Part 3 of 3 OPERATOR COMMENTS t the end of the evaluation, • Should have a double edge—it is • Do away with hook. an informal debriefing was only a right-hand tool now. • Add swivel to shaft where it enters conducted with the • Cutting edge should extend to tip. cutting head. AA evaluation team. The following statements are a compilation • The tool would balance better if • Put better guard over plug wire. of their comments, including those thinner tubing were used for the • If you bend over too far, the engine written on their data sheets and those handle. kills. made during the debriefing. These • Need a “gripping” surface on comments are important, but they do • Some heat came through the handle—too slippery when hands not represent the conclusions of this backpack. are sweaty or when wearing evaluation. gloves. • Operators should wear face masks as the cutter creates a lot of fine • Weight is about right. sawdust (filing rakers shorter might • A “T” handle to fit the palm of the alleviate this problem). The Hand Ax hand would be better when using • Operators should always cut to the • Least safe. the chisel point to peel bark. right. When cutting to the left, the • Too light. • The guard as now designed is unit always kicks back. good. • Single edge best for safety • Vibration was not a problem. purposes. • If the leaf-spring tree girdler is used on big trees with heavy bark, it is • Not good on big trees with thick an excellent tool to pry off bark bark. after a chain saw makes the initial The Chain Saw • A small ax will not work well late in top and bottom cuts. • First choice with crew. the season when the bark is dry. • Was not a “one use” tool—had • It bounces back on spongy bark. other utility. • Too small to cut off larger The Li’l Beaver (Figure 11) • Quickest with experienced branches—branches larger than an operator. inch in diameter. • Easiest to use to clear brush in • Takes too much time. heavy undergrowth. • Best to limb with. • If girdling larger trees, a The Leaf- Spring combination crew that included a Tree Girdler (Figure 10) chain saw and a Li’l Beaver working together would be fastest. Figure 10 • More dangerous than the Li’l ??% Beaver. • Later in season, with dry bark, the 2 7/32 x 1 3/4 Li’l Beaver would be faster at 10 x 8 removing bark. Print to Outside Edge • Chain saw operators need a good Figure 11—The Li’l Beaver has a semi- tool to pry away bark on big trees of Borders conical cutting head. after they have made the top and DO NOT Print Borders bottom kerf cuts—the chain-tighten- • Works well, but is slow if you have ing tool does not work well for this. Figure 10—Fabrication drawings of the leaf- to cut any branches over 2 to 3 spring tree girdler are available from MTDC. inches in diameter. • On bigger trees, the leaf-spring girdler was a good tool to pry away • Do not give to inexperienced thick bark after top and bottom cuts people. were made with a chain saw. • Make cutting head diameter larger. 9 Part 3 of 3 DISCUSSION POINTS f a tree is smaller than 4 inches In the 12- to 24-inch d.b.h. size class, The Idaho City crew considered the d.b.h. (diameter breast height), it is the chain saw averaged 11% faster leaf-spring girdler to be a much safer most efficient to slash it with a girdling times than the Li’l Beaver, 65% tool than the hand ax. II chain saw. faster times than the hand ax, and 86% faster times than the leaf-spring girdler. Chuck Frank of the Wasatch-Cache In the 4- to 8-inch-d.b.h. size class, the National Forest’s Evanston Ranger Li’l Beaver averaged 18% faster girdling The data for the size class greater than District reports they are using the leaf- times than the chain saw, 47% faster 24 inches d.b.h. were incomplete. spring girdler exclusively on the times than the hand ax, and 55% faster Although insufficient data were gathered Evanston and Mountain View Ranger times than the leaf-spring girdler. in this size class, the most efficient tool Districts for girdling lodgepole pine in would probably have been the chain saw. mistletoe control. They consider it an In the 8- to 12-inch-d.b.h. size class, the excellent tool for trees with thin bark. Li’l Beaver averaged 16% faster girdling For safety reasons, inexperienced times than the chain saw, 56% faster crews should not be allowed to use times than the hand ax, and 69% faster powered equipment. times than the leaf-spring girdler. CONCLUSIONS rees between 4 and 12 inches For hand tools, the hand ax was more For inexperienced crews, powered d.b.h. were most efficiently efficient than the leaf-spring girdler for equipment is not recommended. The girdled with the Li’l Beaver. trees up to 24-inch d.b.h. The data were leaf-spring girdler appears to be the TTTrees larger than 12 inches inconclusive for the few larger trees that safest hand tool tested, although it was d.b.h. were most efficiently girdled with were girdled. Safety should be a slower than the hand ax. In skilled the chain saw. Although the Li’l Beaver consideration here. All test crew hands the chain saw is hard to beat. In was considered safer to use than the members considered the hand ax a addition, the chain saw has many other chain saw, it was not as versatile, espe- more dangerous tool than the leaf- uses. cially when limbing. If trees have many spring girdler. lower limbs, the chain saw will be faster. 10 Part 3 of 3 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE GIRDLING TOOLS rices were accurate during Li’l Beaver surface) available from Canadian the winter of 1998-1999. The Forestry Equipment is suitable for address information for the The Li’l Beaver is a gasoline-powered girdling work (price $54.30 Canadian). PBen Meadows Company; girdler with a backpack power unit, ForestryP Suppliers, Inc.; Terra Tech, Inc.; flexible driveshaft, and semiconical Source: Canadian Forestry Equipment, LTD.; cutting head that straps to the operator’s and Bailey’s is included only in the first wrist (price $2,450 Canadian). Canadian Forestry Equipment, Ltd. reference to avoid duplication. 1540 Trinity Drive, Unit 4 Source: Mississauga, ON L5T 1L6 Phone: (905) 795-1610 Brinkman & Associates Fax: (905) 795-1632 Hand Axes Reforestation, Ltd. E-mail: [email protected] 520 Sharpe Street Hand axes are available from many New Westminster, BC V3M 4R2 sources. For girdling operations, a Phone: (604) 521-7771 single-blade ax of the type referred to Fax: (604) 520-1968 Kyuquot Girdler (Figure 13) as a camper’s or woodsman’s ax with a 12- to 16-inch handle would work best (price $8 to $36). Chain Saw Sources: A wide range of chain saws are Your local hardware store available from many sources. Bailey’s PO Box 550 Laytonville, CA 95454 Scorp (Figure 12) Figure 13—The Kyuquot Girdler is produced Phone: (707) 984-6133 in three variations that are sold as a kit. Fax: (707) 984-8115 E-mail: [email protected] These tools use a blade similar to the Ben Meadows Company scorp but with a cutting edge on both PO Box 80549 sides. The U-shaped steel blade is Atlanta, GA 30366-9821 attached to the center of a long wooden Phone: (800) 241-6401 handle, allowing the operator to use Fax: (800) 628-2068 both hands. A smaller “vertical” cutting E-mail: [email protected] tool is also available from this manufacturer. It is configured like a Forestry Suppliers, Inc. scorp and intended for use with the PO Box 8397 Figure 12—A scorp that’s big enough for Kyuquot Girdler. It can get into trunk Jackson, MS 39284-8397 girdling. depressions where the Kyuquot can not Phone: (800) 647-5368 (price, set of three, including vertical Fax: (800) 543-4203 cutting tool, $70 Canadian). A hand tool primarily used in wood- carving to “hollow out” an area. These Terra Tech, Inc. Source: tools are configured with a short handle PO Box 5547 attached to a U-shaped tool steel Eugene, OR 97405 Shelterwood Forest Management, blade. The cutting is done with a pulling Phone: (800) 321-1037 Ltd. motion. Most carving scorps sold in Fax: (800) 933-4569 185 Pidcock Street woodworking tool catalogs have a blade Courteny, BC, Canada V9N1P5 that is too small for girdling operations. Phone: (250) 338-9717 The largest scorp you will usually find Fax: (250) 338-5604 5 has a cutting blade diameter of just /16 inch. A larger scorp (3-cm cutting 11 Part 3 of 3 Ringer Tree Girdler Chain Girdlers (Figure 14) back and forth by the operator to saw the bark. The operator will have to move Another variation on the tree girdling- around the tree at least once to sized scorp, this tool is used with a complete the girdling. The best of these single hand. It has a U-shaped steel tools have more than one parallel length 5 blade that cuts a /8-inch-wide groove of chain with large comfortable handles. through the bark and cambium layer. Many chain girdlers featured in outdoor Replacement blades are available (price catalogs are “pocket saws” for campers $129.90 to $156.90).
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