FebruaryF e h r u a r v S SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS c . ' ____ UNIVERSITY (9 SeeSee YouYou At Place Des Arts LIBRARY.LIBRARY, HoniH oni QuiQ u i MalM a i SoitSo it Ecrit SIR GEORGE WILLIAMS UNIVERSITY 't.Y,.VI\ Volume XXXVII MONTREAL,MONTREAL. TUESDAY,TUESDAY. JANUARY 28th,28fh. 1964 ~ 35 No. 12 CUP s1>onsiblesponsible for orgamzmgorganizing the lilt­lib­ rary departments through wl!icbwhich K. E. Norris Garnet books are purchased, cateloguedcatetogued and classified, processed and pre­ National pared for public use. Mr. McCahill completed his Lectures For 19641 9 6 4 training at the University of To­ Conference The Georgian'sGeorgian’s sistei·­sister- ronto Library and upon gradua­ Conference tion joined the staff of the Vic­ At the 26th Annual Canadian publication, GARNET '64,’64, toria Public Library. In 1961 he University Press Conference, is well on its way to being became head cateloguer of the Alex Shenfield of Sir George the biggest, newest, and University of Victoria which he was appointed Quebec Regional earliest yyear-book e a r - b o o k Sir had joined the previous year. President of that organizaticm.organization. George has yet produced. A program of reclassificationreclassificatioH Alex is a third )'earyear History The plans for the new an­ of the present book collection ieia major and is presently CUP the SGWU Library to the plaeplaH Editor of the Georgian.Georgian................ ... nual were recently outlined used by the Library of Congress to the GGeorgian e or g i a n by will be instituted under the super­ The Conference, held in Van­ GARNET Editor, Verne vision of Mr. McCahill, as well as couve1·couver and Victoria from the preparation of new books. December 26 to the 30th, tvas\vas Sparks. atattended t en d e d by representatives "We“ We are featuring many new ideas in this year'syear’s book, which we feelreel will provide the student body with a more complete and 2nd Annual realistic account of the school year,"year,” he said. Tournament Lecturer Klineberg "The“The most noticeable change Tournament will be the elimination of a sec­ The Kenneth E. Norris tion-type book in favour of a Plans Drawn Memorial Lecture were es­ seasonal or chronological ar­ tablished in 1961 by the As­ rangement.”rangement.'' Plans are now in progress sociation of Alumni in con­ "In“In addition,"addition,” he said.said, "for“for the for the second Annual In­ first time we shall include a com­ ternational Debating Tour­ junction with the Board of plete index which will 1istlist the nament to be held at Sir Governors, the Faculty name of every student whose Council and Student So­ name or picture appears in the George Williams University cieties of Sir George Wil­ book, thereby ending the usual in the late fall. liams University to honour page by page scrutinizing. Stanley Reinblatt has been Finally, he noted that GARNET elected Tournament Chairman the name of the late Ken­ '64’64 will be considerably larger for the forthcoming event by the neth Everette Norris, M.A., than previous annuals. "This“This will SGWU Debating Union. U!}OnUpon Ph.D. (1903 &JJ 1957), Prin­ enable us to provide better cover­ being elected, Mr. Reinblatt cipal of Sir George Williams age of the total Georgian year, stated that he will do everything. pa1·ticularly many events which AA. Shenfield University from 1936 to particularly many events which in his power to make the tourna­ we have been forced to pass over ment a success that will bring from University newspapers 1956. in other years."years.” prestige to Sir George Williams across the co,rntry.country. In all, there Dr. Otto Klineberg world re­ The delivery date for GARNET and the Debating Union. werewe1·e about 90 delegates repre­ nowned psychologist will give a '64’64 has been guaranteed for May senting the thirty member three day lecture series, Feb­ 25. The annual will go on sale papers of CUP. ruary 3, 4, 5, at 8:30 p.m. on soon after Winter Carnival. All Because this year'syear’s Confer­ the "Human“Human Factor in Interna­ students will have an opportunity ence was held at the extreme tional Relations.”Relations." Dr. KlineKlineberg berg to order from the very limited supply. end of the country, it was neces­ is a native son of Quebec City. sary for most of the delegates He got his BA at McGill, his MA to travel by air. Consequently.Consequently, at Harvard, his MD at McGill, many of the Quebec and Mari­ his PhD at Columbia. He is a time student papers could only former Chairman of the Depart­ afford to send one or two dele­ ment of Social Psychology, Col­ UBC Grad gates each. umbia University. At present he is Professor of Social Psychology Probably the most significant at the University of Paris (Sor­(Sor- New Librarian resolution brought up a.tat this bonne!.bonneb year·syear’s Conference was one EVENT which.which, in effect, called for the K. E. Norris abolishment of the CUP news Memorial Lecture Series service. This resolution, put for­ DATES ward byb? the Y'arsity,V'arsity, U. c,fof T.'s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday newspaper, was defeated, but February 3,3. 4, 5 S. Reinblatt had the effect of establishing a SPEAKER special committee to look into.into, DR. OTTO KLINEBERG Working with Mr. Reinblatt will and suggest changes in the TOPIC be Maurie Alioff, this year’syear's dutie~duties of the National Pres­ The Human Factor in speaker c,fof the debating union ident. International Relations who will act as parliamentarianparliamenla1•ian for next year’syear's tournament, The Committee accordingly Tickets are FREE -— just call Miss Pat Rowe, DDeputy e p u t y set up a list of priorities govern­ the Alumni Office —- VI. 4-0131 Speaker of the Debating Union. ing the duties of the President local 11.1 1 . Lectures will be held at She has been appointed to the whereby CUP will nownc,·w offer the Citadel on Drummond street. She has been appointed to the post of Deputy Chairman for the more technical aid and a re­ placementplacemen't of the news “filler”"filler" t : ‘ 2nd Annual International Debat­ ing Tournament. stories I.Jyby comprehensive news iniu depth.depth, to its member papers. Both committee members have INDEX J. McMcCahillCahill openly expressed their desire that Elected as incoming National INDEX debating members and non-mem­ P1·esidentPresident for the Canadian Uni­ Mad Prix: ix ..................................... AssortedA ssorted Michael J. McCahillMcCahill has been bers support this annual debating AArtic-lrs rticles ........................................... A sordid versity Press was John Macfar­Macfar- Asordid ap1iointed head of the technical tournament so that it will eventu­ HitiltilrnH idden StoryStor:i, .................... Portho,:,ni,isP orth oeen isis appointed head of the technical lane, while R. L. Doyle. Editor-Editor­ services orof the UUniversityniversity Lib­ ally become a major e\'entevent orof its in-Cl1iefia-Chief of the TorontaToronto Globe Po1n.-l1>vPavlov Experimentt.:s:pe-riment .................... Pare 9 Ads Courtes:'·Courtesy Tim (Pervert!(Pe-n·erll Per•J•Perrin rary. kind in CanadaC anada0 •. ~. -<. and Mail was appointed next and Mail was appointed next And Sr:1Ue-redScattered :a.tat Random The University orof BdtishBritish Col­ The First Annual International year'syear’s HonoraeyHonorary President. Se-ir:Se* HHints ints .... PPi~h.1re icture FPase a c e I1 umbia graduate becomes re- (Continued on page Z)2) ' t N I Peace Marchers Tortured in U.S.? Cl0 Unfortunately, despite the N A 26-year-old ex - coed Last May a group of paci­paci- Unfortunately, from this University flew fists began a walk to Cuba well documented records of ...>- the Committee for Non­Non­ ,u last night to the State of from Quebec as a protest :::, Georgia prepared, if neces­neces- against the "settling“settling of Violent Action, there is no C independent news observer designed especially -,Ill sarysary,, to suffer starvation problems (principalJy(principally the and torture "“forfor the cause U.S.-CubaU.S.-Cuba situation) by bom­born­ who will confirm these re­re­ to meet the needs C of peace."peace.” bardments of hot wordswords,, ports of savage brutalitybrutality.. and her mutual intimidations, and In conversation by tele­ -~C'I Miss Mary Suzuki and her ... military buildups.”." These phone with Georgia police of University 0 companion, Michael New­New- military buildups Cl) man (of Burnaby, B.C.)B.C.)‘' are marchers believe in the way last night, the Georgian was I - <.!) so concerned about the of non-violence, overcoming told that the GBI did use Students ~ II) rights of people to "walk“walk evil with good. possible instruments of tor­ ..c ture but not on the prison­ f- The Georgian, forJanuary 28, peace”peace"1964 and to distribute As a result of their activi­activi­ Jeafletsleaflets that they feel they ties (which are directed to ers . they reportedly "have“have no alternative"alternative” but to alJall peoples, not just the played with them among '1 join those marchers who West) several of the paci­ themselves. The PoliceP o l i c e have been incarcerated in fists claim they were tor­ Chief was unavailable and with the AlbanyAlbany,, Georgia, jail as tured by Georgia Bureau of the officer we spoke with qualified his denial of vio­ a result of their civil disobe-disobe­ Investigation men in GrifGrif-- AAs s a University man, you already know the value of Life 1.Jiencedience activities. : fin, Georgia last November.November. lence by adding that "he“he couldn’tcouldn't say for sure"sure” be­be­ Insurance.
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