xtmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, BBPRKSENTINQ TMK INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS) OP THE! UNITED STATES VOL 43 NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 20, 1886. NO. 1,117. l^ixmnciKl, 'ginnncUiX, I^itxatucial. J-. C. Walcott & Co., AMERICAN BANKKR8 AND BROKBBS, Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. No* %4 Plae Street, New York. 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, TranMict a General Banking Bosinesa NEW YORK. Alfred H. S^ith & Co., Stocka Add BoQ<ta boaght and told on CommUaloo, Ordera raoelred 1q Mining Btooka, &nd In UalUted IHPORTERS, Secnrltiaa. CoUoctiona ouule and loana negotUted. DtTidenda and Intsroat eoUeoted. EjICRAVKKS AND PRIKTVBS OP 182 Broadway, Cor. John Street Dttpoaiu r«oelTed aubjeot to Draft. •ONOS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMP*. Interest allowed. Inrestment aeoorttlea a apeeUUty LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK We toane a Vtnanolal Report weekly. MOTES Of the UNITED STATES) and for Joe. C. Waixott, ) Membera of tbe New Tork Forvlsn Co«ernmenta. rkAKK r. DiCKlKSOlff.I Stock Bxohanae ENGRAVING AM) PRINTING. E. Trowbridge, •AXK SOTFJI, OHAKB CEKTiriCATEB, BOHB* F. roH COVER.N'Mr.NTS A>D t'OuruKATIOXa. SOLID SILVER. BANKKR AND BROKBB, •BAfTS, CE<.K^ BILI,% OF F.XcnAHeB, kbJ maat srtlxla «ri« «TAllPa, A*, U U« lacM Noa. S 4e S Broa4 .or 29 W^all Street*. FB«X BTKO. PLATBa, GORHAM MTg Co., (Brahch OrncK, MO Biioai>wat.) w* 9€ iMm C»w | /. Broadway and Nineteenth Street, •AFCTY COLORS. SAFETY PAPKM* Maaibar of tha Naw Tork Btook Bzohange. Dl- 9 MAIDED UkSS. raetor of Marohaota' zshanga National Bank, W«rk rMH«<ii ta !! «>—fBi ASD Amartoao BaTlnsa Bank, Amarloaa Safe Depoalt Companr. A& AkiLWAT TMsm cr iiq Ac t»w ««ri» lA« l i. < Saoorlttea bonxht and aold oa oommlaaton. for iLAMK SOOKS OF EVERY DEaCAIPTKM eaahor on BanlR. AU Inqnlitaa gratnliooalr raa- poodad to. Oo<-reapoadaaoe aoUeit^. ALBERT 0. eOOMLL, PtmMmL Houghton Bros. & Co., VII FIRtSIUENTS : BANK KR8, $. MACOONOUGH, A. D. SHEPARD, niI.WAl''KEE, WIS. H. B. Hollins & Co., ROBERTSOM. «. M. SMILUE. TOURO COLLBCTIONB aiada lo an/ part of tba eonntrr BANKERS THEO. H. FREELAND. SacO^n'Tn at lowaat rataa. AoooaoU of Baiika, MarohaoU and otkan aolMiad. TS & 74 BBOADWAT, NEW TOBK. Rsru TO— Maverick National Bank ManhanU' NaUoaal Bank aad Bank of Notth «aiar Traaaact a Oeaeml Baakiai Bualneaa. laa, Naw Tork : MarokanU' MaUooal, Chlaacoi Mat- arlek Natlooal. Boatoo. DEALERS I.N OOVERXMENT, MUNICIPAL AND BOSTON, MASS. RAILROAD 8BCURITIES. CAPITAL, .... $400,000 Floyd-Jones & Robison, DEMAND DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS RECEIVED srarLUB, - - - - B40o,ooo ONTBRBST ALLOWED ON DAILT BALANCES. Aaoaala •< Ut^kM. !»« and CorponUona BANKERS AND BBOKEB8, No. S KzeltaDC* Coart, Naw York. E. L. Oppenheim & Co., Ov fMiauaa (or ODLLBCTIOKS an azaaOaot MiiBi. Booda aod D. 8. OoTanimaot BaoorlUaa for Boacbt aod gold on Coaimlialoo. [KSTABLISnKD IM2J. Wh. 0. ruonvJoKM. WnuAM~ Bosuoa BROKERS, atocB BANKERS AND Mmiom U araMTT* tuj, aad tal an im wtlh • (raai Maaabata WairTork oooat aa MBfea (aot loiatait la otkar l anrTi <IUaa) a 51 & 58 New Street and 42 Broadway. T. A. Kohn & Co., Wa draw oar on eiekaaaa oa l/nmSam aa4 tha BANKKRHI AND BROKERS, Bkahch OrricE, 81 LaoXAHD Stkut. CoouoaaL aad maka ChMa Uaaafata « pUaa (MltXS BUILUINO), IB BROAD MT., N. T. Edward L. Oppenheim. 'Walter Del. Mar. moomj br talagiapk itaroagkoat Um Dattad Slalaa of the New Voik Stock Bxchanca. Bkoeata orders on rnmtnlMlon for Bonda. Stacka Alexander Campbell & Co., aadParelca kachaaae. Waafclagtoa •nthaat astn obarta- ! adafor Da«lera Id dral-claaa loveataiaat Secarlllea, for laraaUMot BANKERS AND BBOKEBS, Wa ka*a a aarkat Particular attealton tgiren to laTaaCmenta for Cap- SaaarlUaa, aad ia*H« Itallata. Tnui Kanda and Inatltatloaa. «l«aaBdaUaa.«'k«a 17 NASSAU STBEET, NEW TOBK. do a gmttnl tm liailiim, aad IbtIU eor- Wa r Henry S. Ives & Co., Malcolm CAMPakix. Member of N. Y. Stock Exoli. BANKERS, JAMBI WHITILT. H. CBCaiB OAKUT. ASA P. POTTBB, Prcaldent. Maticabd a BTRI. NASSAU ST., NBW TOBK. BkHBT H. DoDOl, Waahln«ton,D.O. JO*. W. WOBB, CaaUar. N«. tC WM. R. TBATaita, gpaolal Partner. e. o. BOX !.«». St Prince & Whitely, TINKER WESTON, Inoladlnd tha Tranaaat a ganaral baoklnA bnalnaaa, No. «4 BROADWAT, NEW TOBK. BANKERS AND BROKERS, of aacorlUaa Uatad at ti>a Naw pwataaa aad iaia „ ._^ r.^.^.JW'Mf'ATey New York. il«. * BXCHANSB COVBT, York Stock Bzakanda. or in tha open markai. BBAVCB Omcaijg|9jBu,gt^waahlnKton,D.O all olaaaea of Railroad Raaal*a dapoatta anblect to ebaek at tlcht and Bar and aell on aoaunlaalon Naav Tork. gaenrltlaa; alao Grain and ProTlalona. ma lal wm nn dallr balanoaa. PtlTaMTalaaraph wtrei to Philadelphia. WtlmUui. BMTBT C. TnrkiB. Maaibar N. T. Btoak Bnh. Waahln«ton.Brtdseport, New HaTan Stata. Conntr, City and Railroad ton Baltimore, KatdaLAiB wmua OovaraBanL BnatoD and Pltubnra. boate eonatantir OB hand for iaio or azchanKO. and STOCK BROKER. parMealar attantJon Klreo to tba anbject of Inveat- H. Goadby & Co., aata tot InatJtntlooa and tniat foada. W. Lansdale Boardman, BANELEBS AND BBOKBBB, NBW TOBK, 80 BBOADWAT A S NBW ST. R. T. VV^ilson & Co., N.0 . 84 BBOAD STBBE1, TBOT, N. T., No. 17 FIBBT BTRKKT. BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, New Terk. Ma*ltak.BaBbarahlp:prtTaUwtrai aO taaUttlaa. 3 Ezchmnse Court, New Tork. ; u THE CHRONICLK [Vol. XUl. gattfegyg »tt^ gyawjers of MovfdQU H-tJcliangc. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., THE WALL BTKEET, CORNER OF EROAB, BANKERS, INVESTMENT CO. NEW YORK. No. 12 Pine Street, ISSUE TRAVBLEUS' CKKDIT8, available In all Drexel & Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co parts of the World, through of Philadelphia. Meura. N. ni. Roihacblld dk Hona, London. 310 Oor. of Uh & CbeatDnt 8U. 31 BouleTard Ro'hxrhlld Bros., CHESTi\UT STREET. naiuunum. 11 is I'arU. M. A. de RoihHchlld X. 8on», Frank, Captial, loriovin. 82,000,000 Fnll paid. PBILADKLPHIA PARIS. "e"' B. n. deKatliMhlld,;EB<i„ n^^il' n"" Bills of Exchange, drawing on Vienna. '' • '•°''^"''' "I*" Paris aad ZtOMESllO AND FOREIOS BANKES8. AND THKIB COBBESPONDKNTS. Berliif 0° Bills Plnsnola! Deposits received subject to Draft. Securities Draw of Kxchanue on, and make Cable Trant- —f.^'l?.,*' Agent In the negotiating and and sold cotuiuissiun. fers to, England, France Se'^u'-ltles. Deals boHKbt on Interest allowed OD and Germany. yfj^n^f/'o" °'h In BoKds-Corpora- Daposits. ForelKD KxchanKe. Commercial Credits. tion, Ilallroad, State. Municipal, Ac Bxocutesorden* Cable Transfers. Circular Stock8,4c Letters for TrsTelera, Mid2:;,?'h'?"PJ'""5° 'H,"""""- Collectsinterest Tallable In all parts of the world, & W. Sdigman & Co. dividends. Iteceives money on deposit, allow- J. •^* Investments offer, wlU issue?i!,i Its»!7>"'iL,Debenture"I?'™''''' Attornits and aokmts of BANKERS. Bonds, secured by its capital and neasn. J. 8. IIIORGAN & CO., No. 23 BROAD STREET, Wo. 22 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON. WILLIAM BBOCKIE, President New York. "AliKEK. Vlce-P esldent. HKNRYiltflNKx M.m'^^^'ovV'",':'HOl r. .Jit., Treasurer. Issue Letters of Credit for Travelers KTHKI'BKKT T.„ ,^ . ^, WATTS, Secretary. Brown Brothers Co., On SELIGMAN Board of Directors-WilJiam Brockie, George & BROTHERS. London. Pepper. Morton 8. 8EL10MAN FREKES & ilV., Paris. McMiehael. Wharl.m Harkcr, ifenrr Pblla. NEW ¥OKK. Boston. SBLIOMAN i STETTHKIMBR, C.Gibson.T.Wistar Brown, William Potter. Frankfurt. Advisfiry Committee AL8BEKG, GOLDBKKO & CO., Amsterdam^ of SUckholders.—George M. AND ^^ Troutman Gustavns Kngllsb, ALTMAN & STKTTIIEIMER BerllnT Wilimm Isaac II. Clothier. AI.BXANDER BROlirN & SONS Payable Pepper, M.l)., Thomas Dolan, John al In any part of Europe, Asia, Africa, Aus- Reading. Joseph E. Gllllngham, tralia and America. .lohn Wanamaker. BAX.T1M0RB. Heiiry K. i-mith, Charles B.Wright, Draw Bills of Bichange and Henry Lewis. Buy and Sell Bills of make Telegraphic Cralge Lippincott.Hamllton Dlsston. Clayton French, Excbange Transfers of Money on Europe and California, r rands Rawle. OH GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANCB GERMANY, BELGIUM, HOLLAND BWITZ- J. Kennedy Tod. Alexandeb Babing. KKLAND, NUKWAY, DKNMAKK, H. O. NORTHCOTE. Member N. Y, Stock Exch'ge BWKDKN AND AUSTRALIA. Heidelbach, Irane Commercial & Travelers' Credits J. Kennedy Tod & Co., IN STESLINQ, Ickelheimer & Co., No. 63 WILLTAM 8TI»:eT, ATailable In any part of the world. In FRAKC8 for 29 Tt'ILLIAin STREET, ue In Martinique and Uuadalonpe, and In dollars for BANKERS. ase In this and adjacent countries. Cor. Exchange Place, NEW YORK. Act as Agents for Banks, Bankers and Railroad make TelegrapUlc Trausrers ot inconey Companies. FOREIGiy Metweeii tills Oouutry and Europe. Issue commercial credits, also foreign and domestic BAIVKERS. travelers' letters of credit MAKECOLLEUTIONS OF DRAFTS drawn in pounds sterling & dollars. BUY AND DRAW BILLS OF EXCHANGB. abroad on all points in United States and Canada, Offer Investment Securities. MAKE CABLE TBANSFBKS, ISSUE TBAVBL- and of drafts drawn in the United States on Buy and sell bonds, stocks and securities In all Am- BBS' CREDITS. foreign countries erican, Canadian. British and Dutch markets nd their London house. Messrs. on com- ISSUE COMMERCIAL BROWN, 8HIPLKY mission. Collect dividends, coupons and foreign and CREDITS, ATAILABLB A CO., receive accounts of American banks, Arms Inland Drafts. IN ALL and PARTS OF THB WORLD, ON individuals, upon favorable terms. Sell Bills of Exchange on Messrs. C. J. Hambro MELVILLE, EVANS Jt CO., 1 , ^»,i„„», & Son. London. ('. J. lIAmUKO A SON, j LONDON. & Stuart & Co., niARCUARD, J J. KRAIISS & ^"^CO.. )i>.„<aPARIS, 33 NASSAU STREET. HOTTlNUUEk & CO., { ^pjecial %nvzstmmt8. BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON SmiTH, PAVNE ic SJniTH'S, John Paton & Co., American Bank Note Co.'s Stock. BANKERS, LONDON SUCCESSORS TO Detroit Mackinac nANCHESTER & COUNTY BANK, JTESUP, PATON & CO., & aiarqnette RR. "LIMITED," Bonds, all issues. 53 'WlUlam Street, New York. MANCHESTER, PAYABLE IN LONDON Accounts and Agency of Bi.nks, Corporations Texas & Pacific Income and Land ULSTER BANKING COHIPANX, Arms and individuals received upon favorable terms BELFAST, IRELAND; Dividends and interest collected and remitted. Grant Scrip. Act as agents lor corporations in paying coupons AND ON THE and dividends ; also as transfer agents.
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