Original Article Complications of esophageal strictures dilatation in children A tertiary-center experience Osama Bawazir, FRCSC,FRCSI, Mohammed O. Almaimani, MD. ABSTRACT 2.47 years, and 26 patients were females. Dysphagia was the main presenting symptom, and the leading اإلفصاح عناألهداف: نتائج التوسيع باملنظار لضيق املريء عند األطفال cause of stricture was esophageal atresia. ومضاعفاته وعالجها. حيث أنه تختلف نتائج توسع املريء ًوفقا للمسببات األساسية. Results: The main treatment modality was endoscopic balloon dilatation (n=29, 63%). The esophageal املنهجية: شملت الدراسة 46 ًمريضا خضعوا لتوسع املريء بني عامي 2014م و diameter was significantly increased after dilation (9 م. 2019خضع جميع املرضى لدراسة األشعه بالصبغه للمريء قبل التوسيع باملنظار versus 12 [10-12.8]) mm; p<0.001). Topical [11-7] لتحديد مكان التضيق وعدده وطوله. باإلضافة إلى ذلك، مت توثيق نوع املوسعات mitomycin-C was used as adjuvant therapy in 3 )البالون مقابل املوسعات شبه الصلبة(، وعدد جلسات التوسيع، والفاصل الزمني patients (6.5%). Esophageal perforation was reported بينهما، ومدة املتابعة. وكانت مقاييس نتائج الدراسة هي احلاجة إلى توسع إضافي وحتسني األعراض. كان متوسط العمر 2.47 سنة ، و 26مريضا من اإلناث. عسر in 2 cases (4.3%). Patients needed a median of 3 البلع كان هو العرض الرئيسي، وكان السبب الرئيسي للتضيق هو رتق املريء. dilatation sessions, 25-75th percentiles: 1-5, and the median duration between the first and last dilatation النتائج:كانت طريقة العالج الرئيسية هي توسع البالون باملنظار )العدد = 29، .was 2.18 years 25-75th percentiles: 0.5-4.21 %63(. ازداد قطر املريء بشكل ملحوظ بعد التوسيع )9 ]11-7[ مقابل 12 ]12.8-10[ مم ؛ قيمة p .) <0.001استخدم ميتوميسني-سي املوضعي كعالج Conclusion: Esophageal dilatation is effective for the مساعد في 3 مرضى )%6.5(.مت اإلبالغ عن انثقاب املريء في حالتني )4.3%(. 1 5 25 75 3 ;management of children with esophageal stricture يحتاج املرضى إلى جلسات توسيع باملتوسط )النسبة املئوية - : - ( ، وكانت املدة املتوسطة بني التوسيع األول واألخير 2.18 سنة )املئني 25-75: however, repeated dilatation is frequent, especially .)0.5-4.21 in patients with corrosive strictures. Complications are not common, and open surgery is not frequently اخلالصة:توسع املريء عالج فعال لألطفال الذين يعانون من تضيق املريء. ومع .required ذلك ، فإنهم عادة يحتاجون الي التوسيع املتكرر ، خاصة في املرضى الذين يعانون من التضيق الناجت عن املواد احلارقه. املضاعفات ليست شائعة، ونادر ما نلجأ الي Keywords: esophageal strictures, endoscopic اجلراحة املفتوحة. dilatation, bougies Objectives: To report the results of endoscopic dilatation of esophageal strictures in children, its complications, and their management. The outcomes Saudi Med J 2020; Vol. 41 (7): 720-725 of esophageal dilatation differ according to the doi: 10.15537/smj.2020.7.25166 underlying etiology. From the Department of Surgery (Bawazir), Faculty of Medicine, Methods: The study included 46 patients who Umm Al-Qura Universit and King Faisal Specialist Hospital & underwent esophageal dilatation between 2014- Research Centre and from the Department of Surgery (Almaimani), 2019. All patients underwent a contrast study of the Maternity and Children Hospital, Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. esophagus before endoscopic dilation to determine the location, number, and length of the narrowing. Received 16th May 2020. Accepted 12th June 2020. In addition, the type of dilators (balloon versus semi- Address correspondence and reprint request to: Dr. Osama Bawazir, rigid dilators), the number of dilatation sessions, the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Umm Al-Qura University, interval between them, and the duration of follow- Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. E-mail: [email protected] up were also documented. The median age was ORCID ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4213-7377 720 Saudi Med J 2020; Vol. 41 (7) www.smj.org.sa OPEN ACCESS Esophageal dilatation compl in children ... Bawazir & Almaimani ediatric esophageal strictures have different etiology patients underwent a contrast study of the esophagus Pthan adults.1,2 Its most common cause is surgical before endoscopic dilation to determine the location, complications of esophageal atresia or esophageal burns, number, and length of the narrowing. In addition, the which mainly occurs in children under the age of 5 type of dilators (balloon versus semi-rigid dilators), the years.3 Esophageal stenosis in children can be caused by number of dilatation sessions, the interval between them, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eosinophilic and the duration of follow-up were also documented. esophagitis, caustic ingestion, congenital esophageal The study was approved by the Institutional stenosis (CES), and anastomotic strictures after 4 Biomedical Ethical Committee, Faculty of Medicine, tracheoesophageal fistula repair. All these diseases have Umm Al Qura University (Institutional review number similar clinical presentations, the main being dysphagia, HAP0-02-K-012-2020-04-374), and the consents and vomiting. These children often have long-term to participate were waived. All procedures performed morbidity and require multiple procedures to improve in this study involving human participants were in their symptoms. The inability to thrive is the main consequence of this clinical condition as it decreases accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional oral intake.5 Patients with esophageal stenosis may need or national research committee and with the 1964 intensive treatment for many years to control their Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or symptoms. Most of these patients undergo dilatation comparable ethical standards. that has been shown to treat symptoms effectively.6 Procedure. Gradual esophageal dilatations were Previously, constriction was treated with rigid dilation; performed using balloon catheters of an appropriate size however, the management has evolved toward balloon for the patient’s weight, age, and severity of stenosis. The dilation because the radial force applied can reduce the size of the balloon used depends on the judgment of the risk of esophageal damage and stenosis recurrence.7 attending surgeon. The balloon catheter was inserted Various dilators are now available. Fixed-diameter through the stenosis after placing a guidewire under push dilators as semi-rigid dilators (bougienage without endoscopic guidance and inflating it with normal saline; guidewire) and radially expanding balloon dilators that it was then gradually increased by 3 mm by dilatation run over a guidewire or through the endoscope channel for a maximum of 2 increments in a single session. are the most commonly used devices. However, there is The correct positioning of the dilator to the size of the a lack of consensus regarding the most preferred device.2 stenosis area was confirmed by endoscopy. The dilator In recent years, esophageal stents are recommended was held in place for one minute before proceeding to for some cases. The efficiency of esophageal stenosis the next dilation size. The extinction of the stenosis dilatation can be checked directly by endoscopy or under a direct endoscopic view was an indication of indirectly by fluoroscopic examination. However, successful dilation. In patients suspected of esophageal fluoroscopically-guided dilatation carries the risk of injury (namely, blood in the balloon or the pocket), a radiation exposure, especially in children. Surgery careful endoscopic examination was performed after is usually reserved for resistant types of esophageal dilatation of the stenosis, and if there was any suspicion strictures, such as long strictures and cases of congenital of injury, contrast study was conducted to check for stenosis.8 Multiple studies have analyzed esophageal dilatation and have obtained variable results.9,10 Thus, esophageal perforation. Most GERD patients continued the present study aimed to report the outcomes of to receive medical treatment for these conditions with endoscopic dilatation of esophageal strictures in the dilatation. Topical triamcinolone and mitomycin-C children, its complications, and management. injection were used if the child needed more than 2 dilations. Methods. This study is a retrospective analysis of all Outcomes. Clinical response was assessed according pediatric patients who underwent esophageal dilatation to the degree of improvement in symptoms and the need at our center between April 2014 and December 2019. for additional dilatation. The reaction was considered Data was extracted from the patients’ records, including complete when the symptoms completely disappeared demographics, clinical presentation, endoscopic results, without the need for additional enlargement; satisfactory treatment modality, and postoperative outcomes. All if there was a partial improvement in symptoms; and insufficient if the symptoms did not improve despite multiple dilation sessions. Statistical analysis. The 25th, 50th (median), and 75th Disclosure. Authors have no conflict of interests, and the percentiles were calculated for the continuous variables work was not supported or funded by any drug company. and proportions for categorical variables. The paired t-test was used to compare the first and last esophageal www.smj.org.sa Saudi Med J 2020; Vol. 41 (7) 721 Esophageal dilatation compl in children ... Bawazir & Almaimani diameters. A p-value<0.05 was considered significant. Table 1 - Baseline data and patients’ characteristics (N=46). All analyses were performed using Stata 16 (Stata Corp, College Station, Texas, USA). Characteristics n (%) Female 26 (56.5) Results. We performed esophageal dilatation
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