USOO8812422B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,812,422 B2 NiZZari et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 19, 2014 (54) VARLANT DATABASE (56) References Cited (71) Applicants: Marcia M. Nizzari, Needham, MA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Benjamin H. Breton, Woburn, 4,683, 195 A 7, 1987 Mullis et al. MA (US); David L. Tefft, Malden, MA 4,683.202 A 7, 1987 Mullis 4,988,617 A 1/1991 Landegren et al. (US); Xavier S. Haurie, Belmont, MA 5,234,809 A 8, 1993 Boom et al. (US) 5,242,794. A 9/1993 Whiteley et al. 5,494,810 A 2/1996 Barany et al. 5,583,024 A 12/1996 McElroy (72) Inventors: Marcia M. Nizzari, Needham, MA 5,604,097 A 2f1997 Brenner (US); Benjamin H. Breton, Woburn, 5,636,400 A 6/1997 Young MA (US); David L. Tefft, Malden, MA 5,674,713 A 10/1997 McElroy (US); Xavier S. Haurie, Belmont, MA (US) (Continued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: Good Start Genetics, Inc., Cambridge, MA (US) EP 1321477 A1 6, 2003 EP 1564306 A2 8, 2005 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this (Continued) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S.C. 154(b) by 13 days. Sequeira, R. A. R. L. Olson, and J. M. McKinion. “Implementing generic, object-oriented models in biology.” Ecological Modelling (21) Appl. No.: 13/667,575 94.1 (1997): 17-31.* (22) Filed: Nov. 2, 2012 (Continued) Primary Examiner — Kakali Chaki (65) Prior Publication Data Assistant Examiner — Kevin W Figueroa (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Thomas C. Meyers; Brown US 2013/02684.74 A1 Oct. 10, 2013 Rudnick LLP (57) ABSTRACT Related U.S. Application Data The invention provides a system and method for describing polymorphisms or genetic variants based on information (60) Provisional application No. 61/621,779, filed on Apr. about mutations and relationships among them. 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