TTHHOUGHTTSS OOFF EETTHHEERRNNAALL WIISSDOOMM Chosen Thoughts of spiritual Teachers of the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa for QQuueessttiioonnss ccoonncceerrnniinngg DDaaiillyy LLiiffee eeBBooookk 11-- 1111 Understand Life and myself anew: clear Answers to Questions concerning Daily Life www.realpeacework-akademie.info/jena UN D E RS T A N D L IIFE A N D M Y S E L F A N E W : C L E A R A N S W E R S T O Q U E S T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G D A I L Y L I F E b PPuubblliisshheerr Loovvee(+)Wissddoomm(=)TTrruutthh UN D E R S T A N D L IIFE A N D M Y S E L F A N E W : C L E A R A N S W E R S T O Q U E S T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G D A I L Y L I F E eBook 01: Means to bring ‘on ’ Prenatal Education & Spiritual Electroplating eBook 02: A new Light on Prayer eBook 03: The Importance of having an High Ideal eBook 04: Master & Discipleship eBook 05: The Kingdom of God & His Righteousness eBook 06: The Two Principles – Masculine and Feminine eBook 07: Angels & the Tree of Life eBook 08: The Sublime Origin and Goal of Sexuality and the Sexual Force eBook 09: The hidden capacity of Human beings eBook 10: Being Member of a Family …and its different Connections with the world eBook 11: The Reasons behind Suffering eBook 12: The Cosmic meaning of Marriage eBook 42: Why we should accept Reincarnation eBook 13: Holidays eBook 43: A Servant of God eBook 14: Music and Creation eBook 44: Becoming a Spiritual Disciple eBook 15: The Quintessence of Christianity eBook 45: How to work for Peace in the World eBook 16: Purity as the Key to Self-Realization eBook 46: How to surpass Karma & Predestination eBook 17: The Sun & the Sunrise-Meditation; working with eBook 47: How to work with Talismans the Divine Image eBook 48: How to master Habits eBook 18: The Universal Brotherhood of Light eBook 49: How to deal with loneliness eBook 19: The true Task of Art eBook 50: Christ, Christians & Christianity eBook 20: Living a Successful Life eBook 51: Interpretations of the Gospels eBook 21: A new Attitude for everyday Life eBook 52: Traditions, the Gospels & the Holy Scriptures eBook 22: Explanations on Heredity eBook 53: Faith eBook 23: Nutrition for a successful life eBook 54: The Undesirables eBook 24: Education – Guidelines for Parents eBook 55: What is truth eBook 25: The Relationship between Colours & the Aura eBook 56: Wars – seen with a wider field eBook 26: Reflections on Birth eBook 57: What is Fasting eBook 27: The Laws which govern the Universe eBook 58: Science & Initiatic Science eBook 28: A new Understanding of Health eBook 59: Be a spring eBook 29: A correct understanding of Good and Evil eBook 60: Attitude towards money eBook 30: The different aspects of ‘ & eBook 61: Obedience ’ eBook 62: The different bodies of human beings eBook 31: Life and Death eBook 63: Trust eBook 32: Magic in everyday life eBook 64: Honesty eBook 33: Meditation as the Gateway to harmonious living eBook 65: Interpretations for Kissing eBook 34: Proper knowledge of Human and Divine Justice eBook 66: The Importance of the Will eBook 35: Working with Light eBuch 67: Was das Gesicht eines Menschen uns alles eBook 36: Only Beauty can save the World verraten kann! eBook 37: Guidelines for Spiritual Work eBook 38: Suicide: Reasons & Consequences eBook 70: The Power of Thought eBook 39: Real Freedom eBook 71: The Power of Desires eBook 72: The Power of Feelings eBook 40: True Love eBook 41: True Happiness c PPuubbllisshheerr LLoovvee(+)WWiissddoomm(=)Trruutthh UN D E RS T A N D L IIFE A N D M Y S E L F A N E W : C L E A R A N S W E R S T O Q U E S T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G D A I L Y L I F E 4 PPuubblliisshheerr Loovvee(+)Wissddoomm(=)TTrruutthh UN D E R S T A N D L IIFE A N D M Y S E L F A N E W : C L E A R A N S W E R S T O Q U E S T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G D A I L Y L I F E 5 PPuubbllisshheerr LLoovvee(+)WWiissddoomm(=)Trruutthh UN D E RS T A N D L IIFE A N D M Y S E L F A N E W : C L E A R A N S W E R S T O Q U E S T I O N S C O N C E R N I N G D A I L Y L I F E 6 PPuubblliisshheerr Loovvee(+)Wissddoomm(=)TTrruutthh TTHHOUGHTTSS OOFF EETTHHEERRNNAALL WIISSDOOMM Chosen Thoughts of spiritual Teachers of the UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa for QQuueessttiioonnss ccoonncceerrnniinngg DDaaiillyy LLiiffee BBOOK 11: 2 Means of bringing ‘‘Heaven on Earth’’: Spiritual Electroplating & Prenatal Education 2 ME A N S T O B R IIN G ‘‘HE A V E N O N EA RT H ’: P R E N A T A L E D U C A T I O N A N D S P I R I T U A L E L E C T R O P L A T I N G In order to understand what true religion is, I must draw closer to the light, warmth and life of the sun. That is to say, I must seek the wisdom which enlightens me and resolves all problems, the disinterested love which beautifies, encourages and consoles me, and the subtle, spiritual life which renders me active, dynamic and daring, so that I may realize the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth. And no one can contest this religion: if I try to destroy it destroys myself, because I restrict myself. When this understanding of a universal religion penetrates every mind, the whole organisation of life will become universal: all separation between human beings will cease to exist, including borders and wars. As I come to know the sun in its sublime expression of light, warmth and life, human beings will draw closer and closer to the Divinity, and they will transform the earth into a garden of Eden where all will live as brothers and sisters. Everyone must accept this universal religion, this brotherhood which the sun teaches us. Idea & Production of this Encyclopaedia: Benjamin Christ - Linz, January 2008 2 PPuubblliisshheerr Loovvee(+)Wissddoomm(=)TTrruutthh 2 ME A N S T O B R IIN G ‘‘H E A V E N O N EA RT H ’: P R E N A T A L E D U C A T I O N A N D S P I R I T U A L E L E C T R O P L A T I N G Initiatic Science teaches me that in the natural world, religion, science and art are all one. However, they have been separated to such an extent that conflicts – between them – have been created, and it is human beings who are responsible for this grave error. As long as they are kept separate, my understanding of life will always be incomplete. Science, religion and art form a unity, thanks to which I can blossom fully. Science fulfils a need of the intellect; religion fulfils a need of the heart; and art fulfils the need of the will to express, create and construct. These needs are closely linked, because my thoughts become my feelings and, finally, my actions. 3 PPuubbllisshheerr LLoovvee(+)WWiissddoomm(=)Trruutthh 2 ME A N S T O B R IIN G ‘‘HE A V E N O N EA RT H ’: P R E N A T A L E D U C A T I O N A N D S P I R I T U A L E L E C T R O P L A T I N G R„hrich Beinsa Douno (Peter Deunov) Dr. Otoman Zar Adusht Ha'nish Mahatma Gandhi Jesus, der Christus Paramahansa Yogananda Rudolf Steiner Anastasia (aus der Taiga) Omraam Mikha…l A†vanhov Und noch viele mehr … 4 PPuubblliisshheerr Loovvee(+)Wissddoomm(=)TTrruutthh 2 ME A N S T O B R IIN G ‘‘H E A V E N O N EA RT H ’: P R E N A T A L E D U C A T I O N A N D S P I R I T U A L E L E C T R O P L A T I N G EEnnccyyccllooppeeddiiaa IInniittiiaattiicc SScciieennccee Book 1: 2 Means to bring ‘Heaven on Earth’: Prenatal Education and Spiritual Electroplating The thoughts, feelings and desires of human beings all pour into the invisible world where they activate either benevolent or maleficent currents. But because very few people are taught about this, there are four or five billion individuals on the earth who, every day, ceaselessly and unconsciously trigger destructive forces. If we try to enlighten them, they are wide-eyed in astonishment and ask what we are talking about: if thoughts and feelings cannot be seen or touched, how can they influence events? Well, in fact, they do.
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