»«•• Town Council Meets Tuesday THEWESTFIELD LEADER 8:30 P.M. INI UAMNO AND MOST WWW CBCUUm WMKIY NfWtPAffll IN UNION COUNTY Second CI&BB Postage Paid EIGHTY-FIRST YEAR—No. 32 WESTFIEU), NEW JEB5EY, TOUUJSUAV, MARCH 18, 1971 at Wefttfield N J 30 Page*— M Ccab Cacciola PL Unit* Board, WEA Ratify Pact; Ready in May A May 1 occupancy date for the 20-unit housing deveiopma* an Cm- cioia PI. is exoeictcd iby 1'Jie Community Developfneit CMVOMUM. Con- Vz Million Hike for Staff etrucrion has been delayed because of severe cold during the winter M4 heavy rain during the past month, according to corporation officiate. SALARY SCHEDULE FOR TEACHERS 1*71-72 A half-million dolJar package increase for Westfield public school teachers was ratified by a 247-17 vole by members of the Westfield Edu- The new housing is being finawoed under an FHA program which pre- PROPOSED SAI,ABY SCHEDULE FOR TEACHERS l»7l-72 cation Association Monday afternoon, culminating 45 hours of negotia- sides for lew and mods-rate income , : •Bacbeltn Matter* Masters Doctors tions with live Board of Education during the previous week and averting housing through rent and interest ' "' ~" a potential strike by teachers. supplements. This also enables the Defrce Dearee Degree + M Degree tenants to purchase their own ..$8100 »0900 $9700 $10500 . The Board of Education ratified 9900 10700 the 1971-72 agreement with the liomes. Await Racial •*.. .. (300 9100 .. 8300 9400 10200 11000 teachers at a meeting Tuesday The ecnporatlon has received al- f,; night. most 100 applications so far and will .. 8800 9700 10500 11400 To Discuss 4. According to WEA officiate, hike* select tenants' on the basis of eligi- Balance .. 9100 10000 10600 11900 bility standards. To be eligible for 11,250 12400 ranging from $50-$IOO in salaries for . 9400 10350 teachers in 14 steps of master's de- the low income unite a family of v 11800 12900 Jr. High • ' —McCutcheon Studlor .. 9750 10700 gree and master's degree plus 30 six may nave up to »6,300 in regu- 12200 13400 Report DANIEL LUNDV, ckalrmM •* tke Cmmuuitf DevecfMrt Cat*"* . 10100 11050 credit categories were achieved 12700 13900. Jar annual inteome. For the mod- lit*, enter, KctWe* fnm Jareee PmMeat PMI MafMtU, . 10500 11500 during the final .week of negotiation*. 13200 14400 erate income units, a family oi the The assistant director of the Of- Mt, a check tar «MM to to HH f« • pUy(rwa4 M the *ttc af lfet . 10900 12000 Graduation Total increases averaging 9.7 pec* CDC pnlcct •• Ctrtrti PI. Iwfctag MI la Hci* Kewter, Jajrece mf 13700 14900 same size may have an income of foe of Equal Educational Opportu- . 11400 12500 The question of whether or not to cent for those with Wo to 15 yean ect director. 14200 15400 «8,50O. In each lease certain deduc- ™ty. a division of the state depart- 13000 hold Junior High School graduation of teaching experience were achtev- The m~ty vu earwd bjt the WeiUteM JayeeM' »articl»aUM ia . um 14800 16000 (ions are allowed to compute the ment of education, has visited the 13600 ceremonies will be discussed by «J before tentative agreement WM amount of the family's income. • Westfield school system. the JUMMI Jaycee FMUMH Claule, a CMIMI between the ftUafel- . 12490 15400 16600 14... 14200 the Westfield Board of Education at reached between board and WEA mes lLake Jl visitei We8t phla CMIM —i the New Ytrk Gtaita. Ticket ulrt f«r (hi* ynr'i . 13000 16100 1730O (Rents for the Urn income families ,."^ f - \ - 14900 its public meeting at 8 p.m. on negotiating teams af 1:07 a.m. lleW Mar to oMteit •• l*hr Day wiU begis Mar. t7i Mereilcd rcitdriU may IS . 13600 will be established at 25 percent of ,«• , ' « «««* '*«> Tuesday, Apr. 6, in the Eta Street Monday morning. Except for getf lon 1 3 wttte P.O. On (17. Ihe family's income. Thus, a qualify- * ?| P™* " ' and racial balance •Teachers with no degree shall be paid 1200 less than those with the School era' increases for the M.A. and ing family with $*» monthly income ln ** if""? _ ^ .^ , MUM yews of etperieitce on the Bachelor's level. M.A. plus 30 teachers with three MM longevity increase for teacher* with 20 or more years teaching "The board is announcing its plan would pay 1100 rent, Inclusive of .'"'e Board of Education to await- to discuss this question in advance U1™^'1 sevcn experience, irtilWei. Additional amount needed iai bi* lwntten w"1**" and •*• in WertfieW and at the 15th step, the salary 1MUed m lwtt tt so that interested parties will have by the corporation to cover costs of « « *° «""> and/or the opportunity to make their views guide remained almost as offered (he apartment would be paid as rent his designee to act as a consultant Force Sifts Cures known to the board," Arthur M. by the board. in Order that "we may demonstrate \ . • • • and Interest supplements by the Feibush, chairman of the commun Sessions neared marathon propor- government. that equal educational opportunities ity Information committee, stated. tions prior to settlement,_,,., , with tti« are available to all the students in WBA a Rent supplements will not be Cuts School "Factors for and against staging «""* f rank«nd-ftle session the schools in Westfield." available to moderate income fam- For Parking Ills a junior high school graduation cer- ^ Sunday afternoon at the Weal- Hies and the minimum charge will Members at the board and odmini- emony have been studied by mem- wood in Garwood just prior to the be the basic rent'as determined by strata are currently slewing the Should parking regulations in the cial citizens task foixe on parking bers of Uie board," he continued, final bargaining session. the corporation's costs for .the unit, desegregation si*"*™ .«id consSd- Budget by $204,080 In addition to the $439,000 in- Jpring St. parking are* land on Rah- end tralific as the result of a puUte and "the feelings of parents will be 1 1 reduced by the interest supplements. .. f- "!^!.-?.™ !!^.!!?!!!^ way Ave. toe tehanged? Would pert- meeting last Wednesday night con- MentauwMe - A cut of *204,«80 The Mayor and Council were cn- taken into consideration before the crease in salaries for the approxi- Basic rents are expected to be. $126 «*W a . ..... jj^.ujjufljjjpgj j^j ggryice to ttie ducted fcy the committee headed by materl m sch o1 staW to the Board of Education 1871-72 fiaged in twork meetings and work- board makes a decision." .representey d by °the WEA , memberthe finani - a one-4>edroom unit, j>149 for a railroad station help eliminate park- fcrcner Mayor Robert H. Muireany. tor _ I by ing conferences alone and with the "Hie debate on whether to hold cial agreement calls for an addi- unit and $168 to $173 tet would achieve a in the The committee, which meeU u^ BoVouKh Council at a specialse»- Board of -Education stace that date such graduation ceremonies for tional $200 for 32 teahers who have for the three-bedroom units. Rents central buainesa district? Should weekly, has until June to complete gjon TVirSday night. to study areas in which the budget ninth grade students in the IAVO lo- served the system for 15 to 20 'will include all utilities except tele- K P^ent "» «ny one school. Stricter controls of municipal park- a study of parking and traffic de- ~ ~A „ V/**TS of thp toorouah ^^ be reduced without destroying cal junior high schools — Roosovelt years, a now contract feature not phone service. ' Wo..p!ftns. have 'been i rhade tne tofat tots 'be enforced or are meter ficieneies and come tip 'with some L. IZT'^i •rtRtm reiected 5ie " efficient system of schools and Edison — has been going on for previously offered, and $900 above If onerfourth of a family's income change Wieschool .... matdi too zealous in thdr efforts? short-range and long-term ««^-'Sirrenta(WMe amount of^4M,B00 within the district." The new figures the last decade in Westfield. scale for those who have 30 year* exceeds the basic rent, the family's tion during the current 'school year, wn 1 1 How efaout tiered parking? What mentations on the problems. Z~\, . ^- ^ T^ ^'^jg rejected ''°' have been certified toy the \ number of staff members have or more service in Westfield. In- rent will be increased accordingly, Board President George A ! -•--— 8b0Ut 81 ad cent Countil to ?"«•!" ^ P *"* J* The task forte so far has reviewed tefewKal improvement amount of t»e Union Oounty iBoayd pointed out that the junior high croasQd rates ,„ futt heaWi cover- pjut not in excess of the market said; . , • '. to^e?? , the Master Plan, the Ketoey nport " - ' " rentals which would be charged if (Continued on page 5) "There are no plans to bus atu- Can aqcnethiig tie done about the authorized a few years ago by the were complete*;^ to achieve tad ration officials. , in our.achool *e Board tContinued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) . In tbe.seletction of eligible tenants, ere some ef the frmxna has interviewed members of the, . , the rejected the corporation will give priority to (Continued on pagt 4) ^ ' !H be considered by a spe- **«*«« . Departoient and its safety Borough Council, Deadline Nears • officer, town engineer and also con- families displaced fcy construction of : a statutory oHiga- the project and to those iwho live in "T" ~ sldered factors which originate out- independent deter- Drugs: Facts and Fiction For Pool Signup substandard housing on Catoclola PI. side bf the.town .which contribute-to .
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