.: j anccsLr-y, ,, l94O Unlt€d Sbtes Fedenl Census tor Anno B Lhdberg '-'31 8* .-,' I I fi4ln0esola ) RBntsey > Sl Paut ] 90-21 $l Relaled contert Elroots ' gorrrer code: * ! We€ks O6upattr Industry ! CoOe f o < < @ rwork LlneNumbel H0UEE St,eelNane HNse V.lu€o{ Respondenl Sumrme GivenName RetalionloHsadof Gender Aqe Estimaled l$arilal Attonded Highesl Grado Comphted Nlmber orned o. Hon€ Bldhdacs CilizsNhJp R6idmc8 Cny Live on Employed Birlh Y$r Slatus School or bj.e.le __- Fem fof Pay 34 Fsuguier Slreel Rented 13 Culb€rson Leonatd Head Mele While 1575 Maried No gTado Elmertrry schoot 8lh tilnroola . Same Place No NO 35 Fauguje. Slreet CulbersoD Cathedne Wtte Femate White 61 1879 lraried NO Elsnentary sch@1, 8lh grads lrllnn€ota Same Place No Fauguier SlrEel Culberson Betty crgnddau0hter Female Whito 10 1930 Singte Yes Elensntrry schwl, grede l,lhnesota 'llrr Same Plsce 37 656 Fauguier Slreet Otvned 1800 Anna Lindberg I Heid Mate WhlE 60 1880 Single No Elomantsry schoo{, 4ti qadr Sw€d€n Nalu.allzed Same Plece No No 38 656 FaugulerSlrget Lhdbetg Hary Brother Mat€ Iirhn. 47 1893 gn0te NO gchsl, Hlgh lsty.s irhnHts Sama Pbc! Yos Fauguier Slreel Renled 12 Yes Foslgr Edtvqrd Heed MBls Whits 36 1904 Married NO Elmnt3ry school, 8th gmde lrllnn6ota 9gm8 Pl|ce No Yes I 406 Fauguief Slrget lrlrfe I Fosler Bealrlce Female Whito 30 1910 Marded No gciool, Hlgh 1 st yar tilarmsota Samo Pleg No nlrccstly.' r,r 1930Uniled StotesFedeBlCosus lor AomL(ndber0 r.) tl g+ r...r Lru NunDcr Houto Slro01 gutnrme Nrme Giv€[ Nan0 Rrlatonlhio Oondcr RncG Aqt Go|nelod glrlhphr:o Frlhots M0lhe/3 glnhd0co Nun!or olrlh Yeot Blrthdoco 10 Arylo Odeon E Son Mot€ Wlilte 1927 Mtnns6ole No^?ay MlnnoSolS t1 Luldborg Anra tlaod Fematg Whrle 1857 Sv/€dsn Swadsn Sued$ t2 Lundbaro Anna 6 Deughlot Famgto Wnle 48 1882 Swoden Swarrotr Suadan tl lundborl Hatry Sm Mot€ Wh{o JJ 1007 Mhnorot€ Sredln Ewdan t4 obon Anls Hgsd Mol€ whlle 1953 NNly No^ray NonYay Johnson Chrlsl Hsad Meils WIlte 1855 Nomay Np^vay Nonray 16 Coficelta t ary Heod Fomah WTIE 1872 ltaty laty llaly .,, , n[ccstty i' 1920 uniled sbtes Fcdcml ccn3us lor aona LindbcJ0 Jl 3" in Rotor€o conronr 6ioo,, ' I - Famll, Suroamc Orven Niltc Relalronshlp Home Roce Eslrilrnlcd l40ril0l Blrlhploco Falhol's l,{olheas Inlnr0lafton Yoar ry-qnbs. 0t?ned B-r!!) Yeil -qlll'!s -Bl(l.tq!?cc _Bl_l!p!tcc gis3 Jo[n Bead Mal€ White 181]1 Mr(ied Minmsots Gsrmony Mnmaota 8i€s Allce WilE Female Wrlte 33 1887 Meried Minf,esola olnnany Germany 285 th! gcorgao gfi Mrl6 WhdG 1 i019 Shgle illnnrEoh Mhnclol, MinNrol. Llndahl Slgusrd Head Md€ White 1896 Msried Minoesola SvJed€n Sweden 280 llMshl lvinnls Wlf€ FrmC€ Whlle 1897 Madsd Minnesola Flilrnd Flnl&d 286 LlodaN fi|llihall Son Malo Whlte 'l9lS Shgle Minnesola Minn$ola Minnatola 286 Latvala Hlore stslc,.h'law Frmde whlte 19 1901 Slnglo Mhrcsolr Flnland Fhlffd , n3- i ntrccstry, ,, , t920 Ulitcd St{tc$ Fedcral Ccnsus lor Aonfl Lirrl[ar' $l Rotatodcontont Etrcts < | Minnasota ) Romsoy t gtPoul!!ardl ) or5tilqro011 ' Fnmlly 9orumo Glvcl Nanlo Rclstlonshlp Hmro Sor noco A00 Eihm0lod llordol olrlh0lncc Folhclt t',lolhar'g lililOrnlron Yoil Nunlbor ov/ng0 glrlh Ycor $lolw olrlhplf,co Elrlhnlqco 284 Llndb0r0 Anno Hosd Ovn Fomab Whlo 62 '1050 Wdowod Srvodon Svrodon srYodon r887 284 Llndbarg Annr G Oau0htar Fsm.lo Wtilto 40 '|880 slotlo Swodsn Svrodon Srvodon 1587 284 Undbor0 Mabol olu0hlor Femslo Whlo 29 1801 Slnllo tulnnoiola Sv/odon Swodon 204 Undloro Ho[y Son Molo Whllo 22 lSeg Shglo ttnmsolo Sw$on SrYgdon 285 Blos Jol[ Head notrl Malo U/hllo 10 1S01 Morrod tulhoosotn oormany Mllnosolo tut Bios Allco Wllo FBnralg Whlto 1887 ilarod Mnmsols Gofmaoy Gornrany 285 Bios Oeorgo 0 Son lr'lnlo Whllo I 1910 Slfl0lo lvtlnoosota ft'llnnosota l4lnnosola (x'a?l^n S'v6d.^ i ilrccsl,ry.' ,,,,, 1910 Unit€d Staten Federal Census for ADIE Lindberg '",, fl 8. ,,... { | Minnesolo tRamse/ )slPautwadl }otstict0027 Sl Related cont{l E rmr ' c a I It lt tt ll I t, lr a;; Fanlily 0unlamD Glyqn Nanre RclalioflshlD Gondor lsljrnslod hldilnl gl.lhnh[o Fdthofe Molhor,s ftilrnqr&!ion Y!01 NurnUcr Yoar ,Br'llr -s-l.g.rJ, -sl,J.llcfcu _ql'.]!l4gce 208 Llndb.rg Agno! Oaught€r Famalq Wlre It 1895 Singlo Nlinoosota Swoden Swedcn 208 Llndbsg Hsold Son Msls Whle 13 1907 Slnglo lvllnmsols Swedsn Sr?edsn 209 Masall Wltlam H H€ad lrlale Wlatto 34 1876 [4a(isd K€n8as W€st vkglota W€st Vtrghta 20s Maxrvoll Ad{tle F Wllt Femsh Mulalto 34 1878 Madled Minn€sola Lfllsiana Kentucky 209 Maxwall Ctrflellus Son Male Molsto '12 lggS Slnole Minnosoia K8nsas Minf,€sola 209 Mwell Maynard Daughter Femah Mulatto 1t 1899 Slnqle filinnesola Kaf,sas Minnesota 209 Tlnngy Andfgw F Lodger Male Mutatto 29 1BB1 Slngte Washtnoton D C tu1arytand Marytatu I nllccstrl. .ir t9'10 United Sl.ates Federal Census for Atrnr Lindber0 .1, ' j Jl 3+ '^. .t I &lrnnesota ) REmsey ) SlPaulWadl r Orshct0O2T l\| Retateo contmt Etols ' Speaks Engllsh Occupaflon Industry Emptq =o , .Type. o I Famil,r Sumame GryonNanE Re{aliwshiD cendsr Rece Ags Eslimaled ltantat BldhDtdce Falhe/s Molher's Inmtgralion year Nmber "Ltddbiirg"*-" Blrlh Year Slf,tus olrlhtlaca Blrlhpt8ce 2od' Jath Head Male Whrte 54 1S56 lvlatrted Slv€d€n gteden St'/eder tgg5 2os Wile Femate Whde 52 1S53 lvlatrrcd Swedsn ffiffir* Sweden Svgd€n 1€85 208 Lindbelo Anlfe Oau9hter Female Wnde 30 1880 SinEl€ Slyeden Swed€n Sveden ,t985 ,19 209 Llndbsrg Mamls Oaughter Flm.te Wh[. 1891 SlnEle MinnssotB swed€n Sv€del 208 l-indborg Alnes tlauohter Fcmale Wh{e 15 1895 Single Minnesota Sweden S\'reden 20S Lindberg H$old 9m MEt. Wlrl€ 13 1997 Single Mhneeota Swedgn Svsden g 209 Matrel V/iltiam H€ad Mate tylulatto 34 1S78 lvanred Kansas west virginia ti/osl Vrginia 20,9 anccttry . , ;i ' ' 1900 United Stal$ FedeBl Census for Anna c Lindber0 R3. r I Mtnnqota )Ramle! lS(Patiward0l )otstfld0o62 tl Retaled contenl Eltmtr N,LIE :tAITt ftr. @CMITMT. TRAOE. OB h-!A rri F r!-Ilsdrl rth L & !.td PJTOSESSIO:{ oa e! tffir rhR Dh€ o! |rqrrf F d rL'l.in Jutro l. 1!(i rrs BFrtsEr dhF h\di&h-t, i o(ctFmEtffo(s h lblt trblly. &.|!D!4tbS..lo.ud lrghtrtrhllar{n ;Iaa Irdr.rtrrc.i'Ltd qilrln'hrkn r&J!9l.lEJrF t.ltA rl il ll 5! 6r'r .11 til 0t- .-l 3,1 Ittl i nar9 tu noi ..9 IIE cf. 00 rll rll d:t Suril,iIe Grven Name Rololiorthl9 Roco Gandor Age Mailhl Yoflrt Mf,ntt0L' gltlhphce FalhafsglrlhDlnco MolhclsBldhDttca Inxlrgralon Rq5tder(e Slrlul l,4ttrted Yeol Yaar Llndberg John Heed wllle Male 45 Msrlsd 22 10?g Svadon Srvgdon Slvsdon l8g? lit p6ut W0rd l. R0mEoy, Msnsro6 Lhdbsrg Ao[6 Wlle Whlto FonElo 43 tulrrled 22 107S Swcden Srveden Srvad€n 1887 St pautwsrd 1. Romsy, II Mhn6otq Lhdbcrg ,'' Dau0hlar whrlo romalg 24 paut | I 9ntle Sw€drn Slvodtn Srvcden 1087 Sl Ward 1. Rrmggy, Mrnn0sola LiIdber0 Lolmo E Dauthlsr Whllo Fenrnlo 17 Sln0lg Smdrtr Svsdqn Sryedqn 1087 St psul Ward i. Raffisy, Mfinesott Lhdbcr0 Emll Sqn Whtls Malq 11 gn0lo Mlmsda $wgdsn Srvoden StPaUt Wold j. RANy, lvklnsta !indber0 Mhnl€ E Oau0hlof Whlto FonElo t0 Slnqle Mlmeadl Swsd€n Swed€n St paut Wdrd 1, Ramy, trinnHtd Llrldbarg A0nos oaulhtof Whllo Fonralo slnco MtffieaoL srvedon stvodon gt paut w0ru t. Rilrsy, Mqnesota U..^l.l q^^ rirhtt. str,.d.n crvddan st Darilur.., I s66.6n. M..^a€^ro Minnesota, Territorial and State Censuses, 1849-1905 for Anna Lindberg Page 1 of 1 .&a a*!- 1-&z rdrek- l.---l_+: rl'il tiDrtrrL 7"71.,-r . wtd-- .-:!::-::=l .CBItsltS ol IIilITESDIA - tuJlB-+aj toillrrrrttC lClLDULE wtw' 1/ tua/,tLJ-tr_C- http://interactive.ancestry.com/PrinV1058/mnsc 144-059513350951?landscape:false&sour... 2/1212014.
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