Is Bob Your Uncle? see page 4 UBC Chinese take nightclub to Human Rights Council over racism By Deanne Fisher Two independent claimants Two years after filing a com­ are also charging that they were plaint of racial discrimination refused entry because of their against Systems nightclub, UBC's race. Chinese Varsity Club is finally According to Ling, the Sys­ getting its day in court. tems doorman testified that "we The BC Human Rights Coun­ have bad trouble with gangs? cil hearings were to conclude when explaining the incident. Thursday but the CVC called a A spokesperson for Systems final witness, a former Systems said "we will say nothing until it's waitress. all over? -— "There was a certain area that Ling said he is optimistic jf Oriental people sat in it, (the about the outcome of the hearing. waitress) was told to ask them to "We're quite positive at this point. move? said Steve Ling ofthe Chi­ Alot of it came down to credibility. nese Varsity Club. We know (Ritchie) is lying through "(Systems manager) Dale his teeth. We have a lot of wit­ McRitchietoldherthatthey would nesses." get into groups, start speaking The CVC is asking for the Demonstrators at rally sing ANC anthem mandol ngan photo Chinese and scare off patrons? return of their deposit as well as said Ling. payments for excess tickets The CVC has more than one printed for the dance, although complaint with Systems. In the they were printed according to fall of 1986, the club held a dance McRitchie's instructions. Revenue Canada waffles at the nightclub. "They owe us about $1,000? "(McRitchie) proceeded to said Ling. The CVC would also make things difficult? said Sanju like a public apology. over Longley tax scheme Sukul, also ofthe CVC. Sukul said Any punitive damages are the music was terrible, the heat awarded only at the discretion by By Chris Wiesinger toying with him by refusing to rule as to the legality of CCC had not was turned up until it was un­ the judge and are not part of the Revenue Canada now refuses on the legality of the CCC, which progressed at all until Beith's bearably hot, and the club's $500 CVC's request. to say whether a former UBC he has been promoting for three statement, which has now been deposit was not returned. "It could take up to a year for student's political contribution years. retracted. Later in the year, CVC mem­ a verdict? said Ling, though he deduction scheme is legal. "They're letting what I did Longley said that he would bers arranged a "test" of Systems' does not expect it to take that long. Revenue Canada cannot issue slide as if it's insignificant and not use the statement given by Beith door policy. The doormen let in "It's a\l red tape. All we can do is a public statement on actions it worth their trouble to do anything to The Ubyssey last week as evi­ two Chinese patrons but when a stick to our guns? he said. may or may not take on the Blair about. But now they're saying that dence that Revenue Canada is not group of ten attempted to enter, Longley's Contributor's Choice if I get a lot of people to do it, then dealing with him fairly in a peti­ they were told that it was a The Systems lawyer will give Concept (CCC) because of confi­ they'll try and prove it's illegal. I tion to the B.C. Supreme Court. "members only night". concluding remarks in August. dentiality rules, said Robert think this is insulting? said Lon­ Beith, Acting Assistant Deputy gley. Longley is also in the process Minister of Legislative and Inter­ Beith reversed his earlier of confirming the political status of governmental Affairs, on Monday. statement that CCC is illegal, and the Student Party. This contradicts Beith's ear­ that Revenue Canada would chal­ lier claim that they would chal­ lenge claims in court. Elections Canada official lenge the CCC, which takes ad­ "I meant that (CCC) was con­ Jerry Montpetit said the Student vantage of the tax rule allowing trary to the object and spirit ofthe Party has received 83 confirma­ contributors to registered political Income Tax Act. We don't think it tions of membership. Another 17 parties to direct them to use the conforms to the Act? said Beith. are required before the party will contribution for a specific purpose. Longley said this is unaccept­ be granted registered federal po­ The specific purpose may be able, since Revenue Canada has litical status. Longley will then the donor's personal benefit, ac­ approved all claims made under have to organize candidates for cording to Longley, leader of the CCC so far. fifty electoral districts in time for Student Party. His efforts to get a concrete the next federal election, in order He said Revenue Canada is statement from Revenue Canada to solidify the party's status. mandol ngan photo draising campaign will be used for scholar­ on the main campus." said Jamieson- ships, bursaries, academic chairs, and McLarnon. "Harbour Center won't be a SFU moves downtown faculty incentives. separate faculty itself." Over and above those donations the Students at Harbour Center will be By Robert Carlson Howe Street, which provides courses on provincial government has granted $10 able to access all the library materials at Simon Fraser University's downtown publishing, environmental studies, and million over ten years to cover the actual the main campus through an augmented campus will be a reality by the spring of other areas, will be moved to the new loca­ operating costs of the new campus. This interlibrary loan system. 1989, with the help of private, corporate, tion. money is separate from SFU's operating "We want to make the library as attrac­ and government funding. SFU is currently undertaking a na­ budget making the Harbour Center cam­ tive and user-friendly as possible. We have The Harbour Center campus will begin tional fundraising campaign, "Bridge to the pus self-sufficient, said Jamieson-McLar­ to use modem technology as best as we can accepting applications this fall for courses Future", which will help pay for the new non. to see that the student gets as good a shot at geared toward "mid-career professional campus. The courses to be offered at Harbour information as those on the main campus? studies? said Susan Jamieson-McLarnon, The goal of the campaign is to raise Center will not be finalized until this fall said Charlie MacDonald, associate librar­ spokesperson for SFU at Harbour Center. $32.7 million in five years. Of that, approxi­ when a university senate committee gives ian at SFU. "It's not designed for the person mately $10 million will go to developing its recommendations. However, a manage­ The campus will be located in the Har­ straight out of high school? said Jamieson- programs at Harbour Center. To date $14 ment program for women which will act as bour Center Mall in what was formerly McLarnon, "It's really more for people who million in private, corporate, and govern­ an alternative to the MBA program is defi­ Sears. Renovation construction should be­ are already working full-time." ment donations have been raised. nite, she said. gin next month. Harbour Center will even­ The current SFU downtown location on The remaining money from the fun­ "All ofthe programs relate to faculties tually accomodate 20,000 students. VOLUME 7, Number 3 Vancouver, B.C. 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