ... No. 17 Duet Singing, Fluent, 13-16 12.1512.10 Old High Church Hall No. 35 Duet Singing, Learners under 13 ... 12.25 Playhouse Cinema ... No. 46 Solowinners, Singing, under Former 16 First Prize INSTRUMENTAL No. 51 Pianoforte, 13-16 41 10.309.30 Town Hall No. 52 Pianoforte, under 13 41 11.10 Town Hall No. 53a53b Bagpipes, under 18 41 11.45 Town Hall — 7 __ When in SKYE or INVERNESS visit The Pringle Mills Producers of Exclusive Pringlespun Sporting and Country Tweeds, Hand knitting Wools, Rugs and Tartans KILT AND SKIRT-MAKING SERVICE Patterns and Brochure on Request mm Visitors are invited to see the goods being made in our factories at Portree and Inverness. Showrooms at both factories. For those unable to visit Skye or Inverness we will be pleased to forward patterns of our goods—Post orders will receive our prompt attention mm' Janies Pringle Ltd. SKYE WOOLLEN MILLS — PORTREE Telephone 89 HOLM WOOLLEN MILLS — INVERNESS Telephone 31042 Timep.m. Place 2.15 PlayhouseDr. Black MemorialCinema . Hall . No. 4836 ActionUnison, SongsLearners 2.502.15 Town Hall ...... No. 50a50 Rural ChoirsChoirs, under 13 3.453.15 PlayhouseDr. Black MemorialCinema . Hall . No. 1937 Unison,Choral, LearnersFluent 3.503.50 TownDr. Black Hall Memorial Hall No. 2049 Choral,Choral Puirt-a-beul“Oban Times” ... 5.104.30 PlayhouseDr. Black MemorialCinema . Hall No. 4734 DuetSolo Singing,Singing, Learners,16-18 13-16 WEDNESDAY VOCAL SOLOS 9.00 PlayhouseDr. Black MemorialCinema ... Hall No. 8571 MacLeanSolo, Learners, Watt, Men ... 9.309.00 OldDr. HighBlack ChurchMemorial Hall Hall, No. 8675 Solo,Folk Songs,Learners, unpublished Ladies 10.2010.10 PlayhouseDr. Black MemorialCinema ... Hall . No. 7084 Solo,James Learners, Grant.
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