[DISTRIBUTED ^ . LEAGUE OF_ NATIONS C. 537. mr. Ge n e v a , N ovember 4th, 1927. S ubject L ist N o. 78 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL DURING OCTOBER 1927*. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) * The original reference number of documents distributed a second time during October 1927 is also given and is indicated by the sign § Armaments, Reduction of (continued) Conference, International, on (continued) Commission, Preparatory, for (continued) A L etter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- General to the United States of America Govern­ ment quoting the resolutions adopted September Arbitration and Security 26, 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly Engagements, Particular and September 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Letter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- Session, and drawing attention to the paragraphs General to States Members quoting and drawing of these resolutions which provide that States attention to the resolution adopted September 26, non-Mem bers of the League represented on 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly on this the Preparatory Commission, may, if they so question and the relevant resolution adopted desire, sit on the Committee indicated in September 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Session paragraph 3 of theAssembly resolution C. L. 137. 1927. IX C. L. 137 (a). 1927 Letter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- General to the Government of United States Letter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- of America quoting and drawing attention to General to the Union of Socialist Soviet Repu­ the resolutions adopted September 26, 1927 by blics quoting and drawing attention to the th e 8th Session of the Assembly and Septem ber 27, resolution adopted September 26, 1927 by the 1927 by the 47th Council Session regarding 8th Session of the Assembly and the relevant resolution adopted September 27, 1927 by the C. L. 137 (a). 1927 47th Council Session regarding Letter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- C. L. 137 (b). 1927 General to the Government of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics quoting and drawing attention to the resolutions adopted September 26, 3rd Session, March-April 1927, Geneva 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly and Minutes of September 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Session C. 310. M. 109. 1927. IX regarding • C. L. 137 (b). 1927 Assembly, League 8th Session, September 1927, Geneva Armaments, Reduction of Resolutions adopted by Aviation, Civil, and Letter dated October 18, 1927 from the Secretary- O. J., Spec. Supp. No. 53 * General to States Members quoting and calling attention to the resolution adopted September 26, 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly on this question, announcing that it has been endorsed by B the Council on September 27, 1927 and annexing the text of the recommendations drawn up by the Preparatory Commission for the disarmament Buildings, League Conference (3rd Session) regarding Library C. L. 135. 1927. IX See : SECRETARIAT, LEAGUE Library Conference, International, on Commission, Preparatory, for Sale of Secretariat building and Villa Armleder Letter dated October 24, 1927 from the Secretary- Report dated September 1927 by the Supervisory General to States Members quoting and drawing Commission (25th Session) laying down proce­ attention to the resolution adopted September dure to be followed in case offers of purchase 26, 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly were received and the relevant resolution adopted September C. 518. M. 177. 1927. X 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Session C. L. 137. 1927. IX * To be indexed in detail in the Annual Subject List for 1927. S. d. N. 175 (F.) + 150 (A.). 11/27. Imp. Sonor. Dispute between Lithuania and Poland Letter dated October 15, 1927 from the Lithuanian c Government (M. Voldemaras), together with three relevant annexes, protesting against the measures taken by the Polish Government against Lithuanian Committees and Commissions schools and Clergy in Poland and requesting Council, Finances for in virtue of Article 11 of the Covenant, to place Expenses of members the question on sthe agenda of the next Council Journey allowances Session C. 525. M. 183. 1927. V II Report dated September 1927 by the Super­ visory Commission (25th Session) recommend­ ing adoption of the annexed new scale of Telegram received October 20, 1927 from the Lithua­ journey allowances prepared by the Secre­ nian Government announcing expulsion by the ta ria t „ „ Polish Government of eleven Polish nationals who C. 518. M. 177. 1927. X remain on the line of demarcation and requesting Conciliation advice as to where to send exiles, the Lithuanian Commission, Conciliation, established between the Government being unable to receive them following countries C. 528. M. 192. 1927. V II Norway and Switzerland Letter dated August 16, 1927 from the Swiss Telegrams (5) exchanged October 21 to 26, 1927 Government announcing the appointment of between the Secretary-General and the Lithuanian this Commission and giving its composition Government regarding inscription on the Council’s O. J., VIII, No. 9, p. 1043 agenda of the question raised in the Lithuanian Covenant Government’s telegram of October 20, 1927 A pplication of Articles 11, 15 and 16 of Legislation calculated to facilitate the application C. 531. M. 193. 1927. V II of the economic sanctions provided for in Covenant, Disputes, International Article 16 Pacific settlement of Letter dated February 8, 1927 from the Secretary- Letter dated October 18, 1927 from the Secretary- General to States Members requesting, in execu­ General to States Members quoting and drawing tion of the Council’s resolution of December 8, attention to the resolutions adopted September 24, 1926, inform ation regarding C. L . 10. 1927. V 1927 by the 8th Sesssion of the Assembly and Note dated May 24, 1927 by the Secretary- September 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Session General analysing the replies received to regarding date and forwarding text thereof C. L. 136. 1927. IX Reply from the following countries : Documents, League Austria O. J., VIII, No. 9, p. 1042 List, Subject (6th Annual), of documents distributed Germany O. J., VIII, No. 9, p. 1042 to the Council during 1926 Working, Rapid, of League organs in case of emer­ C. 400. 1927 gency Letter dated October 19, 1927 from the Secretary- List, Subject (No. 74), of documents distributed to General to States Members quoting and draw­ the Council and to States Members during June 1927 ing attention to the resolutions adopted Sep­ tember 26, 1927 by the 8th Session of the C. 395. M. 149. 1927 Assembly and September 27, 1927 by the 47th Council Session regarding List, Subject (No. 75), of documents distributed to C. L. 138.1927. IX the Council and to States Members during July 1927 C. 412. M. 153. 1927 D List, Subject (No. 76), of documents distributed to Danzig, Free City of the Council and to States Members during August Railways in 1927. C. 471. M. 173. 1927 Administration, Polish, in Danzig, of Jurisdiction of Danzig Courts in actions brought by Danzig officials against Decision taken April 8, 1927 by the High Com­ E missioner (M. van Hamel) regarding (C. 375. 1927. I) Request dated September 24, 1927 for advi­ Economics and Finance sory opinion of the Permanent Court of Arbitration clauses International Justice, together with the Protocol opened for signature Septem ber 24, 1923 resolution adopted September 22, 1927 by at Geneva on (A. 83. 1923, Ann.) the 47th Council Session deciding to request Ratification of advisory opinion of the Court as to whether above-mentioned decision, given as a result Letter dated October 20, 1927 from the Secre­ of the Danzig Government’s request of tary-General to States Members communi­ January 12, 1927, is legally well founded cating the resolution adopted September 20, 1927 by the 8th Session of the Assembly on C. P. J. I., Distr. 1055 this question, giving list of States having Note dated October 1, 1927 by the Secre- ratified this Protocol and placing the Secre­ tary-General forwarding certified true tariat at their disposal for any explanations copy of _ regarding formalities for C. 517. M. 176. 1927. V C. L. 148. 1927. II Economics and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Conference, Economic, International, May 1927, T axation Geneva Letter dated October 4, 1927 from the Secretary- Resolutions adopted by General to States Members quoting the resolution Observations of the following country adopted September 15, 1927 by the 46th Council Session by which the Secretariat is authorised D enm ark C. 522. M. 180. 1927. II to publish in a single volume the existing Con­ ventions on double taxation and to publish annually any new conventions that may be concluded on Customs formalities this question, and requesting, in accordance Abolition of import and export prohibitions and therewith, information as to any conventions for restrictions prevention of double taxation and tax evasion signed by them, whether in force or not Conference, Diplomatic, October 1927, Geneva Convocation of C. L. 124. 1927. II Note dated October 5, 1927 by the Secretary- General informing the delegates to the Conference of the date and place of the opening meeting of this Conference C. L. 134. 1927. II F Representation at List (3rd) issued October 6, 1927 of delegates to this Conference, supplementary to the Finances, League two previous lists Budget, General 10th Fiscal period (1928) C. 488 (b). M. 169 (b). 1927. II Estimates for Certificates of origin Text submitted August 1, 1927 of Organisations authorised to deliver such certifi­ Report dated September 1927 by the Super­ cates in the following country visory Commission (25th Session) on the modifications to be made in India Letter dated October 25, 1927 from the C.
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