S5270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 24, 2018 Whereas the Latter-day Saint pioneers Resolved, That the Senate— AMENDMENTS SUBMITTED AND helped shape the settlement of the West by (1) supports the goals and ideals of Na- PROPOSED constructing bridges, building ferries, clear- tional Purple Heart Recognition Day; and ing trails, establishing communities, plant- (2) encourages all people of the United SA 3409. Mr. SCHATZ (for himself, Ms. ing crops, expanding trade posts, erecting States— HIRONO, and Mr. YOUNG) submitted an trail markers, and charting maps, all of (A) to learn about the history of the Purple amendment intended to be proposed to which assisted thousands of settlers west- Heart Medal; amendment SA 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY ward; (B) to honor recipients of the Purple Heart to the bill H.R. 6147, making appropriations Whereas the Latter-day Saint pioneers ex- Medal; and for the Department of the Interior, environ- emplified what can be achieved when indus- (C) to conduct appropriate ceremonies, ac- ment, and related agencies for the fiscal year trious and resilient people work diligently tivities, and programs to demonstrate sup- ending September 30, 2019, and for other pur- and join together as communities to build a port for people who have been awarded the poses; which was ordered to lie on the table. stronger and brighter future; and Purple Heart Medal. SA 3410. Ms. HIRONO submitted an amend- Whereas the bravery, determination, and ment intended to be proposed to amendment ingenuity that the Latter-day Saint pioneers Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise SA 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill demonstrated inspires citizens of the United to speak on my resolution supporting H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on States and people across the world to tri- the goals and ideals of National Purple the table. umph over adversity, to continuously strive Heart Recognition Day. I am pleased to SA 3411. Ms. HIRONO submitted an amend- toward progress and innovation, and to press have been joined in sponsoring this res- ment intended to be proposed to amendment forward with unconquerable faith and un- olution by the senior senator from SA 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill daunted hope: Now, therefore, be it H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on Resolved, That the Senate— West Virginia, Senator MANCHIN, and the table. (1) recognizes ‘‘Pioneer Day’’, on the 171st 22 of our Senate colleagues. SA 3412. Mr. JONES submitted an amend- anniversary of the arrival of the early mem- The Purple Heart’s history goes as ment intended to be proposed to amendment bers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- far back as the founding of our Nation. SA 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill day Saints (referred to in this resolving General George Washington established H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on clause as ‘‘Latter-day Saint pioneers’’) to what is now known as the Purple Heart the table. the Great Salt Lake Valley in Utah; SA 3413. Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. ROB- (2) acknowledges the many sacrifices of the Medal when he issued an order estab- ERTS, Mr. BENNET, Mr. MORAN, Mr. HEINRICH, Latter-day Saint pioneers in their pursuit of lishing the Military Badge of Merit on and Mr. GARDNER) submitted an amendment liberty and religious freedom; and August 7, 1782. General Washington intended to be proposed to amendment SA (3) commends the Latter-day Saint pio- wished for the award to be used to rec- 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. neers and their descendants for their signifi- ognize meritorious action performed by 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on the cant contributions in facilitating the settle- members of the Continental Army, and table. ment of the West, and providing an example it took the form of a purple heart. SA 3414. Mr. UDALL (for himself, Mr. ROB- of courage, industry, and faith that inspires ERTS, Mr. BENNET, Mr. MORAN, Mr. HEINRICH, people throughout the world. The Military Badge of Merit was dis- and Mr. GARDNER) submitted an amendment continued after the Revolution and was f intended to be proposed to amendment SA not revived until 1932, when the Purple 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. SENATE RESOLUTION 591—SUP- Heart medal was authorized as its offi- 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on the PORTING THE GOALS AND cial successor decoration. On February table. IDEALS OF NATIONAL PURPLE 22, 1932, the 200th Anniversary of the SA 3415. Mrs. ERNST submitted an amend- HEART RECOGNITION DAY birth of George Washington, then- ment intended to be proposed to amendment SA 3399 proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. Army Chief of Staff General Douglas H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on MANCHIN, Mr. TESTER, Ms. WARREN, Mr. MacArthur resurrected the award, and the table. MARKEY, Ms. BALDWIN, Mrs. HYDE- it was re-designated as the Purple SA 3416. Mr. CARDIN submitted an amend- SMITH, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. PETERS, Mr. Heart. Quite appropriately, this rees- ment intended to be proposed by him to the BOOZMAN, Ms. SMITH, Mr. MERKLEY, tablished Purple Heart Medal exhibits bill H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie Mrs. ERNST, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. THUNE, the bust and profile of George Wash- on the table. Mr. MORAN, Mr. DAINES, Mr. ROUNDS, ington. SA 3417. Mr. CARDIN (for himself and Mrs. Mr. RUBIO, Mr. YOUNG, Mr. VAN HOL- FEINSTEIN) submitted an amendment in- It is around this time that the Purple tended to be proposed to amendment SA 3399 LEN, Mr. NELSON, Mr. DONNELLY, and Heart became synonymous with those proposed by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 6147, Mrs. FEINSTEIN) submitted the fol- unfortunate heroes who were killed or supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. lowing resolution; which was consid- wounded in combat. Since 1932, the SA 3418. Mr. CARDIN submitted an amend- ered and agreed to: U.S. Military has awarded more than ment intended to be proposed by him to the S. RES. 591 1.8 million Purple Hearts. bill H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on the table. Whereas, on August 7, 1782, during the Rev- Just as the Purple Heart Medal has olutionary War, General George Washington SA 3419. Mr. CARDIN (for himself and Ms. established what is now known as the Purple held a special meaning to its millions HEITKAMP) submitted an amendment in- Heart Medal when he issued an order estab- of recipients and their families, it also tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. lishing the Badge of Military Merit; has special significance to me and my 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on the Whereas the Badge of Military Merit was family. My father, who died earlier this table. designed in the shape of a heart in purple year, was a proud World War II veteran SA 3420. Mr. CARDIN submitted an amend- cloth or silk; who was wounded twice during the Bat- ment intended to be proposed by him to the Whereas, while the award of the Badge of tle of the Bulge. He earned two Purple bill H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie Military Merit ceased with the end of the on the table. Revolutionary War, the Purple Heart Medal Hearts and the Bronze Star, and it was SA 3421. Mr. WHITEHOUSE (for himself was authorized in 1932 as the official suc- from him that I first learned to honor and Mr. WYDEN) submitted an amendment cessor decoration to the Badge of Military and respect our veterans. intended to be proposed by him to the bill Merit; Mr. President, the Purple Heart is a H.R. 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on Whereas the Purple Heart Medal is the old- reminder that freedom is a gift pur- the table. est United States military decoration in chased at the greatest possible price, SA 3422. Ms. COLLINS (for Mr. DURBIN (for present use; himself and Mr. WICKER)) proposed an Whereas the Purple Heart Medal is award- and it is for that reason that I am amendment to amendment SA 3399 proposed ed in the name of the President of the United sponsoring this resolution supporting by Mr. SHELBY to the bill H.R. 6147, supra. States to recognize members of the Armed the goals and ideals of National Purple SA 3423. Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Forces who are killed or wounded in action Heart Recognition Day. I believe it is Mr. DAINES) submitted an amendment in- against an enemy of the United States or are vitally important for all Americans to tended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. killed or wounded while held as prisoners of learn the history of this important 6147, supra; which was ordered to lie on the war; military award, and to understand and table. Whereas the Purple Heart Medal has been honor the sacrifices of the many men SA 3424. Mr. GARDNER (for himself, Mr. awarded to an estimated 1,800,000 recipients; BURR, Mr. BENNET, and Mrs. SHAHEEN) sub- and and women in uniform who have earned mitted an amendment intended to be pro- Whereas August 7, 2018, is an appropriate the Purple Heart. I am grateful to all posed to amendment SA 3399 proposed by Mr. day to celebrate as National Purple Heart of my colleagues who have joined me in SHELBY to the bill H.R. 6147, supra; which Recognition Day: Now, therefore, be it supporting this important resolution.
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