October 2, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1931 It's unclear how much whistle-blowing the TRIBUTE TO DR. JASON HU, REP- actions might cost him his life. However, Mr. hospital industry really wants from its com- RESENTATIVE OF THE REPUBLIC Johnson was more concerned about righting a pliance chiefs. After all, ultra-strict compli- OF CHINA ON TAIWAN wrong and correcting an injustice, than about ance programs can mean higher costs and ir- ritating bureaucracy. Some plump revenue his personal safety. sources could wither away, too, if compli- HON. TOM LANTOS I will personally miss Mr. Johnson. He was ance officers declare them to be off-limits. OF CALIFORNIA a great and noble man. My sincere condo- But most federal fraud-fighters welcome IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lences go to his wonderful wife, Mrs. Bernice the effort. ``What we're talking about is en- C. Johnson of Birmingham and all of his chil- suring that organizations bill appropriately, Thursday, October 2, 1997 dren, family, and friends. that they train their staff appropriately, and Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f that they follow good business practices,'' pay tribute to Dr. Jason Chih-chiang Hu, the says Eileen Boyd, deputy inspector general distinguished representative of the Taipei Eco- ST. MICHAEL'S POST 1562, CATHO- at the Department of Health and Human nomic and Cultural Representative Office in LIC WAR VETERANS, CELE- Services. BRATES 50TH ANNIVERSARY When problems do exist, federal sentencing the United States. As my colleagues know, guidelines treat the existence of a compli- Ambassador Hu has served as the chief rep- ance program as a mitigating factor that can resentative of the Republic of China on Tai- HON. JAMES H. MALONEY reduce civil or criminal penalties. Con- wan here in the United States for the past 15 OF CONNECTICUT versely, hospitals without a compliance pro- months. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gram may be told to form one as part of set- During that time, the friendship between our Thursday, October 2, 1997 tling a federal fraud investigation. For that two countries has benefitted greatly from reason, Ms. Boyd tells the industry: ``You Jason Hu's outstanding efforts. Although Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, can pay for compliance now, or you can pay I want to bring to the attention of the U.S. for it later.'' Jason will be leaving Washington, DC, we are Traditionally, hospitals have counted on fortunate that he will continue to work for bet- House of Representatives and the Nation a low-level internal auditors to catch prob- ter relations between the United States and most important event in my Connecticut dis- lems, and report them to senior manage- Taiwan. He will return to Taipei within the next trict. This weekend, St. Michael's Post 1562 of ment. But the new, high-profile compliance few weeks to assume the critically important the Catholic War Veterans, will celebrate its chiefs are expected to get involved in poten- position of foreign minister. 50th anniversary. The event will be marked tial trouble spots much earlier. They are Dr. Jason Hu's record of distinguished pub- with the celebration of a mass and a dinner also expected to flag hospital boards and the lic service to his nation spans more than a that evening in Derby, CT. government right away if infractions are Post 1562 was officially chartered on De- found. decade. He received his B.L. in diplomacy Paul Flanagan got into compliance work from the National Chengchi University in Tai- cember 22, 1947. With 345 members, the post 21¤2 years ago, after finishing his studies at wan, and his Ph.D. in International Studies at is the largest Catholic war veterans group in Creighton Law School in Omaha, Neb. When Oxford University. Jason began his career as the State of Connecticut and the fourth largest he asked a local attorney for career tips in a university professor, and he later served as in the Nation. In addition to advancing the in- health care, the answer amounted to a single the government's chief spokesman. Since terests of Catholic war veterans who have word: ``Compliance.'' June of 1996 he has been the chief represent- courageously served their country, this organi- He soon because chief compliance officer at ative to the United States. zation's efforts have served to improve the Alegent Health in Omaha. Six weeks ago, the We will miss Jason's wisdom and his articu- lives of all residents of the Derby area. 31-year-old Mr. Flanagan jumped to a fast- For many years, members of Post 1562 track job at Coopers & Lybrand, where he late and informed advocacy for Taiwan. Ja- will travel around the country, helping as son's lovely and charming wife, Shirley, will have volunteered their time to patients at the many as 60 hospitals set up compliance de- also be missed. At the same time, Mr. Speak- Veterans Administration Hospital in West partments. er, this is a wonderful opportunity for Jason Haven, CT. Also, the post and its ladies auxil- Currently, the HHS inspector general's of- and Shirley to serve their country in a new iary combine efforts on a yearly basis to par- fice and the American Hospital Association and challenging position. ticipate in the traditional Cross of Peace Drive are drafting guidelines for a model compli- Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join at local churches. Furthermore, the post dis- ance program for hospitals. Those standards me in wishing them bon voyage and great tributes gifts to needy boys and girls at their are expected to be issued this fall. They are annual children's Christmas party. likely to be welcomed by a hospital industry success as they face the new challenges and fearful that the government's anti-fraud opportunities that lie ahead. Mr. Speaker, it is extremely heartening to campaign could sweep up not just outright f find an organization that makes a critical dif- rascals but also people who have been trying ference in the lives of so many people. St. Mi- to obey laws that they don't understand very TRIBUTE TO JAMES JOHNSON chael's Post 1562 of the Catholic War Veter- well. ans of the U.S.A. truly is a model institution. ``The regulations are so complex that orga- HON. EARL F. HILLIARD On behalf of the State of Connecticut and our nizations can make errors just because of the OF ALABAMA entire Nation, I want to commend the officers complexity,'' says Sister Pat Eck, chair- and members of Post 1562 for not just their person of the Bon Secours Health System IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sacrifices to our country in the name of free- Inc. chain of Hospitals and nursing homes in Thursday, October 2, 1997 Marriottsville, Md. dom, but also for their invaluable efforts to Sister Pat says that Bon Secours has tradi- Mr. HILLIARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to strengthen the communities of the Derby area. tionally relied on its internal audit depart- pay tribute to Mr. James Johnson of Bir- f ment to catch problems, adding that she is mingham, AL. Mr. Johnson recently passed ``comfortable'' with its work to date. But she away, yet his legacy will remain a shining ex- TRIBUTE TO COLONEL JIMMIE D. says her board is encouraging her to consider ample to our community for decades to come. HOLMANS creating a more formal compliance depart- Mr. Johnson was born in Sumpter County, ment, something that could happen as soon AL, and was educated in the public school HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ as next year. system of Alabama. He was a hardworking While the most dramatic part of compli- OF TEXAS ance programs may be the detection of man who spent decades working in the steel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mills of Ensley, AL. wrongdoing, their most important function Thursday, October 2, 1997 may be training employees how to follow the Above all, Mr. Johnson was a brave and rules in the first place, says Ms. Boyd, the courageous man. He was the first black ever Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today deputy inspector general at HHS. elected as a constable, and he served over 20 to honor the dedication, public service, and ``I'm a big believer in hands-on training, years. patriotism of Col. Jimmie D. Holmans. Colonel where people have a chance to ask questions While James Johnson was confronted with Holmans, a native Texan, will retire from the and get tested on what they were supposed to the evils of segregation and legalized Jim U.S. Air Force on October 1, 1997 after more learn,'' she says. ``Putting a manual on a shelfÐor herding people into an auditorium Crow laws over 50 years ago, he did some- than 29 years of faithful service to our Nation. to watch a videoÐdoesn't do it for me. If the thing about it. Mr. Johnson stood up and was Since the beginning of his military career in health-care industry is foolish enough to put counted by volunteering to help register black November 1967, Colonel Holmans has risen in compliance programs that aren't viable, voters throughout Alabama during a period of through the ranks of the U.S. Air Force, al- they're making a serious mistake.'' history when he knew, good and well, that his ways ready and willing to serve our country in E1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks October 2, 1997 any capacity. Recognizing his potential to try. And, let us not forget the contributions and and civic responsibility demonstrated by two serve our great country, the Air Force selected sacrifices made by Colonel Holmans' family, young men from my district, Jimmy Toussaint him to attend Officer Training School.
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