2 NOUVELLE MONOGRAPHIE DES TRECHINAE BIBLIOGRAPHIE Diagnoses étrangères traduites et interprétées par : Christophe Avon (France) Directeur du L.E.F.H.E., Membre de la Société Entomologique de France. Toute reproduction d’un extrait quelconque de cette monographie, par quelque procédé que ce soit et notamment par photocopie, microfilm, ou scanner est strictement interdite pour tous les pays sans autoristation écrite des Editions du L.E.F.H.E. LES COMPTES RENDUS DU L. E. F. H. E NOUVELLE MONOGRAPHIE DES TRECHINAE BIBLIOGRAPHIE 3 LES COMPTES RENDUS DU L. E. F. H. E 4 NOUVELLE MONOGRAPHIE DES TRECHINAE BIBLIOGRAPHIE En hommage au Professeur René JEANNEL (1879-1965) . Le Professeur René JEANNEL (1879-1965) _________________ LES COMPTES RENDUS DU L. E. F. H. 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ASHIDA, H., & KITAYAMA, K., 2003. - The group of Stygiotrechus ohtanii (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from the Kii Peninsula, central Japan. Elytra , Tokyo, 31 (1) : 221 - 229. ASHIDA, H., & KITAYAMA, K., 2004. - A new Stygiotrechus (Coleoptera, Trechinae ) from near the northern end of the Daiko Mounains in the Kii Peninsula, central Japan. Elytra , 31 (1) : 23 - 27, (Stygiotrechus azami Ashida & Kitayama). ASHIDA, H., & KITAYAMA, K., 2004. - A record of Kusumia septentrionalis Uéno & Okuda ( Coleoptera, Trechinae ) from Nara prefecture, central Japan. Elytra , 31 (1) : 27. LES COMPTES RENDUS DU L. E. F. H. E NOUVELLE MONOGRAPHIE DES TRECHINAE BIBLIOGRAPHIE 9 ASHIDA, H., 1998. - Two new Anophthalmic Trechiama (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Kyoto prefecture, central Japan. Elytra , Tokyo 26 (2) : 289 - 295. ASHIDA, H., 1999. - A new species of the group of Trechiama oni (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from the Kii Peninsula, central Japan. Elytra, Tokyo 27 (2) : 605 - 610. ASHIDA, H., 2000. - An Additional new species of the genus Kusumia (Coleoptera, Trechinae) . Elytra , Tokyo, 28 (2) : 241 - 245. Is the kind discovered by Mr. Kenji Kitayama of K. T. R. G. from Kawabe-cho, Wakayama. although a bodily outside approximates to key (Japanese name new) klatior Uéno, of a group brisket having thin on the side edge of It is easily discriminable from all other kinds of Kusumia . Moreover, although the form of a male copulation machine is also fundamentally similar to klatior , it is distinguishable a broad short central piece tip part and by building in the piece of copulation which resembled it of a bear group apparently. It is kept by the National Science Museum now. ASHIDA, H., 2000. - An Additional new species of the genus Kusumia (Coleoptera, Trechinae) . Elytra , Tokyo 28 (2) : 241 - 245. ASHIDA, H., 2000. - Checklist of Trechinae from Japan. Version VIII. Edited by Ashida, H., Kansai Trechine Research Group . May 2000. ASHIDA, H., 2001. - A new species of the group of Trechiama oni (Coleoptera, Trechinae ) from Okayama prefecture, Western Honshu, west Japan. Elytra , Tokyo, 29 : 481 - 485. ASHIDA, H., 2002. - A distinct species-complex of Trechiama notoi (Coleoptera, Trechinae ) mainly distributed in the Tajima area, central Japan. Elytra , Tokyo 30 (2) : 385 - 397. ASHIDA, H., 2002. - Two new anophthalmic species of the group of Trechiama oni (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from the Tajima area, central Japan. Elytra , Tokyo, 30 (1) : 49 - 56. LES COMPTES RENDUS DU L. E. F. H. E 10 NOUVELLE MONOGRAPHIE DES TRECHINAE BIBLIOGRAPHIE ASHIDA, H., 2003. - The complex of Trechiama fujitai (Coleoptera, Trechinae) from Hyogo prefecture, west Japan (I) - Two new species from the Maruyama-gawa drainage area. Elytra , Tokyo, 31 (2) : 431 - 438. ASHIDA, H., 2004. - An additional species belonging to the Trechiama notoi complex ( Coleoptera, Trechinae ) from the southern part of the Tajima Area in Hyogo prefecture, central Japan. Elytra , Tokyo, 32 (2) : 259 - 263, ( Trechiama siva Ashida, Trechiama soumai Ashida‚
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