![Fetish, Urges](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
X " V The WMtlier ForMMt of P . n. Weatiwr TUESDAY, MAY, 10,1960 ATM«sf Dafljr Net PreM Ron For the Week Ended Cool, apeaakmal Ught raia w i • . Blay 7th, 1960 drimie teMght aad Ttaraday. law PAGE SESTEEN toirfght amur M. Blgli 13,109 near M. Youth ActlvlUes Oomanlttee, .re­ SPECIAL • - -^ONTH OF MAY! ported an avaJan<*e o t witries re­ Member ef the Audit. A rea F oundation BoreMi of CiiealatlOli Mancheater^A CUy o f VilUtge Charm Membera and fttroda l sulted in a week’s delay. WOMKN’S Council No. 46. P rii^ will be awarded for the Q iVes Y alo G rant beet 'essays to winners In sixth, (Claasifled Advertlstag ea Pag* *1) PRICE FIVE CENTS A b o u t T o w p honUa, have been MANCHESTER, CONI^, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1960 kitchen aoclal at the seventh and eighth grade students VOL. LXXIX, NO. 189- : (TWENSIt-FOUB BASES— IN. T W a SfeCTfONS) Temple Chapter, OKS, Richard Qutoner, 43 Mather st., New Haven, May 10 (JP) -~^Thi in Manchester. First and second pr. place awards will be made for t o m o r ^ at 8 pJn. a t ^ e Maaonic tomorroF at 8 P ™* Yale-New Haven i^edlca}' Center Temple. Alter the business ia to bring grocery items. Refreah- announced today receipt bf a 8l0.* each cjitegory. ■ Ing, refreshments will be served by melta will be served, ' 000 grant to help defray medical c l ^ e d and Pre«ed—Cosh and Carry Mrs. Dora Jorgensen. expenses forpktients *ri>m Crtum- 12:01 AMe Monday Stale N ew s A Sunday School staff meeting bja. Willimantlc and Windham T^w tt^H as Share ■ The Sunday School staff will be held tomorrow at 8:45 p.m. County areas who need esrdi^ LUCKY LADY LAUNDRY EvsMellcal Lutheran Church will at Covenant . Congregational | 48 PURNELL PLACE—;BACK OF BURTO* ^ Roundup surgery at the medical . o f D isease W ave meet at the dwrch tomorrow at Church. The grant came frqm^the W il­ , M «>.M.-THCT8DAV > t . r M 7:30 pjn. liam Brand Foumjatlbn of Colum­ Manchester has had Its share Hartford, May 11 f^ — Members of th? I bia. Senior leaders of ^w cheeter Garage Owners’ of the recent wave of diseases State tax returns, primed by Olrl Scouts will meet tonight at s tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the British l whi^i ‘have hit Connecticut,. big increases in corporation, O’clock at the home of Roh- American club. Police Chief iames New cases reported from Man- inheritance and sales taxes, [Reardon will he guest speaker. U H asli o f E n tries ,.--e r t Johns, 250 Greenwood Dr. phester last week to the Connect­ Walkout Hour are running better than 10 per cent more than a year ago. Reynolds CirS^TwSC^. of South A drill team rehearsal tor Sun-1 < D elays Contest icut State Department of H^lth Fetish, Urges ‘Open Skies set Rebekah lodge will he J'rid to- included one case of mumps,, one That’s the *t»te tax picture, re­ Methodist Church, wHl meet to- New Haven Mav 11 ?jPV-t"matod all buses should be off the posted .'today by Commissioner rlsht at 7:45 o’clock in the cha^l- moriwv at 7:30 p.m. at Odd FeJ.- I>ue to an unprecedent^ la ^ of scarlet lever and 12 new naven, m ay i t by 2:16 a.m. Monday. lows’ hall. Measle cases reported by all dl- John L. Sullivan, for the first 10 This will be a work number of entries—more t h « 3W Union officials today set a Earl R. Mortemort. vice presi­ months of the fiscal year. Speci­ compleUon of favors for the Sun —the annual KJka NaUonal Youth Tectors o f health In the State rose Smith College In Northampton, from laat Week’s 777 to 1,M7. ’Hits strike of Connecticut Bus dent and general manager of the fically, the returns cover the span, N, day School Tpachers banquet to­ Day essay, contest winners. WALLPAPER Company drivers for 12:01 btis company, said he had not been from July 1 through-April 30. Mass., will offer a supplementary | not he announced until Friday figure, -according to . Dr. F i^ k lto Doubts Spy-Aircraft morrow;* BUY ON€ R O L L - - C B T ONE FREE informed of the Strike hour and The tax chief'a latest report training program for high school Originally it was planned to se­ Mi Foote, commissioner of health, a.m. Monday. teacher^ in the fall. The courses 1 is the highest tor any week so far The Etrike would affect «ome could not comment. shows that his Agency’haa garner- A. J. Gunther, 57 Gardner S t lect a winner last weekend but He »ald he *1*^ I «d'over 8^^^^ mlllioh during this will be in biology, chemistry. niomaa Conran, chairman of the this year. - 165,000 ridert'ln five large cities— superintendent of Colt’s mathemaUcs and physics and wm Hartford, New Haven, Stamford, Firtarms Mfg. Co., vnu leaye by ded during a heavy rainstorm. (BurKamp ___________ NORFOLK HOUSE PAINT since the union htul declared oer centilfgher than collections for be open to teachers at the junior Norwich and New London ‘ample notice" ot Shot Down by Reds let from Idlewild International as well as the senior high sqhool (The company also provides Airport tonight to spend a montt level. TTie classes will be held WHITE service between Manchester and in M ia . His trip will t ^ e him to Wednesday nlghU, from 7 to 10 | Hartford. The Silver Lane.Bus Co., By MARVIN L. ABROWSMITH « ^ Paris, Rome, Saudi Arabia and he p.m., Sept. 21 to May 24,1961. ^ - $ ^ . 9 5 not Involved In the contract dis­ * Union members l“ t a e S * W U ? is scheduled to arrive in Bombay to strike in their efforts to o b ^ n | When the budget was passed, Washington. May 11 (/P)— President Eisenhowqr ^chal­ COLORS Ih ili pute, also supplies this service.) a new contract with the bus com- oh Thursday GAUON The strike date wax set by thfe the situaOon should show Improve­ lenged the Soviet Union again today to join this country in C A R S magazine reports TKe Lark is the best pany. ment when the sales tax returns I B u rt to H ead '8-member Joint conference board The workers have been without opening its skies to inspection flights which might give eacn HUlstown Grange wiU sponsor a of the union , representing some for the recent January-March pe public card party at»the Grange t h e b e s p e c i a l s g o o d t h i s WEEK^6NLY!^^^^^^ a contract since their old one ex­ riod are in the-till. assurance against surprise attack. / . R C M otor C orps I 1,100 drivers and mechanics. The pired Sept. 30, 1968. Hall tonight at 8 o’clock. Proceeds overall buy among all 23 American automobiles employes sre menlbers - of the State officlala have frequenUy . In a news conference review of the furpr over Russian cap­ will ^ used for the building Im- Amalgamated Association of The chief issue in the dispute cautioned that higher tax receipts ture of an American spy plane,'the President called espionage - ■ proveraent fund. Guests will play Leonard B. Burt of 223 Henry ! Street, Electric, Railway and Mo­ is a compulsory arbitration d s ^ e indicate the State will have “a distasteful but vital necessity’’ lest there be another sneak Monte Carlo whist, and rrfresh- St. has been appointed chairman .. .including all other compacts. tor Coach Employes of America.' in the old contract. The union g^^piuj cash around. So far this blow such as the 1941 Japanese attack on. Pearl Harbor. ments will be served. of the Manchester Chapter Ameri­ C.J. MORRISON wants the clause <«tained. ’*’ •* I year, the flow of taxes has failed Under the terms reached by the Eisenhower said the Soviet “ fetist oY secrecy and conceal­ can Red Cross Motor Corp. Ed­ p a in t c o m p a n y Joint Conference Board, no bua company -wants it but of, future le^p pace with the more rapid . ' Officers will be elected at the an­ ward J. Thoms, Chapter Chairman. B EST. After judging The L ark-“ the |cst of the Compacu’’-th e editors of CARS contracts. rate of spending. ment” is a major cause of, international tension and uneasi- will leave tls terminal In New Ha­ A Superior Court deoslon up­ nual dinner meeting of the Man­ Burt has recently retired from enlarged their enthusiasm and declared The Lark, “ The Best Overall Buy. 385 CENTER $TRECT ven, Hartford, Stamford, Norwich ness, and forces the United States to engage in ‘ below the chester Association for Help of the Aetna Casualty and Surety held the company’s oomtention or New' London after Sunday mid­ 3 Nttraet Hurt • surface” activities to gain information to protect the free , Retarded Children Thursday eve­ Compaliy of Hartford where he Here’s how they summed up their expert opinion in the June issue of CARS; night. Buses on late rlina will con­ that the clause died -when the old | ning at the Bunce Center. A tur­ was employed as an underwriter tinue on schedule to the com.ple- Newtowm,,May 11 (^ — Three key dinner, catered by Girl Scout for 46 years. He Is active in the tlon of their runs.
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