CHILDREN EMOTIONS IN “BIG HERO 6” MOVIE A THESIS Submitted in Partial of the Requirements for the Humanities Degree of English and Literature Department of the Faculty of Adab and Humanities of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar By CITRA ANDINI Reg. No. 40300113023 ENGLISH AND LITEARTURE DEPARTEMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2017 iii v v ACKNOWLEDGMENT All praises to Allah SWT., who blessed, guided and given the health to the researcher during writing this thesis. Then, the researcher would like to send Invocation and Peace to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW., peace be upon Him, who has guided the people from the darkness of civilization to the better life. The researcher realizes that in writing and finishing this thesis, there are many people that have provided their suggestion, advice, help and motivation. Therefore, the researcher would like to express thanks and highest appreciation to all of them. For the first, the researcher gives special gratitude to her parents, Sultan Iskandar and Samsyah Nur who have been giving their loves, cares, supports and prayers in every single time. Researcher feels nothing without them in her side. Then, the researcher gives thanks to her sisters Hasnindah, who have motivated, helped and guided the researcher. Secondly, the greathest thanks to the Rector of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Prof.Dr. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si., The Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag., all the Vices of Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, Dr. Abd. Rahman R, M.Ag., Dr. Hj. Syamzan Syukur, M.Ag., and Dr. Abd. Muin, M.Hum., the Head of English and Literature Department, H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D., the secretary of English and Literature Department Syahruni Junaid. S.S., M.Pd., and the staffs of Adab and Humanities faculty as whole for their administrative supports, helps, facilities throughout the period of the study. Thirdly, the researcher gratitude due to her first and second supervisors, Syahruni Junaid,S.S., M.Pd as secretary of department and Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A., for their guidance, support, advices and their precious time during writing this thesis. Futhermore, the researcher would like to express thank to her first examiner H. Muh. Nur Akbar Rasyid, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D, and her second examiner Masykur Rauf, S.Hum., M.Pd., for their guidance, correction, support and advices. Besides, the researcher does not forget to say a lot of thanks to all the lecturers of English and Literature Department for their patience in sharing knowledge to the researcher during academic years. Besides, the deepest appreciation individually and collectively thanks to students of English and Literature Department academic year 2013; AG 3 and 4, AG 5 and 6, AG 7 and 8, and especially to her friends in AG 1 and 2 for the togetherness that the researcher passed in university. Furthermore, for dearest friends that always give support and help during writing this thesis, Rahmania Yangge, Nur Hikmah Muskar, Isnaniah, S.Hum., Dian Ariana Junaedi, S.Hum., Marni Binti Making, S.Hum., Samsinar Japur, Ermah Binti Risal, Surya Dita, Irna Irianty Nurling, Agustini, Rosdiana, S.Hum., Nurlina M, Tabrani, S.Ag., Arlan, S.Ag., Supriadi S.Ag., Syarifuddin, Khairil Anwar, Seung Chol 17, and all the friends that cannot be mentioned one by one. The researcher believes that Allah Swt., never sleeps. May Allah Swt. note the acts as a charity and always bless and shows us the right way to better life. Aamiin! Finally, the researcher presents this thesis for those whom interested in reading this thesis. She hopes it will be useful, beneficial, and of course give a contribution for the readers even the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from the perfectness. Romang polong, November 20th 2017 Citra Andini Reg. Num: 40300113023 LIST OF CONTENTS COVER PAGE ........................................................................................................ i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI............................................................... ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ....................................................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. iv PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI..................................................................................... v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..................................................................................... vi LIST OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... ix ABSTRACT............................................................................................................ xi CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background.................................................................................. 1 B. Research Question ....................................................................... 3 C. Objective of the Research............................................................ 3 D. Significance of the Research ....................................................... 3 E. Scope of the Research.................................................................. 4 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous Findings .........................................................................5 B. Theoretical Review...................................................................... 6 1. Psychological Literature Approach.........................................6 2. Children Emotions ...................................................................7 a. Types of Children Emotions ............................................. 8 1. Anger............................................................................8 2. Joy or Happy ................................................................9 3. Shyness, Embarrassment, Worry and Anxiety............10 4. Grief ............................................................................11 5. Jealousy.......................................................................11 6. Curiosity......................................................................12 7. Fear..............................................................................12 8. Affection .....................................................................13 C. Synopsis ........................................................................................14 CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Method........................................................................... 17 B. Data Source ................................................................................... 17 C. Instrument of the Research............................................................ 17 D. Procedures of Collecting Data ...................................................... 18 E. Technique of Data Analysis.......................................................... 19 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. Findings......................................................................................... 20 B. Discussions.................................................................................... 39 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A. Conclusions ......................................................................................52 B. Suggestions...................................................................................... 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 54 BIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 56 APPENDIXES ....................................................................................................... 57 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Emotion is feeling or affect that occurs when people are in a state or an interaction that is important to them, especially one that influences their well being. In many instances, emotions involve people’s communication with the world (Santrock, 2011). Emotions are reactions to a person or event. People show their emotions when they are happy about something, angry at someone, afraid of something dispirited. Usually emotions are a reaction to the stimuli from the outside and within the individual. For example, happy emotions encourage a person's mood changes, so that psychologically laughs and sad emotions encourage someone to cry. Islam also takes a part to this research as show in QS. Al-Isra’ which talks about emotions within as follow: Translation: "Allah SWT says: "Every one acts according to his own character (made up of his creed, worldview and disposition), and your Lord knows best who is better guided in his way”(QS.Isra’:84). Shihab (2002:544), this verse shows that the faithful of human beings has the tendency, the potential and the carrying characteristics of the activity. On the other hand, there is an introvert human being who is happy to be alone and reluctant to 1 2 mingle and there is also the otherwise extrovert. Then, some are brave and some of them are cowards. The movie Big Hero 6 in character Hiro Hamada by Don Hall and Chris Williams, shows character and potential caused by the emotional impulses that exist within himself. Furthermore The African Child Policy Forum (ACPF) (2013:1) as cited in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines child as "a human being under the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".
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