SHAMAN Articles in this volume are dedicated to Vilmos Voigt An outstanding scholar of religious studies, and a member of the Editorial Board of Shaman. Journal of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday Part One Published in Association with the Institute of Ethnology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences by Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publishers Budapest, Hungary 1 a Babulal threatens the onlookers, unable to control the supernatural being which has possessed him. Photo: Diana Riboli, 199?Riboli, 199? Front and back covers show motives taken from Sámi shamans’ drums, from Ernst Manker’s Die lappische Zaubertrommel (Stockholm, 1938). Copyright © 2015 Molnar & Kelemen Oriental Publishers, Budapest Photographs © 2015 György Almásy, Dávid Somfai Kara, Alban von Stockhausen, Ülo Valk and Takako Yamada All rights resereved. No part of this publicaton may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, elec- tronic, photocopying or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. 1 b Babulal threatens the onlookers, unable to control the supernatural being which has possessed him. Photo: Diana Riboli, 199?Riboli, 199? ISSN 1216-7827 Printed in Hungary SHAMAN Volume 23 Numbers 1 & 2 Spring/Autumn 2015 Contents Professor Vilmos Voigt 5 Vilmos Voigtʼs Publications on Shamanism and Closely Related Topics 7 Articles How To Disappear Completely: Community Dynamics and Deindividuation in Neo-Shamanic Urban Practices in Colombia maurizio alì 17 Sámi Shamanism, Fishing Magic and Drum Symbolism francis joy 53 Reconsidering the Role of Shamans in Siberia during the Early Soviet Era art leete 89 Astral Themes in Some Norse Myths clive tolley 109 Conceiving the Supernatural through Variation in Experience Stories: Assistant Spirits and Were-Tigers in the Belief Narratives of Assam ülo valk 141 The Dancers Complied, the Chicken Denied: Explorations into the Pragmatic Work of Rituals among the Dumi Rai of Eastern Nepal marion wettstein 165 Ladakhi Shaman in the Multireligious Milieu: An Agent of Incorporation and Mediation takako yamada 191 Field Report An Encounter with a Kyrgyz Dervish in the Talas Valley dávid somfai kara 211 VOL. 23. NOS. 1-2. SHAMAN SPRING/AUTUMN 2015 Professor Vilmos Voigt Vilmos Voigt was born on January 17, 1940 in Szeged (Hungary). He studied in Budapest, graduating in 1963 from the Faculty of Arts of Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), having majored in Ethnography, Folkore and Hun- garian Philology. He worked at the same university until his retirement, holding the Chair in Folklore, and was Director of the Institute of Ethno- graphy. He became Professor Emeritus in 2010. He was honored as a Dr. Sc. of the Hungarian Academy of Science, was an Honorary Professor at the University of Bucharest, and was a doctor honoris causa at Tartu University. He reecieved numerous awards in Hungary and abroad, and was a visiting professor at several universities in Europe and America. Voigt’s main research interests were: Hungarian and comparative folklore; the theory of literature; Finno-Ugric studies; comparative religion; and cultural semiotics. He is the founding president of the Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies and of the International Association of Finno-Ugric Semiotics. Voigt is an honorary member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Semiotic Society of Finland, Eesti Semiootika Selts, and other societies, as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Associa- tion for Semiotic Studies, member of the International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism, vice chairman of the Hungarian Association of Scientific Study of Religion (Magyar Vallástudományi Társaság), and a board member of Hungarian Division of the International Society of Thomas d’Aquinas Studies (Magyarországi Aquinói Szent Tamás Társaság). His bibliography until 2014 comprises altogether 2,440 items, published in Voigt Vilmos könyvészete, 2 vols. [A Bibliography of Vilmos Voigt]. Edited by Róbert Keményfi. Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetem Néprajzi Tanszéke, 2010–14. Home address: Tarcali u. 22/a. Budapest Hungary H-1113 Email: [email protected] VOL. 23. NOS. 1-2. SHAMAN SPRING/AUTUMN 2015 Vilmos Voigtʼs Publications on Shamanism and Closely Related Topics 1962 “Elemente des Vorstellungskreises vom »Herrn der Tiere« im ungarischen Volksmärchen (Der König der Tiere).” Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 11(3–4): 391–430. 1963 Review of Schutzgeister und Gottheiten des Wildes (der Jagdtiere und Fische) in Nord- Eurasien, by Ivar Paulson (Stockholm, 1961), Ethnographia (Review of the Hun- garian Ethnographical Society) 74: 518–20. [in Hungarian] 1964 Review of The Supernatural Owners of Nature, by Åke Hultkrantz (ed.) (Stockholm, 1961), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 13(1–4): 430–3. [in English] Review of Loki in Scandinavian Mythology, by Anna Birgitta Rooth (Lund, 1961), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 13(1–4): 433–4. [in English] 1968 “Ivar Paulson 1922–1966.” Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 17(1–2): 169–70. [in German] Review of Suomalainen mytologia [Finnish Mythology], by Martti Haavio (Porvoo and Helsinki, 1967), Ethnographia (Review of the Hungarian Ethnographical Society) 79(3): 453–5. [in Hungarian] Review of the journal History of Religions, Vol 5 (1965) – Vol 7 (1967–8), Ethno- graphia (Review of the Hungarian Ethnographical Society) 79(3): 457–8. [in Hungarian] 1969 Review of Studies in Shamanism – Fatalistic Beliefs in Religion, Folklore and Litera- ture, by Carl-Martin Edsman (ed.) Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 2 vols. 8 Vilmos Voigtʼs Publications on Shamanism (Stockholm, 1967), Acta Linguistica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 19(3–4): 430–1. [in German] 1970 Review of “Edda” i rannye formy eposa, by Eleazar M. Meletinskiĭ (Moscow, 1968), Filológiai Közlöny (Budapest) 16: 220–4. [in Hungarian] 1971 Review of Faune et flore sacrées dans les sociétés altaïques, by Jean-Paul Roux (Paris, 1966), Orientalische Literaturzeitung 66(7–8): 410–2. [in German] 1972 A folklór esztétikájához [The Aesthetics of Folklore] (Budapest: Kossuth Könyv- kiadó), on shamanism see pp. 70–73, 357. [in Hungarian] Review of Draumkvedet: Folkevise eller laerd kopidikting, by Brynjulf Alver (Oslo, 1971), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 21(1–2): 218. [in German] 1973 Review of Uráli csillagnevek és mitológiai magyarázatuk [Uralic Star Names and their Mythological Explanations], by József Erdődi (Budapest, 1970), Annales Univer- sitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae – Sectio Linguis- tica 4 (1973): 189–91 [in German] and Études Finno-Ougriennes 12 (1975/1977): 291–3. [in French] 1974 “A magyar folklorisztikai finnugrisztika története [History of Hungarian Folklore Studies within Finno-Ugric Studies]” (pp. 75–92) and “Die Geschichte der ungarischen folkloristischen Finnugristik” (pp. 147–9). In ifj. János Kodolányi and Vilmos Voigt (eds) Bán Aladár emlékezete – Aladár Bán zum Gedächtnis. 1871–1971. Várpalota and Budapest: Várpalotai Tanács VB. Művelődésügyi Osz- tály and Magyar Néprajzi Társaság. Review of Circumpolar Peoples: An Anthropological Perspective, by Nelson H. H. Gra- burn and B. Stephen Strong (Pacific Palisades, Calif., 1973), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 23(2–4): 391. [in English] 1976 “Der Schamanismus als ethnologisches Forschungsproblem, mit besonderer Rück- sicht auf den sibirischen Schamanismus.” In Vilmos Voigt, Glaube und Inhalt. Vilmos Voigtʼs Publications on Shamanism 9 Drei Studien zur Volksüberlieferung. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Ókori Történeti Tanszéke. 75–120. 1977 Review of Piman Shamanism and Staying Sickness, by Donald M. Bahr et al. (eds) (Tucson, 1974), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 26(1–2): 233. “Shamanism in Siberia (A Sketch and a Bibliography).” Acta Ethnographica Aca- demiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 26(34): 385–95. Review of A magyar ősvallás nyelvi emlékeiből [Linguistic Remnants from the Early Hungarian Belief System], by Dezső Pais (Budapest, 1975), Acta Linguistica Aca- demiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 27(1–2): 204–7. [in German] 1978 “A magyar mitológia kutatásának tanulságai [Lessons Learnt from Research on Hungarian Mythology].” In Mihály Hoppál and Márton Istvánovits (eds) Mítosz és történelem [Myth and History]. Budapest: MTA Néprajzi Kutatócsoport. 121–32. “Shamanism in North Eurasia as a Scope of Ethnology.” In Vilmos Diószegi and Mihály Hoppál (eds) Shamanism in Siberia. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. 59–80. 1979 Review of Heil und Macht – Approaches du Sacré, by Josef Franz Thiel and Albert Doutreloux (eds) (Augustin bei Bonn, 1975), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Sci- entiarum Hungaricae 28(1–4): 467–8. [in German] 1980 “Völuspá – rétegek és megközelítések [Völuspá: Stratifications and Approaches].” Antik Tanulmányok (Studia Antiqua, Budapest) 25(2): 192–205. Review of Studien über das Bärenzeremoniell: I. Bärenjagdriten und Bärenfeste bei den tungusischen Völkern. Vol. 1, by Hans Joachim Paproth (Uppsala, 1976), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29(1–2): 258–9. [in German] Review of Untersuchungen zur Erzähltradition der Enez (Jennisej Samojeden), by Ivan R. Kortt (München, 1977), Acta Ethnographica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29(1–2): 264–5. [in German] Review of The Rite Technique of the Siberian Shaman, by Anna-Leena Siikala (Hel- sinki, 1978), Temenos (Nordic
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