VoL. IV. No. 57. HARTFORD, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1908. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. WEST POINT WINS FROM COMMENCEMENT WEEK. WESLEY AN GAME' MAXSON IS CAPTAIN. TRINITY. TO-MORROW. Program Announced. To Lead Next Season's Track Team. A Slow Game With Disappointing A Summary of Games Played. The eighty-second wmmencement of Results. Harry Irl Maxson '09 of Galveston, Trinity College will take place in Alum­ Texas, was elected captain of the track ni Hall on the morning of the twenty­ Trinity will play Wesleyan to-mor­ Last Wednesday afternoon the 'var­ row at Middletown in the first of a team for the season of I908-09 yester­ fourth of June, at II o'clock. sity base ball team went down to defeat day afternoon. Maxson has been a A program has .been arranged that ·series of three games. It is expected at the hands of the Army, at West member of the team for the past two promises to be one of special interest that a large number of men will a<:­ Point, by a score of 5 to o. The game seasons as a weight man and broad to all those who attend. company the team and arrangements was a miserably poor exhibition, Trin­ jumper. In the recent meet with Wes­ One of the most urgent reasons for have been made by the Wesleyan man­ ity not even getting a safe hit and but leyan he captured first place in the every undergr.i:duate's staying until the agement to provide seats for them in one man as far as third base. Woodle hammer throw and second in the discus finish, is the fact that this June marks the same section of the bleachers. pitched a good game for Trinity, mak· throw. He has always been very prom­ the twenty-fifth anniversary of Presi­ The teams will probably be as fol­ ing ten strike outs and giving eight inent in college activities and the elec­ dent Luther's connection with the col­ lows:- bases on balls; McNeil for West Point tion is a popular one among the under­ lege. Trinity-Smith, c; Xanders, 3b; Car­ having seven strike outs, with one base graduates. Beside •being on the track A great number of graduates are ex­ roll, zb; Connor, r£; N. H. Gildersleeve, on balls. The summary follows:- pected back, either for the week, for ss; Abbey, Ib; A. L. Gildersleeve, rf; Trinity AB R H PO A E their fraternity reunions, or for the Cook or Woodle, p. Connor, If ..... 4 0 0 0 0 commencement. Wesleyan-Van Tassell, zb; ·wright, Webster, cf .... 4 0 0 0 0 The program of commencement week ss; Marriman, cf; Smith, Ib; Baker, Carroll, zb ..... 4 0 0 0 2 0 is as follows:- rf; Connelly, p; Beaton, 3b; Dresser, Xanders, 3b . 4 0 0 3 0 0 Saturday, June 20. If; Day, c. Smith, c ....... 3 0 I IO I [ 2:30 p. m.-Baseball game. Wesleyan The following is a summary of the *Gil'ers'l, A.L., r£ 3 0 0 I 0 v . Trinity at Hartford. scores -of some of the games Wesleyan Abbey, Ib ...... 3 0 I 8 0 0 8 :oo p. m.-Senior dramatics in Al­ has played so far this year :­ Gildersleeve, ss . 3 0 0 I 3 umni Hall: "The Stranger in the Wesleyan 9, Springfield Training r. \Noodle, p ..... 2 0 0 0 I2 0 Church." Wesleyan I, Brown 5. Sunday, June zr. Wesleyan II, Rutgers 3. Total .. ..... 30 0 24 19 2 3 9:15 a. m.-Morning prayer and holy Wesleyan r, Yale 4. *Cook (4th inning, r£) <:ommtmion in the chapel. Wesleyan 13, N. Y. U. 7. West Point AB A H PO A E 7 :45 p. m.-Evening prayer in Christ Vlesleyan 3, Holy Cross 7. Montford, 3b ... 0 0 0 0 I 5 Church, with baccalaureate sermon by We leyan o, Lafayette r. Harrison, zb .. 4 I 2 2 0 4 the president of the college. Wesleyan 6, Williams 6, (17 innings). Day, rf ••••••• 0 I 0 0 I 4 Class Day-Monday, June 22. Wesleyan 22, Stevens 3· HARRY I. MAXSON, '09. Anderson, cf .... 2 0 0 0 0 Wesleyan 3, Williams r. 2 :oo p. m.-Annual meeting of the Ulloa, If .. ..... 2 I 0 0 3 3 board of fellows in the Latin room. Trinity's scores are as follows:­ team, Maxson has played a fme game Hyatt, ss ...... 2 0 0 0 0 4 3 :oo p. m.-Ciass Day exercises on Trinity 2, Yale 5· on the foot ball team for the past three :\I eyer, Ib ..... I 2 IO 2 0 3 the campus. Trinity 8, Stevens 6. seasons. He was president of his clas3 Gouser, c . ... .. 2 0 0 8 0 8 :oo p. m.-Annual meeting of the Trinity 5, Seton Hall 6. during the second term of his fre>h­ ~IcNeil, p ..... 4 0 0 0 I2 0 <:orporation. Trinity o, Pratt Institute 2. man year, a member of the Junior 9 :oo p. m.-Ciass Day reception Trinity 8, Boston College r. promenade committee, chairman of the Total ......... 29 5 5 27 2I 2 (senior Promenade) in Alumni Hall. Trinity 4, Springfield Trinaing 2. Sophomore Smoker Committee and Trinity . ... ....... o o o o o o o o o-o Alumni Day-Tuesday, June 23. Trinity I, Dartmouth 3. Secretary-Treasurer of the Athletic West Point ...... o o 3 o o o 2 o *-5 9 :30 a. m.-Prayers in the chapel. Trinity o, Villa Nova 4. Association. He is a member of the Struck out, by MeN eil 7, ·by Woodle IO :oo a. m.-Meeting of the c-orpora­ Trinity 3, Holy Cr-oss 2. Sophomore Dining Club and the Psi IO; base on balls, off Woodle 8, off tion in 3I Seabury Hall. Annual meet­ Trinity o, West Point 5· Upsilon fraternity. MeN eil I ; left on bases, Trinity 2, ing of the Phi Beta Kappa in the his­ West Point 8; two base hits, Harrison, tory room. MEETING O F THE N. E. I. P. A. THE BEN GREET PLAYS. Ulloa; stolen bases, Xanders, Day, II :oo a. m.-Annual meeting of the Anderson. Alumni association in Alumni Hall. The annual meeting of the New Yesterday afternoon the famous Ben I :oo p. m.-Luncheon for the trus­ Greet players gave two open air per­ INTERCOLLEGIATE TENNIS. England Intercollegiate Press Associa­ tees, alumni, and friends of the college tion was held recently at the Hotel formances in the Warner grounds ou in the gymnasium. Forest street. H. H. Burgwin 'II and A. W. Bun­ Westminster, Boston, Mass. The busi­ 5 to 8 p. m.-President's re<:eption at In the afternoon "As You Like It" nell 'n were defeated in the singles in ness meeting and discussion was held No. II5 Vernon ·street. was produced and in the evening "A the tennis tournament at Longwood last at noon with a luncheon, and the 8 :oo p. m.-Fraternity reunions. Midsummer ight's Dream." A large week. Burgwin 'II and Nelson 'II were annual dinner of the representatives Commencement Day-Wednesday, audience was present at both perform­ also defeated in the doubles in the same from the men's college was held at the June 24. same hotel in the evening. ances and was loud in its praises of tournament. 9 :oo a. m.-Morning prayer in the the event. The representatives of Trinity were The Tripod was represented by P. chapel. For over twenty years Ben Greet has up against some very hard men, Bur­ H. Barbour 'og. 10 :45 a. m.:....Procession formed in been famous in England for these per­ gwin playing a man in the single who In the election of officers for next front of Northam Towers. formances, which his splendid company qualified for the finals and the other year, S. B. Fairbank of Amherst was II :oo a. m.-Eighty-second com­ elected president; Miss Marion E. has acted each year at Oxford, Cam­ two having the same kind of luck. mencement, in Alumni Hall. bridge, London's Royal Botanical Gar­ All the men played good heady game3 Markley of Wellesley, vice-president Those who have had the matter of dens and at the most beautiful ancestral and it is practically a sure thing that and C. Turner of Tech., secretary­ the reception committee in charge have homes of "Shakespeare's England." next year the outcome will be different, treasurer. certainly made an excellent choice as Five years ago the company gave its for practice in the doubles is a feature will be seen from the following list: COLLEGE N E WS. first American "pastoral" at Columbia lacking at present. Honorary, Gurdon Wadsworth Russell, Univer-sity before an audience of over M.D., LL.D., 1834. Adive, Rev. James three thousand persons. Tnis was fol­ The carving of the old college over To-morrow all <:ollege exercises, in­ Goodwin, M.A., B.D., '86, chairman; lowed by four performances at Harvard the door of Middle Jarvis is nearing cluding lectures and recitations will be Ron. Frank Langdon Wilcox '8o; Ed­ University; also at Yale, Princeton, <:ompletion. The miniature representa­ omitted, on account of the occasion­ ward Stevens Beach '83; William Fes­ Toronto, McGill; to be repeated al­ tion is excellent, and the wonder has Memorial Day. Chapel will be re­ tus ·Morgan '88; Charles Clarence Bar­ most annually. been constantly growing, that so per­ quired, as on week days, however: ton, jr., LL.D. '93; George William Last season, 1907, the Ben Greet fect a carving could be made-repre­ Ellis '94; Dudley Chase Graves 'g8; players were so much in demand that senting the buildings, trees, and walks The freshman examination in Phy­ Rev.
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