September 13, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6433 Iraqis has climbed to its highest level President Bush uses a nationally tele- for 1 minute and to revise and extend since the war began, and in the month vised speech on 9/11 to once again blur his remarks.) of July alone 100 Iraqis a day were the lines between the war on terror and Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, on being killed. the war in Iraq. Monday night, President Bush contin- U.S. troops continue to pay too high Last week, a bipartisan Senate Intel- ued this difficult job he has of trying to a price. To date, more than 2,600 brave ligence Committee report concluded connect the war in Iraq with al Qaeda. American soldiers have lost their lives, that the U.S. intelligence analysts He said it is the most difficult part of an additional 19,000 have been wounded, were strongly disputing any link be- his job. Because there is no connection. and we have now spent over $320 billion tween al Qaeda and Iraq, while the Even the Senate report this past in Iraq. Do we really need to lose 58,000 Bush administration officials were fab- week said, and it is a bipartisan report soldiers before we stop staying the ricating links to justify invading Iraq. from the Senate Intelligence Com- same course in Iraq as we did in Viet- Over the last month, President Bush mittee, said there is no link between nam? and Vice President CHENEY have admit- Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda. The It is time for a new strategy in Iraq, ted to the American people there was Senators wrote: ‘‘Saddam expressed no link between the terrorist attack on one where the Iraqis themselves, not only negative opinions about Osama September 11 and the Iraq war. Yet, foreign occupiers, are responsible for bin Laden.’’ during a nationally televised speech on their Nation’s future. Yet the President had the audacity Monday, the President once again had on Sunday night to say that our Na- f the audacity to say that the safety of America depends on the outcome of the tion’s safety depends on what happens UNITY AND RESOLVE WILL WIN in the streets of Baghdad. Now, Mr. THE WAR ON TERROR battle in the streets of Baghdad, once again connecting in many people’s Speaker, we have to ask the President, (Mrs. MILLER of Michigan asked and minds 9/11 and Iraq. where were you when you set this war was given permission to address the The President can’t have it both up and you told General Shinseki, head House for 1 minute and to revise and ways. And on an issue so important as of the Army, we didn’t need 350,000 peo- extend her remarks.) this, national security, the President ple; we could go over there with a mini- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. should level with the American people mal force? Speaker, Osama bin Laden himself has and admit it is time to make a change You led us into this quagmire, and stated that victory for the extremists and change the course in Iraq. you have got to give us a way out. We in Iraq will mean America’s defeat and f need the strategic redeployment that disgrace forever. Mr. MURTHA is talking about. IN MEMORY OF FORMER U.S. The terrorists clearly see Iraq has f the central front in the global war on CONGRESSMAN CLAIR BURGENER terror. (Mr. DREIER asked and was given ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER On Monday evening, the fifth anni- permission to address the House for 1 PRO TEMPORE versary of the attacks of 9/11 and the minute and to revise and extend his re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- beginning of the war on terror, the marks.) bers are reminded to direct their re- Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, it is with President clearly stated the impor- marks to the Chair and not to the great sadness that I inform the House tance of success in Afghanistan and President. Iraq and winning that war. He under- of the passing of our former colleague, stands the resolve that we need to the gentleman from California, Clair f Burgener. He was an amazing indi- meet the significant challenges faced BORDER SECURITY by our Nation. vidual, and I have a load of articles (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- And what is the response of the here that have been written about him mission to address the House for 1 Democratic leadership? To attack the over the past several days. I think the San Diego Union-Tribune minute and to revise and extend her re- President for even mentioning Iraq as a put it extraordinarily well when it marks.) part of the war on terror. They seek, said: ‘‘Burgener earned a reputation for Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today once again, to distract and divide honesty and modesty in a three-decade to remind my colleagues that partisan America to score cheap political career that began in San Diego city bickering and ill-fated policies toward points. politics and ended in the hallways of immigration reform will simply not For whatever reason, they do not the Nation’s Capitol.’’ solve the crisis we are facing today. We take the terrorists at their word with As we look at this time of partisan must produce a solution to border secu- regard to Iraq, or they do not care be- divide here, former nine-term Demo- rity and close a major loophole in our cause they see a political benefit in un- cratic Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin Nation’s security, thereby fulfilling the dermining U.S. efforts. said, ‘‘He was a wonderful colleague. most important role of the Federal The Democrats must understand that He and I were on different levels as far Government. America must be united. We must have as our voting went, but we didn’t try to It is time we turn off the faucet be- the resolve to defeat the terrorists in hold back or fool each other.’’ fore we decide to fix the pipes. Now is the heart of their power so we do not And Herb Klein, the retired editor in not the time to work on comprehensive have to fight them on our own streets. chief of Copley Newspapers and direc- reform. During the District Work Pe- One has to wonder if the Democratic tor of communications for President riod in August, my constituents deliv- leadership cares as much about win- Nixon, recalled a man of unbending ered a clear message: no amnesty, just ning the war on terror as they do about ethics: ‘‘Clair Burgener was the epit- secure the borders now. After 22 immi- winning the election in November. ome of a great American Congressman. gration field hearings, an identical re- f He was honest and ethical, a strong leader dedicated to his community. He sounding and powerful message has b 1015 was a wonderful friend whose warmth been sent to officials in Washington: secure the borders now. PRESIDENT BUSH USES NATION- never waned.’’ Mr. Speaker, our thoughts and pray- Why are my colleagues on the other ALLY TELEVISED SPEECH TO side of the aisle so opposed to the will SPREAD DISINFORMATION ers go to Clair’s wife, Marvia. We thank him for his extraordinary serv- of the American people? Security is an (Ms. SOLIS asked and was given per- ice to the United States of America. issue that should not be taken lightly, mission to address the House for 1 much less used for political gain. f minute and to revise and extend her re- Mr. Speaker, we are now in Wash- marks.) PRESIDENT ATTEMPTS TO CON- ington to represent those who voted to Ms. SOLIS. Mr. Speaker, just when NECT IRAQ WITH OVERALL WAR send us here, and we must not ignore you thought the Bush administration ON TERROR the message they are sending. It is had finally faced reality and admitted (Mr. MCDERMOTT asked and was time to secure the borders and stop the that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, given permission to address the House unending flow of illegal aliens. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:54 Sep 14, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K13SE7.007 H13SEPT1 mmaher on PROD1PC67 with HOUSE H6434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 13, 2006 HOW SAFE IS AMERICA TODAY BOEHNER was shameful and disgraceful. and economic reality. Every time the FROM TERRORIST ATTACKS? To suggest that my fellow Democrats President speaks about the state of our (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was care more about protecting the terror- Nation, it becomes apparent just how given permission to address the House ists than the American people is not out of touch he really is. for 1 minute and to revise and extend right, it is not fair, it is not just, and Last month, after meeting at Camp her remarks.) it is not the American way. David with his economic team, the Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. How safe is Mr. Speaker, Democrats will not President told reporters that things America today from terrorist attacks? stand by and let a single attack go un- are good for the American worker. Let Here are some of the results from For- answered. You may play the politics of me ask: What exactly is his economic eign Policy magazine’s recently pub- fear, you may question the patriotism team telling him? lished ‘‘Terrorism Index,’’ a survey of of those who use their constitutional The reality is that American workers over 100 top national security experts rights to criticize this administration, are suffering, while corporate profits from across the political spectrum, but this dog will not hunt.
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