A Cloud-Based Consumer-Centric Architecture for Energy Data Analytics Rayman Preet Singh, S. Keshav, and Tim Brecht {rmmathar, keshav, brecht}@uwaterloo.ca School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada ABSTRACT of a monthly visit by a meter reader. The time series of me- With the advent of utility-owned smart meters and smart ter readings, originally meant only for customer billing, has appliances, the amount of data generated and collected about unanticipated uses. On the one hand, customers who have consumer energy consumption has rapidly increased. Energy access to their usage data can get a real-time, fine-grained usage data is of immense practical use for consumers for view into their electricity consumption patterns. When suit- audits, analytics, and automation. Currently, utility com- ably analysed, this can reveal potential cost savings and cus- panies collect, use, share, and discard usage data at their tomized guidance on the benefits from energy conservation discretion, with no input from consumers. In many cases, measures, such as installing insulation, solar panels, or pur- consumers do not even have access to their own data. More- chasing energy-efficient products. On the other hand, this over, consumers do not have the ability to extract actionable same data stream can reveal private information about the intelligence from their usage data using analytic algorithms customer, for example, when they are home and when they of their own choosing: at best they are limited to the analy- are not, the appliances they own, and even, in some cases, sis chosen for them by their utility. We address these issues which TV channel or movie they are watching [30, 39]! by designing and implementing a cloud-based architecture Unlike traditional utility-centric approaches to data man- that provides consumers with fast access and fine-grained agement in the smart grid, we instead take a consumer- control over their usage data, as well as the ability to anal- centric approach [37]. We believe that consumers would like yse this data with algorithms of their choosing, including to: third party applications that analyse that data in a privacy • have control over their own data while outsourc- preserving fashion. We explain why a cloud-based solution ing data storage and persistence to an infrastructure is required, describe our prototype implementation, and re- provider port on some example applications we have implemented • get a single view into data collected from multiple that demonstrate personal data ownership, control, and an- sources alytics. • give access to their data to analytic algorithms of their Categories and Subject Descriptors choice, but without giving up data privacy C.0 [Computer Systems Organization]: General|Sys- These goals are not achieved by any existing solution. To- tem architectures; D.2.11 [Software]: Software Architectures day, many utilities do not even provide consumers with ac- cess to their own usage data. Even the utilities that give consumers access to data, such as those participating in the Keywords Green Button initiative [6], or those that provide rudimen- Home energy, data privacy, data analytics, third party ap- tary analytics, do not allow consumers to use analytic al- plications, system architecture gorithms of their own choosing. Finally, no current system gives consumers fine-grained control over who can access the 1. INTRODUCTION data, and the granularity and period of time at which it can be accessed. Utilities around the world are deploying \smart meters" Building on the rich infrastructure of modern clouds, we to record and report energy consumption readings to utility have designed and implemented cloud-based personal data central offices. This enables different prices to be charged for and execution containers that persistently store data and of- electricity based on the time of day and eliminates the cost fer an environment for the execution of arbitrary analytic al- gorithms. Consumers can use these containers to grant fine- grained access to their data to third parties. These contain- ers also allow secure and private control of home appliances Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are from any Internet-enabled device. not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies The key contributions of our work are: bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific • The design of a system that allows consumers to own permission and/or a fee. e-Energy’13, May 21–24, 2013, Berkeley, California, USA. and control access to their energy usage data and have Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2052-8/13/05 ...$15.00. it analysed using algorithms of their choice • A proof-of-concept implementation of our architecture employs this work for privacy-preserving application devel- on modern cloud computing platforms opment for energy data. System architectures: Previous work has focussed on • An evaluation of the system architecture with respect energy data management for commercial buildings and of- to data access and control fice spaces, while aiming to achieve extensibility, scalabil- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Sec- ity, and/or performance [11, 19, 25, 48]. Such systems are tion 2 describes related research. Section 3 outlines the goals designed for users with expertise in the understanding of and requirements of our system and Section 4 explains the energy data (e.g., people specializing in building operations rationale for our architecture. Section 5 presents a detailed or energy managers). Residential consumers are unlikely to description of the architecture followed by a description of possess such levels of expertise, thus necessitating privacy- our prototype implementation in Section 6. We evaluate our preserving third party applications (e.g., energy data analyt- architecture in Section 7, discuss practical implications in ics). To our knowledge our consumer-centric approach has Section 8 and limitations in Section 9. Our conclusions are been overlooked by existing work. Secondly, existing systems presented in Section 10. do not allow fine-grained access control over data streams, which is essential for privacy-preserving sharing of data. 2. RELATED WORK Many other consumer-centric solutions [24,28,40,42,52,57] target various forms of personal data (e.g., healthcare, en- We group related work into the following categories: Per- ergy, mobile sensors, photos, videos). They provide data con- sonal Data, Energy Data, Energy Data Privacy and Systems solidation and ownership by aggregating data, but require Architectures. exposing data to third parties thereby putting privacy at Personal Data: Researchers have proposed ecosystems risk. Other work addresses data transformation before re- built around an individual's data, such as health records, leasing it to third parties [20, 33, 34], consequently gaining smart meter data, data concerning banking, taxation and privacy at the cost of inhibiting applications that require ac- shopping [41]. McAuley et al. [38] introduce the concept of cess to raw data. C`aceres et al. [23,50] found that consumers' dataware that defines the processes of obtaining, accessing interests are best served by hosting their data on virtual in- and using an individual's data. Haddadi et al. [31] report dividual servers in the cloud. We extend this approach to that the ethical and legal consequences of gathering individ- enable the in-depth analysis of consumer data such as time- uals' data are not yet fully determined, but it is understood series consumption data, by third party applications while that the individual co-owns any data concerning them. We preserving the privacy of the consumer. focus on applying the concept of privacy-preserving dataware to an individual's energy data and investigate the goals, ar- chitecture, and mechanisms needed to implement such a sys- 3. GOALS AND REQUIREMENTS tem. Our main goal is to design a system that allows consumers Energy Data: Currently, various utility and software to aggregate their data from multiple sources, control how companies provide consumers with access to their energy that data is accessed and shared, and to allow them to data through web portals. Examples include initiatives like quickly and easily access that data from any device, at any- Green Button [6], analytics providers like Opower [10], util- time, from anywhere. These top-level goals translate into the ity companies such as Waterloo North Hydro [14], San Diego following subgoals. Gas and Electric [13], and software projects like Google Pow- ermeter [5] and Microsoft Hohm [8] (both now defunct). Consolidation: To allow a single view into multiple data While these portals allow residential and commercial con- streams and cross-correlation between different time sumers to download data about their energy consumption series, the system should automatically consolidate en- (or energy data), the consumer is responsible for its long ergy usage data from multiple sources. term storage and use. In many cases, the data is only avail- Durability: To allow analysis of usage history, a con- able for a limited time (e.g., three months [14]) and hence sumer's energy data should be always available, irre- such portals do not provide consumers with a durable stor- spective of its time of origin. age solution. Secondly, the data analytics available to con- sumers is at the utilities' discretion. As a result they are Portability: To prevent lock-in to a single provider, data deprived of potentially better analytics through third-party and computation should be portable to different cloud applications. We focus on building a platform to circumvent providers. these problems. Privacy: To preserve privacy, the system should allow a Energy Data Privacy: Analysing smart meter data in consumer to determine which other entities can access a privacy-preserving fashion has been the focus of much the data and at what level of granularity.
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