-- MODIFICATIO , o",.,CT,OCOOE10 2. AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION NO. __ 6. iSSUED BY CODE NASA Lyndon B, Johnson Space Center InstitutJonaJProcurement Office Attn: BJ4/Robin P.Chapman Houston, TX 77058-3696 8. NAMEAND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State, and Zip Code) ScienceApplicationsInternationalCorporation Attn: Tuyet.T.Nguyen 2450 NASA Parkway Houston,TX 77058 CODE NO. 9B, DATEDEEITEM 11) FACILITYCODE I IOA. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT/O'_ER NO. NNJ06JE86c 10s, DATED(SEE ITEM 13) 05/01/06 11. THIS ITEM ONLYAPPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS [] The abovenumberedsoJicitationis amendedas setforthin tern 14. The hour anddate specifiedfor receiptof Offers [] isextended, [] is notextended. Offersmustacknowedge receiptof thisamendmentpriortothe hourand date specifiedin thesolicitationoras amended, byone ofthe followin_lmethods: {a) By completnq Items8 and 15, and [] copiesofthe amendment;_b)By acknowledqin_lreceiptof this amendmenton each copyof the offo_" submitted;or {c) By separate letteror teleclramwhichincludesa referenceto the solicitationandamendmentnumbers. FAILUREOF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTTO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If byvirtue of thisamendmentyoudesireto changean offeralreadysubmitted,suchchangemay be made bytelegramor fetter,provided each telegram or letter makesreference to the solicitationandthis amendment,and is received dot to theo enin hour anddates ecifled. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA(If required) 13. THIS ITEM APPLIES ONLYT TO MODIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTS/ORDERS, ____ A. _ I 4 CONTRACTTHIS CHANGE ORDER ORDER NO. INIS ITEM ISSUED 10A. PURSUANT TO: {Specify authority)THE CHANGES SET FORTHIN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT/ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVECHANGES {suchas chan_esinpavin¢loffice, appropriationdate, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANTTO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR43,103(b). Perthe limitationof fundsclause. _PPLEMEN'i_AL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: d. OTHER (Specifv type ofmodificetion and authority) Mutualagreementoftheparties. E. IMPORTANT: Contractor [] is not, [] is requiredto sign thisdocumentandreturn 14. _ copies1othe issuingoffice. description of amendment/modificetion(Ot;qanizedby UCF section headings, including solicitation/contractsu_ e feasib/e,'_--'_ The purpose of this modification is to definitize the SAIC Facility Proposal No. 06-SAIC-0056, as revised on September 29, 2006 and to amend J.7A Listof Government ProvidedProperty to reflect the addition of miscellaneous Government property associatedwith the contractor's off-site move. Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of this contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect. E15xcetasA.NAMrEAovideNDdhereTITLEin,a_ OFltenSnsandconIGNER (Type_tionsofthorprint)edocurnentreferencedinltem9Aor l OA, _heretoforechsend,remainsunchanedandinfullforceandeffect 16A NAMEAND TITLE OF CONTRACTINGOFFICER (Type orprint) 15B.Tu CONTRACTORyet T. Nguyen,/OFFEROR Contracts Administrator _ 'Ofi_ic'ero_p_r) NSN 7540-01-152-8070 30-105 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE STANDARD FORM 30 (Rev 10-83) Prescribedbv GSA (48 CFR) 53,243 Contract NNJ06JE86C Modification 15 Page 2 of 10 I. SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICESICOSTS CLAUSE B.2 ESTIMATED COST AND AWARD FEF is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted herein: "B.2 ESTIMATED COST AND AWARD FEE The estimated cost of this contract is :t.... ,_ The maximum available award fee is _s._ '_. Total estimated cost and maximum award fee are' _. The estimated cost and award fee for this contract is broken out as follows: Available Base Period Estimated Cost Award Fee Total _n_ FFP Phase-In Price Completion-Form Level-of-Effort* NReceiptsTaxew Mexico Gross _L._ BASE PERIOD TOTAL* The pricingof LOEtask ordersfor this_ ....... ,=, oe _naccordancewiththe negotiatedand fully burdenedaverage labor rates as shownin Table B-1. The ratesshouldbe fullyburdenedcompositeof the Team's ratesby skillexcludingthe Prime'sMaximumFee. Thisrate shalltie to the ContractRates Sectionof the SummaryCost Template(SCT) Tablefor LOE. Note that the bottomofTable B-1 allows fhandlingrateor indirectratesapp on matleiedirialsf app. licableto non-laborresources.Forexample, an applicationof a material Contract NNJO6JE86C Modification15 Page 3 of 10 Applies Only to SOW 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0 CornoslteRatoaBasedontheCurrentContractorSTABLEB-1 - LOE RATES I FULLYBURD_ _eC,ustomerSiteRatesandSubcontractorAllocations (ExcluslveofFee) cY1I cY=i cv3I cY, I cv___ "Program Manager Manager Supervisor Engineer1 Engineer2 Engineer3 Engineer4 Technician1 Technician2. Technician3 Technician4 Analyst1 Analyst2 • Analyst3 InformationTechnology1 InformationTechnology2 InformationTechnology3 TrainingSpecialist1 TrainingSpecialist2 ., Admini=t_ullon1 Administration2 SecretariallClerical Business8pecialist1 BusinessSpecialist2 Other1 - EngineeringAide Other2- JuniorIntern Other3 - Engineer5 • Other4- SeniorIntern 1 I (End of Clause) Contract NNJ06JE86C Modification 15 Page 4 of 10 2. SECTION F - DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE thF.5e followingsubstitutedh OPTION TO EXTENDer COMPLETIONein: DATF (JSC 52.217-90) (OCT 1996) is deletedinitsentiretyand "F.5 OPTION TO EXTEND COMPLETION DATE (JSC 52.217-90) (OCT 1996) The Governmentmayrequirethe contractortocontinueto performservicesunderthiscontract.The contractingofficermayexercisethisoptionbyissuanceof a unilateralcontractmodification30days or morebeforethe completiondateset forthin SectionF.2. Shouldthe option(s)beexercised,the resultantcontractwillincludeall termsand conditionsof the basiccontractas itexistsimmediatelyprior to the exerciseof the option,exceptfor the followingchanges: Option 1: 1.B.2, entitled "ESTIMATED COST AND AWARD FEE" will be modified to reflect the additionof _ to the estimatedcost and. _j "_the maximum availableaward fee. The additional estimated cost and award fee for Option 1 is broken out as follows: Available Option 1 Estimated Cost Award Fee Total Cost Completion-Form Level-of-Effort New Mexico Gross _ ReceiptsTax OPTION 1 TOTAL 2.st F.2ate: (a), entitled "COMPLETION OF WORK AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE"will be modified to "(a)AII work required under Sections 3.0, 4.0, and 10 of the Statement of Work of this contract, including submission of all reports, shall be completed on or before April 30, 2010. (b) The period of performance for Sections 5.0 through 9.0 of the Statement of Work of this contract shall be from May 1, 2006 through April 30, 2010." 3. F.6, entitled "FLEX OPTIONS - LEVEL OF EFFORT (LOE)" will be modified to add the following: (ii) The Government may increase the number of direct labor hours required to be furnished during the option period by an amount ranging from 1 to 174,940. Contract NNJ06JE86C Modification 15 Page 5 of 10 (a) For options exercised during contract year 4 (ODtion 1) the estimated cost and maximum award fee will be increased by b _" and _ respectively, for every direct labor hour ordered by the exercise of an option. 4. B.4 (a), entitled "LEVEL-OF-EFFORT" shall be modified by increasing the total direct labor hours by 666,438 hours. 5. 1.3,entitled "PAYMENT FOR OVERTIME PREMIUMS" shall be modified to $0.00. Option 2: / 1. B.2, entitled"ESTIMATED COST AND AWARD FEE" willbe modifiedto reflecttheadditionof to the estimatedcostand .__ ' to the maximum availableawardfee. The additionalestimatedcostand awardfee for Option2 is brokenout as follows: Available Option 2 Estimated Cost Award Fee Total Cost Completion-Form Level-of-Effort New Mexico Gross Receipts Tax OPTION 2 TOTAL 2. F.2 (a), entitled "COMPLETION OF WORK AND PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE" will be modified to state: "(a)AII work required under Sections 3.0, 4.0, and 10 of the Statement of Work of this contract, including submission of all reports, shall be completed on or before April 30, 2011. (b) The period of performance for Sections 5.0 through 9.0 of the Statement of Work of this contract shall be from May 1, 2006 through April 30, 2011." 3. F.6, entitled "FLEX OPTIONS - LEVEL OF EFFORT (LOE)" will be modified to add the following: (iii) The Government may increase the number of direct labor hours required to be furnished during the option period by an amount ranging from 1 to 174,940. (a) For options exercised during contract year 5 (Ootion 2), the estimated cost and maximum award fee will be increased by b_ and _,f ;respectively, for every direct labor hour ordered by the exercise of an option. 4.666,438 B.4 (a), entitled hours. "LEVEL-OF-EFFORT"shall be modified by increasing the total direct labor hours by 5. 1.3,entitled "PAYMENT FOR OVERTIME PREMIUMS" shall be modified to $0.0.._._0.0. The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any option under this clause shall not exceed 5 years." (End of Clause) Contract NNJ06JE86C Modification 15 Page 6 of 10 substitutedF.6 FLEX herein: OPTIONS - LEVEL OF EFFORT (LOE) is deleted in its entirety and the following "F.6 FLEX OPTIONS- LEVEL OF EFFORT (LOE) The Governmentmay increasethe numberof LOE directlaborhoursrequiredtobefurnishedduring the periodof performanceby an amountrangingfrom 1 to (see b below)hours. If the Government electsto exerciseitsoption,referredthroughoutthisclauseas a flexoption,to increasethe numberof directlaborhoursto be furnished,the Contractorwillbe so notifiedwitha unilateralmodificationtothe contractexecutedby the ContractingOfficer. The termsand conditionsrelatingtothe Government's rightsas providedhereinare
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