
WEEK'S C MPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE SUNDAY N RTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE N ws Highlights of Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn Garfield Haledon Hawthorne Lodi Little Falls I•auntain View North Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes Prospect Park Tofowa ¾;•yne West Paterson JANUARY 24, 1960 OLYMPIC-BOUND VOL. XXXH, No. 4 WHITE and SHAUGER, A Good Name to Remember for FURNITURE Living Room - Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STEAIG• STREET (Coruer 20th Ave•) PATEILqON, '•e Place with the Clock" • MUll•rry 4-•81• Headquarters for Engaged Couples THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ITCHE •.k---'•,q ' SEA• sPEc•I:00D BROlLE• LOBSTER • -- DAILY OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FI•tt - SWORD FISH - DAILY DINNERS Star in "The Fabulous Fifties" Jan. 31 lb8 BEL•ON• AVe. [Cot. Burhsnt),HALEDON - . - •mbert 5-q885 - . ...:.:.:.J.ii•:.:.:.,:,:::,:/:;"'•/ • • ':',i?:,"'""• ß I.PAR RILLO ! i................'-" ' ! TheMan from Equitableasks- I •"•'"""'-•'-'-'•'•'••:•••:..••...'.•'•:,'L;,•-'o:•----•'"'""•'"''•'"'"•"""•••••'•' _;•_;• ' ß :i•:.iiii!::'.:::' .•-- -:i:::•..............• "'"'•'••:-::--"--:-:-::x'-',•::.•t------ -•" ,••::..':.:::..•It ß I?.,.:"•....•..?:'::::",'',',-....•-.,...'•.•.•,;:•::,...........................- -•.• .•_-. 4:•?...•.._e r_..ß . .-::•'•:.?/:•-............. •... ......................................... "l?-'•-':---'"•i?•il'"'"":""'":•'•,•ji.\ I :::::::::::::::::::::'-*';ø***.•øo,•-**_ ;ø.* •,.",.,_.'.-':-o•'•!;% ' •1•'::' "IlL ß _!•:::f:i•?::.::i?:•' ::•!i•::•::•t'?.•:.'.-•:!:i•.: ß:::::::::::::::::::::::::,:* .'- :':::'•.$-'•'-,..-.'- .:*-,•.-..:.-•....,•-,..::?::':f(,(•'_•,• _lm•_ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::,:,:,:,:•:,:,:,,,,,,•:•::::::$............-'• ....... _?. ,,,:, You wan your child to havea better ß ':*:.•::•!•?::::'.....'::::• !•,•? .....-•:::::i;•:•:•R-:.-:.•?' ß Ildr• '"-:?:!•.... placein the sun, 'don't you? OFCOUR$I YOU 'DO. But like some parents you fig- ure,"there's still plenty of time."Then, be!ore know'it, they'reall grown up and. need your-help to givethem that' importam start toward a .pro[ession, careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make surenow that your "helpinghand" .will be fhere whenit isneeded. Equitable off•rs you:a variety .o[ policies•or your-yom•ter.at' low rates.For more iniormation call,.. '1 I. PARRILLO •30 EAST ]I/DGEWOOD AVENUE RID6gWOOD, N.J. "The Fabulous Fifties," a two-hour, turn-of-the-decade look at America in music, comedy, drama, dance and reporting, will be p ented on the CBS Television Network, Sunday, Jan. 31. Pro- GI 5-3342 ', .GI 4-9891 ducer Leland llayward has assembled a star-studded cast for thi mammoth special which includes (top right) Jackie G! so and (counter-clockwise) host Henry Fonda, Rex liarrison and Juli Andrews. Among the other stars who will appear in this' eXtraor- Leffhe menfrom Equifeble bring you peece of mind •:•ary program ar Shelley Berman ric Sevareid, Mike'Nichols "•;ue blay, Suzy arker, Betty Cornden and Adolph Green• •an..Dyke. The CHEOPS. THE Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMI'• 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. LAmbert 5-2741 VIN, CENTS. PARRILLO, Publisher VINCENT N. PAR. I•I•LLO, Managing Editor ' Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. JANUARY 24, 1960 -- VOL. XXXII, No. 4 Single Copy 10 Cents $4.09 a Year by Mail CONTENTS 25 YEAR MEN Thomas Reardon (left), presi'den• of the Pompton Lakes First Aid Squad, presentsa plaque to• Charles YLomianfor 25 years of outstandingservice, as another plaque recipient, Matthew Coss, watches. Joseph Lynch, Olaf Haroldson, and Vantyle Coursen FEATURES were also awarded p!aques. Wayne Girl Ready For Olympic Bid CD-DC Receives 5 Gonsets Focus Crossword Puzzle 10 Television Highlights 12 Spring Song, by Zita Klang A Complete Short Story 14 American History 15 ....... ..-.... ....-... DEPARTM ENTS Social World 7 Editorials 8 Editor Speaks ........................ Complete Television _11-12-1" COVER PICTU'E; ß . Rev. John P. McHugh, director of DePaul Regional High ': 'i'"'• .-.. .4 • ß . ..,:• .-,,-...... _ , ,4... - .•..•._,j:;•$ . • •. ' . School, wishes his student, Cornelia Harrington, good luck in +. % -,' ,•......:• •.%. -..... -, -.... ,•... '• •.,,k.-';...% -.• .'-•,...'-'.'.,<..•..•..... the oncoming Winter Olympics. "Pooch" was honored by her fellow students in a school assembly at which she was pre- MONKEY BU'SIN.•SS AFOOT Four-year-old Blip. and five-and-a- half year old Tao prepare themselves for their taxi ride as their . sented with some valuable gifts, including a slide..projector owner and trainer, Clarence Kissel, keeps a watchful eye on the per- ßand camera. Miss Harrington is the only one from this area formers. Six-year-old Thomas Watson of 42 Sixth Avenue, is about l whowill participate inthe Olympic Games. to take them to the YMCA Mother's Club family' dinner which was (see Story on Page 4) held this past week. .The •NICLE Page Three SPORTS Wayne Girl Ready For Olympic Bid CorneliaHarrington Hopes TO ,ut amp,nship Ice A determined young ice skater from ed skating in January of 1957. After this area is a member of the United failing to make the team in the 500-me- CORNELIA HARRINGTON States Olympic team and will be com- ters attempt on the first day, the 1,000 peting in the approaching winter games the following day, and then in the 1,500 fashion when she was an infant, be- at Squaw Valley, California. That is no meters, she took the 3,000-meter field in cause she was as friendly and frisky as a small feat, but even more impressive her own "sudden death" finish as she puppy dog, ergo "Pooch". She has been is the fact that she is the youngest raced the clock for first on the list, aided along the competitive trail by her member on the squad- only 16 years thanks to a strong finish. father who has spent innumerable of age. Miss Harrington lives in Packanack hours, training and developingher skat- The name is Cornelia Harrington Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing skill from the very start. She re- (nickname, "Pooch") and this is a mon- Tom Harrington; two sisters, Kathy and quires a lot of grit, patience, determina.. icker worth remembering, because the Beth, a brother, Tom; and her cousins, tion, and long hours of practice to nur- odds are that you will be seeing it in l•aul and John Robbins. She was born ture her skill, but she does so sans com- print a great deal in the years to come. on June 7, 1944 in Tarrytown, N.Y. plaint. This indomitable and hard-working She is a high school student in Wayne, Explains the senior Harrington- youngster owns limitless desire and now in her junior year. "Everybody in the family has made sa- courage, and she certainly demonstrat- Right now, she is training in Califor- crifices to help Cornelia, and all have ed these qualities when she landed on nia and preparing for the start of the been happy to do so. Certainly, Cornelia the U. $. women's skating team in the climatic grind when the squad moves appreciates it. I guess that's another Winter Olympics. to Squaw Valley on February 1. It is a reason why she never gives up when she That happened last year at Minneap- long pull, requiring all the determina- is going to work on her skating,. olis when Cornelia brushed off the long tion and drive which have become Cor- whether it's just a workout or a cham- odds to win that coveted spot. She had nelia's trademarks. She is ready to meet pionship race or even a try at the Olym- been skating only two years when she the tough challenge represented by the pics." made this ambitious bid, was unsuccess- outstanding female skaters from coun- Accordingly, the Harrington gal was ful in the early trials but came through tries scattered all over the globe. not perturbed when she was unable to in her final bid to finish on top of the Cornelia is the only representative of land that Olympic place in the first four 3,000 meters and w.ound up with the this section in the Winter Olympics. An days of the trials. She felt that she membership on the team. It took a lot Englewood Cliffs speed skater, Don Mc- never had been trained to be a sprinter of doing, but her refusal to become dis- Dermott, is another New Jersey figure and so the shorter distances were more couraged after the first three fruitless on the scene, but Miss Harrington is the difficult for her. She was last in the days brought success on the fourth only competitor on the team who eman- field of 31 skaters at the time, but she and final -- day. ates from the Paterson sector. kept •on plugging and when the 3,000 The determined Miss Harrington, con- A good student with many outside in- meter trial came along, she was ready fident and spirited, hung on to make it terests, "Pooch" won her first major and willing. and still had time to be a one-girl root- skating title tw.o seasons back when she She' just started more slowly than in ing squad for other girls trying to took the state outdoor junior girls' the previous bids, settled into her nor-. make it. crown- and turned the trick in a mal stride easily and ground out the all- Cornelia won out by the hairbreath snowstorm. She went on to win other important victory. Now, with a smile margin of one second in her long-d•.s- state championships, as well as honors mixed with her set determination, she is rance bid for an Olympic place, certain- in Middle Atlantic, Tri-State, and East- preparing for the most important as- iy a thrilling triumph for the bespec- ern championship meets. signment of her life. A young life- but tacled 5•foot-2 brunette who only start- The nickname was acquired in simple a merry scramble. Page Four The CHRONICLE St. Mary's Little League To Hold Beefsteak Dinner The Little League group of St.
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