GENERAL AGREEMENT on Niztjm? TARIFFS and TRADE Special Distribution

GENERAL AGREEMENT on Niztjm? TARIFFS and TRADE Special Distribution

RESTRICTED GENERAL AGREEMENT ON niZTJm? TARIFFS AND TRADE Special Distribution Multilateral Trade Negotiations Group "Tariffs: TARIFF INFORMATION AVAILABLE IN THE SECRETARIAT Revision This document contains a revised and up-dated list of tariffs and their latest modifications available in the secretariat. The information, as noted here, is dravn from three sources: national editions of the customs tariffs, the publications of the International Customs Bureau in Brussels and the Handels-Archiv (published in Germany). MHT/TAR/W/5/Bev.2 Page 2 ANNEX Tariff Information Available in the Secretariat SOURCE Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff .AFGHANISTAN 1976 1955 modif. up to 1977 ALGERIA 1975 1973 1969 ANGOLA 1965 1967 modif. up to 1973 ARGENTINA 1977 1971 1968 AUSTRALIA 1972 1976 1976 (up to 1977) AUSTRIA 197U 1976 1972 (up to 1973) BAHAMAS 1977 1966 BAHREIN 1951+ BANGLADESH 1977 1973 BARBADOS 1976 1955 1966 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 3 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff BELGIUM 1969 1969 197T (Benelux) (Benelux) (Benelux) BENIN 1977 (WEST AFRICA) BOLIVIA 1976 197^ modif. up to 1977 BRAZIL 1973 1973 1977 BULGARIA 1968 1972 modif. up to 191k BURMA 1962 19^8 1967 modif. up to 1963 BURUNDI 1970 1975 modif. up to 197H CAMEROON 1977 1971 1966 (UDEAC) CANADA 1977 19lh 191h (up to 1977) OAPE VERDE 1966 CARIBBEAN 1976 COMMON MARKET MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page k Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff CENTRAL AFRICAN 1977 1971 1969 EMPIRE (UDEAC) CENTRAL AMERICAN 1967 1969 COMMON MARKET modif. up to 1970 C:iÀD 1977 1971 1966 (UDEAC) CHILE 1976 197** 1967 nodif. up to 1977 CHINA, PEOPLE'S 1973 I960 REP. 0? COLOMBIA 1977 1975 19 71* up to date (1975) CONGO 1977 1971 1966 (Brazzaville) (UDEAC) COSTA RICA 1967 1969 (CAOOM) modif. up to 1970 IffN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 5 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff CUBA - 1953 1958 Suppl. Dec. 1956 CYPRUS 197^ 197U 1963 modif. up to 1977 Suppl. May 1976 (up to date 1966) CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1956 1971 1951* modif. up to 1963 Suppl. August 1972 DENMARK 1971* 197*+ 1977 modif. up to 1977 - Faroe Islands 1957 195U - Greenland 1972 196U DOMINICAN 1972 1972 1971 REPUBLIC EAST AFRICAN 1977 1970 1966 COMMUNITY 5. MTIT/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 6 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff ECUADOR 1975 1976 modif. un to 1977 EGYPT 1975 19 6U 1969 modif. up to 1977 EQUATORIAL 1961 I960 GUINEA raodif. up to 1966 EUROPEAN ECONOIHC 1976 1977 C014IUNITY Suppl. to 1977 EL SALVADOR 1967 1969 (CACOM) modif. up to 1970 ETHIOPIA 1972 1967 modif. up to 197^ Suppl. to 1971 FIJI 1975 FINLAND 1975 1976 1977 modif. up to 1977 MPN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 7 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff FRANCE 1969 1969 1977 modif. up to 1975 - Comoro Islands 1966 1968 modif. up to 197^ - Corsica 1969 19^6 - French Oceania 196l 1958 modif. up to 1965 - French Polynesia 1961 1969 modif. up to 197^ - French Guiana 1969 1956 1966 - Guadeloupe 1969 1956 1966 - Martinique 1969 - 1966 modif. up to 1975 - New Caledonia 1961 - modif. up to 197^ - Hew Hebrides 1957 1956 nodif. up to 1962 - Reunion 1969 1958 - St. Pierre and 1963 1961 Miquelon modif. up to 197^ - Wallis and - 195U Futuna Suppl. up to I960 GABON 1977 1971 1966 (UDEAC) GAMBIA 1965* 1966 GERMANY, Fed. Rep. of 1965 1977 According to D.H.A., a new tariff entered into force in 1975. MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 8 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff GHANA 1968* 197^ inodif. up to 1970 GREECE 1976 1976 1961* GRENADA - 1967 GUYANA 1976 1971 1976 GUATEMALA 19Ô7 1969 (CACOM) modif. up to 1970 GUINEA (Bissau) 1970 GUINEA (Conakry) 1971* 1970 HAITI 1970 1976 inodif. up to 1975 HONDURAS 1967 1969 (CACOM) inodif. up to 1970 * According to D.H.A., a new tariff entered into force in 1975. MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 9 Country- Handel s-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff HUNGARY 1975 1977 ICELAND 1971 1976 1963 modif. up to 1971* (up to date 1968) INDIA 1976 1965 1975 INDONESIA 1975 1977 1975 IRAN 191k 19 7U 1976 modif. up to 1977 IRAQ 1957 1957 modif. up to 197*4- IRELAND 1976 1973 1976 modif. up to 1977 ISRAEL 1972 1975 197^ modif. up to 1975 ITALY 1973 1962 1977 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 10 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff IVORY COAST 1976 1977 1969 (West African Customs Union) JAMAICA 1976 195^ 1967 Suppl. up to i960 JAPAN 1973 197** 1977 modif. up to 1977 JORDAN 1970 196U modif. up to 1972 Suppl. up to 1970 KENYA 197U 1970 1966 (East African Community) KHMER (Rep.) 1963 1972 1959 modif. up to I96U up to date 1967 KOREA (Rep. of) 1976 1973 1968 KUWAIT 1970 1966 modif. up to 1976 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 11 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff LAOS 1961 1971 modif. up to 1963 LEBANON 1966 1966 1971 modif. up to 197^ Suppl. up to 1967 LIBERIA 1977 1956 19U0 up to date 19^9 LIBYA 1975 1975 1966 modif. up to 1976 LUXEMBOURG 1965 1969 1977 modif. up to 1969 (Benelux) (Benelux) (Benelux) MADAGASCAR 1973 1966 I960 modif. up to 1977 Suppl. to 1967 MALAWI - 1967 19 7U Suppl. up to 1968 MALAYSIA 1971* 1976 1969 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 12 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff MALDIVS ISLANDS 1967 MALI 1976 1969 1968 (West African Customs Union) MALTA 1976 1973 1971 up to 19 71* MAURITANIA 1976 1971 (West African Customs Union) MAURITIUS 19 70* 1970 1969 MEXICO 1977 197»+ 1975 MOROCCO 197U 1973 1965 modif. up to 1976 MOZAMBIQUE 1965 1967 modif. up to 1970 •According to the D.H.A. a new tariff entered into force on 1 January 1973. MTM/TAR/W/5/IÏCV.2 Page 13 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff MUSCAT AND OMAN 1971 1961 19^7 NEPAL 1963* NETHERLANDS 1965 (Benelux) 1969 1 1 modif. up to 1969 (Benelux) (Eenelux) - Antilles 1970 1972 Suppl. up to 1973 NEW ZEALAND 1975 1975 197U modif. up to 1977 NICARAGUA 1967 1969 (CACCM) modif. up to 1970 NIGER 1976 1969 (West African Customs Union) NIGERIA 1976 1970 19^2 Suppl. up to 1971 (up to date 1967) *According to the D.H.A. a new tariff entered into force on 2H October 1970 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page Ik Country Kandels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff NORWAY 197^ 1975 1977 modif. up to 1977 PAKISTAN 1977 1973 1969 PANAMA. 1959 1970 modif. up to 1963 PAPUA-NEW GUINEA 1972 1957 1969 PAPAGUAY 1977 1975 PERU 1975 L97U modif. up to 1976 PHILIPPINES 1973 197U 1973 modif. up to 1977 POLAND 19 IS 1975 modif. up to 1977 PORTUGAL 1976 1973 1971» modif. up to 1977 - Timor 1967 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 15 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff GATAR 1953 ROMANIA 19TT 1977 1973 RWANDA 1975 1975 1966 r SAO TOME MD 1967 PRINCIPE SAUDI ARABIA. 1970 1970 iaodif. up to 1973 SENEGAL 1976 1970 1968 (West African Customs Union) SEYCHELLES 1952 1967 modif. up to I960 SIERRA LEONE 1970 1968 modif. up to 1972 SINGAPORE 1975 1976 197^ SOMALIA 1972 1969 1963 modif. up to 1973 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page l6 Country- Handels-Archiv Brussels Bvreau National Tariff SOUTH AFRICA 1976 1977 197^ modif. up to 1977 up to 1977 S PA H 1975 1977 197^ modif. up to 1977 - Canaries 1971 - Ceuta 1971 SRI LANKA 1970 1970 1970 SUDAN 1970 1976 modif. up to 1977 SUB HAM 1958 1970 modif. up to 1967 Suppl. up to 1971 SWEDES 197U 1972 1977 modif. up to 1977 SWITZERLAND 1973 1972 1975 Suppl. up to 1977 modif. up to 1977 SYRIA 196U 1972 1972 modif. up to 1967 Suppl. up to 1Q73 TANZANIA 197^ 1970 1966 (East African Community) IAIWAH 1975 ME7/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 17 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff THAILAND 1973 1972 modif. up to 1976 TOGO 1975 1970 TONGA 1957 TRINIDAD AND 1976 1956 1962 TOBAGO (up to date 1965) TUNISIA 1977 1974 1959 TURKEY 191k 1969 1968 1 Suppl. Dec. 1973 UGANDA 197^ 1970 1966 (East African Community) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Abu Dhabi 1971 - Dubai 1968 *MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 18 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff UNITED KINGDOM 1975 1972 1977 - Antigua 1955 195^ modif. up to 1967 - Bermuda - 1966 - Brunei - 1953 - Cayman Islands 195^ - - Doiainica 1959 195^ modif. up to 1967 - Falkland Islands 1970 1966 - Gibraltar 1955 1967 modif. up to 1957 - Gilbert and - 1967 Ellis - Honduras 1953 1966 1971 (British) modif. up to 1957 - Hong Kong 1966 I960 modif. up to 1969 - Han (Isle of) - 1955 - Ifonserrat - 195J+ - New Hebrides 1957 1966 modif. up to 1962 - Solomon Islands I960 1971 1970 - St. Helena 1962 195^ - St. Lucia - 195h - St. Vincent 1959 1970 modif. up to 1967 - Turks and Caicos 1959 1971 1970 Islands - Virgin Islands 1967 1971 MTN/TAR/W/5/Rev.2 Page 19 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff UNITED STATES OF 1976 1977 1976 AMERICA - Virgin Islands of 1953 the United States UPPER VOLTA 1976 1968 (West African Customs Union) USSR 1962 1972 1961 JPJGUAÏ 1972* 1973 1975 VATICAN STATE 1930 VENEZUELA 197*+ 1969 1967 modif. up to 1977 Suppl. to 1972 up to 1968 YEMEN, Arab Rep. of 19lh YUGOSLAVIA 1966 1966 modif. up to 1975 Suppl. up to 1971 1975 According to D.H.A., a new tariff entered into force in January 1975- MM/TAR/W/5/Rev.

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