15198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 June 11, 2007 SENATE—Monday, June 11, 2007 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was SCHEDULE publicans, which is something he has called to order by the Honorable KENT Mr. REID. Mr. President, today the to make sure his Republicans under- CONRAD, a Senator from the State of Senate will be in a period of morning stand. North Dakota. business until 3:30 p.m., with the time I see in today’s Roll Call newspaper equally divided and controlled between that one Republican Senator said: I PRAYER the two leaders or their designees. At think the Democrats are going to have The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- 3:30 p.m., the Senate will have 2 hours to take care of most of those votes, the fered the following prayer: of debate as follows: An hour on the newspaper article says. Without men- Let us pray. motion to proceed to the energy legis- tioning the Senator’s name, the article O God, our Father, speak to us today lation, and the second hour will be de- states: that here in Your presence we may find bate on the motion to proceed to the Put the onus on Democrats to make up the knowledge of what You want us to do. legislation expressing no confidence in 15-vote deficit on cloture, saying Repub- Guide our Senators this week so that licans have nearly maxed out support on Attorney General Gonzales. Starting at their side. they clearly understand Your desires 5:30 p.m. today, the Senate will con- This appears on page 24 of Roll Call: and give them the wisdom to obey. duct a rollcall vote on the motion to ‘‘I think the Democrats are going to Provide them with daily strength to invoke cloture on the motion to pro- have to deal with most of those honor You with their service. May they ceed to the Gonzales legislation. If that [votes],’’ the Senator said. never act in such a way that they lose cloture vote fails, then the Senate will Mr. President, 80 percent and 14 per- their self-respect. Keep them from have a vote on the motion to proceed cent. It is the President’s bill. So if being the kind of people who want to to the energy legislation. other Republican Senators feel the get everything out of life while only ORDER OF PROCEDURE putting a little into it. Remind them same as the Senator who is expressed I now ask unanimous consent that at on page 24 of Roll Call, saying we have that they will answer to You for the 5:10 today, until the vote at 5:30, the way they have used their talents to to overcome the 15-vote deficit, it time be equally divided and controlled won’t happen. We have about maxed serve others. Give them the ambition between the two leaders, with the ma- to honor You with faithfulness and hu- out at 80 percent. jority leader controlling the final 10 The letter I am going to send to the mility. minutes. We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. President will say a number of things. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Among other things, it will say: f pore. Without objection, it is so or- A strong spirit of bipartisanship has held dered. together the coalition of Democrats and Re- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f publicans who negotiated the compromise The Honorable KENT CONRAD led the and has sustained the Senate through 2 full Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: CONSIDERATION OF IMMIGRATION weeks of debate on the bill. Unfortunately, AND ENERGY ISSUES that bipartisanship was largely absent in a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the crucial vote last Thursday. United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. REID. Mr. President, we have lic for which it stands, one nation under God, spent 2 weeks on the immigration bill, Then I will go on to state to the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and we listened to hour after hour of President the percentages I just out- lined. f debate. I don’t think there is a single Senator, no matter how one may have I further say in the letter to the APPOINTMENT OF ACTING finally voted on the motion to proceed President: PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE or not to proceed to the bill, who We appreciate the efforts of you and other doesn’t see an urgent need to fix our Republicans who have worked with us to get The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the bill this far. But we believe it will take clerk will please read a communication badly broken immigration system. stronger leadership by you to ensure that op- to the Senate from the President pro Even those people who oppose this leg- ponents of the bill do not block the path to tempore (Mr. BYRD). islation vehemently believe the system final passage. Simply put, we need many The assistant legislative clerk read is broken and needs to be fixed. more than seven Republicans to vote for clo- the following letter: So everyone agrees that we need to ture and final passage of the bill. fix it, and I think the best way to fix it U.S. SENATE, This letter will be signed by Senators PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, is to legislate. When it came time to REID, DURBIN, SCHUMER, and MURRAY, Washington, DC, June 11, 2007. vote on the bipartisan compromise last the Democratic leadership team. To the Senate: Thursday, 7 Republicans joined with 38 I want to get the bill done. The over- Under the provisions of Rule I, paragraph Democrats to invoke cloture. Let us whelming majority of the Democratic 3, of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I put that in proper perspective. Fourth- caucus has already voted for cloture. hereby appoint the Honorable BENJAMIN L. fifths of Democrats voted to proceed to The American people are certainly CARDIN, a Senator from the State of Mary- complete this legislation, and one-sev- looking to Congress for leadership. We land, to perform the duties of the Chair. enth of the Republicans voted to pro- ROBERT C. BYRD, hope President Bush and his Repub- President pro tempore. ceed. That is 80 percent and 14 per- lican allies in Congress will find a way cent—80 percent of the Democrats said Mr. CARDIN thereupon assumed the to work with us to deliver this bill to move forward and 14 percent of the Re- chair as Acting President pro tempore. the immigrants, businesses, and all publicans said move forward. Eighty- other Americans who deserve it. f six percent of the Republicans said no. If we see new cooperation and a clear Today, in an hour or so, I am going way forward from the Republican cau- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY to send a letter to President Bush to cus, I will do everything possible to re- LEADER lay out my hope that we can still move address the immigration issue after the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- forward on this legislation, but I want debate on the Energy bill is completed. pore. The majority leader is recog- him to know that further progress will And it is difficult for me to even say nized. require active support from more Re- this because I really wanted to move ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:33 May 24, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\S11JN7.000 S11JN7 wwoods2 on DSK1DXX6B1PROD with BOUND RECORD June 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 11 15199 next to the Defense authorization bill. able to pass it, we will save 4 million quo, and so I hope we will be able to If we can work out something, when we barrels of oil every day. That is pretty chart a path to get us back on track at finish this Energy bill, to complete im- good. some point and hopefully complete, on migration, I want to do that. This bill will set new energy effi- a bipartisan basis, what could well be Finally, Mr. President, on energy, we ciency standards for lighting, appli- the most important domestic achieve- will turn our focus this week to one of ances, and water use. This bill alone ment of this Congress. the great remaining challenges of our will save 1⁄2 trillion gallons of water I am pleased to hear the majority time: our national energy policy. every year. For a place like Nevada, leader say there is a possibility that we In 1931, Thomas Alva Edison had a where we get 4 inches of rain every could get back to this measure and meeting with Henry Ford, whose cars year in Las Vegas, that is a lot of wrap it up. That certainly is my hope, were driving up consumer demand for water. and I will look forward to working with gasoline. This is what Edison told This is a bill which protects con- him toward that end. Ford: sumers by punishing companies that I yield the floor. I’d put my money on the sun and solar en- price gouge and manipulate supply for f ergy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t their profits. It is a bill which invests have to wait until oil and coal run out before in carbon capture and storage, and it RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME we tackle that.
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